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joseph Hylland
The Golden Valley New.s
j , , , J
J _,
Auction Sale at G.
Wed To Cecile D.
Peterson Aug. 23
Former Beach Bandmaster Is
Married In Quiet Ceremony
At Kuhfeld Horne in Bismarck
~ismarek Tribune-At a ceremony
~solemnized here Tuesday afternoon
Miss Cecile D. Peterson, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Peterson
~f Pingree, became the bride of Jo-
esph S. Hylland, Scobey, Mont., son of
Mrs. B. Hylland, Dwight. Rev. Opie
8. Rindahl officiated at the single ring
service at 3:30 o'clock in the home of
the bride's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kuhfeld, 611 Av-
enue A. Garden flowers were arranged
in the room where the service was per-
formed and throughout the home.
The bride wore an afternoon frock
Of blue and black crepe complemented
With black accessories. American Beau-
ty Roses and baby breath formed her
• orsage. Mrs. Kuhfeid, as her sister's
-matron of honor, was dressed in a
light blue dress with brown accessor-
:The bridal couple left immediately
Yor a wedding trip to points in Minn-
Uota. On thir return they will go to
-~eobey, Montan~, to make their home.
CMi~'ltv,, Hy~and is a graduate of Valley
: ty State Teachers college and has
been teaching in steele. Mr. Hylland,
it graduate of Concordia college, Moor-
~md, is employed at Scobey, Mont., as
super~'~or and band instructor.
Oongratulations and best wishes are
Mr. Hyiland and his bride
many friends- here. Mr.
served ~s band leader here
the past two years and his wife
visited here a number of times.)
Typical American Girl
Meet Miss Frances Donelon who has been chosen as the "Typical
American Girl" following a nation-wide poll on the ten most beautiful and
pqmlar artists' and photographers' models. She is shown relaxing on
tho:l/lilds at Atlantic City.
Pre-School Con-
ierenc Draw
Large.Atte e
conferences in Golden Valley County.
These conferences were .held in Golva,
Sentinel Butte, and Beach. Dr. Smith
of the division of child Hygiene, State
Dep~tment of Health, examined all
children below school age presented
for examination. The purpose of these
conferences is to stress the impor-
tance of discovering physical hand-
leaps in children while they are so
young that they may be remedied be-
fore the child enters school. Profes-
sional advise is given the parents in
regard to the proper care and diet of
the child. Parents are advised to see
their family physlcan if handicaps are
Seventeen children were examined
in Golva where the Sunshine Society,
with Mrs. Edna Hammond in charge,
sponsored the conference. At Sentinel
Butte sixty-three children were exam-
ined; Mrs. Ernest Nelson of the StUdy
Club and Mrs. Fred Smith of the
Homemakers Club being In charge. The
conference in Beach was sponsored by
the Woman's Club and the Legion
Auxiliary. Eighty-four children were
examined in Beach, Ladies in charge
in Beach were Mrs. E. D. Evans, Mrs.
R. Arnold, Mrs. S. D. Knezevich and
Mrs. Leo Tobias. Additional help was
secured, as needed, from the organ°
lzation sponsoring the cOnference.
The County Health Advisory Com-
mittee on Health. takes this means of
expressi~4g its gratitude to all those
who ~sisted in making these coufer-
on~ a St~SS.
All Se.t For Open-
ing of School Mon.
Everything is in readiness-for the
opening of school here next Monday,
September 5. ClasSes will be held In
the morning only, with regular classes
starting on Tuesday. Many students
from different parts of the oounty l~ve
already registered and more are ex-
pected to register on the opening day.
Schumacker's Sept. 6
Next Tuesday, September 6th, there
will be an auction sale held at the
Gerhard Schumacker farm, six miles
east of Golva. and a good list of stuff
is being offered at that time, including
farm implements, household goods,
livestock etc. The sale is scheduled to
start at ten a. m. sharp, and there
will be a free lunch at noon.
See the ad for it on page seven.
Williston Takes
Beach Nine By 4-3
Score on Sunday
Sunday afternoon ~urned out to be
a gala day a~ the Beach baseball park
where the Beach team was scheduled
to meet the Williston team.
Before tne game was called, however,
No Hunting In Golden
Valley County This Year
Special!Season Is Closed
Here On Upland
Today the News is announcing a
real autum special, which is going Game, DucksDeer
to be good for just two weeks only,
so if you care to take advantage of
it, you must hurry. During the com-
ing two weeks only, you can renew Arlnual ProClamation Is Issued
your subscription for only $1.50, in- By Governor Stating Various
stead of the regular $2.00. Or ff you Hunting Restrictions
live outside of North and South ~ ~~="
Dakota, Minnesota or Montana, it North Dakota's 1930 upland game
will cost you only $2.00 instead of bird hunting season, announced Sat~
t $2.50 urday by Governor Langer to the Asso-
At this time of the year a great elated Press at Bismarck, provided:
I number of subscriptions come due 1. Ten-day season, Oct. 1 to 10, with
and the News is offering these and hours similar to those for ducks, 7 a.
the Olendive Elks drum and bugle i any others who wish to get in on the
corps appeared on the field in all theirI offer, this special redueefl,i ntte.
regalia and entertained the large crowd i Look at the little yellow libel on
with their music and nicely executedi this paper right now, and save yon-
maneuvers, much to the enjoyment ofI rself some money b~g r¢l~¢~yJnlg iat-
the spectators. I mediately,
Then the Glendlve band, augmentect1|-T~! _YoUr nelghbors about it .I~.
L .... :~-^f musictant/fi~m-~~t| dont forget to remind themt
City' among them a former Beach res, iI this s~_ L offer is good ~r two
[dent, D~mc Oooper, rendered a grm ip ! we~m ~ ~" - ,.L. ,
f seditions fore the pine I ,T a **L?ge for ,
~of the ~oon. Their put-I 7!ilokk,~JH~. Hoo
to B ch was to dver-I auuvu asv t, liil
ie ~. lingm county lair ,Sept. I-1-$. I 11' 1 .1 !"!k I
tl~tls/~ Wen~l was 0n the m0~d forI |d~DO"lall lle slrd
%vlth--l~ob Jones receiving. Op- ] ~-'~ ~' .....
~I tO Beach on the mound was the
itlt l~ling, a veteran of many base-I (Contributed)
~!1 ba~A~les.] On Saturday, August 13th, a coin-
The first run of the game came in plaint was filed by C. P. Reed of Smlt-
the second half of the second inning inel Butte charging Donald A. Taylor
when Bud Haigh singled, was sacri- with issuing worthless checks. A check
riced to second by Noyes, and scored h~l been taken by Mr. Reed's son at
on Ray Jones single. ~their station in Sentinel Butte shortly
Wllliston's efforts in the third were
fruitless but fbr Beach, Niece reached
first on a passed ball. stole second and
camp home when Wenzel got a single.
~he fourth Will.ton got bUSy and
~ore~ two runs on four hits and an
errori Beach failed to score althoul~
Noye~ reached second on an error and
a stolen base.
Neither team scorea in the fifth but
Whl~e of Williston threw a scare into
the t~ome troops with a long triple.
In the sixth inning Art Wetsch of
the ~ocais brought much cheer to the
Beach supporters with a long home run