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September 1, 1938 |
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Team Averages
Beach Baseball Club August 28, 1938
Batting Averages
43 6 15 349
Ray 23 2 8 348
53 14 17 328
64 11 19 297
48 5 12 250
20 0 5 250
49 9 12 245
Bob 54 8 12 222
69 8 15 21"/
Niece 48 5 7 146
Gilman 21 0 2 095
Miscellaneous 54 8 9
Average 546 76 133
Opponent Avg 531 57 104
Fielding Averages
Noyes 86 1 3
38 4 3
8 34 3
Bob 94 16 10
Wenzel 14 40 6
22 17 7
Wetsch 12 17 6
2 1 1
Enderle 10 1 5
Jones, Ray 3 0 2
2 0 3
111 16 5
Team Average 402 147 54
Stock Coming Into
- N. D. Being Watched
Bismarck--North Dakota state high-
way patrolmen hive been given definite
instructions to watch transportation of
livestock and pets by car and truck
into this state from other states.
All such shipments must be accom-
panied by a certifiea,te of health from
a recognized veterarian ~efore they
comply with North Dakota laws.
Reports reached the patrol that pets
have been brought into North Dakota
from various Minnesota areas where a
recent plague of rables prompted strict
enforcement of animal health laws in
recent weeks.
Shipments of pets by rail is not per-
244 mitred interstate until carriers have
196 been supplied with proper records.
The patrol will cooperate with the
PCT state livestock sanitary board in guard-]
967 ing against spread of animal disease in]
934 North Dakota. • I
934 Patrolmen were warned in partie-]
917 ular to carefully check livestock ship-]
848900 ments into this state by truck.
750 Herman Grove, Minister
Sunday, Sept. 4th (Conference Sun-
400 day).
Unified worship service at 10:15.
Sermon by key. W. A. Smith.
910 Evening services at 7:30 in charge
FIRST: That all migratory water-
fowl and upland game birds for
which an open ~easou Is deeh(red
shall be taken during the open sea-
son only, with a shotgun only, not
larger in bo're than a ten guage,
fired from the shoulder, and they
shall not be taken with or by means
of any automatic-loading or hand
operated shotgun capable of holding
more than three shells, the magazine
of which has not been cut off or
plugged with a one-piece metal or
wooden filler incapable of removal
through the loading end thereof, so
as to reduce the capacity of said
gun to not more than three shells,
including both magazine and cham-
SECOND. That the shnoting hours
for all migratory waterfowl and up- ,,
land game birds upon which an open
seasnn is declared shall be from
seven o'clock A. M. to four o'clock
l'. M.. Central Standard Time, of
each day througheut the entire sea-
THIRD: That the possession limit
of any species of upland game bird
upon which an open season is de-
clared, shall at no time exceed the
daily bag limit provided for said
FOURTH: That the possesMon limit
()f wild (lucks shah not exceed
twenty (20) in the aggregate of all
kinds, of which not. more than six
(6) of~tny one or more than six (6)
in the aggregate may be the fol-
lowing species: Canvasbacks, Red-
head, Buffalohead and Ruddy.
FIFTH: Not more Ll~an ten (10) in
the aggregate of,~ geese anal brant
may be had in Oossession a! any
time, and not there than twenty-
five (25) coot (commonly known as
mudhens), a~nd not more than fifteen
(15) WiiaoWs Snipe or jaeksnipe.
SIXTH: That hunting shall be strict-
ly prohibited on all islands in the
Missouri River.
SEVENTH: That all persons rex-
teen years of age or over who shall
hunt. take or kill migratory water-
few1 shall have in his possession a
Federal Duck Stamp for the year
with the governing statute, all
grouse shall be considered as one
TWELFTH: That the season is de-
Plared closed for the entire year of
1938 for the taking, hunting and
killing of all species of upland
game birds in the counties of Ad-
iilns. Billings, i::~oxvulan, I}l•all[, rio,d-
en Valh, y, Hettinger, Sioux aud
THIt:TEENTH: That the season
shall lie opened for the taking,
hunting, and killing of Chinese
l(ingneck Pheasants. from the 1st
day ef October, 1938 to the 10th (lay
(,f October, 1938, both days inclus-
ive, in the c,)un.ties of Rieidand,
Rans,)m, Sargent. DiPkey and La-
Moure, and the daily bag limit
shall be six (6) birds, only one (1)
of which may be a hen; said coun-
'ties to be and remain closed to
the taking of all other species of up-
land ~ame birds for the year 1938.
Ft)UIUI'EENTH: That the remainln~
forty C,)unties. nnt listed in recom-
mendations Twelve and Thirteenth
hereof, shall be open for the taking,
hunting, and killing of a mixed bag
(,f Chinese ringneek pheasants,
grouse and Hungarian }'artrldges,
from the 1st day of October. 1938
to the 10th dayof October. 1938.
b(yth days inPlusive; the daily bag
limit shall lint exceed six birds not
ro exceed three of an3 one spe-
FIFTEENTH: That the season shall
be and remain closed throughout
the ontire state on the Chukar Part-
ridge during the year 1938.
NIXTiCENTH: That the open season
for the taking of all species of wild
clucks wild greese, brant and other
aquatic birds permitted to be killed
by law shall be and remain closed
until seven o'clock A. M Central
Standard Time on the 1st day of
Percher. 1938. That the .pen season
for the taking of such birds shall
be from the 1st day of October,
197S to the 14th day of November,
1938. ln)th days inclusive. EXCEPT
that tile season shall be closed dur-
lna tile entire year of 1938 on the
following sp~les of aquatic birds.
namely: l:Lo~gs's geese, swans, and
the official newspaper of each coun-
ty within the State of North Dakota
l)rior t,) tile 16th day of Sept., A,
D. 193b.
Given onder Fny hand and xhe
Great Seal of the Sta'te of North
I)akota, at my office in the City of
t~'isrnarck, North Dakota, thls 25th
day of August, A. 1). 1938. ,
Attest: James D. Gronna, Secretary
of State, hy G. A.
Gilbertsnn, Deputy.
Notice is hereby given that that
certain mortgage executed and de-
livered by Albert Gallus and Anna
Gallus, husband and wife, mortgag-
ors. to the Manager of Tile Bank
of North Dakota. Mortgagee, dated
the 9th day of April, 1930, and filed
for record in the office of the
Register nf Deeds of the County of
Golden Valb.y and ~tate of North
Dakota on the 21st day of July 1930,
and recorded in Book "1 ~"
Mortgages at page 109 and duly
assigned by said Mortgagee to the
State Treasurer of North Dakota,
and his successors in office, in trust,
will be foreclosed by a sale of the
premises in such mortgage and
hereinafter described, at the front
door -f the Court House in the City
of Beach, in the County of Golden
Valley, and State of North Dakota,
at the hour of two o'clock P. M.. on
the 20th day of September 1938, to
satisfy the amount due upo~ the
past installments of such mortgage
on the day of sale. The premises
described in such mortgage and
which will be s(,ld to satisfy the in-
stallments Otie unda~" the same are
described as follows:
Lot*g One (El, Two (2), Three
(3), Sf~ (6t; Seven (T), Eight
(.~). Nvine ~9), nnd Ten (10),
Northe~ (~narter of the South-
west q~[uarter INEZ/4SWI/4) and
Nortl~weMt quarter of the South-
ea*d[ Qnnrter (N WI/4SE I/~) of
V. H. Dissen, Pastor
Divine services 9:30 a, m.
Sunday school after services.
County of Golden Valley,
Before Hen. A. E. Kastien,
Adolph Oct zmann,
Emil Oetzmann, and all
other persons interested,
to the above named Respondents.
and all persons interested in the
P2state of ~h's. Minnie Oetzmann.
also known as Minna Oetzmann,
Deceased :
You. and each of you, are hereby
notified that Adolph Oetsmann the
Petitioner herein, has filed in this
Court a copy of the Last Will and
Testament of Minna Oetzmann. late
of the clly of Davenport in the
County nf SPoti and State of Iowa.
Deceased, and the probate thereof
in the state of Iowa duly authentic
ated, with his petition praying for
the admission to probate of said
document as the Last Vv'lll of said
deceasPd, and for the Issuance t(~
John Keohane, Esq., of Beach, North
Daknta of Letters of Administra-
tion with the Will Annexed thereon,
and that said petition and the pr0~S:
of said purported Will will b~ heard
and duly considered by th~s Court
on Monday, the 12th daF of Septem-
be)' A. D. 1938 at te~'o'clock in the
forenoon of that day, at the Court
~tooms of this Court in the County
Court House in the city of Beach.
County of Golden Valley and Stat~
Opponent Avg 397 150 58 904
Sunday's box score:
Beach :
Enderie, cf 4 0 0 0
Wermel, p 4 0 1 1
"~etsch, 3b 4 1 1 1
~aigh, 2b 4 1 2 0
Noyes, lb 3 0 I 0
Jones, Bob, c 4 0 0 1
Jones, Ray, If 4 0 3 0
Madison, 3b 4 0 0 1
Niece, rf 4 1 0 0
• o~is ,7 7" 8 ;
Wflliston: AB R H E
Winstrom, 2b 5 1 0 0
~ax, Ib 4 I "I 0
el(is, e 5 0 2 0
rhlte, rf 5 1 2 0
cling, p 5 I 2 0
a.ngt~10rf, 3b 5 0 1 0
,rcer, rf 4 0 2 1
adoo, cf ~ 4 0 2 o
re, ss 4 0 0
ot~ls 41 4 12 3
L R. Coo. Is ~eared
In Terry Wreck
The interstate commerce commission
zturday absolved the Chicago, Mll-
aukee, St. Paul and Pacific railroad
blame in connection with the de-
vilment of its train, Olympian, near
~ugus, Mont., June 19. Forty-seven
)rsons were killed in the wreck.
The accident, the commission said,
;Wa~ caused by the undermtnt~ off
rs of a bridge, due to a v21~l-
Olympian plunged into flooded
creek when the piers of the
Thd hnvestlgatlon disclosed, the l•C.
aaid, that between 4 p. m. and 10
m. on June 18 three heavy rains,
of cloudburst porportions, struck
Custer creek watershed.
of the Chorister Mrs. Harold Owens. f,iIGTH: That any person who h,)lds ~V( od Duck Th'lt the daily bag Section Six (6), Townaldp One of North Dakota;
......... , permit t,, collect pr teeted g•am~, ! limit shall consist of not to'exceed Hundred Forty (rle-~dd)TJort?io.~ heAr(nbdy (Yl~U~l ~odbeac2ndOf i~gu~ ~re
~everal persons wm nave part m tnm birds fo.r seie~at~tc- purposes is pro , ten in tile aggregate of all species Range One Hu d ~ • . ' ._; ~ .... p. • " ,=
Sept. 4. The pastor left for Great NINTH: Theft tl~ use of aircraft of ) five in the aggregate ~f geese and costs of foreclosure. /: . " - ~ieat~ as'-" *~2~-'~ .............
cFo~ereMnOneday afternon to attend this i~!i Uk~o; d/l~v~ n~?~trP, u~!°r~e ~ faUn° gp~r e ~n~e~!t:~rf:;Jeta:kex!;i~;~t?ni?~e~n ~y:/:o(f~ftc~}~or~:t~:~n~f~siii':yg~oh:elithn Io~ se;~of~TiZC~i~ta2:n2
• __ pose in conn~tian 'with the huYting: ] .~-tu mudhens.) ~" ' s amounts e securede/'by such mort- madetmten~tusa;~ ~ulredz.n. [>y aaylaW" o~" Augus~
............ taking or killing of game birds i~ I SEVENTEENTH: /~rhat the .vason g ~ : . . . # .... a D "~'~ .... '
Mr. ano Mrs. Melvin ~'eoerson oI prohbited. [ shall be and remain closed up t~and ~)ate(l August ~, 1~o5. "~' "¢~'~"~: .... ~r~T,~
~:ION: J?~'ti ~~:etp~;i~! ' ~~;iii ~i:i ~~l~t~r C°urt
~vaR ~r~ t~ :~P:I hag d:~a: rotate gob~iSr~maS ~}~I
and raccoon: I~ ~:
WHEREAS, the State Game and ~
Fish Commissioner of North Dakota k~ "~----.-- -- ~ ~ -- -- ~ / 1 ~ K'~
ar~ere~°mt~euned~%:hlatianng EtXh%CuslieV'e N l 1 1 ~ ~l ~ 1 1 ~ 1 1 ~
son for the/hunting of wild ducks, ~" I / /~~/~// ~ l / ~l a~
wild geese,:q3rant, and oth01~ aquatic ~ 1 1 l[l~l/ l ll [ 1 1 1 ~ I
birds, Chinese rln~neck,Dheasants, ~ l l ll /~// Ill '/l / l ~ i~
grouse an~_ H_ungaman l~trtridge xor I l l I 1 / ~ l~
the year *938, and cl~flng the sea- t.'~ l l ll -"~l/ l~ ~ 1 / II ,~
son on .~leer, Chu~Rr partridge, ~[~ ~ / ll', ~// /~ "/~ ~ 1 ~ I[
muskrat t~)nd raeco~, and ~ ~ / //:~ ~// //I ~l, [/ / 1==" ,~ll..
WHERF-~S, afterj1~vestigation and ~ ~l 1 ll ?l~ll ll/ --==/ [ l~l 1 ~ Ia"
consideration of ~he said recommen- I l1 1 ll 'l~l~
datl~ns,,l flndfl~hatall of the said t.'~ ~=l l ll,/~ll I~// / / l=l/ ~ t~
game hdrds,~er, and fur-bearing ~ ~ l~l~~~--
animals' on ~hleh the season is re- M~ ~ ~~~/~l / ~ ~ II~ &
commended/ to be closed .are in ~__ --~ ~~~/~ / __ .~m~ ~ ll~ / .~m~/ /I ~~ Irll/1~I1~ ]K
danger ~of//undue depletion and ex- ~ --
~b~:i:d~att.i~fr~ihr::~ii!i" ~ at the Gerhard Schumacker farm located 6 miles east of Golva !I
' ' : -' "e ...................................... !
animal and deeT~tn order tO insur ~ "~ ................ m,*" n- "
their protection/ w_lthm the State of {kM ann rlalImile norm or Iz miles SOtlU1 el ~enttneI-l~Ette a O I ,
~:H~:EehdRD~At}~ te:,~n:p r e ~ d e ntE 2:O:u t ~ vh ee ~ " ! ............................... miie- west !it
forty five days .] I )
o;~er aquatic bwd~ per'mitted 'to be~ T • • n m v mlT 12 lli
killed by law, throughout the Unit- ~'~ mm l l l~ I ~. l l ml m ~l~ m 1 l~ .
ed States except durtag a period of . l m m.m I i i l m I m , ,l~ m m m -- "
of the State of North Dakota un a'W
P ;r ' !
l~lt?N BEGINS AT 10B~N~
game birds, and that t~e season be k'~
cad on oh: ar pa.ri go, .ee} • ,, , ' 1
muskrats and raccoon, as herelnafte k"~ l |
LIVESTOCK 25 chickens 40 springers
1 Holstein cow, 3 years old, fresh
1 Fordson tractor
Glendive, Montana
3 days and~ghts pa:ked wihh high :
Clasrs Entertalnm~t
Presenting "BROADWAY PARA~~. A' dazzling m_'ght
Musical Revue of ~0 People. Coney, pretty girls, modern
Scenery, brilliant ~fighting effec/excellent music, change of
( program
/ ON T~l~/' MIDWA: ..... '
Zeiger's United~Shows,Jeaturing____ the Four Queens of the
,.iAir"yA~igh aerial attraction
~ e h~ m new Shows
15 Thrilling Rid~"~ Free Aets Ev ryt "ng "
A full program of Cow~boy Rae~s--Bands--Acts that Thrill
Shorty F~mm~own Announcer
A grand display of ~irewo~s jn front of the grandstand
the la~ two fligh~ of the fair
Agricultural -- Commercial -- Educational
Livestock--State Show Herd
Dawson County Fair, Sept. 1-2-3
Offering the most at ~e lowest admissions
in Sept. 1 roan cow, 4 years
old, fresh in Nov.
2 buffets 3 chairs
1 dining room table
5 dining room chairs
1 Eternal range, good shape
1 Galloway No 7 cream separator
2 beds with springs
2 childrens beds
2 rugs fruit jars
4 acres good fodder corn
2 Fifty gal. oil barrels 2 Anvils
3 thirty gal. oil barrels 1 vice
1 set harness, horse collar
1 hand blower 1 post drill
Blacksmith tools, all kinds
1 stock and die for I~A in. p!p?~
I tap and die set 1 pipe vice
2 pipe wrenches ~ I grind stone
1 two barrel stock tank
40 bushels of scr(~enings
Some potatoes
1 Hart-Parr tractor 12-24
i tractor piow, 3-bottom
1 Oliver plow for Fordson, ,2-
bottom. 1 2-bottom gang
1 Sulky plow, breaker bottom
1 9-ft. duckfoot, nearly new
1 10-ft. Va)~ Brunt drill
1 15-ft. Western packer
1 10-ft e)hgine dmk
1 5-sec~onwooden drag
1 3-s ~e~ti0~ iron drag
1 2-rp~. corn cultivator with en
gi~¥~hitch. I horse cultivator
1 2-r&v corn planter
1 Deering mower 40 rods wire
1 McCormick 8 ft. grain binder
1 horse rake 1 sled
1 heavy wagon with grain tank
1 wagon, 3-in tires
1 low wagon with hay rack
1 feed grinder and Ford engine
mo unted on skids
1 Ceresan grain-treater
I 1000-lb. scale 2-wheel trailer
I t~n truck, Ford, in go~d shape
Gerhard Schumacker
• Auctioneers: Tr[ollope and Howard
Clerk: John Tsehida
- • k¸ . ••