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September 1, 2011     Golden Valley News
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September 1, 2011
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Page 4 September 1, 2011 Notice ZONING MEETING NOTICE Time: 2:00 PM Date: Thursday, September 8, 2011 Place:Billings County Commissioners Rm, Billings County Courthouse, Medora ND Purpose: Rezone 0.21 acres from Agriculture to Residentia in the NW1/4 Sec 9-139-100 (Fryburg) Request setback variance Proposed Placement of a Manufactured Home & Detached .Garage Purpose: Rezone 4.89 Acres from Agriculture to Residential in SWSW 21-141-98 Purpose: Discuss Old Business Purpose: Discuss New Business Dated at Medora, this 19th day of August, 2011 by order of the Billings County Commission. Joan Jurgens Billings County Auditor/Treasurer/Secretary (August 25 end September 1) Notice Sheriff's Notice Of Levy Case No. 17-09-C-00037 State of NorthDakota, tn District Court, County of Golden Valley, Southwest Judicial District: Curtis Miles, Plaintiff -MS- Sharon Remillong, Donald Remillong, Picacho Sporting Club LLC, Defendant(s). To Sharon Remillong, Donald Remillong, Pica ha Sporting Club LLC the Defendant(s) named in above titled action. TAKE ,IOTICE, That by virtue of a certain wnt of execution #17-09-C- 00037 duly issued in this action by Susan Davison, Clerk of the District Court, within and "for Golden County duly docketed in Golden Valley County on the 27th day of June 2011, State of North Dakota, a copy of which is here- with served upon you, I have this day levied upon the following described property: 1985 Chevy Camaro VIN 1G1FS87S6FL411350 ND LtC HWF531 Ro Remillong, Sharon Elaine Or Remillong, Donald Frank And: 1988 Ford F-350 Pickup VIN 2FTJW36M7JCA79997 ND LIe HTE006 Ro Remillong, Sharon Elaine Or Remillong, Donald Frank THIS TO COVER EXECUTION AND COSTS OF $181,502.84 **, And I hereby demand of you that you pay or deliver the same over to me, Scott Steele, Sheriff of Golden Valley County. Any claim or demand you may have for exemption of said levy must_ be made by you within ten days fro_m the service of this notice. **AN INTEREST EXPENSE OF $44.93 SHALL BE ADDED FOR EACH DAY FROM: 8/t9/2011 /s/ Scott Steele, Sheriff of Golden Valley County, North Dakota ************************************* NOTICEI NDCC 28-21-12.1 PROPERTY DELIVERY - PENALTY Any person who.has received hotice of levy in accordance with this chapter and fails to surrender and deliver such property levied On under section 28- 21-08 upon demand to the Sheriff is guilty of a CLASS B MISDEMEANOR and may be subjec.t to civil contempt of court. EXECUTION OF JUDGMENT Case No. 17-09-C-00037 District Court Date of Judgment: 06/23/2009 Date & Time Docketed: 06/23/2009, 9:57 a.m. Judgment Amount: $163,996.64 Interest Rate: 10.00% Judgment Debtor (Name & Address) PICACO SPORTING CLUB LLC DONALD REMILLONG 1148 N QUEEN MARY WAY APACHE JUNCTION, AZ 85218 SHARON REMILLONG 1t48 N QUEEN MARY WAY APACHE JUNCTION, AZ 85218 Judgment Creditor: Curtis Mites Creditor's Attorney: Michael J Maus STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, DtS-. TRICT COURT, COUNTY OF GOLD- EN VALLEY, SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT TO THE SHERIFF OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, You are directed to satisfy the above judgment out of the personal property of the judgment debtor within your County. If sufficient personal property cannot be found, the judg- ment should be settled out of the real property in your County belonging to the judgment debtor on the day when the judgment was docketed i yc,_. County, or at anytime thereafter, and return this execution within sixty days after its receipt by you to the Clerk of {he above named Court. Witness the Honorable Zane Anderson, of the SW District Court this 27th day of June, 2011. Is/Susan Davidson Clerk of District Court (August 25, September 1 and 8) Notice Notice to Change Name STATE OF NORTH DAKOqA, IN DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF BILLINGS, SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT: In Re. Petition of QMS, by and through custodial parent, Jessi Lee Polensky For Change of Name TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that on or after 30 days from publication of this Notice, a Petition will be filed in the District Court in and for the County of Billings and State of North Dakota by QMS, DOB: 2005, by and through her custodial parent, Jessi Lee Polensky, requesting an Order of the Court changing the name of QMS to QMP. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) :SS COUNTY OF STARK) Jessi Lee Polensky, being first duly sworn, deposes and says as follows: That she is the custodial parent acting on behalf of QMS, the Petitioner in the within and foregoing Notice to Change Name; that she has read said Notice signed by her and knows the content thereof; and that she knows of her own knowledge that the statements con- tained in the said Notice are true and correct. Dated this 11th day of August, 2011 Jessi Lee Polensky, as custodial parent and acting on behalf of the minor child, QMS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of August, 2011. Sandra K. Kuntz Notary Public Stark County State of North Dakota My Commission Expires February 7, 2013 (August 25, September 1 and 8) Notice to Creditors Probate No. 17-2011-PR-00021 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA; IN DISTRICT COURT; COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY; SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT In the matter of the Estate of Geraldine Maus, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed Personal Representatives of the above estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Gary Maus or Gwenda Miller, Personal Representatives of the estate, at 137 First Avenue West, Dickinson, North Dakota, or filed with the Court. Dated this 9th day of August, 2011. Gary Maus Gwenda Miller Personal Representatives Michael J. Maus Maus & Nordsven, P.C. 137 First Avenue West P. O. Box 570 Dickinson, ND 58602-0570 Telephone No. (701) 483-4500 Attorneys for Personal Representatives (August 18, 25 and September 1) Bids Request for Equipment Bids Billings County is currently accept- ing bids for the purchase of a compact track loader with attachments. Equipment specifications are available from Billings County District 2 shop, phone number 701-575-4782. Sealed bids must be delivered to the Billings County Auditor's Office no later than 4 PM on Monday, September 5, 2011, or clearly marked 'Sealed Equipment Bid' and mailed to Billings County Auditor, PC Box 168, Medora ND 58645. Bids will be opened at 11:15 AM September 6, 2011, in the meeting room of the Billings County Courthouse. Dated this 3rd day of August, 2011, by the order of the Board of County Commissioners. Joan Jurgens Billings County Auditor (August 25 and September 1) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Unnofficial Minutes of Regular Meeting Subject to Review and Review by the Board August 16, 2011 The regular meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 5:32 p.m. MT, Tuesday, August 16, 2011, at the DeMores School, with members Stacey Kessel, Dean Rodne, Tina Downing, and Paige Burian, and Principal Soehren present. Also present were Jessie Berger and Todd Corneil. Burian moved, Downing seconded, to approve the consent agenda, which included the minutes of the July 19 and August 1 meetings, the attached check list, and ,the addition of three items to the agenda. The mction car- ried unanimously. 13740 NEWBY'S ACE HARDWARE 17.54 13741 ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS 899.69 13742 ALTERNATIVE SANITATION 258 13743 AMERICAN LEGACY PUBLISHING 374.4 13744 BELFIELD AUTOM.OTIVE SUPPLY 129.43 t3745 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIEED 1,968.60 13746 BOSCH LUMBER CO. 1,431.15 13747 CARSON-DELLOSA PUBLISHING CO 26.92 13748 CHS CREDIT CARD 111.91 13749 CENTURY LINK 226.54 13750 CHARLENE SCHMIDT 82.78 13751 CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICATIONS CORP. 940.3 13752 CREATIVE ENERGY 560.11 13753 DACOTAH PAPER CO. 4,270.87 13754 DAVE'S PAINTING 485 13755 DELL MARKETING LP 732 13756 DELUXE FOR BUSINESS t47.2 13757 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY 423.9 13758 DISCOVERY EDUCATION 1,400.00 13759 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 528.15 13760 EDUCATION WORKS 130.67 13761 EDUTECH 20 13762 FOUR SEASONS TROPHIES 11139 13763 GEIGER'S LANDSCAPING & SPRINKLERS 937.37 13764 THE HORACE MANN COMPANIES 289.56 13765 HM RECEIVABLES CO LLC 3,531.03 13766 JORDANNE HUFFMAN 396.87 13767 KEVlN'S AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 456.05 13768 MCGRAW HILL SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO 2,843.92 13769 MIDSTATE TELl-PHONE CO. 189.72 13770 MIDWEST BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1,655.00 13771 MUSIC IN MOTION 353.87 13772 ND ASS'N OF OIL AND GAS PRODUCING 4,000.00 13773 ND COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERS. 100 13774 NDPERS GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN8,134.24 13775 NITRO-GREEN 168 13776 PEARSON EDUCATION 3,579.57 13777 BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER 139.26 13778 POPP BINDING & LAMINATING INC , 397.91 13779 POSTMASTER 256 13780 QWEST 332.84 13781 RAINBOW PLAY SYSTEMS OF ND 4,248.00 13782 RAINBOW PLAY SYSTEMS OF ND 500 13783 RDA SYSTEMS INC 5,284.24 137'84 REALLY GOOD STUFF INC 64.76 13785 RESERVATION TELEPHONE COOP 12.64 13786 ROUGHRIDER ELECTRIC COOP INC 3,069.00 13787 RUDY'S LOCK & KEY 231.2 13788 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC 76.97 13789 S & R INTERIORS 6,365.60 13790 SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES 467.61 13791 SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES 223.53 13792 SCHOOL MATE 206.25 13793 SCHOOL SPECIALTY3,759.00 13794 STEIN'S INC. 561.27 13795 SW WATER AUTHORi-rY 165.51 13796 TEACHER CREATED RESOURCES 49.91 13797 ZEE SERVICE CO 91.65 TAL BANK (FIRST STATE 68,414.90 68,414.90 Principal Soc,ren reported on pre- school plans at both schools, staff inservice on August 17, and school starting on August 23. A letter was received from bus con- tractor Kathy Malkowski requesting that sports participants be released from school no later than 2:40. Principal Soehren reported she had discussed this with Supt. Remington at Belfield, and he had stated, since this is extra- curricular, they would wait for our students so they would not need to miss any additional class time. The consensus was to leave the release time for sports at 2:45 p.m. Concerns in regard to supervision of preschool and kindergarten stu- dents when there are no older stu- dents on the bus were briefly dis- cussed. The business manager reported there will be an 8th grade student on the Richard place this year. It was decided it would work best to place her on the Odermann route. It was also decided to make the student exchange on routes one and two at the County Shop instead of Fryburg School, if that is okay with the County. (It was later decided the buses should meet at the Weed Board Shop instead since there would be less traffic there.) The business manager informed the Board she had made one minor .change from the preliminary budget approved in July which did not change the total. She also reported that she and the Co. Auditor had both calculat- ed the formula to find out if a budget hearing would be required under new legislation, and determined it would not be required since there will be no levy increase. Burian moved, Kessel seconded, to approve the final budget for 2011-12. The motion carried unan- imously. " The business manager also report- ed on the training and conversion from MBGUI payroll and accounting Io Open RDA software. The policy in regard to student allergies was briefly reviewed. A request from Cheryl Planert for waiver of a usage fee for a year around Yoga class in Medora was dis- cussed. , It was agreed t 9 waive the fee so long as she has low participation. Ratinewill be the Board's repre- sentative to Belfield's September meeting. Kessel moved, Downing seconded, to approve an open enrollment appli- cation for a Belfield resident to attend school in Medora. The motion carried unanimously. After discussion, it was decided to get estimates on putting up a larger storage building at Prairie. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Dean Rodne, Vice President Darlene Mitchell, Business Manager (September 1) Notice to Creditors Probate No. 17-2011-PR-00024 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA; iN DISTRICT COURT; COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY; SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT IA the matter of the Estate of Laurence R. Zook, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed Personal Representatives of the above estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to Lauren L. Bader and Wendl L. Nusbickel, Personal Representatives of the estate, at 137 First Avenue West, Dickinson, North Dakota, or filled with the Court. Dated this 25th day of August, 2011. Lauren L. Bader Wendl L. Nusbickel Personal Representatives Michael J. Maus Maus & Nordsven, P.C. 137 First Avenue West P. O. Box 570 Dickinson, ND 58602-0570 Telephone No. (701) 48:]-4500 Attorneys for Personal Representatives (September 1, 8 and 15) Golva School Board Golva School Board Minutes Personnel Committee Meeting, 4:30 p.m., July 27, 2011 Present: Brad Maus, Paul Schmitz, Susan Sarsland, Gene Weinreis, Julie Zook, and Leah Zook. Visitors: Beth Justesen" Personnel meeting discussion regarding principal contract: J. Zook discussed proper procedure for com- plaints at board meetings and to follow board policy. Principal wages were dis- cussed. Committee meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Attest: Leah Zook, Business Manager Gene Weinreis, Golva School, Board President (September 1) Golva School Board Golva School Board Minutes Regular Meeting, 8 p.m., July 13, 2011 Present: Dick Goodijohn, Gene Weinreis, Jason Bosserman, Susan Sarsland, Brad Maus, Julie Zook, and Leah Zook. Paul Schmitz arrived at 8:48 p.m. Visitors: Darla Maus and Beth Justesen Call meeting to order: The regular school board meeting of Lone Tree School District #6 was called to order Wednesday, July 13, at 8:08 p.m. by President Gene Weinreis. Agenda: On a motion by Goodijohn and second by Bosserman, the agen- da was approved unanimously. Minutes: On a motion by Maus and second by Bosserman, the minutes of the June 15, 2011 - Regular School Board Meeting were approved. Motion passed unanimously. Bills: Goodijohn made a motion to approve payment of the July 2011 dis- trict bills. Maus seconded the motion and motion was carried unanimously. 29996 BW Insurance Agency 1,798.00 29989 City of Golva 104.50 29997 Dacotah Paper 872.49 29998 Discovery Benefits, Inc. 50.00 29999 Discovery Education 1,275.00 30000 Four Season Trophies  , 48.52 30001 Golden Valley News 28.60 29990 Goldenwest Electric 494.80 30002 Great Ideas for Teaching, Inc. 98.94 30003 HM Receivables Co LLC 2,427.70 30004 Industrial Towel Supply Co. 23.01 30005 Learning Things, LLC 119.64 30006 Lone Tree Township 2,000.00 30007 McGraw-Hill Companies 310.06 30008 MDU 100.99 30009 Midstate Communications 106.62 30010 NASCO 89.82 30011 • ND Educators Service Cooperative 102.00 29994 ND Teachers Fund for Retirement 47.03 29995 ND Teachers Fund for Retirement 13.51 30012 NDSBA 594.38 30013 NDSOS 400.00 '30014 Oriental Trading Co., Inc. 44.92 30015 Pearson Education 105.20 30016 "Really Good Stuff, Inc. 89.68 30017 Rohan's Hardware 36.77 30018 Roughrid0r Education Service Partnership 84.00 30019 SBM 43.87 30020 SchoolMate 116.25 30021 SmileMakers 59.93 30022 State Fire & Tornado Fund 786.71 30023 Stein's, Inc. 102.04 30024 Super Duper Publications 23.90 30025 Supreme School Supply Co. 62.24 30026 Teacher Created Resources 69.95 30027 The Library Store 128.73 30028 Trend Enterprises, inc. 233.24  29984 EFTPS 102730 29985 MT Dept. ' of Rev. 12.00 29986Discovery Benefits 150.00 29987 NDTFFR 11.97 29988 ND Tax Comm. 18.00 29992 EFTPS 71.47 29993 NDTFFR 41.66 Direct deposit: Motion by Bosserman and second by Goodijohn to approve First State Bank as the bank to originate ACH transactions for direct deposit of payroll. Board decid- ed to have confirmation from bank by telephone to school regarding transac- tions. Two signatures will be needed for approval of checks. Motion carded. Principal negotiations: Weinreis excused himself from principal negoti- ations due to conflict of interest regarding Julie Zook as principal. J. Zook requested $250/day, increase of $35/day from current rate of $215/day. Paul Schmitz arrived at the board meeting at this time (8:48 p.m.). Discussion. Board offered principal $240/day and would like principal to consider the offer and let the board know her decision within two weeks. Business manager negotiations: Business Manager requested addition- al sick leave days, two additional per- sonal leave days and funeral leave. School board offered business manag- er $.75/hour increase, two additional personal leave days, and 2,5 addition- al sick leave days. Business manager will let board know a decision at a later time. Old business: A plaque was pre- sented to Richard Goodijohn with much appreciation for his years of service on the Lone Tree School District #6 School Board. Seat new school board member: Susan Sarsland was sworn in as a new school board member to Lone Tree School District #6. Goodijohn left the board meeting at this time. Nominations for President of school board: Weinreis called for nom- inations of president. Bosserman made a motion to nominate Weinreis for president. Schmitz called for nomi- nations to cease and to cast a unani- mous ballot for Weinreis as president of the school board. Maus seconded the motion to elect Weinreis as school board president and motion carried unanimously. Vise president nomination: Maus nominated Schmitz for vice president of the school board. No other nomina- tions were cast. Bosserman made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot for nominations to cease and to elect Schmitz as vice-president. Sarsland seconded the motion and motion car- ried unanimously. SchoDI board committees: The fol- lowing board members were appoint- ed to committees: Transportation, Maus and Weinreis; Personnel, Weinreis and Schmitz; Food Service, Maus and Bosserman; Facilities/grounds, Bosserman and Maus; Technology, Sarsland and Schmitz; RESP Governing boards Member: Sarsland; RESP Alternate, Weinreis. Selection of Business manager: Business manager requested $1/hour increase. Motion was made by Schmitz and seconded by Maus to offer business manager $1/hour increase; five sick days, and three per- sonal days. Motion carried unani- mously. Motion was made by Schmitz to appoint L. Zook as business manag- er of Lone Tree School District #6. Motion was seconded by Maus and motion carried unanimoufily. Blanket approval to pay regular bills: Motion by Bosserman and sec- onded by Sarsland to allow blanket approval of business manager to pay regular monthly bills as needed to include: payroll, payroll liabilities, teacher retirement, utilities, etc. CD Interest rates/dates of maturity: Business manager shared CD interest rates and dates of maturity for each CD at First State Bank of Golva. Board decided to leave CDs alone and let them continue to mature and renew as before. Insurance review: School board reviewed all insurance papers regard- ing liability, bus insurance, etc. Motion was made by Maus and seconded by Bosserman to approve insurance as written but to take off the fourth school bus as we will only need three buses this upcoming year. Boardwants Gary Rising to go through and inspect all buses yet this summer. Motion carried unanimously. Teaching positions: interviews for the two open teaching positions were on July 11, 2011. Principal Zook rec- ommends offering a contract to Katy Resler of one of the open teaching positions. Motion was made by Schmitz to offer contract to Resler and was seconded by Bosserman and car- ried unanimously. Principal Zook recommends offer- ing a job to Jessie Molter with a letter of intent given until she receives her ND license which she will receive before school starts. Motion was made by Schmitz and seconded by Sarsland to offer the letter of intent for Molter to sign. Motion carried unanimously. Mentor program: There's a pro- gram through the state for mentors of first year teaches. The school board is fine with principal initiating the mentor- ing program at Golva School. Correspondence: Energy Impact Grant - the school was denied the grant which they had applied for. Title I Allocation for 2011:12, $13,278. Principal's report: Lighting Grant update - school will receive the last reimbursement for the lighting project in the near future. State standards - new content standards are approved through the state for July 2013. Phone systems - principal to ask electricians and Midstate Telephone to rebid phone system. Work is to be done before school starts. Adjourn: Board meeting was adjourned at 11:06 p.m. Attest: Leah Zook, Business Manager Gene Weinreis, Golva School, Board President (September 1) Golva School Board Golva School Board Minutes Special Meeting, 4 p.m., July 27, 2011 Present: Brad Maus, Paul Sclmitz, Susan Sarsland, Gene Weinreis, Julie Zook, and Leah Zook. Absent: Jason Bosserman Visitors: Beth Justesen Call meeting to order: Weinreis called the special school board meet- ing to order at 4:05 p.m. for the special purpose of reviewing the 2010-11 Lone Tree School District Financial Report. Review of financial report: Maus made a motion to approve the 2010-11 Lone Tree School District #6 Financial Report-. Schmitz seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Attest: Leah Zook, Business Manager Gene Weinreis, Golva School, Board President (September 1) Farm Rescue introduces Give-A- Bushel program BERTHOLD - Farm Rescue last week announced the start of its Give-A-Bushel program at a press conference at Berthold Farmers Elevator. The new program wilt allow farmers to directly contribute part of their harvest to Farm Rescue. The nonprofit plants and harvests crops free-of-charge for farm families that have suffered a major illness, injury or natural disaster. "Farmers never know when they . or a neighbor might need a helping hand," said Bill Gross, president and founder of Farm Rescue. "Donating bushels to Farm Rescue is an avenue for farmers to help other farmers during an unexpected crisis." Farm Rescue has assisted mole than 150 farm families in the region since operations began in 2006. The organization is" funded solely through donations, business spon- sorships and grants. "'We know how generous farmers are {vith their time and resources when a neighbor is in trouble," said Dan DeRouchey, general manager of Berthold Farmers Elevator. ?Give-A-Bushel is a straightforward way for farmers to support' each other through the work of Farm Rescue.'" All elevators in the state have been given information about the program, said Gross. Any donated bushels will be converted to cash for the organization. AGAI/V$7" All cities, schools and counties in North Dakota are required to publish the minutes of teir meetings in the newspaper. It is fundamental, to informing citizens about what their elected officials'are doing. It also helps minimize rumors and misconceptions about local public entities. In short, it's good government. Yet, there are continuing legislative threats to diminish or eliminate this important information. What can you do? Tell your legislutors you support the publication of government public notices. Golden Valley News Billings County Pioneer 872-3755 This message provided by this newspaper and North Dakota Newspaper Association.