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Page 2 Golden Valley News September 1, 2011:::
Don H. Chaffee
WIBAUX, Mont. Don H.
Chaffee, 59, of Wibaux, passed
away on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011,
at the Glendive Medical Center in
Glendive, Mont. In keeping with
Den's wishes, cremation has taken
place and a private family interment
will take place on his ranch north-
east of Wibaux.
Donald Hugh Chaffee was born
on April 5, 1952, in Beach, the son"
of Donald B. and Florence Lucille
(Zinda) Chaffee. He grew up on his
parents' ranch northeast of Wibaux,
where he attended Wibaux public
schools. Throughout high school,
Don was active in the local FFA
Chapter. While in high school, Don
excelled in track. He continues to
hold records he set at Wibaux High
School. Don was the salutatorian in
the class of 1970.
Following graduation, Don
attended Montana Tech in Butte,
where he majored in civil engineer-
ing. He would later attend Montana
State University in Bozeman where
he majored in statistics with a minor
in math. After his graduation from
MSU, Don moved to Helena, where
he worked for Montana
Employment Service as a statisti-
cian. He would eventfully take a job
with the National Farmers
Organization. While working for
the NFO, Don moved to Wolf Point.
It was there that he met Diane June
Shumway. Don and Diane were
married on Sept. 14, 1984. To this
union two daughters, Lauren and
Katelyn, were bom.
Don followed his dream and
with great passion returned to the
family ranch, where he worked with
his father. Eventually he was able to
fulfill his greatest achievement
when he purchased the Wood Ranch
along Beaver Creek northeast of
Wibaux. It was his desire and dedi-
cation to his ranch that made him a
good steward of his land. Don was
very proud of his accomplishments
he made while farming and ranch-
ing. It was with great pride when he
was appointed to the Montana
Wheat and Barley Committee. He
held this position until time spent
traveling would take him from his
daughters. His daughters were very
important to him. Don enjoyed tak-
ing them fishing at the pond on the
ranch and spending time with them
at the cabin he built in the pines at
Fort Peck. Don was proud to have
his nephew Craig Helvik join him
on the ranch along with Craig and
Nina's children. Cade and Ross,
whom he referred to as his "little
ranch hands."
No one ever had to ask Don for
help. If he knew you needed a hand
he was there. He gave and never
expected anything in return. His
family meant everything to him.
Those left to mourn his passing
are his two daughters, Lauren
(Edward, and his son James)
Anderson, Wibaux; and Katelyn
Chaffee, Glendive; his father,
Donald Chaffee, Wibaux; two sis-
ters, Kitty Knapkewicz, Beach; and
Sandy (Kim) Helvik, Wibaux" and
several nieces, nephews, aunts.
uncles and cotsins. Don is preceded
in death by his mother, Florence
Chaffee, a brother-in-law, Gerald
Knapkewicz, and his paternal and
maternal grandparents.
Sept. 11 ceremony
planned in Bismarck
BISMARCK - Gov. Jack and
lirst Lady Betsy Dalrymple will
host a ceremony at the state Capitol
on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 1:30 p.m. to
commemorate the 10th anniversary
of the terrorist attacks on America.
The ceremony will be held on
the Capitol steps and will feature
speakers, music and reflections on
that fateful day and its significance
to the state and nation. Members of
North Dakota's law enforcement,
fire and emergeficy medical servic-
es, military and families of the fall-
Notice to Our
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your payment arrived.
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The Postal Service
does not forward periodi-
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and discards them.
en will be honored at the event.
The public is invited to attend•
Seating will be available, but peo-
ple are encouraged to bring lawn
chairs or blankets. In the event of
inclement weather, the ceremony
will be held in the Capitol's
Memorial Hall.
Golden Valley News
P.O. Box 156, Beach, NO 58621
(U.S.P.S. Pub.
No. 221-280)
Staff: Richard Volesky,
editor, reporter, advertising
and office manager; Jane
Cook, office and news assis-
tant; Michelle Morelock,
office and news assistant.
The Golden Valley News is
published each Thursday, 22
Central Ave., Suite t, Beach,
ND 58621 by Nordmark
Publishing. Periodicals postage
paid at Beach, ND and addi-
tional mailing offices.
address changes to: Golden
"Valley News, P.O. Box 156,
Beach, ND 58621.
Please allow two to three
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Contact Information
• Phone: 701-872-3755
• Fax: 701-872-3756
• 1 year: $34 Golden Valley
• 1 year: $38 elsewhere in
North Dakota
• 1 year: $42 out-of-state
• 9 months: $25 In-state
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rhe Golden Valley News is a proud
member of the North Dakota
Newspaper Association.
All content is copy righted.
North Unit Scenic Drive closed
WATFORD CITY - A portion
of the North Unit Scenic Drive in
Theodore Roosevelt National
Park has been closed due to con-
tinued slumping.
The road from Caprock Coulee
to Oxbow Overlook is closed
because a section of road in the
Cedar Canyon area has been com-
promised and is slumping and
sliding. The closure will remain
in place until further notice. No
entrance fees will Be charged in
No entrance fees will be charged in tile
North Unit while the road is closed.
the North Unit while the road is
The first 7 miles of the road,
from the Visitor Center to the
Caprock Coulee pullout, will have
no restrictions and access to and
from the campground will not be
"The formation of the
Badlands is a constant and ongo-
ing natural process," said
Superintendent Valerie Naylor.
"The erosional processes that
have given us our beautiful
scenery, in combination with the
wet conditions of the last two
years, have led to the current con-,
dition of the park road. We regret
the necessity of closing any part
of the scenic drive, but the safety::
of visitors and park staff is para-
The North Unit is located 15
miles south of Watford City off.
Highway 85. The park is open
every day. For further informa-
tion, including current road con-
ditions, please call the North Unit
Visitor Center at (701) 842-2333
or visit the park's Web site at .J
USDA: Over $900 million invesb00d in N.D.
BISMARCK - USDA Rural Recovery and Reinvestment Act. activity."
Development has released a "The report highlights a sub- Financing for the $969 million is
progress report outlining the stantial investment made into the distributed through 43 different
agency's impact across North future of North Dakota," said programs including direct loans,
Dakota. Jasper Schneider, USDA Rural guaranteed loans and grants. The
Over the past year, more than Development state director. "'By report provides a snapshot of proj-
$900 million has been invested partnering with individuals, busi- ects in every comer of the state and
through financial programs with nesses and communities, we have in communities of all sizes. Some
nearly $200 million of that total been able to build critical infra- of the bigger projects funded
obligated through the American structure and spur economic include essential infrastructure
such has housing, hospitals, emer- '
gency service facilities, water and"
sewer systems, the deployment of"
high-speed internet, and electrical-'
and telephone services.
USDA Rural Development pro-"
grams are established through the"
2008 Farm Bill. The agency has 55
employees throughout live offices
across North Dakota.
Deer archery season opens Sept. 2
North Dakota's deer archery sea-
son opens Friday, Sept. 2 at noon,
and bowhunters are reminded that
additional concurrent season antler-
less deer gun licenses can be used
with a bow during the archery sea-
son in the designated hunting unit.
Bowhunters must follow all reg-
ulations of the managing agency
when using tree stands on public
hunting areas, including displaying
the owner's name, address and tele-
phone number on tree stands left
unattended on North Dakota Game
and Fish Department wildlife man-
agement areas.
The Game and Fish Department
annually receives inquiries from
bowhunters regarding tree gtands
that are stolen, moved or tampered
with. Tree stands are private proper-
ty and theft constitutes a criminal
violation that should be reported to
the local sheriffs department.
Bowhunters are also reminded
that hunting big game over bait is
The deadline for submitted copy and stories and all
ad orders is noon on Fridays..Call 872-3755 or
e-mail gvnews @
Agri Insurance Inc.
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Bruce Ross
110 Central Ave. South, Beach, ND (701) 872-4461 (office)
• (Across from Bank Of the West) (701) 872-3075 (home)
prohibited on both public and pri-
vate land in deer unit 3F2.
The archery season is open
through Jan. 8, 2012. Hunters
should refer to the 2011 deer hunt-
ing guide for season intbnnation
and regulations.
relating to
Vaccine Administration Fee
North Dakota
Department of
will hold a public hearing to address
proposed changes to the N.D. Admin.
ND Dept. of Health
AV Room 212
600 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND
Thurs., Oct. 6, 2011
1:00 p.m. CDT
A copy of the proposed amendments
may be obtained by calling the Health
Department at 701-328-2378. Also,
written comments may be submitted to
the above address until October 19,
2011. If you plan to attend the public
hearing and will need special facilities
or assistance re at ng to a d sabi ty,
please contact the" Health Dept. at the
above telephone number or address at
least three (3)days prior to the public
Dated this 24th day of August 2011.
Terry L. Dwelle, MD, MPHTM
State Health Officer
relating to human resource and risk
management issues in
State government.
ND Human Resource
Management Services
(HRMS) and Risk
Management Division
will hold a public hearing to address
proposed changes to the N.D. Admin.
For Totten Room
State Capitol, Bismarck
Mon., Sept. 26, 2011
10:00 a.m. CDT
A copy of the proposed rules may be
obtained and written comments may be
submitted by contacting:
• HRMS, State Capitol, 14th Floor, 600 E.
Boulevard Ave., Dept. 113, Bismarck, ND
58505-0120; (701) 3283293, 1-800-366-
6888;; or
• RMD, Century Center, 1600 CenturyAve.,
Suite 4, Bismarck, ND 58503-0649;
(701) 328-7584, 1-866-534-2834;; 'or
Written comments must be received by j
October.6, 2011. If you require special
accommodations, please contact HRMS
at least 5 days prior to the heering.
Dated this 23rd day of Aug., 2011.
Laurie Sterioti Hamrneren,
Director, HRMS
Tag Anderson, Director, RMD
St. John the Baptist Catholic
Rev. Russ Kovash
Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m.
and 10:30 a.m., Sunday
Golden Valley Manor Chapel
Pastor Ron Hudson of Calvary Chapel
Sundays - 6:30, Communion, first Sun-
day in each month
St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
Roy. Scott Hojnacki
Sunday Worship - t0:I 5 a.m.
Sunday School - 11:15 a.m.
First Lutheran Church - ELCA
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday School - 8:10 a.m.
Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m.
Beach Evangelical Church
Rev. Dr. James Isaac, pastor
Worship - 10:00 a.m.
United Community Church
Pastor Warren Maxted
Sunday Worship - 9 a.m.
St. Bernard's Catholic Church
Rev. Shannon G. Lucht
Saturday Mass: 4 p.m.
Confessions: 3:15-3:45 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Confessions: 7:45-8:15 a.m.
St. John's Ukrainian Catholic
Roy. Taras Miles
Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on first, third
and fifth Sundays,
10 a.m. on second and fourth Sun-
St. Peter's Lutheran - LCMS
Rev. Scott Hojnacki
Worship Service: Sunday - 8 a.m.
Belfield Lutheran - ELCA
Rev. Roger Dieterle
Sunday School (all ages): 11 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.
Daglum Lutheran Church -,
Rev. Roger Dieterle
(Located 25 miles southeast of
Sunday Worship - 11:45 a.m. on
first and third Sunday
of each month
Belfield Baptist Church
Rev. Robert Hlibichuk
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study: l0 a.m.
Belfield Church of God
781 Milissa Ave.
Pastors Harold & Marge Sundgren
Thursday, 7 p.m.
St. Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic
Rev. Taras Miles
Sunday Divine Liturgy: 8 a.m. on
second and fourth
Sundays, and 10 a.m. on first, third
and fifth Sundays
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Rev. Russ Kovash
Mass: 8 a.m., Sunday
Medora Lutheran - ELCA
Rev. Roger Dieterle
Sunday Worship - 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School: 3:30 p.m., Wed.
Union Congregational Church
June, July and August only
Sunday worship - 10:30 a.m.
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Saturdays 4:00 p.m.
May 3 - end of Oct.
No Masses during winter months
Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship - 8 a.m.
Trotters Ch u rch
1st and 3rd Sunday of each month
United Methodist Church
Pastor Ruth McKenzie
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Calvary Temple, Assembly of God
Pastor Andy Lain
Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:30 am.
Trinity. Lutheran Church - ELCA
Pastor J.T. Burk
Sunday Worship l t: 15 a.m.
Christian Fundamental Church
Pastor ,feremy Stradley
Sunday School - 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
Silvernale-Silha ,Funeral Homes
221 N. Meade Ave. 204 South Wibaux St. 53 1st Avenue S.E.
Glendive, MT 59330 Wibaux, MT 59353 Beach, ND. 58621
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Precip Chance: 30% Precip Chance: 5%
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Sunny Sunny Partly Cloudy
76/49 72/44 75/44 77/48 76/44 78/49
Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 5°'o Precip Chance: 0% Precip Chance: 0% Precip Chance: 10%
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