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September 3, 1931 |
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Member Natfonal and State Editorial Associations
mm¢ored at po~totflee at ]Beach, North Dakota, on May 8, 1905, as secon~
class m.att er
~¢rlptions in North Dakota South Dakota, Montana and Minnesota,
S2.O0. TO all other states, $2,50
A¢~[re~a eli communications to the BEACH ADVANCE. Beach, North
~nless public opinion calls a halt,
a federal dole to the unemployed
pass Congress during the corn-
lag seasion.
81gas for the forthcoming raid
many and unmistakable, Pol-
lens seeking votes are plannlng
ingenious schemes to saddle upon
the government the task of feeding
wor~ peopIe. Certain gover-
are willing to prostitute their
~tates to obtain federal alms. May-
ors of cities are Joining in the
mAtrch upon the treasury.
Instead of meeting the emergency
local and state organization, in-
creasing numbers of citizens are
nOW planning to shirk their duty.
They haye to set up a bureaucracy
in Washington which will be charg-
ed with the task of feeding the idle.
In order to pave the way for a
federal dole a systematic effort is
made to exaggregate the number
of unemployed. A false picture of
municipal and state impotence is
foisted upon the public.
One of the dangerous aspects of
this subversive movement is the
willingness of fairly well-informed
mad patriotic men to destroy the
fiber of American manhood. They
close their eyes to the outrage that
is to be perpetrated against the
President Green of the American
Federation of Labor said: "I would
rather have 100,000,000 men work
five days a week than 60.000.000
work six days a week and have
40,000,000 idle." That sounds both
reasonable and sympathetic. And
with the same logic and spirit it
may be said that those employers
who spread out their pay roll
among the whole number of work-
ers instead of discharging two-
thirds in order to maintain the
wages of the three-fifth are both
wise and just. In times like these
mutual aid and cooperation are of
inestimable benefit. Everybody
conhected with a business should
be ready to make a sacrifice, if
needed, to keep it going, there
would be less unemployment. Half
a loaf is better than no bread. Half
a job is far better than idleness,
despair--and possibly hunger.
When an automobile comes to an
exceedingly rough stretch of road
it is necessary to go into low gear
for a while. The same is true of
the economic car.--Pathfinder.
Some of our reformers will not
be satisfied until our prisons are
artificially cooled in the summer
time and the prisoners are served
Gee. Ramsey of Sentinel Butte
is suffering from rheumatism.
We have made arrangements with
Professor Grindstuen to handle
the standard size note book filler
~DAY, S~'E1MQBER 3, 1931
:A WIFE'S APPEAL FOR .--9.-----.
One of Many Such Letters That
Are Received By War ""
Among the humorous letters re-
ceived at Washington during the
late war. was the following:
"Mr. Headquarters.
U. S. Armory,
Dear Mr. Headquarters.
• 'My husband was induced into
the surface long months ago and I
ain't received no pay from him
sence he was gone. Please send
me my elopement as I have a four-
months old baby and he is my only
support and I kneed him every day
to buy food and keep us enclosed.
I am a poor woman and all that I
have is at the front. Both sides of
my parents were very old and I can't
suspect anything from them as my
;mother has been in bed 13 years
with the same doctor and she
won't take another. My husband is
in charge of a spitoon. Do I ge~
any more than I am going to get?
Please send me a letter and tell me
if my husband made application
for a wife and child and please
send me a wife form to fill out. I
have already written to Mr. Wilson
and got` no answer and if I don't
hear from you I will write Uncle
Sam about you and him.
Very truly,
Mrs. Paul Quinn
P, S. My husband says he sets in
the Y. M. C. A. every night with
the piano playing in his uniform. I
think you can find him there.-
Mary McCaskey, lleporter
The Indian Hill school
Monday, August 31st, with
Flcssie Gash~ of Trotters
teacher The SChOOl has
c~ene~ again after being
a number of years pas~, from
lack of pupils. Seven pupils
enrolled at present. The
school also started the same
with Miss Alma Brown as
Mrs. John McDanold returned t
her home the firs~ part of
week after being in Bismarck
about four. weeks where
under the doctor's care• Mrs.
Danold has improved since
away, and her friends hope
will continue so.
Mi~s Claricia Gifford has
visiting at the Kidder home
Trotters during the past
Mrs. Frank Nehls attended
Catholic Ladies Guild meeting
a: the Theo. Tobias home in
last Thursday. Mrs. Tobias
Mrs. Roy McCaskey being
Mrs. John Schroeder of
spent a few days last week
country visiting at the home
Mrs. A. O. Roof.
Oliver Jones of Terry,
travels for the Raleigh Co..
calle~, in Bormie View Friday !
Mrs.~:~y McCaskey was
those w~ attended the
Mrs. J. p, Smith held at the
sonic Tem~ple in Beach Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Andy
were visitors in Beach Frida
Abraham delivered hogs to
that day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehls
Sunday dinner guests at
Feldmann home.
Mr. and Mrs. h~ahlon
were business callers a~ the
McCaskey home Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. FeIdmann ~
Americansystem of government, three times a day with highballs George and Mrs. Hammond were at five cents each. We are also A large crowd attended the old
Rather than perform a heavy task clocking with real ice cubes, up from the south country Monday selling pencils at four for one dime. time dance given at the Alpha hall family visited at the A. F,
they would wreck the government to see the excitements of the court- Rice Drug Store, Beach. 18-1t lastEd.SaturdaYziebarthnight.and children of home Sunday afternoon.
ty metropolis. The Methodist ladies will serve a Thermopolis, Wyo., arrived here to Skeptical Lady: "And
debauch the people. These re- Senator Nye ~s going to introduce Thor Plomasen, wife and daugh- harvest dinner at the church par- visit his brother Adolf Ziebarth wear this coat out in the rain
~¢~ble citizens are standing be-a bill in Congress to sell China ter, visited old friends in Beach lors Wednesday, September 9, to last Wednesday. They left again out hurting it?"
~tnd ~pulous legislators who 100,000,000 bushels of wheat. Theta Monday. Mr. Plomasen is diretcor which all are welcome.Ion Friday for Scranton, N. D., from Fur Salesman:
are preparing the legislation that all that will be needed will be an- of maintenance and way for the you ever seen a skunk
misappropriate the money other law to get China to buy it, State Highway commission and this Mrs. Lyle Martin of Sentinel there they will go on to visit rela-
trip brought the good wife along, Butte and daughter, were Beach tivs in Minnesota. Mr. A. Ziebarth umbrell]a?"
whlth these citizens themselves . 1- ide thus combining business with visitors Saturday. went along with them.
Chile has openea a wor a w
%fLoe paid in taxes. " " pleasure. The many old friends And speaking of that hill you go] Karnes and Mildred Johnston
Pres4dent Hoover foresees this nitrate war. We thought those were glad to see them again over to the poorhouse, lots of pep- I called at the Odman home Friday ( WHEN YOU AR!~/READY
Pan American countries were like .... ' ple seem to be trying to make it levening" IWAX YOUR FL~(OR B EI~
danger and is endeavoring to bringUncle" Sam had enough trouble ed~rS'rom':" hA" ~.ivermOrer has mov- in high. I The Dickinson Normal students |PER THAT WF~AVE A JO]
returned home last Friday after- Sesostris Sidarouss Pasha, newly [SON FLOOJlg" WAXER ~I
-- f t e fa m to Beach with Junior Schulz has an infected lnoon. Three of the girls are to appointed Egyptian minister to the [WE WII~fl~ENT YOU FOR
about a counter-movement by self- already, her children for the winter to take
respeoting eitizens, communities _ _ advantage of Beach's superior finger, begin teaching the 7th, Nellie Iron's United States, photographed at hls /~ERY SWIALL COST.
~nd states in behalf of unemploy- ~'~e trouble with being a revolu- s:hool facilities, and will be most Mrs. Marian McAdams of Minn-iwill teach at the Carew school,
~" - ..... i- o et I welcome, eapolis is making her parents, Mr. ] Mildred Johnston the Tim school desk at the legation at W ashington. ~, •
~t relief. Business men will be tionist in ~uoa ts that x y u g I
to Join the movement to .... an't run ver- far un ' Mr. and Mrs Mona Haukaas have and Mrs. John Denton, and rela- by the river and Dorothy Hogo-
nc~ea you c Y " " " • tives, a pleasant visit. Mrs. Mc-]boom will teach the Nelson school
~ect the government against the -- " r I returned from their honeymoon tap
less you are a good sw~mme . to Seattle and the Yellowstone park, Adams was formerly Miss Marian lnear Sentinel Butte.
~ieidal dole, laud this winter will make their Denton. I Edna Wassman returned home ~ ~-.=...~
If the President is supported by In the old days people used ihome in Sidney, Mona leaving for Mr. and Mrs. Bury and son Thursday from the Victor Ren-
the people he will succeed in bricks for foot warmers but they lthere Tuesday last. lot Alppha were Beach callers last lstrom farro where she has been
brlcks for stomach i t. Pe
~locking the movement for a fed- use these wine " Miss Carr e Witzig has returned]Thursday" Ivisiting' ~ /
oral dole. All citizens who know warmers [to her school duties at Glen Ellyn, [ Misses Hollis GolIiet and Stellat Myrtle J~hn~on, Florence and £
the true character of their govern- " - - near Chicago. She left for Bis-IRiehards left Monday for Bismarck ~thel ]qoss~rr~an, Dorothy Hogo- ~ e n
rf,~ ~{ careful there marck yesterday and will be joined]where they will return to duty as ]boom, Ruth~ngsvick, Evelyn and~ ~~lnrTw~' t ~/~ R~'a"
meat, its lmwers and limitations, .~ w ....... . . . l there Friday by Sherry Anne Cush-J student nurses after a two-week'slD°ris Odm~n, Mildred Johnston
support him, for the sake of are going to be a lot of dom-~uh~i~,g who has been spending her l vacation with their parents, Mr. and Bernice Carew were all din- a e5
preventing a disastrous perversion sounds emitted in Congress during I v~.cation with her aunt, Mrs. Rice. land Mrs. Peter Golliet and Mr. and [ net and supper guests at the A1
They will stand by the coming winter, add is on her way to rejoin her lMrs Buel Riehards. Mr. and Mrs.{h'°ns home Sunday. onOc t' ~r~~o-'- *
I Andy Abraham accompanied the l Josephine Gronning left Sunday
~t Hoover for the still more n-:~ther at Minneapolis. [girts as far as Bismarck. for Bismarck where she will teach OO 51~"=~
important purpose of preserving the Isn't there some way the Farm Fountain pens in High school, o ~ s school the coming term. £EN RAFTC PENS
1 • rassho c~'lors at from $2 to $3 each Rice Tom Gilman rep rts th'ngs a Alex LaSota motored to Medora
Board cou d tram those g P ....
~If-respect of the American pep-pers to eat the surplus cotton7 DtYegs2trd:i" mornin~ Mrs being very prosperous over in last Sunday.
ple * * * Morris Hogoboom and AI Irons
Probably the scheme to trans- Y ~ • Mrs. Harold Smith is back home drove to Dickinson last Friday af-
Dykens presented her husband with
form the Treasury into an alms- s~s~ ~ s~ gt|l|T|| a fine ten and one-quarter-pound after a few weeks visit with some ter the girls who have been at- i A~ ED FOR LIFE--- R CED BELOW MAIL
h,0USe will be disguised as a plan to M~ | ~ ~m||~ baby girl and there is great rejoic- friends in Bismarck. tending school there.
cooperate" with states and cities. PllIO. $. l. ing in that family, the four other Marian Haigh is home after be- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hagen called~ •" ORDER HOUSE PENS "
children being boys. On being in- ing in Bismarck the past month at the Louis Drunick home Sunday. *'~"
The ~vernment will be asked to (Continuedfrom page one) ~ formed of this event it is said for an oppendicitis operation. She -- $3.00 and up
~ntrlbute fifty-fifty with states in r~,~r,,+~,' In addition to the bro- Frank, his pet gentleman cow and is much Improved. Heat is an enemy of rubber,
t~dieving unemployment. Then the ...... ~" ' ........... ur two heifers, did a scotch reel to Charlie Justesen and Miss Lena therefore, tires, particularly the ALSO DIXIE AND PENCRAFT PENS IN BEACH HIGH
thers menuonea, Mrs. ~m,~n m s -
~'tates will fall down on the job, and ..... n h,, Mr~ Msrv Zonh~r and the moosic of a quartette in the Meyer were Bismarck callers last spares, should be protected from COLORS, RED AND WHITE WITH GOLD INSIGNIA
.iw,, :v~_ .=: ....... 5 Z;_Y:L-L^ 2~s corral and things like that. Sunday. the sunlight In choosing a fire • • H.B.S.
Congress will generously transfer Mrs. d. ~. xoung o~ ~mca~u, ~ -
entire burden to the Federal ters, William Conion of Milwaukee Last Saturday a nice baby boy Miss Harta Lindt, who has been cover select one that will have a
and her mother, Mrs. Mary Conlon came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. attending normal at Dickinson, tendency to neutralize sun rays, D~xte $2.00 Lifetime $3.00
%%rycltl~en of the United Stat- of Chicago. The Conlons and Miss Frank Sokolosky, southwest of is back home again, thereby prolonging the lifo and use-
Dorothy left for Chicago Monday Beach, and everybody in the faro- Mrs. Fred Hulett, who has been fulness of the spare tire. '° " ug C
eS wh0 wishes to maintain the late- morning, James and his wife re- ily is very happy, making her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weigh, of Tobacco Rt :e Dr o.
.~lty of governmentshould pro- malning here for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thoemke are Peter Gel]let, a visit, left for he A house (,t tobacco usually
Mrs. Smith was born in Worth, grieving over the loss of a baby boy home in Elgin, N. D., Sunday.. weighs 1,200 pounds for dark-col- HEADQUARTERS FOR STANDARD SCHOOL SUPP~IF_~
Ills., July 12, 1884, and was mar- who died at birth last Tuesday at Mrs. Louis Callendar is suffering prod tobacco and 1,000 pounds for
tied in Chicago ~o James P. Smith Sentinel Butte. from kidney trouble, tight tobacco.
pare to resist the movement that
is coming. The American people
~n not afford to place a premium
upon vice, vagrancy and willful
idleness by maintaining them at
the expense of virtue, self-reliance
and hard work.---Washington Post.
A London communist paper is
angry because O. B. Shaw refused
to gra~t it an interview and in-
formed the editor that he writes
only for capitalists. G. B. doesn't
permit his views to interfere with
his pocketbook, and in this respeez
he has plenty of radica~ ~ompany.
Those pacifists who think that
the way for Uncle Sam to keep out
war is to scuttle his navy ought
¢o take a look at China. That un-
fortunate country has on the aver-
age about three wars a year, and
hasn't enough navy to support one
It has been decided to let Corn-
wallis surrender again a~ the
in 1904. In the spring of 1905 she John Linder of Deer River.
and her husband moved to a home- Minnesota, was a pleasant visitor
stead five miles south of Beach, this week to Mr. and Mrs. Glen
and in 1911 moved to Beach. where McDonald. John being Mrs. Me-
they resided until Mr. Smith's Donald's brother. He left Tuesday
death, and a year after that Mrs. for his home.
Smith moved to Chicago. Mrs. Claude Fuller and Miss
Deceased was devoted to her
home and her two children dur- Carrie Witzig motored to Glendlve
in~ her married life in Beach, and Monday, returning that evening.
her sterling qualities made her Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Overstad
friends who }emained steadfast to Ieft by car Thursday evening for
the end. These friends extend Hancock, Minn., to visit Mr. Over-
their heartfelt sympathy to the stud's parents. Clarence having
relatives and particularly to the received word that his mother was
two children, quite ill.
Maynard Linger. Ray and Rex
Misses Evelyn Odman and Mil- Foster returned to the homes in
dred Johnson of Alpha were Beach Beach after spending a month at,
callers Friday. Fort Shelling, Minnesota.
Ted Vaughn's little girl had her Dr. Lyons was up from Sentinel
adenoids removed Saturday. Butte Tuesday on professional
Leo Nielson's daughter is sick at business.
the Beach hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fulton
and family were up from Carlyle
Phi]lip Dickinson has an infect- T~esday evening to see the movms.
ed finger and can't "point with Tom said this was one way they
Otto Douglas' hey was thrown
from a horse Sunday and was hur':
quite badly.
Jack Lindt has been under the
Yorktcwn sesquicentennial this fail. •weather for the past two weeks
Thus is another grave tnternation- and. while about is feeling pretty
al question settled without recourse punk.
to the World Court. C.I.R.~w is over from LaMoure
looking after his landed interest~
In a way you can't blame Gandhi
Jimmic Neudick wont over to
Ior not wanting to go to Europe Sidney today for a visit of a week
for a diplomatic conference. Every or two.
time Uncle Sam does that he loses A doctor is wanted a~ Edsell, S, cat" for the Black Hills for a week's
his shirt, and Gandhi can't afford D., according to a ]et:er received i outing, this being Dan's vacation
to lose his, by thi,s office today. But tl~ey do,trip.
kind of ado~to~ l~
no~ say what " " ~ " '-~ The St. Pauls Ladles Aid will
--- wanted, . meet in the church basement on
Workmen excavating in New] Hilda Eliason is visiting the J. Wednesday, September 9, witl~ Mrs.
Jersey the other day dug up come]C. Johnson family at Miles City, Lea. Treater as host`. [
pennies coined in 1776. They were Montana. Jimmie Smith and wife arrived
9robably buried by some timid[ In ironing the a~*erage family from the eastern part of the state
~v~rson who thought that the world,Wash] for five persons, the house, last Saturday to attend the fun-
wife who uses a 6-pound iron lifts eral of his mother, Mrs. J.P.
~r~ ~:~ before 1780. [8~t 3,000 pOl~d,~. B~dtl~ :~. ~~ "~*~,:~-~-~:~
took to celebrate their silver wed-
ding anniversary, which was that
First Assistant Attorney General
Charles Simon came up from Bis-
marck Tuesday to represent the
state auditor in a hearing before
the county commissioners.
Mrs. Warnke. wife of the editor
of the Belfleld Review. and Miss
Florence Dingman of Dickinson.
were Beach visitors Saturday and
paid this office a pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wicka and
Mrs. Verl Dot:,; left Saturday by
/ C©
Italian /
Prunes / O..ox .ox
15-LB. BOX
75C .ox
40-LB. BOX