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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
September 1, 1938     Golden Valley News
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September 1, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;iURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 1938 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE 5 LI '~N A~" ~"~ I Miss Myrtle Myklebost ol Seattle. U~.A~]k]LI~ I Washlngton, arrived the first of last /week to visit her rather, Mrs. M. Hau- Mrs A Witzig and daughter Carrie[ kass and relatives for a couple of weeks. - "'" " ' - ...... n~ ~"-s : Mrs Earl Milkr and daughter Vir- were Glnner guests oi /el/. u u ivi/ . * ' ' Jeff Butterfield last Thursday. In the ginia were Olendlve ws:tors Tuesoa>. afternoon, accompanied by Mrs, But- Mrs. James Don31dson, and Mrs. E. terfield, they spent several pleasant with Mrs. J. P. Reeve at her home. Miss Carrie Witzig, accompanied by and Mrs. H. A. Thompson and Mickey plan to leave Saturday for Chi- where Carrie will resume her duties and the Thompsons go on to Indiana to visit with re- Tuesday morning Mrs. Edgar John- who has been visiting her sister George Nutter here the past mon- th, left for Elk River, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Birmingl~am and Mrs. Lloyd Woodhull were among those attended the fair in Sidney Tue- HALIBUT PIKE Tuna MILLER'S Mrs. Victor Thompson will be host- ~s to the Music club on next Tuesday, 6th. A fine program has arranged for that time. Miss Helen Robertson of Trotters a couple of days at the P. T. home the first of the Don't the Park'Cafe on Dance Sept~Sth when Eli Rice his orchestra 19ays here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Overstad Sidney Sunday, leaving their niece Judy Goodman, who has visiting them. Jimmy Scott and sister Margaret of were among those down last evening to attend the dance at city audPorium: Miss Margaret is ~ember of the Billings school faculty has spent part of her vacation • lth home folks in Wibaux. Leonard Black, who until was recent- has been employed at the Wail in this city has accepted employ, with the Sentinel Butt Drug Co., ~¢1 will start his new work the first ¢! the week, When have parties, company, or be sure to call 39. The wilt be more than pleased to your items in print. Mr/and Mrs. Melvin Sevland arriv- here Saturday from Coleharbor and taken up their residence in the apartments: Schroeder arrive~: :back ,in after a pleasant two weeks Va- in Wisconsin. Marie Tennysqn M. Enderle and daugtlter Iris were Glendive visitors yesterday. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oster and daughter returned from Bismarck, where they had spent their vacation. Frank Kruzik. who had been acting as manager of the Red Owl store in Eds absence, returned to Dickinson Tuesday night. The many friends of Mrs. J. F Hardy will be pleased to learn that her condi- tion .is greatly improved. Tuesday she was taken home from the local hospital and is convalescing very well. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Spiegelberg re- turned from a week's trip to Minn- eapolis and Thief River Falls. Minn- esota. Enroute home they stopped to visit their daughter, Mrs. Omar Nelson and family in Bismarck. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Novak, who have resided here for several months, re- turned to Carlyle last week and plan to make their future home tl~ere. Win. Renke of Dickinson and Elmar Nelson of Williston were guests here last week of Albert Gilman. IMrs. Chas. Justesen and daughter Donna were Miles City visitors last Wednesday. Dickie Johnson visited with relatives 'in Dickinson a few days last week. Last week Wednesday evening4" Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thompson were host at a diner party honoring Donald Miller. Clyde Babcock, who has been visith~g at the Clarence Overstad home, retur- ned to Grand Forks Monday night• Friday night Miss Carrie Witzig went to Spokane where she spent a few days visiting friends, returning Tuesday morning. III Genuine Spring • MILLER,S IIII I lilt Temperance Women in Conclave Greeting National President Mrs. Ida B. Wise Smith (lel't) of the " men's Chr:st~an Temperance uPion as she arrive:l in San Francisco r the annual convention of the organization is Mrs. Louise J, Taft, ~te president for California. ~i~ii~$~$~n$~m$$~In$~iT~T~i$~$~nIU~$H~f$$~iI$~U~$~i~ GARNER [IItli$IlI~IIIUlII$111U$1UUIIIIUIIIIIiwnI[IlIIIIIIIlilUII]$1I~ UU!Ul[lil!~liil[llliih :U ~ Beach visiors from Garner Saturday evening included Mr. and Mrs. F. Schmeling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson and Enoch Anderson Victor Renstrom, Charlie Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Shoen and son. Mr. and Mrs. F. Schmeling were Dickinson visitors last Saturday. They drov home a nice new car. Mrs. Laura Strahon is enjoying a l i visit from her sister, Miss Lottie Gaf- fee. She teaches school in Alaska, and is enrotlte there from Minnesota where she spent the summer with relatives. .i Mrs. Gearey and grandson visited her daughter, Ms. Herman Wassman over the weekend. She returned to her home at Ismay, Montana, Sunday. Mrs. F. Schmeling visited Mrs. E. Shoen Wednesday. Kenneth Wosepka celebrated his birthday Thursday by visiting his friend The Markets Wheat. ............................. 52 Flax ........................... 1.43 Oats ...............................11 Rye ............................... 17 Barley .............................18 Cream, sour ..... 24; sweet ..... 22 Eggs .............................. 18 BUtter .............................2~ THE WEATHER August 25 90 33 August 26 83 34 August 27 85 44 August 28 92 43 August 29 86 59 August 30 92 43 HOSPITAL NOTES Ralph Jaeobs of Golva entered for treatment Wednesday. Rita May I-Iess of Sentinel Butte entered Thursday for treatment. Ed Elling~on entered Stmday for a tonsillectomy. Adeline Fisher of Golva had a ton° sillectomy Tuesday. Myrtle Dietz of Sentinel Butte had a tonsillectomy Tuesday. Mrs. A. M. Doerner entered Tuesday for t~atment. tmeyer's sister Mrs. H. Wassmann and Thusday, August 18th Florence Me- family this week. She came from Is- Danold received treatment at the :my, Mont,, Where she has been vis- Beach Hospital. iting her mother, Mrs. Stella Geaxy. Robert Lee entered for treatment for t Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemire i~ visiting an infected knee on Friday. On Friday, Auugst 19th, Barthel i relatives and friends in t~is vicinity baby was brought in suffering from 'this week before goingon to Deer Lodge, to visit friends there. They will return to St. Paul in about a month. The Schmeling family are enjoying a new Oldsmobile. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann, Walt- er and Dorothy were dinner and sup- per guests at the John Fakler home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Schmeling and children, Mrs. Joe Dietz and children, Mrs. Herman Wassmann and Mrs. Strohmeyer and children were callers at the Victor Renstrom home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Orstad and children were Beach c$~lers Sunday. Joe Dietz is threshing at the Ewald Johnson home this week. Mrs. Laura Strahon was a Beach George Sl'~en. caller last: week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I~a~h and son Mr. and Mrs. E. Shoen were Sun- We ,have complete stocks of cement, Bobby were here Saturday night from a visitors at the Orstad home plaster, etc., lumber, shingles, doo__rs, • dy • Fargo to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Leo ........ ~,,,u ~ cookin~ for twindows, frames and wallboards. Har.igha~:d ?~d ad: yhr:er~l~°ljdorlSemaitn~'tthr~:hers~/:;sL°~l~il;r this week. Ifinish l--ber, mouldings, hardw= her gue~, Miss P~lis Colby, return- OrsM(:d He,okL" foB:b:2:ekshhe;aP l~aastMr=g" Ir~mf~g' paper, wire fencing, pe~ts, g pair~t and builders hardware of all ed to Fargo with him after having ......... home in Beachlkinds. Try us our prices are right. spent the past two weeks visiting here. [Tter~au7ea m n~, t Han~n Lumber & I~lwe Co., Golv~. Mrs. Leo Haigh also went to FargoI Mrs. E. Shoen and son Kenneth~ with them. ~ ............ n Wibaux M~nda" morning MiSS Evelyn Thom- .......... vmi~eo a~ me ~urns home ~ ' ~ - - ~ ""innesota ~¢~r. ana Mrs. ~1c wemacn~ ana ,~., ,a,, -fternoon pson left for moorneao, m , daughter Barbara were dinner guests *~'"*~'~'~# " " wher~ she will visit a week with her of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schillo Tues- t~t.t~'~ Week [siste; and then go on to Karlstad, day. Mrs Joe Strohmeyer and two little!Mtn~|ota, where .she nas ~e~n ez.~s i Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Mason were vis- children" are visiting with Mrs, stroh- 'to teach this- c0mmg year. _ iting .at. the M. L. Love1~l home he~¢ - Saturday, Mr..Mason coming here be- 3aundice, passed away, Saturday, Aug. 20th. Joe Popiel of Golva received treat- ment for an infected foot on Saturday. Monday, August 22nd, R~ymond and Robert Scverson had tonsillectomies. Harold Olson of Beach had tonsils and adenoids removed Monday. BRING IN YOUR RADIO FOR FREE CHECK We'll test the Tubes Test the Batteries Test the Radio Reasonable/Rates On All Repairs , / LOOK 9wer/our 1939 Misplay of RCA ~CTOR RADIOS Sawyer Hardware Bach, N. D. We Have Installed the Latest MARQUETTE A- C. ARC WELDING MACHINE We have an A. O. Smith f~ctory-trained BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA man to do your wq|ding job. Come in and let us giv, e a demonstration S0fRF SEN MACHINE SHOP Beach, North Dakota New Seats Air Conditioned m m m m , ,: t;',~ FRIDAY- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p.m. " "0NE WILD NIGIIT" CAST: JUNE LANG, DICK BALDWIN, LYLE TALBOT, J. EDWARD BROMBERG. A farce comedy Wellcast~a~d~eted that is entertaining. Comedy and News Sunday. Monday- Tuesday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY CAST: LEWIS STONE, MICKEY ROONEY, CECELIA PARKER, FAY HOLDEN, JUDY GARLAND. This picture has taken the large cities by storm. A family picture that all will enjoy. Rated 5A's by Merle Potter. Y " Also a Comedy N. D., going there confirm~ of her son Bern- aext Sunday, has spent the summer there his grand- and Mrs. Kaline and Lucflle at the Win. farm home at only ....................... $195.00 OTHER TYPES TO CHOOSE FROM Johnson Motor Co. lI $ No. DI&. tin BAKERY THE SUN LIGHT, Wed day - Thursday . • a~ Don't Forget The gash lhawme. "ALWAYS GOODBYE" CAST: BARBARA STANWYCK, CESAR R(YMERO, HERBERT MARSHALL, IAN HUNTER, LYNN BARI, BINNIE BARNES. Top notch players in a thoroughly engross- ing, highly entertaining picture. : . ALSO A COMEDY =