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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 3, 1931     Golden Valley News
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September 3, 1931
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Noon Today 78 Above Weather at Noon Today Clear OFFICIAL PAPER OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY AND CITY OF BEACH XXIIL ALL HOME PRINT BEACH. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA. THURSDAY. SEPTEM;BER 3, 1931 SIX PAGES NUMBER le COM'RSONLYITWO MARKET CLASSI Liner Looks at Schneider Cup ON[ PRINTINgtDFMONSTRATION AR[ TU[SDAY TOB[ fl[LD IN COUNTY TION SUPPLIES MENT PROGRA~M[ ALL FAIR; BIG THREE Two market class and garding rOT TO COMBINE demonstrations are being planned THIS TIME by County Agent Russell for Pc- COUNTY AND STAT[AT GOLVA GIV[S LOGG[RH[ADS OV[R JUNIORS WARM ]RIM- J O[ GODDARD CAS [ STATE HOLDS COUNTY SHOULD PAY ASYLUM COSTS; THE COUNTY SAYS "NO" The echoes of a long drawn out dispute between the county and the state over the expense of main- ING AS S[ASON ENDS MARMARTH INVINCIBLES TRIMS UP G. V. ALL STA]~ BALL TEAM BOTH LICKINGS OUGHT TO MAKE THE BOYS BE GOOD TILL SPRING ....... f tober 1st. One will be held in the. tainlng Joe Goddard at the state c was an mteresung Uemee' a~iforenoon and the other in the at- insane asylum were heard at the Beach's Whiskerling ball elu~ Gunny comm~ssloner s m tung +~rn~n r~ne f,,- s~oo~ --Pl ~ ~ court house Tuesday morning when went down to defeat, 4-0, last Sun- ~y when b:idcs for the county held at D. L Kukowski's farm Assistant Attorney General Charles day in a seven-inning game a% g ann ozz ce suppl es we e +hre~ ,~qo¢ e:':t "~ u~-h ~,~ ] Simon appeared before the boardGolva preceding another game be- e'-'ted .......... the bidders being the Bis- other ~ .................... for cattle has not been or- i in an effort to effect a settlement tween Marmarth and an all-e2atr Trmune, ~mgn~ ~'rmung ranged for vet but wl"ll b~ ~n"~'',,~u:~- ] of the bill, which now amounts to team. Fahistrom on the mound Globe-Gazette and Beach Ad- ~ ........ :,. I about $350, and which the statefor Golva was invincible and with the hrst three bmng known ...... t auditor's office insists is payable a reinforced lineup behind him had ~, , ..... -~_; _ _ ~ne purpose o, mese Go•on- I e prmung combine" ol the , ; strations is to show farmers why. by the county. On the other hand little trouble in blanking the Beach .. Something wen~ wron~ . • "~ .~ I the county has maintained for some boys. The Whiskerlings n~a~ e _ ._ ,, . _ _~: they do no~ receive more for the~r~ ever,ann t, ne comoine" ~ian't livestock and ~now the .c~nditionl time that Creddard was not a real- several costly errors at critical ~ne, for ~ne.:rri~une not Gray can be improved. George J. Bak-! dent of the county when he was times, there being no earned rm~ ~ne price on me mg ooo~s e~c. .. - ,~ ~ . • + ~ committed to the asylum, but, ac- in the game. Evans, twirling for ....... , • or, llve=toc,~ ~uec~altst of the s~a~el onered a mscoun~ on the extension department, and J. K I cording to the attorney general, Beach, allowed Golva but three ~e bid of 33 1-3 percent, while m ~;allace, live{took suecialist of ti~e ~ who appeared for the state "auditor, ~other members and the Ad-iun:~e~ States department of agri- the county has failed to set up any scratch bats, and pLtched fine ball, and poor support alone was te- e om qmte large reuucuons m culture, will have charge of the defense in law and by its neglect sponsible for the locals defeat. I demonstrations, of certain legal formalities, has Four members of the All-star team ;or a morning and afternoon li Tn~'~ ma~t'~+ ..... c:a~s' ~ and =__de_~r~ ~ made itself liable for the keep of which played the feature game of n the board threw out all the demonstrations are a part of the The Empress of Britain England's latest and largest liner, passing Calshot as the Gloster Napier 4, Goddard at the state institution, the afternoon also played with zor ~ne tarter stuff ann awaro- general lices+oek improvement " l or th " hn i r n u h I' wa . Ieven though its contention may be Golva team in the preliminary. te.~rimar-election su'-'-lies and " -. :" .-- ~ - one of the British seal)lanes bum t f e ~c e de cup races, was goi g do 'n t e s zp y for a trml true, which he said he believed, ~, ~ m, . -' program wmcn IS r>emg carr.e~ _. . receipts to the Knigh~ P~mt - ~ \ +~ ~l~gh~ , _ -~ ~ - - out by ~dr. Russet. He sa/s char~.. • from the evidence gathered by the In the second game, Mar•arab had little ,trouble winning fr~t ;o " ' * ......... state auditor, could not be sustain- Golva's 'All-star" aggregation • oz fargo, on conaluon .hat a:'~ be:rig prepared showzng a sur- ~~~~ ---- eel the prices in the T,:;':un~ v~v of th~ market class and grade ~t#~mmmm.~le letBlet~t I~kalAhB" iJhfi ! h ~'k|il'lPI! I |lh{ ~thal/~ll~thT IPlt|l|lt~ g%llrfl led by other than expressions of be- thiSuay_, beingmorn~ngthe the°n!YbidC°ntract~." t!'-~ I~"::•':~': ~"~..~, a'..s¢ st ate~ ~;:-.v e-::n C-e~d~nn.~adet_hat acco'.,:dingVai'eviu _NorthC°UntY't°Da-a GUUN I I [IJNOK[)i MM~. J • ~• ~Mllfl L~[ U : GUffi ~flUM/~UI~ UVtflthelief caseMr" SimOnSwas reopenedStated thatwithunlesSthe marginCarlyle(made UPandof 17°fBeach)toPlayers2. MadisonbY Iromthe decl~lVetwlrk~iC~°lva" .'e for the smaller i:.r_e ~.::.:-.t-k~:~"b-:,, hI-.Baker 52 percent of SU~[ST[0N T0 RATS[ TO ~[:ST ~[P~ AtTiC}6 000 AOR[S COUNTY consent of the state auditor, he was instructed to bring a the first five innings for the All- star nine, but weakened finally ' the county offices w~ t-o::: ti~e°i,, ~--'O -~ we .... ~,':i as :coders i mandamus suit to compel payment land was replaced by Happy Ayers~ and after ~om~ d:s ......... ~ a-~4 ~;'C~~: " f'or :i~u~"~'-~: ~o-e o of ~he bill, _. " ~ " ,~ ....... • ............ %*"~ .... , ~ ,' [of Beach, who in turn gave W~__y , was thrown out a,t,,c.u,:: ".:==u 8'i:7 : ,~ :h, .,to./ num- CO AG[NT APPROP'NISUDD[N D[ATH 26Tfl![AND FOR GRAZINGUS[ upshot of the matter was laG Fischer of Gotva. Stub N~ tce.s were th~ Io're-t ~-~ bet were o~ ?:~.~ --~_:~.i'=~. an2 com.- ~ that the county will ask such a re-tot Beach also played with the All- the county for th~~ ""~=-" z .... " g,'~d ..... ~ ~--s "ha- 10 per ' opening of the case, Mr. Simons]stars' holding down the shortstop and no oth~," b'd b:'-~ :'~ ~-'J-" "="o:~:*:'="'~2~;" ~'-""'~" ~';2ad°s " * ' ground tha{ to" acc~)r)~ .... There "are ~re-' possibilities in ] [ t ~ agreeing to so recommend to the lpasition. Marmarth has a had- state auditor, in which event the [hitting crew and has only lost ~e ~Id bar the other paper from Golden Valley county f~r feedmg 1 , ~ ..... county will present its evidence of game this season, that to I,emmoi~ any county work, this posi- livestock for market where corn tATTORNEY GENERAL S OPIN- DIED IN CHICAGO AFTER AN WELL EXPAND HIS Goddard's non-residence as against S. D. g taken by Co•minion- c=n be so easily grown. Co}n is ION FALLS ON DEAF EARS EMERGENCY OPERATION LARGE SHEEP HOLI~NGS the evidence to the contrary secur- The Whiskerling~ will probah~ • trick and Woseoka. one of the most certain c:c::s ~nd AT COURT HOUSE FOR TUMORS IN COUNTY ed by the state. signer O'Keefe " arguedcan be harvested by hogs. sheep or play no more games this season, Advance had met all d'._e cattle at a good profit. It is very l they have none scheduled ahea~ ....... SHE WAS ONE OF COUNTY'S At its session last Tuesday the __ATTEN.TION" HUNTERS and this will.u.ndoubtedly mark the had made a sub- seldom that there is r..,u~h su~:: at. ~ne county comm~ssxoner'si PIONEER WOMEN, HAVING county commissioners sold to Con ~ne a:~enuon o~ nun~ers is call- ena of baseoah activities ~or t~ cut in price and therefore before December 1st. Thu~ giving meetmg Tuesday the .matter of m" i COME LN 1905 Short, a rancher of Billings county, ed to the proclamation by the gov- rest of this season. The Junior elRb entitled to the contract. The a long feeding period, creasing me approprm~ion ~or ~neI resident north of Medora practi- ernor m re•non to the hunting won seven o~ craven games this ~Ood two to one for ignoringThe wide spread in price between county agent from $1,500 to $2,000I .~,. ...... o~, ............. ,.. I cally ten sections of grazing lands seasons. This will be found on year and aroused an interest Ill bid, which leaves the matter the common grades and the fat was taken up and discussed with/."~= ".''"Y "~"~.~ Oz. ~ .~a~:"~#.ithat had been taken for taxes at pa~e four of this paper,the national sportthat will for the county to buy fromgrades is enough to insure a ~.od the result that the commissioners m ~eacn were Pmnmny snoczeo)50 cents an acre the land lying in profit on feed and labor. The west- proprmtmndeC~ded". . to Stamadend patin Othen thebudoe,~aPt- t otaS~f theTnUrsaaYsudden deathaztern°°nof Mrs.:° Cath-aearn I township 143, range' 103. , I - J -- • ~ " , ......... ~^" ~1 5"0 trine Smith widow of the late J I The terms of the deal He Knows Where to Find Food [ ~ ~ , . Pershmg Greets Evangeline of the exten P" Smith, in the Masonic hospital!paymeat of $779 and the oamnce ~/ ....... -P-P- ....h ............ r" at Chicago the immediate cause}inten equal annual payments, the ~mn ueoar~men~ o~ t e .~rluuzLu - " - -- '~' ..... 'dezerrea'~a,,ments carr,,in~" five " • • oI aeacn Delng a vlrulen~ ann un-: ,-' ~ .., al co, logo for an opmmn as to the ' . .... su~ected tumor, -all bladder~ percent anterest, the f~rst annual, mga~ty o: t h~ reauc.tion ~tforthe tro(~t~Ie and heart ~failure. The !payment being September 1, 1932. county aoen~ zuna ~ne at~ ney -eneral held that *h^ {~w re-uired operation for the removal of the l Mr. Short intends to largely aug-, ~ . ~ ~ .~ . '~ tumor was eonsiderecl successful iment his sheep holdings and needs at .leas~ an appropriation ov the ,~. ~,: --- ~ --- - ;- - the land for range "ur~-oses ] count .... ~2 "00 and ~-elare~t *~-e ~ut the weakness oi nor neart mane ~ ~ v w • ' ~y o~ o ,u u~ ~zz i~ i ~ i t ( , .... mpo~s ble for her to rally from -- ' aporepr~atmn of a less sum sllegal, ~ ~,~ ~ALFRED UECKERT ]~IARRIED I or words to ~hat effect "'~." .... . .... / .... " - i ~ne flrs~ symptoms oz her ai~-~ ( 'lne co•miss•nora, as we are ln-~ ....... Mr and Mrs Wm UeckeF "-'* ma~ caze to take e~en though ~t ; " " : ' i happened to be head of the Ms-.Mrs, Berg of Volvo. The marriage means a cour~ case. sonic hospital was called, and or- took place Saturday noon, August ---- doted an operation at onr,~ She 29th, and the ceremony was per- LABELING SPUDS }was operated on Tuesday and ralli-)formed by Rev. Reishus, pastor of All potatoes thatare sold or ed nicely, but her heart failing, the Norwegian Lutheran church in handled in ~holesale lots must bear she passed awa~ in the presence of Volvo. The bride was attired in an a label on each bag which indicates lbr°thers and sistersWednesday orange colored crepe ensemble and either a standardgrade or the afternoon, carried a bonquet of swee~ peas term "Unclassified." This is a legal Dorothy Smith was making a and lilies of the valley. The bride provision which must be observed pleasant visit here with her friend, was attended by her sister Grace, l~v all persons handling potatoes in Marjorie Miller. when word came who was dressed in pink chiffon - of her mother's illness and she de- and the groom wag attended by a wholesale way in this state, whe- ther they have grown the povatoes parted for Fargo on the first train, his brother Ervin. A three course there having been some mix-up in .weddin.g dinner ~.'as served for the The bears that n)am the trails of Yellowstone National hark a,,~ ~themselves or purchased them for the wire, but next day word came lmmeo~a~e relatives oz ~ne orme friendl and all qm ........ ~" "~ • -.. . Y ~ ~ sort o~ trent, out t~ey aa~e a habit of lnvadi ann groom '~e colors were car- h r'v " " , resale, to her of her mothers death, which - ' ........ t e p z ate protracts of the cars parked ah)ng the trails ~itl~ a keen -- ~- " word she forwarded here. ried ou~ in pme: anc~ wm:e. xne ..... " ........ ,~-_ ,.__^ sense or gnowing JUSt where to search for food This bear reached ............. ,- ann starte(l a aunt for hi lden sx~ eels in the car shown io the let Pershing greeting "Evangeline," one of the girls from Lou- LOOKED FORWARD WITH HOPE Mrs. Smith's remains were ceremony ~oo~: p~c~ u~ ~z~ numc .... , ~p~ took part in the American Teterans' day celebration at the t AUGUSt 20th we published a let- b'fought to Beach Saturday night of ~ne ormes parents zzz vc~,a. ~ .... p ut~ " and the funeral was held at Ms- The Newly weds left immediately and looked around t. make certain it was not being watched. after dinner for various points in .. ' .... , ' o a of Mount Vernon on the grounds of the French Colonial ter written by Oscar Ward of Bis- so~Rc Temple Sunday, auspices Minnesota Wisconsin and Iowa ..... ta~orabl erie [marck in 1876, telling of the hard- of the Eastern Star, of which she, 1 ive • y r cted in the club tl~t to visit friends and re at s they ~ lll~l:|lT illODllOOi:OIwill undoubte-I r re .... in Vincennes. ~ !ships he went an at- was a member, interment being be- nmnmmr. , nr fern aneher must sell his lambs as empt to rive cattle at that time side her husband, who died some e~f::t t~l:he g~ln:yab°~t rte~°rnWee~o bU• ~'~bL~l/ PI0bU00L0 younger element nexP~ y~n;. ~eacns i to the new gold fields in the Black i years ago. in Beach cemetery. The k~|||N~=~ k ~r.,feeders, The spread between feed- ' " N B---Since the above was writ their home near Sentinel Butte. r,a-pm.•am~% mama ,.•m..~.. ten'the h~ "' .]~|~.L.|) .L era and fat lambs is about $3,00 per i Hills" A comment was made as to I service was largely attended by the The voung couple is well known in ~.~.~.|m|~.~ ~|m FIniSH. I __h_~_l_~W!_~skernngs have _~,~'i • ~=....i.-. ~...~ [hundred weight. Top feeder lambs the difference between hard times!old friends of the family, who . bride h vin ............. .. --..==.~m~ i~u e~tu ~u ~u p~ay ~en~inel B~ ,..=ral"aV =,,m||lia t[ ,,m~Ufl" ] lamhsVmm) weighspread weighab°ut of 2585tO60or pounds.3090 poundSpounds.T°Por fat Allot aI greater thenpicneerStodayandstaminathenoWwhoWeight andscarcelythanrather OfmanyeVidenceknowgi'~ingl~oplehard]Mrs.theof!l lyCaSket grieVedremovedsmithoftO theSee frOmhadl°Vedthe vislted°ur flower one midst,S°herebedeckedsudden'but for happyTheir taught this communitY,manYandSChOOlprosperous frlendshere' thefor wtShmarled" tWOr.themYears.a li fe,ag ~N~|LLy|| |~11 flF.~fl~ IfltF.~ JFi || |~ ~ ||iUU||HFflF I thenl[gamel there of next Then bigSUnad-boys doubleheader previouslyY' in th~ def~t-~'~'~"~°~'~l;her~ ~#~mm mmm m~ #% • mm~ I present prices this would bring the "" " i~%~ I|L~$U||~Jg=U ||L|||, ed rne ~utters here so a good game i times as compared to the dan~er~ two weeks ago, and her death was and, all their troubles be little ones. | |~||| ~J] ~ || ~ ||I feeder an average of about $2.00 The Wm Ueckert family returned is in prospect, and it is under- and sufferings of those days in(thus the greater shock. Rev. Ross to Sentinel Butte Sunday after-[ ~ stood that the down country team ~]~L~ |~ ~ ~ ~ per head. ~1876. Miss Aldyth Ward, a dough-ieonducted the service and a quar- has specially reinforced itself f~ A NEW WRINKLE. ter of Oscar, writes for copras of retie sang the hymns the deceased noon. PLENTY OF ROUGH FEED FOR tills game the Advance and saying our tom-,loved .best LIVESTOCK BUT NOT FOR " CONTRACTOR SCREE[P- The latest wrinkle in bank hold i meat of hard times in '76 and no~:~ The relatives attending the ser- NEW I. G. A. MANAGER. ] "FINISHING" S H -- el or h ne C OOLS OPEN SEPT I SURFACE MATERIAL ups occurred in Nebraska yester- interested her famLy rery much, vice from outside were Mr and The Bro~nfi d st e as a w] D PROTEST WORK day when two irate depositors in closing her comment by saying: Mrs R E Conlon of Fargo, ' John manager in the person of James " [a c'losed bank entered the build-i"The pioneer looked forward with:conion' of" Chicago the two Con- Henderson of Bismarck who hasI ~cccrdin~ to ~ smve~, of th~ f-,dl All schools in the Beach school ing while its officers were working lhope but people don't seem to llons being brothers' of Mrs. Smith" arrived and is now on the job. He lsit~ation in Goiden ~ralle,, ~countv I district will open Monday morning, .......... on the books and with guns de-, now " which is true in some cases i James Smith a son, and his wife is a very pleasant young man and I my de recently bv Count'S, A~nt i September 7, at ntne o'clock. _nude oe~ween ~ne poara!manded their money, but got!but 'happily is not the rule espec-Io Far o" and the only daughter will be a decided aquisition to the Ru~ell there~ is a~sur,)l,,~ ,~,~1 I.I. GRINDSTUEN, y comm~ssmners ann me ' . l nothing as the vault lock was set ~ally" m these d~ggms. ! (Continued to page two) younger set of the city. I feed that cannot be marketed in, 18-1t. Superintendent._ ~rs who surfaced the roan-l for morning opening, so the de-I . ~ ]any other way than being fed to f ~een ~eacn ana t~o~va, was I positors shut the officers in the i h • @ w't | It,~ ......2_ ] Ir~._,_|J I[T_||__ ( livestock. Mr. Russell says there I FORD RECALLS WORKERS rec[ in the recent, sessmn I bank and stood guard outside, say- ! L~e~lgn for ocKne l¥1enlorla! rleKI l-lut.~ are large numbers of cattle to be) ------ ~)unty board whmn agam ,_ . , . ~ __ I ing they would await the opening I fed in sections of the ocuntry tDetroit. Mich., Aug, 29.--The Ford ~o pay ~s snare o~ ~ne ,. " . , . [ of the vault Townsfolks rescued ~ I where there is a great shortage of Motor company which on August 1 tl the surfacmg ~as aonelthe bank officials, t ....... !::} I feed. On account of the expense sharply curtailed its manufactur- to the contract, as the __ ...... ::~,*::~: : • . _ ~! ]very little hay or rough feed will[rag force Saturday announced that e~ the issue in that case, [ vv~nv~e)nv ~ERE I ~!~i.:::~ i be shipped into these sections. But, I between '15, and 25,000 men had laity of scoria and grave " ] 1 the surface was too little The Catholic ladies served an~ ~i!i ~~!:!!i~!~iiiiiiii~i~:i::~)!][~iI: large numbers of livestock are be- been ordered to return, starti~ ~Y short of the specified hungry crowd at their supper in ~i~ ~~~i:}!~:i~:~ii~i~':i}:/~:~i::~i~:~i:~i ing shipped to where there is a{ser)tember 8 ~l ~~~~ii~!ii::~!ii~!~::~i)~)~iii::i~!:i surplus of feed. ()ffieials of the company ~ ........ ) the church basement Wednesday :,~ ............................................ , prescrmea m ~ne pmn~ ...... ~ ~i~~:~:i~i::i:~: :::/:: ~ He also states that the greater l they expected 50000 men to be re- :rata and has steadfastly evenmg. AS usual ~t was a toga ...... ..... _~- - ........ !~i~i::J~ :~il suitable for fattening and finish- ~o Pay the county's share supper and everybody seemed to ......... ::!i: i _~iii~!)~~':i:i~i:~ ) ::~!:: part of the surplus feed is not I called by the middle of .~,,n~" ~St of the -work. It is not ] enjoy it. ] ..... ::~:!:!~:::~:. :;! ~::: :. :- :-:~:~ ..... - ~le that g lawsuit will ~ ~ ing livestock without the additionI HAD A RIGHT TO CACKLE • , W~:~:~:~ f ................ . ......... : ::.~:~ ~.::~ stock on. And thiS is the type o ........... ;~Of the situation FARGOAN TO P A lot ripe corn fields to run thei ~_ '" Roy. J. G. Dickey of Fargo will feed that this section of the state _,_~'aL, ~ep~. ~.--A l-r,n~e • :~!:'~':!~::::"::::~:~::*~:~: t asians rea non ownea oy w ~. w PARTY preach in the Congregational is short on At present the grea - _ _. . ' ...... " _ 'rch Sunday morning at 11 a m : ........ :" ~;~,. ~: .~:~::::::~.:?~::~::~:~ ' • ~ l-iarrts loeaz rancner, la~a an chu t~.bow Girls gave a sur- • " " ~Y in honor of Mrs Nunn a business meetsr~, of the church er part of the livestock bemg mov- __ _' ............ =,~L evening at the ~Iasonic [ will be held fouowmg ~ne morning ~ " ] lacl~"t~he" f~isi~~ t~--bri,"g~ +-~'e- ~-~t and measured eight rby Wen in. h~ !P~ssell'teludlng with it a fare" [ service'f°r a littleAViSTheprogramCarlS°nevening and[wasand '[ MODESTour----officeI~OUTHt)oy. c onfid--aea in" a ~:~idl ~~Ri~ !ii~ ~~illi: ! ~e :::i iil t °Zs °th6 :N~°~ ~~~~i~e~hat~t l~hh ea~cne :c~r~t~ ~ A lunch was served at I friend that he eouza ao a io~ more " " i .......... he f~Id or where there Christ Larson ks under the wea= tt being a very delight- t wdrk at the shop but that he never - " , ~-all ~0~A'~d. did like sho~ off. t (~onttnuad to PaP five) taher.