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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 1, 1938     Golden Valley News
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September 1, 1938
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PAGE 8 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 1938 To The Tantalizing Toe Tickling, Tunes of ELI AT BEACH CITY AUDITORIUM .+ :! Don't Miss This Feature Attraction: .......... $9 I And His Famous Colored Band MONDAY, SEPT. 5th Hear A1 Dunn, that Dazzling Drummer DeLuxe FOLLOW--- " ' THE CROWD ON DANCE 1 NIGHT Monday, Septemb&, 5th / TO THE COZY CAFE Where You Get Quality and Service I Eli Rice and His Band Will Play for the • Dance~-Be SUre Them! ''/7 l~a s~x~-4~l top wrtt~tW~ ~llia Stacker. ~ch. 4~,lt~f ii FOR! Rl~--,t ~vd ~, wit& fists stove& O. Hi Olsrk. ~, ment. Minnie Smith, Beach, p~le_ 09-J. 4r-tfo RENT M~lern &partmtmt, Ut~ Al~hnent. 47 tf ]FOR SALE--10 extra g¢~ milk cowl James Reynolds, Olez~itve. 47o2t0 Ooto the PARK CAFE, the coolest and most comfortatble place in town, The best in mealS, lU~ches, beer, pop ice cream, candy, cigars, cigarette. It's the "friendly cafe." TRADE OR ObSH~A ntw AvNriean cream sl~arator. Chas. Re~l Oil - Station. Sentin~t Butte. 47-9tc FOR SALE -- Deering Corn ~lm~_ r. .,~fl' on FA FUlner, ,Be~eh +~Itp Inquire at New~ ,of rice. ~: 48tf chair..~ Inquire a,t E. A. Brtm~vold home, ~ach: ' ''~' .~__.:__[. . --4~- ,cheap., See Mzs; ~oh~ DentoD,~O~l- NYA Will Again Aid Needy Students Grand Forks, Aug. 18 More than 300 University of North Dakota student will start working early this fall on part- time Jobs secured through the school's employment bureau, according to Miss Mable S. Davies, director. Men and women who wish to be considered for NYA Jobs should write Miss Davies for application blanks which will be mailed during the latter part of August. Given on the basis of need and scholastic standing, NYA jobs pay from $7.50 to $15. a month, and during .the past year aided 222 collegians, In addition to supervislng the NYA program at the University, this office last year assisted 190 students In get- ting work In Grand l~rks. The Student employment bureau also ha~ ¢tit~rge of the University community kitcherL where men students have locko ers ar~l cook their own meals, and C~amp Depression. Men staying in this dormitory work four hours e week for their room. and are able ,tO go through, aehool with total expene~e averaging $~00 fOra year. , .-, +III014P 0N'S IqAl li[T We Deliver .., Plm~e 55 Milk, 18-K ........... 4 large cans 25c u i i Coffee, Red "l" ........ bag ~e i _ t Tomato Soup, |GA ......... 3 cans.. 20e Wheat Puffs, |GA ........ 3 lg. pl~. 25c Ed ~Oster~-~f +the 4eeaL l~, that du- the are goLng give away ab- free a new Chevrole~ car, a Frigidaire and numerous other All you have to do is to go m Red Owl store and register - no are necessary whatsoever. addition, there are going to be !Qcal prizes given away at each store. Watch for fta'ther details of the event. ALPItA i~u~fl~E~$$[~l~M$~M~{fifl~M~M~iii~MM~M~g'q~i~i~i~1Mi (Too Late For Last ~'eek) Mrs. :Bertha Johnson and Mrs. Win. 'Mc:Manigal were hostesses Lo the A1- ~'m Birthday club Friday afternoon, he ladies enjoyed a r~ice lunch and a pleasant afternoon was spen~. .~ Donald Brockmeyer arrived from DOuglas, Wy. Sunday for a visit w|th ibis parent¢; ~ff.r. and-Mrs, ~Ierman ~ Brockmey~r. Arthur Ivlarguar~t returned tO ,Mlnot Friday night after helping ~ the harvest on the J. ~ Toft f$~m. Del~lne Jendro ~ reporte~ on the ~ck lint tl~ ~st ~eek. Mary ~u O~amroth spent a few days l~t week visiting her friend, ~are L~ sotta. Mr. ~md l~rs. Jens OrQnning and family spent Sunday at t~ C. W. Lambare 'hom~ near Amidon. Mr. and Mrs. Cha~. Bahm and .~¢t'~ wre visitors in the Alpha neighborhood ~l'Iday. ~i Cr~ Insurance Sign-upDriv6 Is Under Way Soon A drive to sign up all North Dakota farmers wire wan~ govermnent insur- ance on their 1939-1940 whea~ crops will be pushed forward the first half of September by the fores of the s~te and county AAA committees and the NDAc extension service. Arrangemen~ for IltllnbFotls edt~ca- tional meetings a~ wlfich the insura- nce plan will be thoroly outlined ~o farmers and applications accepted for 1939 or 1940 insurance have been made. To start the drive off six meetings at central points in the state for county AAA committees, crop insurance sup- ervls~rs and extension workers have been announced. The six meet~gs are scheduled as foll~w~: Minot, ~,ug. 29; Willlston, Aug. 307 ~tt~meau, AUg. 31; Carrington, Sgpt. I; Devils Lake, Sept. 2; and Gr- ~dl~lrks;' Sept, 3. "Infarmatlon will be prepared in ev- ery, county Of floe to tndlc~te crop in- sm~mce coverage ,in bushels 'and" the ~,emium cost far each farm." it is ex- plslned by N. D. Oorman, state crop insurance ~upervl~r. ~ls information for each farm in the cammunlty, will be taken to the community meetings to be held early in September. Producers who are con° slderh~g taking nut. government aU=risk Ir~urance on their wheat should study the figures on their own indlvidu~l HOT SPECIALS THIS WEEK SEPTEMBER 1-2-3 Peaches, Elbertas, crt ....... ~3e Sugar, 25 lb. sack ....... $1.45 Fregh Tom~toes, 5 IB._~5c Flour, Occident, 49 lb. $1.47 Italian Prunes .............. _~8c Fresh Bologntt, lb ...... 15e before deciding against the in- farms. . .., , - e plan,", rm~u advises ] ~Ip, . • $0 far, altho no intensive' campaign es{ila~tesl from counties ha~ bee/n waged, 592 applications for in,, ir~lic~te that slightly over 30,000 ap- surance have been made out in the pRca~ons can be filed by both the state. Le~ding counties a~:e McI~ean, BUY YOUR FRESH FRUITS:FROM US AND SAVE MONEY their good tenant and the landlord, it is pointed Kidder and Towner. The community ou~ that this estimate probably will educational meetings will be Olin SePt, involve considerable less than 30.000 4. right after the six regional sessionS, there was only 1 Wer~ Note Books Note Pads Loose Leafs Rulers Erasers Pencils Ink Cxayons 7~a~s ."In fact ev- ery~ing in the school supply line Witk~vmT 25c purchaseof school sup- plie~ou get a double 'icecream cone)~!,(~,- :~feats,',W.lth tr FREE! Tell the pals m +.,v,~ }H ~ear ar WALL DRUG COMPANY UNEXCELLED FOUNTAIN SERVICE PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS Phone 31 Reeve Building Beach, N. D. Itis~ Crab Apples, 20 Ibi'bx~78c Liver sausage ......... lb.' 15c Water Mellon per lb. _~L2c Oii Sardines, 6 for ........25c " ~ .... ' ~OPlth~ CASH l CAR~Y Market I Groceries t~ I I It "!:-:~ II I ~ wnx't ~ A~ s,~t/ " i~~n, the ~hway il PEACHES, finest quality crae 79c ~c~, a~ F, T. Reynolds, iI Co. "" " "'+-+ • Itati+.~runes, for canning ..... lug 69c ~th+, : , .. -" ' . J, ,+',~: ~" , . _I= ~ dar~ • p~J~s, for eatiIIgrr and canning~G' ':~. rpente, -- - . -+ " . . ," L" " )+ . k _ + " ' \'~+7++-+TVY1 . ........ ~' ' A~~, for c6+klng .,..+...4 lbs. 23re CANNING FRUITS NOW IN Peaches, Pears, Prunes, Crab Apples Concord Grapes . . Occident Flour, 49 lb. sack ...... $1.49 Oeddent Farina, 10 lb, sack ....... 45e 1~ I i_ New Honey, 1938 erop~~10 lb. pail.. 89e Ir IS-K Coffee ........ l-lb. glass "ar 31c l~-~onee .,...... !-m. grass jar ate Tomato Juice; IGA....b", 3..+ tall :cans 29c. Tomatoes, home grown, ripe,, lb.. ... 5c _J_ t • _/ JII Catsup,!gK, fcy q~ality lg. bottlel ltICorn, whoh kernel, 2 no. 2 cans .... ,,c Friday andSatuMlay Only il~ Salad+ Dressing, Mir' acle whip, qt... 37c Prunes......., :. :.. ": No. 10 can 29c it[ Bread, Butter 6ust, 2 lge. loaves..21c Peaches ...... /] i ii:.. '., N"o.,10 can 45e [tii~:Butter, fresh creamery, lb.. ...... 28¢ Palmolive Soap...~' ........ :31++ 17e iI/'.+io~l~ +ait: +no; '~~e, 5{} lbs. .... 59¢ ...... All Kinds of'Canning Fruit H Sugar, 10 lb. doti s_:k ........... 57c Also Tomatoes, Green Corn, etc. .,;L,t .~~,;~. Tomotoes, Minnesota grown .4 lbs. 25c ' " + lilt + ,I + ' GRAPES, large, ripe ........ 3 ~,~.9c :.,~day, + SATURDAY ONLY! $1.00 in merchandise given free to the person bringing in the largest B] Bag .......$5-29 ~ ce're~ Inga ~ertwl bag 101bs.53c ~o, ~',, ~d an~ Mild-Mellow Full Flavored ~ ot ~The brl( 3 lh, bag 39c ~.-~ ' , m~~--. The ~alke~ Red Owl Fancy Patent- - Ml:Purpose ~eds ~wle, FLOUR ........... 491b. hag $125 ~o~ 98 2.$2.O .., FARMDALE FLOUR; ...$1.19 9~ lb bag .$2.37 .rim +LARD,,. .............. 2 lbs. for 2~e + , CHEESE 2 lb. wood ~ 3 ~ .,,.1,. ] Look for our Great 4-Page Sept. Food "~ Fair Sale Circular at your door or in your mail today! i