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September 3, 1931 |
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~ Haigh and children, Mrs.
:Frmak Mt~)dy and son were dinner
~guests ~xnday of Dunc. and Flora
Verna "Scheffer returned Sunday
from D~c'kinson, where she attend-
trot :Normal school the pa~ twelve
Mrs. H. P. Crossman, Reporter
Mrs. Glen Atstott took her fath-
er. Mr. Wassman to Beach Friday
to consult Dr. Morris in regard to
his health.
Mrs. Joe Dietz were business vis-
itors in Sentinel Butte Monday.
Mrs. Iner O1stad and son Hat-
~eg~. Verna will begin teaching
BDwer school in Bull Run on man were Beach and Sentinel
~eptember 7th. Butte visitors Saturday and called
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark, Mr.
~mt Mrs. Dean Anderson and Vera
7Funk were six o'clock dinner guests
~f Mrs. I~rank Moody Thursday.
Bernice, Tom and Bud Halgh and
2Mek Carew left Monday for Green
:Bay, Wise.. where the children at-
tend school. Dick will stop at St.
~loud Minn.
Earl Higby had his,wrist broken
Baturday while cranking a com-
bine.engine. Dr. Morris of Beach
~set the break.
The boys and girls 4H club of
'Carlyle held their achievement clal
program on August 27th. Eleveh
• members of the gins club were
present, The people of this com-
munity and Mr. Ostby attended
this There were several
~lemonstratlons given. Several club
~songs were sung. Mrs NeLs Waarst
~gave a talk on what she thought
,of "Clttb Work," Mr. Ostby gave a
speech on "Club Spirit." The two
~lubs served,lunch together, of hot
buns, weirmrs ~and hat chocolate
~tnd it was surely fine.
at the Ed. Sheen home on theh"
return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kremers and
Miss Milma were dinner guests at
the Herb Babcock home Sunday.
Herman Diets is visiting his bro-
thers Joe and A1. at the Dietz farm
this week,
Mrs. Josephine Gronning spent
several days last week visiting at
the homes of Mrs. Rose Wassman.
Mrs~ Ed. Sheen and Mrs. Laura
Strahon. before returning to their
work a~ Bismarck.
Mrs. Marion McAdams of Min-
neapolis was a week end guest a~
the Nick Lundin home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alstott and
daughter, were Sunday dinner
guests at the Glen A!stot~ home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheen and fam-
ily took in the movies at Beach on
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schelack vLS-
ited at the F. Schmeling home on
Mrs. George Hammond and Mrs
H. P. Crossman drove to Beach on
Monday and had the p{easure of
hearing Miss DeLong )611 of the
advantage club mem~rs will re-
ceive by takingt nu~ltlon garden
project for the ~m#lhg year.
The Altar S~e~,_ 2_,.giving a
dance at the hall in Golva Friday
night, September 4th. The purple
Derby's will furnish the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wosepka and
children, including Mr. and Mrs.
Wendall Nistler. Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Lewie
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheen and
family motored to the Olstad ranch
Sunday, where they had a chick-
en dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Alstott and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Atstott
and Ila visited at the Drewnick
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Blue, Mr. and
:Mrs. Oscar Anderson visited at the
X-I. Kip.sty home Sunday,
Sh¢ool began this morning at
:Edge Hill with Mrs. Kregness as
t acher.
Mrs. Luther Wells and children of
~Sendive visited with Mrs. Chas,
~Lson the past week.
Ivan Quale and family of Wlbaux
spent ~unday with his brothers
Willie and Tom and families.
Tom, 1Rk~gh and Ed. Stark and
O'~cm~or returned Thursday
•rom ~reat Falls, where they have
Itmen working.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gearey
@rove down to Dickinson Saturday
to bring home their daughters
Helen and Ida. who have been at-
tending Normal for the past 12
TRURSDAY, ~ER 3, 1931
, (,
by ]hereby ordered to extend between[ ..............
! the 1st day of October at twelve ~rte tsoul~tt ~Icte L~aUleS A/Ct on -- - ---~
o'clock noon and the 15th day" of ~ q-,hn,.Sa~X~
[October, 1931, at sunset, except in l ....... ~" I
J ttle counties of DL~key Richland I., ,
~ ~R~DLE~
[ and Sargent, whet'e the season I '
| shall be closed. ] ;- --- =- -- - - ==- - .... •"[ Physician and Surgeon |
] Second: That the season for vhe ! ~ i Beach, N.D. t
| llun~ing, taking or I