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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 3, 1931     Golden Valley News
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September 3, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3. 1,31 / szAc . D., ADVANCZ SLOP[ [DI-'CO.AG[NT DISCUSS[8t chi .go' Lost Battalion Makes Itself a Home flAV[[IN[ NI:[T- • (Contlnued to ,age four) a r lUa o fe f ua of AT N[W SAL[M eoo present He want~ to get his; mar- ket stock in shape to bring the '::~;t price. Later an. Mr. Rus~eIl says, it is CLUB ROYAL ENTER- possible that the rancher will be TAINERS AT BANQUET; )e~king for feed to winter the MAYOR WELCOMES bre~ding and young stock. Our - -, ~u:plus feed !s the type that wlll THEN TALKED SHOP be splendid for wintering cattle or AND LATER WERE SHOWN th£eo but again is no~ the type qt r• lVIODEL DAIRY BARN for wintering youn~ ..~c~k that must put on ~rowth durin~ the winter. Young stock, or thin breed- The annual convention of the ling stock, should h~ve the run of district section of the North the ripe corn field besides the Editorial association was rough feed such as we have a sur- last Friday at New Salem and plus of. The trouble is that not quite generally attended by the enough corn is being grown here and their ladies of the i If more attention were paid to country and the growing a much greater acreage of of the district lying east early corn a very profitable feed- river. A distinguished guest ing in transite business could be the was Editor Jeffries built up. president of the state As an example Con Short. a rancher just over the line in Bill- to the business sea- ings county, has just contracted the New Salem Lions were 3~Ofl lambs to a farmer in eas~,ern at a banquet in the new city,North Dakota tO be fed out on his with President Ed Tern- corn fields. Mr. Short stated that of the Lions club presiding• he would much rather contract to Gus Weinrich of New Salem local farmers but they do not grow the editors a hearty welcome Jthe kind of feed that he must have. Earl Tostevin of the Mandan He also said that if they would was to have made the re- grow the feed he could double his with a delightful song, and;DoWNI FROM FORSYTHE. One of the great shows of the season, and one that has called ~gen sang several numbers. Wm. Turnquist, formerly cash- Lions club handled the social ;ier at the depot here, and now pc- forth a great deal of praise from of the convention very nicely, the critics as one of Norms Shear- assisted by Editor Amundson~cupying a like position at For, sythe, er's greatest successes can be seen e New Salem Journal. . Mont, came down Sunday to spend at the Bijou theater tomorrow and er the banquet the newspa- l the day with old friends, all of Saturday nights• If you want to i men and their ladies adiourned whom were glad to see him. see something good, take in one of tother room of the auditorium these shows• It will also be shown held the press meeting with TO SPEAK ON THE 12TIt at the Saturday matinee• On- in the chir, W. F. Cush- Senator Gerald Nye and Con- .--~ secretary. Among the more gressman Sinclair will speak at the ant matters discussed and court house Saturday evening, HEADS THE MOUNTIES upon was a resolution, that September 12th at .eight o'clock. unanimously, for the repeal Both are interesting speakers and law requiring the union la- will doubtless have a good crowd. on all state printing, as under regardless of political preferences. law that class of work is con- to but five shops, whereas BACK FROM HONEYMOON. of the weekly papers could States Attorney Schell and bride Well handle the work or much have returned from their wedding but whose shops are, not big trip and will keep house on Meth- h to carry a union 'chapel,'i odist hill They are receiving manyI resolution, it being made plairi,I congratulations from their friends, ] not aimed at union labor, ~the bride having taught in the ,'h the convention seemed to i Beach schools before her _marriage. / ~e, but at the close corpora- t law made of a few daily pa- SHOWING HIM AROUND. / | and large job offices. F.C. Brownfield of the I. G. A. ] was endorsed as the meet- store here, was in town Sunday' lalace for the state association and Monday accompanied by his and the invitations of father-in-law, Frank Sharman of Hettlnger. Linton. and Dick Oregon• who is making the Brown- Were presented for the nex~ flplH family a visit and who is very, district meeting, but all complimentary about what he has ally withdrew in favor of ~^.. of this country ] , the meetings never having ~'-~ ............... [ ield east of the Missouri, and ~-~D~ r~ Rat'.GAGE CAR seemed to want. to! r.~. Thursday evening as train wna~ ma~ section i°°ze°I----st-~- ~*^J-~--~ ~+ the depott lr ........... :,- .....I h e°re iir: vas l%cov'e edhn an em - [ * ....... ~ty baggage car next to the eng ne. [ 8U'DJecss anG each was OlS- ~ ...... ~he t fully and in some instances The car was uncoupm~ ~rum ~ I Ire o u,,=~ ....... " I train and pulled beyond Blanchet ...... ..-? ....... , • , ~rehthe :~eralb.l~re been given the New Salem but not ,before it had char ea p~ and people for the enter- the interior of the car pretty well. ma~ ~,,,,-~,~a,-~ ,~- ,~- ,,~ The car was reattached to the train I -~re.~'~..'"..'~"~(~". "~,=," ~: and went on its way after half an[ ~"-~"~i~^-~'~==:^~'en~': hour's delay. It is believed that , .,~ ~,,~v,,, ~-~,.~ , • .~ ~,~m ~he engine ~ot into 8c • cln~ ......... hults, of Hettlnger, secre-,_ ~ ...._ ---~--* +'-^ fire Mrs. Beatrice Mann Dickin-[~ne ear some way aria ~,~ ~-.~= • ?Z ~onvention the news- I OLD TIMERS AWAY %VANT ADVEIITI$EMENT BATE~ All orders for advertising under this head must be accompanied b~ ,Cash The ra~es are ~wo cents a word with a minimum charge of ~ cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned or mailed in will h~ published without prepayment unless the party has an establlsh*d account with this office• FOR SALE FOR RENT HAY FOR SALE--Both wheat- and: ROOMS FOR RENT -- Two front wild oat hay. Steamer Ekre,I room% well furnished, in modern (( ............. Beach• . __ __ 1_8_-% house. Mrs. W. C. Bradley. t8-~t WANTED---Scho01 bOys O~ gifll~StO' ----~"~rt- Morn Lndu. be°~r:ns:15 ~m~4:~l Fm?ls.R~TuireFU~ntheea ~l~Peb~d~ ............. FOR SALE--The Mark F. Jonee residence and the store building occupied by the Style Sh@p. ~:.~ at a bargain. Inquire a~ Beach Advance office. 46-if FOR SALE Winter wheat seed, cleaned• 22 Pure bred ann grad- ed Rambouillet, Hampshire and of High school. 18-1p. FOR ~ENT -- Six-room modern house, furnished if necessary, al- so garage. Gas heated, and gas cooking range, hot water system, Inquire at house•Mrs. Jos. C. Meyer, Beach. 17-if Shropshire Rams for sale ex-| EL E ' ~ ,~ MISC L,~N OUS change for good rams or trade| ....... _ ____=_____=___ for cattle Said rams are/relatt~d~-ST--Bet~een Sehulz ara e and • , -~ hO -- ' g g to my sheep. Work hors~.s ,~" sellt ~o,h~ ~a ~no VU~.nk~wl~ or t ade for c tt e or sheep• M. ] H"dr, ulic 2 ton jack Finder A. F!nneman, Golva. 16-OL] please return to Schulzgarage --- ~ ~--'l and receive reward Howard FOR SALE---Cabinet heater, iaun- ' ' dry stove. Red Star gasom]e Stockwell. 16-3p If you wan~ to increase your earn- in behalf of the publishers, breeding stock holdings. This is] range, breakfast table, boy's ~e~v¢ like the splendid side-stepper not a new idea• It is just the fact ] bicycle, six purebred Du~6oars. is when in a joking humor, that hard times has awakened us B. J. Majerus, Oolva. N. D. 17-3~p ing power, learn how by writing the job to the Advance to the fact that we have been let- A dozen unemployed men iu Chicago and the wife of one of them, calling themselves '~£he Lost Battal- to Mankato Commercial College, who. happily, in the ~arly ting a lot of good profitable feed- ion," have squatted on a densely wooded location Just outside Lincoln park near the Elks' National memorial GROUND FEED FOR SALE. Cus: Mankato, Minn. 18-lt had taken an active part in ing business slip away from us.and lmve erected shanties and tents and made themselves as eomforlable as possible. Some of them in tom grinding• Sand, along the pioneer meetings their living quarters are shown above, kindling wood for sale. E. D. at steering the farmers of Logan. 39-~f.ADVANCE ADS GET RESULTS region away from starvation~ wheat raising into the surer BRIEF NEWS the fact that he won second place of diversified farming, more among the 200 stores of the corn- is not desirable to have more thanB[~Cfl W[~Tfl[R uh 'Iv dairying, therefore was pany for increased sales in July, one center in each county unless to give the people of that re- 1931 over the sales of the same there are more than eight clubs LOOK CHEERFUL, KIDS. l month last year. full praise for what they had There is much joy and hard Loans for the purchase of feed are most numerous and will reco- involved• ~ Weather ~plished. -- Who Attends: Two project lead- ~z~ Christiunson, a pioneer in work ahead of you. All the schools EVERYRODY EATING PEACHES for ~attle, horses and sheep during remand to Congress an appropria- era from each club. Substitutes 'ing in that region, read an in-, in the Beach school district, town As a result of the big peach crop the fall and winter will be made to tlon for the purpose of cooperating sent only in case regular leaders t/ng paper on the history oftand country, open next Monday out in Washington wholesale and farmers in the dorught stricken with State and local agencies in a cannot possibly come. . • r sections aecomplmhments w~th ] morning at nine o'clock and the retail prices of that fine fruit are areas of Montana, Wyoming, North control campaign next spring inDates for training classes: Fall .'ow as the star performer ~teachers will be on hand to give unusually low. There has been a Dakota, South Dakota Utah, Idaho, i areas where infestation promises to training classes will be held in was very interesting and il- t you greeting. Boys are requested [ sort of unofficial price war on lo- Washington and Nebraska, Secre- i be severe in 1932. September, October and November. taring as showing the force~to dust off their trousers at home. can be generated when the llest the teacher dust them off at cally some dealers selling the fruit tary Hyde announced today. These l The counties in which these feed lSpring training classes in March, e generally get behind an lSChOOl, and any candy lying around as low as 75 cents a crate, with the loans will be at the rate of not to loans will be made are: North Da-IApril and May. County Extension Icose at home might well be taken result that housewives are canning tex~eed $3.00 per head per month lkota--Rolette, Pierce, Bottineau, lagents notify clubs when exact effort.and baCkTheitAmericanUP with Legion (alongintelli-~' by the girls, for teachers are peaches by the wholesale, for cattle and horses and 30e per!McHenry, Renville, Ward, Burke,[dates are set. head per month for sheep, covering i Divide, Williams, Mountrail, Mc--- quartettefavored the lquite human and--appreciative•STRANGERS MAY KISS" a feeding period of not to exceed'Kenzie, Duns, Mercer, McLean, [CAPITAL BUILDING CO1MLMISSION SE- i%rit%11 |lil%lgrTt~ six months. The loan to any in- Billings, Golden Valley, Slope, LECTS ARCHITECT'S 5[Abfl ~flK"U~-~b dividual will be limited to the Bowman and Adams. amount necessary for feeding of 40 cattle, 6 horses and 200 sheep, |se|snq~ q~sr iiIl~laPitmllSl Two State Men and Chicago Firm Thursday Noon and in no case is to be in excess Ui/H~II IHI, HIIMI, MI~[] I Will Pla~t theNew of $1,000. Borrowers will be re- -iltl] IH[ HI/IVlLIVl/41|' Structure Ncrthern Wheat .............. $ .49 quired to give a lien on their live-t .................... ] __ Winter Wheat ................ 29 stock to secure the repayment of r[%[% |||!1 i [%g% | ~r~i~l ~ ~Durum Wheat ...... 28 the obligation, the notes maturing r~.~ w||| ||||| ~|.,~]/ Grand Forks, N. D.,Aug. 29.--~Flax ......... 1'09 October 1, 1932. ILi|U |||LL V~ |~U| UL,[Tw° of North Dakota's leading R e ......................... 13 architects, Joseph DeRemer of l~Y~o: ......................... ~- The areas in which loans will beil Grand Forks and W. F. Kurke of t~'~."~# ........................ :.. made include the northwestern l Fargo, will design the $2,000,000 ua~s ....................... ,~ part, of North Dakota', the south-~ Now_ ~hat~ _..~t~e H,,,,~,,,~,,=,~" .... ~,u~'" ~ North Dakota state capitol to re-f-~ream- "';":': ............... ~ I ~=ggs tm ~raue~ ~es~ern part of South Dakota and of the county are preparing for an place the historic structure destroy- ~Butter ............... 20 some coun~!es.north and east o~ active year of work, the campaign ed by fire at Bismarck last winter. " ..................... ~ne M~ssoun trover; a ~ew counties as adopted by four and possibly Associated with them in an ad- : in northeastern Nebraska; the five of the clubs will be of in_ visory capacity will be the firm of ~o'r~cE FOR roDS FOR L~G.~ITE COAL, I,'OH THI~ (',OUN'I'Y eastern half of Montana; a part of rarest to the members, many of Holabird & Root of Chicago, de- C(}UItT HOUSE Utah, part of Idaho, and four east whom, perhaps, are not familiar signers of some of the country's[ central counties of Washington• with the plan of campaign as laid best-known public buildings• .','OT1CE IS HEREB.Y GIVEN, In the even~ tha~ the livestock out by the extension divi¢ion of This was announced late Friday that the Board of County Commis- sioners of Golden Valley County, offered as security is already cover-~1 the A~.-zculr,ural~r' ' ~ %~lle~,e,~ ~ ~ whlc.." b by George Bangs, of Grand Forks. Nort!~ ])akota will receive btds for ed by .a prior mortgage or mort-lweherewith present• This "s president of the North Dakota the furuishing of lignite coal for gages, the nolder, or holders, of the:known as the Nutrition-Gardencapitol building commission as a the County Court House. The said • • , lignite coal to be screened and free prior mortgages will be asked toproject, relating to foods and to sequal ~o a series of conferences m from dirt and slack and~le same agree- that the Government loan nutrition. - st~bprojec~ III, 1931-32 Minneapolis with repre~entativeslto be deiivered in" ~h~- quantities ann lein snall be oz equa/ standing It follows" " of the three architectural firms and at such ~imp.~" as coal is re- with the first lien" and in the ..... k; , ,,, - "~" Th ..... i~'" ............ " tquired for the/~se of .~aid Court event of foreclosure or sale the 3Iethods In Canning - Canning I chltects to submlt estimates of their i ing J~ne 3~, 1932, claim of the United States, wheth- fruits and vegetables to insure ad-Irequirements in the way of mate-[. Sea~edj~;id% ,~t]l bereceiyed up er due or not, against livestock equate food supply for winter use--[rials, supplies and equipment with-)]~3~n,~U~c'i~ °~b~¢iu~isW~o~he~>c~°~cerm~: covered by the lien made to the Storage of fruit and vegetables inlin two months, Bangs sald. Designs [pani'~d ~V a ceri:Zied chech: in t~lo" United States, shall 'be satisfied in farm homes /and drawings should be ready by sum of ;l'wentv Five ($25.00) Dol- the proportion that file sum loan- LESSON iI. Vitamins and Mtn./next February and detailed plans ~rscf~,>rn~,~e,~)~trl~s°fcin~.uf'~%i~v ed on each head by the United i erals Essential for Health A den-j and specifications not laterthan lder ~-ll~, e~. /_~0' eoniraet an(~ MaJ. Gem J. H. MaeBrien, form- States bears to the amount of the,onstratton o~ fruits an~ ve~bl~slApril [furnJsh/~ bq6d itll~ze sum of Two erly chief of staff for Canada, who . , ....... • 1 , Hundred ($ 0ff~J ~Oltazs for the first fen against such livestock. ~ as sources ] 'Then, I hope, we can start ac-/f.dthf~l pe$~f°L~rf6~ ~£ "said con- has Just taken command of the For example; if a ,prior mortgage i LES,SON" IIL Winter Salads. tual construotion next summer"|tract• The ~'hec~.~f ~'lte unsue- famoW$ Northwest Mounted Police. holder has a mortgage on a single lMakinu the best use of home can-IBangs said• "About 15 months we |cessful bidder~~ill be r~t4~rned to He started his military service as a animal for $36 and the Govern-ined products A discussion of the l estimate will be needed to corn- ]~hemaat~t~-cl.°~Se..°~he~nt-ng-°f constable in the "'Mounties." e t makes a oan $18, maklng various types of salads and of dres-]plete the exterior of the c~pito]. If ~cfoU:, bldder ~i[l bi~?~ain~~ until a a total of $54, then, in eYent this i sings to be used with them. The Ithe plans go ahead as we hope, the [ tract is A~pterfd~ int~ and sp- IN BUSH LKAGUK anlmal is sold, the prior mortgage l food value of salads and ways for ]building should be finished well in P,r.°ved~s2]Y.~ ~ Bo~n-d of County older will receive $2 to each $1 [ preparing them. [advance of the time fixed by the The Board:, of County_. eorhmis- moners read, yes the r4 ht to e received by the Government The LESSON IV Fruit sad Vegetable [ legislature, January 1 1936.' .' . . " ~ g r - OW " " ! ' ject :~ny or all bid..' agreement provides, h _ ever. that Varietle~, and Gardening Methods. --- -- Dated at Beach, North Dakota in all cases where present lienhold- Lesson given bY the County extort- ADVANCE ~ GET RESULTS this 2nd day of September. 1931. ers hold liens under general mort-lion agent. Discussion of varieties CHA~. CHRLqTIANSEN. Auditor Golden Valley County. gages covering other property in and methods suitable for local con- ADVANCE fi~ GET I~UL'I'~ (September 3, 1931) addition to the livestock, and where ~ ditions. Demonstration of the such liens aggregate excessive method for planning gardens and amounts, it is agreed that in any]some of the processes in its care. determination of the rights of the Planning a county garden contest, Government and of present lien- if desired• holders, no valuation of the live- L~SSON V. Vegetable Cookery. were taken to the Mr. and Mrs. Kermit King have tsock and no amount of mortgage Appetizing methods for preparing eyn0 dairy and barn on the I rented the B. W. Richards home upon it shall be made or recogniz- vegetables• A comparison of the of the city, Where a fine for the school year. Mrs. Richards ed n excess of $60 per head on cat- usual modes, showing relative ec- • • I tle, $75 on horses, and $6.00 on onomy of food value involved• of Holstein cattle, machine left this morning for St. Paul to i sheep. The lienholder must. agre~ LESSON VI. Placing a Value on to the music of a radio v:istn herdemOtvher~ilgh~e ~othfeatrh~r' that he will not transfer, pledge, iGarden Projects. The cellar in- Merchandise For Less ~e~ ~d, this being one of " -" and who[ hypothecate, sell, or assign such lventory. Planning amounts of ve- modern barns in the state hag not seen ~or ~v years I mort a e or note without the writ etables and "~t • • Buel Richards g g " g fru' s for next year's nonstratmg the. now 90 years old. ...... in~ at [ ten consent of. the Secretary of needs• Standards for stored goods.' " has locateCt for ~ne ~.un~ u~ n dairying_ _ which brings ~. vo lrvln- ' me'" younger ,~ A~riculureo or his duly authorized , Explanation of sco-e, card used in _ ey regularly to its owner. Powell, W; . ~ ,g ........I _. ........ ]representative. !judging jellles, pickles, canned SOAP 10 BAKS ......................................... ~e I son is witn nis z.atner.._.,a~., ~nc t '~.'eacner--E.~ule, give me a ae- I In view of the severe drought [ fruits and vegetables. ~FaT'~,,~e'. pa%wn~ D~.~ ~- ~, [AL TROUBLES oldest son is staying wltn nls ms- scr]prmn of the vur~azoes.'dama~,es in several Western States County Achievement Da- ~n~ "~';"= ............. *' *~'~ "~ ............................ ~ USES DEATH OF THREE!rer, Mrs Melvin C. Nelson. t Eddie--Can't. I don't know much ~avs Secretar,, Hyde the d~art'1 Insnecti~n ,~' Gardens ~rran"2:~" ................. ' ' , h * *t, * ~ ,- ,, z ,~ , ~, - [ ~ ,~. a ~uu IU:¥/~L'['U]5~ rJ~][~ CAN ............................... 10e - I -'----- IauGUr tuat ~eqm. ' ment will support legislation au- [ as a garden tour. , • MISS KROLL PROMOTED I i " r see ~ ~ COFFEE 3 "" over financial troubles IS , • • " "" cult' ~ i thorizing loans fo d for sprin~ By Whom Projec~ is given: Ruth' , POUNDS, STEELE CUT .................... 63c or a trinle-shootin~ trage- A last moment change m ~a., . y ! 'When Dreams Come Through planting, but it will be impossible i M. Dawson and Letitia J. Jones, • , .... r - o he H~h school is necess tateo, ~ s ~ ~ ORANGES LARGE SIZE, SUNK~r 27c ells county~ Satur°day "~in. f t, z[~'tne ........ act that tne scno: ,--oll TOd a psychoan'~lvst, , . the human, [to assist, in financingfail-sownII exten"i°n ~oecialLts. in foods and ' ..................... ~Us Steen~gaard h"s w~febecause o t ...... "n is as exposed as a wart on corps nutrltmn from the extension divis-P:,~N f~aglE, i~'[Ac~I:]~ ]Rf%RR ~:. 9~,. ' ", boara nas acceptea tne resignation nu . " ; ann ]" • ~ x~ • , ~ . .......... ~--, ----~-~ ............................... o~ .18-year-old son La~:rence .... h face and has much the same ~ The Secretary, ounced that, Ion o.the..olth Dakota Aor~eu]- • • -" s t e , . . ted. cz Nnss Flmence. Kroll, ,~hu ha , a', .... ..... ,~nce --Collier s Weekly, _. , no funds have been available for tural colle~e.~ Lesson IV is given , SYRUPS, ,, GOLDEN, A GALLON .......................... a9c" ~i accepteda free offer from the t z, lies said they believe ...... i .... the purchase of poison to destroy lby the county extension agent• / ~ate Teacners cortege at Maywne I the rea ~ t MOTHER'S OATM A ard shot his wife and son .... . ......... ".'I Self-Accuslng grasshoppers. In a s whereI How g'ven: In six .~raining class-i . -E L, P~R"PKG ...................... 28c n turned the weapon on Miss ~rou taug.nt matnemat~cs ann } M.~ntcurist (~eeim" mau with grasshopper damage was severe,, es, each beginning at 10 a. m. and ] .......... .~..~ " ~^ • h sical education herelast-ear~ ..... ~ ' , • ' I ..... ~,,:~,., rr.~ ~ ,-~ . . ~vc Thev fixed the shootmgs P Y . . -. . 3:, ,.,,u ...... ~..~,..~ ,...,~.~ ,,~h n .... T ~ e~-g-Iaylng has been m progress for~ continuing unLfl 4 p. m. with one, ~k,~j,,,~ ................................... • n 6 and 8:30 o'clock Sat- and ha.a oeen. engaged~or ~ms,~'e~'~:~'on:;;~ie f:;rt'tmt'~/o'oz~"n~n's i some "time• The department is hour at noon for lunch, i,. ~/ ~e~2g~.ere found at the i !it~teW~-!~:ter~thb:i!i{~i![~! c°~i!! ~!n~l]it~t!!"h ~?tii:(:a~al~l~ p~/i~teda, z,ne ag°Pc~ea~l~gn :~thrvSt:~oe %nder]m°Cnal!~ecnPatli!:',~; m¢:t~ingerm,~i?:!yCl~l~s i ---- • • ' ale by Henry Ludahl of, .... = ...~= .'.. ~ .' "} ~ " ~'" :' " ~ the localities in w ' gg masses, ot'o ll clubs cer d. It]~ ]~[]',, ~ ........ ~" .... $ ..... L.,~,../ L who had come to the idulia carlson of Maywne w-'n taI~eI j ' fill' ~. U4~I- IFtl~t 4[!~ gJ~N[/-£U{N[{.$ sponse to his knock at l INFLU-LUX~----- ! " Ludahl went to a kitchen; ALL " amamamam lli lots thats why you have been and looking through sa~' I Quite a number of the farm folks i[] -- , ,, • • -, ,-,, .- []'" e ted ins chai_ wi. , ~, ........... il nee, new convenience in the White II| .. ,I... ard s a r th ar~ moving into town for the win- • * • L hi~ h~,a rer to enao~e tnelr cnnaren to at- i[] ~ s,~, . o _ , . o II/M • • a#g h ........ " tend the city ,schools, consequent!y~ is way Into the house , StUn "drag . . ,. . ! fast heat 3herman burner lll f0tl 'houses ant rooms are a~ a prem-. ~ nd the man was dead~ -~ "' ' • • nea esr for some t r discovered the ~on dead ium. Lcok over our classified aos,I ~-~-~-~ ;~--~.lm W. ~Ip,~ !/| c p zme. ~-Ieist~elieved to h~ave been for things you may want orha~e to i ~ lli:l~ lilt U~UaI~U l~t U~ [J/uvu tssllo tu )'Utl. VV~ 01~ IIJ[[ he slept Mrs Steensga~d rent or sell" Every°°~Y rea°s tnese' :' h " ak • • ~d in the pantrv, shot in ads. glad to nnounc th'/t we_ave an experienced map to t_e |[| Will have another carload m O • " ' • • f the head Authormes he was killed" while ,bend- -- I| :are gas pipe work. Give us an opportunity to figure with ![| -. . to g::v your gas equipments. A(.N. E LIAS0N, l]ardware !11 ,.oo aay.