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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 4, 1941     Golden Valley News
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September 4, 1941
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SEPT. 4, 1941 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE B PRICE FOR HOGS i I WILI, BE AT THE St.ckyards all. day Friday, ! ,t I: LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. John Keohane spent the weekend in the Black Hills. Marshall Miller has been sick at his home since the first of the week. Dr. Weidler, president of York col- lege of York, Nebraska, was enter- tained over the weekend t the O. W Douglas home. liss ttelga Thompson has returuc:l DICKINSON HOMECOMING Carnival Coming SCHEDULED OCT. 24-25 I I Dickinson, N. D. --Homecoming Here Next Week at Dickinson State Teachers college is scheduled for Oct. 24 and 25. Ac- tivities include a parade, alumni The Greater Fairway Shows wiil dinner, before, pepfest, dance and'show in Beach for two days, Monday a football game with the Bot-tineau and Tuesday, Sept. 7 and 8. Among School of Forestry. attractions will be the Palace 6f ......................................................... Wonders, Headless Woman. Half man Mr. and Mrs. Louis Faschtng wel' CAI,L I,'Og BIDS and Half Woman, One Man Band, shopping ill Dickinson Monday. VfEIGH, AND PAY CASH FOR AI,L suv_es her t(achin[- dutie: ill th Sentinel !3utte School District No. '2 HOGS 1)EI,IVEREI) TO ME.  i;chools of ti,: place, t Goiden Valley County, North Dakota, NG PRICES WII,I liE PAID: t1 5,IonLy John Algmre le[t for 1,, Iwill receive sealed bids for cc, al for ' c]:c,%er MilitV,ot- for a medieval (,,- i ,,, Nelson Lee O!soi] and Valley !:i!alnination. , View :'tu'al schools, and the Sc!ntilel IS0 to 240 lbs .............. $10.25-$10.50 , Mr and Mrs. Ben Butterfield froqlITlitte town school and town hall, tip ITCHERS, 240 to 350 lbs. _ i $9.  ;)-$10.00 :Richcv Montana drove over Frid,v I to and including Sept 30th, 1941. S '' ............. " " 9 ,0%S, 250 to 325 lbs. $8.a-$..00 SOWS, 325 to 400 lbs. $,%5()-$.75 S "" ........ ' 9" Y , O%%S, 400 Ibs. up $8.,a-$8.;)(} dock .................. $8.25 NECESSARY TO SEE ME. JUST LOAD AND BRING THEM IN. I WILL BUY ANY E ' R ,CEI% ED. HIGHER PRICES WILL BE PAID IF MARKET JUSTIFIES. J ACK B ALLARD Proclam- 1941 Is By Moses Moes last week end Dakota's 1941 upland proclamation which a 29-day season on pheasants and Hun- a 22-day season Sept. 28th. and partridge, the will have five Sire- instead of only four as season on those two increased by eight season when upland was allowed for partridge is six birds and the daily bag on all species of grouse in unre- stricted counties is three birds. The North Dakota game proclama- tion concurs with the federal pro- clamation for taking migratory wat- terfowl from Oct. 1 to Nov. 29, both dates inclusive. Daily bag on wild ducks cannot ex- ceed 10 birds in the aggregate, of which not more than three of any one or three in the aggregate may be redhead or bufflehead. Three geese are allowed. Only shotguns ae permitted, not l larger than a 10-guage and the gun may not hold more than three shells. GIRLS NYA PROJECT IS APPROVED BY DICKINSON Dickinson, N. D. --A girls' NYA work project has been approved for the Dickinson State Teachers col- be allowl in the I. lege for the coming school year. game from sunrise Under the setup 30 girls will take if they are seekinghalf_tim e college work and fill m. they must cease i various types of positions on the game restricted bag are chukor only recently have m the state, with a loose in Golden last Year. Hunters are Particularly careful of that they may get Sage hens, which are a "comeback" in also protected over Dakota. issued on recom- Game Commissioner scores of sag- by officers of Sports- hunters, sets the on Upland game birds the aggregate on all POSSeSsion limit can a two day's bag of 20 prohibits the in Pembina, Cav- Grand Forks, Traill, Sargent, Dickey, Grant. Adams and in Slope county Highway 85. Nelson Of sate highway 1 and south of U. S high-] h 1 Chinese P easant is Pembina Walsh. Oav- FOrkS.highwayand Nelson1. noun- provides for a on Pheasants of five l Ransom, Sargent, Logan, McIntosh, McLean, Moun- Oliver. Mercer, Dunn counties. The daily counties not declared cannot exceed one of which may be bag limit on Hungarian campus and in nearby goverment offices. Only new enrollees will be accepted for the project. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wolf and faln- lly spent the weekend with their i folks at Carrington, N. D., leaving here last Saturday evening and re- i turning Monday evening. FARMERS NOTICE We have a good stock of DROP SIDING SHIP LAP DIMENSION FLOORING and SttINtI.ES Everything needed for GRANARY and HOME Construction ready for delivery HANSON LUMBER & HARDWARE CO. Golva, N. D. WELCOME Teachers and Students ARE GLAD TO SEE THE FAMIL- FACES AND EXTEND A COR- WELCOME TO THE NEW ONES in and try a cup of our delicious chocolate or one of our tasty meals WANT YOU TO ALWAYS 1,' AT HOME AT to visit a couple of days with his mother and "brother here. Mrs. Winfield Schell, Mrs. Spud Adamson of Beach and Mr. and Mrs. I John Berg of Sentinel Butte were ,callers at the Buttmffield home this past week. Emil Kunick and Ray Kukowski of northeast of Beach purchased new GMC trucks from the Golden Valley Harvester Co. last weekend• Dr. I. E. Herin of this city is en- joying a visit from his brother. Les- ie Herin, who arrived here last week from his home ar Pontiac, Mich. [Bids will be opened at 8 p m. Sept. 20, 1941. Successful bidder must furnish a bond, at least on the town st, hool and hall bid All coal must be screened free frol-q siack and dirt. The board reserves the right o re- Ject any and all bids. RAY L. ZINSLI. Clerk Sentinel Butte School District No. 2. Sentinel Butte, Nortt* Dakota. Sept. 4-11 DOERNER'S CAFE WE SAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUS- INESS, WE SINCERELY MEAN IT" I PARK CAFE FOR FRIED SPRING CHICKEN, STEAKS, CHOPS and ROASTS ALSO HOT or COLD SANDWICHES PIES, ICE CREAM, ETC. IN FACT, EVERYTHING A GOOD SERVES i CAFE Where Friends Meet and Eat Fun House containing a thousand panels, Merry-go-round, ferrls wheel, glider, Loop-o-plane, airplane swings and Kiddie auto ride. Also featured will be the Wiziardi duo in a tight wire comedy act and a high balancing act. There will be no charge to t[e carnival grounds. NOTICE We are sorry to inform the children of this community that the Midget Auto racer was taken by the Attorney General's Office due to the fact we were unknowingly con- ducting a lottery. We have been advised that the car will be sold at public auction by the State at a date set by the Burleigh County Court. We sincerely regret to disap- point so many children but the PRESSURE WAS PUT ON THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE BY SOME LOCAL PERSON OR PERSONS CITY DRUG STORE --Steve Sleight i THE 2S00"AHD ISO0 SENIOR A giant, lowwind DIRECT DRIVE Generator. No gears. It gives you sum€lent oarrent to electrifyyour home or farm and enjoy modern appliances us/dK as. ,",fuel" one of. the m.osl economical sources of powef --tree wma power, lqutppeo wsm Autom.'c Voltage Conol tO regulate charS.rag l"e tect your batteries against aamage cy overcnargmg, treamnnea large size front and rear shells.. Starts carging at approximatel 105 r.p.m, or $ M.P.H. (8 Kin.) Three-blade propeller more emo cient than the ordinary two-blade. Being perf.ecdy balanced, the three-blade propeller.attains suffii..ent s ptd .qmckly tO  enet.. - tot charging, even under rue tow wins vetociues wmcn are oralnarily unused by two-bladepropellers. Blade length 5½ fit. Tip circumfer. once 14 ft, Famous NELSON Fly-Ball Variable Pitch uovernor. 52 volt I500 watt SUPERCHARGER Senior Model 3217. Same appear- once, design and features as the 2500 watt Senior, except 1500 watt eOerstor rating; propeller blade is  ft. Tip circumference 15 ft, S charging at 127 r.p.m, approx. 1/ M.P.H. (8.8 Kin.) i 32 volt 10 watt Model 5216 Code ADDAX 32 volt  watt Model 3215 Code ACCOY Shipping Wt. 620 lblN Volume: 20½ cu. ft, 32 volt  watt Model 3210 Code ACATE Shipping Wt. 80 lbt, Volume: 20½ cu. It, NSON offers t sm,'d' h'b u.'' 6 volt 12 watt coarser eq.mppea wtm 4 leg 5 Or tO ft. tower;, stae control. • mOSt reliable Sl. €O.mtltO prtflcl- pie; imlovea mounu bracuec w?m • new Stse cup; atrabht acaoa bnke-heid o uit seas oat ot wind and atme sam.. e nine .an Jag brake tS applil alit q.t_" 2 blade 6 ft. pmp%Ut. -rl0.umt nat beea mid successmuy aiuast €om- vetltlve 6 volt chars ia matr- kets of the worm te:. r.r?: Shippi spedcatloas mr $ It. mom JUNIOR  AND " STANDARD MODELS 32 volt 1S00 watt SUPERCHARGER Jtmle¢, Model 321. TlteMel DIRECT DRIVE wind electric plant at a moderste.cos, tonewae ,ely rated at 1500 watts. Three.blade propeller mattes me m. c smoothly and without vibration under constant or gusty winos, ttent operation, no noisy gears. Same specifications as 1500 watt Senior except the Junior has standard size generator shells. -' 32 volt 1500 watt SUPERCHARGER Standard. Model 3215. Built with all the engineering skill embodied i n the SUPERCHARGER Junior except that the Automatic Voltage Control is not included. Standard Instrument Panel supplied with this unit. 32 volt 1000 watt SUPERCHARGER Master, lodel 3210. One of the most popular medium priced high capacity wind electric plants for complete home and farm electrification. Same appearance as SIJPER- CtIARGER unior and Standard. Full 1000 watt DIRECT DRIVE generator. NJo gears. Starts chargingat 160 r.p.m, approx. 61/z M.P.H. (lOt/ Kin.) blay be mounted on serf-supporting or sectional guy wired tower. DAKOTA t00irhLtVlLi'00i Beach, North Dakota