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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 31, 2006     Golden Valley News
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August 31, 2006
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6 Golden Valley News & Billings County Pioneer Thursday, August 31, 2006 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS the Second and Final Reading of PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE Ordinance 364, AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY REVISION AND INCORPORATING THE SAME WITHIN THE CORPORATE A meeting of the Beach City BOUNDRIES OF THE CITY OF Council was called to order by Mayor BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA, second Losinski on August 21, 2006 at 7:00 by Campbell. Motion carried unani- p.m. Present when the meeting was mously. called to order were Councilmen Mayor Losinski reminded the Josh Wirtzfeld, Wade Walworth, Councilto mviewthe preliminary 2007 Lori Twardoski, Jim Campbell, Perry budget and bring any suggestions to Stockwell, Public Works Supt. Dell the next meeting. Beach, Jason Lee, Deputy City Auditor An Application for Abatement Carla Steffen, Deb Walworth, Gene of Taxes was submitted by Betty Hamilton, and Cindy Makelky. Dickerson. She is requesting the Mayor Losinksi stated that Deb value of her house at 583 2nd Ave Walworth, representing Prairie West SE be valued at zero because the Development Foundation, requested residence was flooded and is inhabit- to be added to the agenda. Walworth able. Stockwell moved to grant the madethe motion to approve the agen- Abatement, second by Campbell. da with the addition, second Campbell. Motion carried unanimously. An appli- Motion carried unanimously cation for Exemption of Improvements Dell Beach reported that the City to Residential Buildings was submitted Crow has been oiling and patching by Ryan and Kim Nunberg. Motion by streets. The temporary summer help Stockwell to approve a 5-year exemp- is done for the season. Dell recom- tion, second by Walworth. Motion car- mended that morn sewer lines be ried unanimously. cleaned throughout the City and he Themwasfurtherdiscussionregard- recommended that more crack seal- ing street repairs for next year. The ing should be done next year. Public Council discussed spending $30,000 Works Employee, Jason Lee, has again next spring to do more crack completed his 90 day probation period, sealing. Mayor Losinski stated that he Campbell made the motion to increase has received many complaints regard- Jason's wages 50 cents/hour and put ing the loud train whistles Them have him on the City health insurance plan, also been complaints about the rough- second by Wirtzfeld. Motion carried ness of the crossings. Campbell sug- unanimously, gested looking into having concrete Lori Rohan joined the meeting. Deb instead of blacktop at the crossings. Walworth thanked the City Council for The auditor's office will check with their previous support of Prairie West BNSF. Stockwell moved to adjourn, Development Foundation and asked second by Wirtzfeld. Motion carried that the Council consider continued unanimously. Meeting adjourned at financial support in the 2007 bud- 7:35 p.m. get. Deb presented a report reviewing Walter Los,risk, Mayor what Prairie West is currently working ATTEST: Carla Steffen, Deputy City on to support economic development, Auditor education, and tourism in Beach. Lon Rohan, Prairie West.Board Member, also thanked the Council and asked GVN August 31, 2006 for their continued support. Walworth moved to accept PUBLIC NOTICE Land Auction 1,236 Acres - Golden Valley County, ND September 20, 2006 - 2:00 p.m. The Beach Zoning Board will hold a public hearing on September 22, 2006 10:00 am at City Hall. The purpose of this hearing is to review an Application for Variance at 560 Zook Avenue. GVN August 31, September 7 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MEETING DATE BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The Billings County Commissioner's regular meeting date for Septeml09r will be held Wednesday, September 6th at 10:00 A.M. inthe meeting room of the Billings County Courthouse. 'Dated at' Medora,'ND,this 21st day of August by order of the Board of County Commissioners. Joan Jurgens Billings County Auditor/Treasurer BCP August 31, 2006 Death Notice Pifer's AUCTION & REALTY TAKING REQUESTS FOR NOXIOUS WEED CHEMICAL Golden Valley County Weed Board is taking requests for chemical for fall application on noxious weeds. Listed are chemicals and your cost after cost-share; Commando (generic Curtail) 2.5 gal - $16.50. Milestone lqt - $14.66 Milestone 2.5gal - $144.17 Overdrive 7.51bs - $58.50 Plateau lgal or 7.5gal MSO $65.81 Tordon 22K lgal - $19.87 Tordon 22K 2.5gal - $43.22 The state is requesting new maps of where chemicals are being used and estimated acreage that will be controlled. Chemicals will be dis- persed at the chemical shed, west of the county shop on September 8, 2006, 7-9am, and September 15, 2006, 7-9am. Contact Bradley Ross, Weed Control Officer, 872-4736 for information. GVN August 31, Sept. 7, 2006 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES OF SENTINEL BUTTE CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 14, 2006 Mayor Rick Olson called the Sentinel Butte City Council to order August .14, 2006, with Councilmen Dennis Dietz, Val Obrigewitch, and Dean Van Horn present. Troy Bohn was not present. Minutes of the July 10, 2006 meet- ing were read and approved. The 2007 budget meeting will be on Septembbr 11, 2006 at 8:00 PM. Anyone desiring to have a liquor license for the sale of alcoholic bever- ages in the City of Sentinel Butte must have their request before the Sentinel Butte City Council bv the second Monday of the month. This is the only ~ime during the month the request will be acted on. The CD that is coming due shortly will be reinvested. The motion made .by LDeafl. Van ~Ho/'n~ ,seconded by Dennis Dietz to reinvest the CD Motion carried. Five new picnic tables have been put in the pavilion. The bills were presented. Dennis made the motion to approve pay- ment of all bills except $500.00 from Peterson's Bobcat Service until the trees are replaced. Dean seconded the motion. Motion carried. Bills presented for payment: Southwest Water 508.70 Peterson's Bobcat Service 6050.00 Bingeman Electric 811.30 Jandt PIb. and Htg. 845.83 Golden Valley News 30.87 Motion to adjourn was made by Dennis, second by Dean. Motion car- ried. James A Muckle Sr. City Auditor GVN August 31, 2006 1 I 1 I I I Ill mnmm III SCIqOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR PUBLICATION NORTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF P~JBLIG g'~'TRUCTFON OeF IC~ OF ~,:;tlO, Ot. RHI,~(~ ^ND ~=X,NIZAlIO~ To:. Cou~y suped~Bmdem of co, ooZe or ae=dllmm I ~n~ ~etl ~s ~ o~e~a ~ ~ tim $m~ Drear* l ~E.E BgFZ@ ~ L ~t:5=~- .~.~ *~. ~eox at, eetmt~, ~o ~ St=r~mem of school diswlct =nnual flnandai report for publlcaUon ~. Gener~ Fu~ 5, A~e~os i'-( Fw=d Balan~ Ftmd B~aw' e I~llt~.~i S. "reetme~ ~, Atlemative EducaU~ ~ : ao=~ *'~rve Fura ~ (O2) g~~~) ~r~l. ~ = ~,~ .~.~.~ m,= ~ L: ~tl~l lelfolmlttion coneeenlng mchool dhzttlet ~ as o4' June 30, ~ I [2~ ) of Into ~4, Tota~lndebim~,~usofdi~tfi6,t-Xotetoflme~ t - 3 { SODO [ ] r~m~m~ ~ tt * tie ~1 onea nat~,~ e~ ~ nMm~ ma [ [ GVN August 31,2006 N.D. NOTICE OF HEARING INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OIL AND GAS DIVISION The North Dakota Industrial Commission will hold a public hearing By Samantha Weaver at 9:00 a.m. Friday, September 15, We all know that when 2006, at the N.D. Oil & Gas Division, Apollo 11 landed on the t016 East Calgary Ave Bismarck, N. D. At the hearing the Commission moon in ]969, the first per- will receive testimony and exhibits, son to set foot on the lunar Persons with any interest in the cases surface was NeilArmstrong, listed below, take notice, followed shortly thereafter PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: by Buzz Aldrin. Ever won- If at the hearing you need Special der why Armstrong went facilities Or assistance, contact the first, and therefore went Industrial Commission at 701-328- down in history as the first 3722 by Saturday, September 02, 2006. man on the moon? Report- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: edly, it was because he was Case No. 9126: Application of th closest one to the door. Continental Resources, Inc. for an Wine seems to be the"in" order authorizing the completion of its beverage these days. If Gloria #1-18H well at a location you're among the hordes approximately 532 feet from the west racing to the wine shops and line of Section 18, T.141N R. 98W Billings County, ND, as an exception spending ever-increasing to the requirements of Commission amounts of money in search Order No. 10121 and such other relief of the perfect bottle, consid- as is appropriate er this: In 1985, a single bot- tle of wine was sold for Signed by, $160,000. And nobody even John Hoeven, Governor got to enjoy it --- less than a Chairman, ND Industrial year after it.was purcha~.d,~ Commission ' " )ii . '-" ~ ~ :the ~ $11~ down tla ~ " BCP August 31, 2006 bottle's neck arid into tlie. wine, mining it. Tha.k You I would like to thank West ?him lmplemeei for purchasing my 4-H Market Steer at the 2.006 Wibaux 00unty Fair Sale. Your support of Wibaux County T-fl is greatly appreoiated. Kaitlye 00r0ski Ralph Doubles Mr. Ralph Doubles, 81, of Apache Junction, AZ, passed away, Saturday, August 25, 2006. A full obituary will be pub- lished in an upcoming issue. 1 Ramada Limited 1 3808 E. Divide Ave. 1 Bismarck, ND 58501 1 Toll Free: (866) 421-9005 aeac~ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmI Electronic Loan Deficiency rates. Payments are available to USDA provides eLDP ser- North Dakota producers who vices in a secure online envi- have an active USDA eAu- ronment that protects partici- thentication Level 2 account, pant's security. All participat- The eLDP is an internet based ing customers will have an service allowing producers eLDP Customer Profile set up to request certified LDPs on through a software application line and, in most cases receive that validates their farming and approval and payment by direct crop information. FSA staffs at deposit within 48 hours, the county office where farm ELDP services provide records are stored maintain greater flexibility to produc- Customer Profile information. ers allowing them to minimize Producers interested in travel to and from county FSA establishing an eAuthentica- offices. ELDPs are available 24 tion Level 2 account may go hours a day, seven days week, online at http://www.eauth. except during routine backup After complet- and maintenance periods. The ing the registration, a producer applicable LDP rate is based must go to the local county upon the rate in effect on the FSA office to finalize the reg- application date for the loca- istration, request an eLDP tion of the stored commodity. Customer Profile and confirm ELDPs, like LDPs requested that they have a CCC-633 EZ at the County office, are avail- page 1 LDP Agreement on file. able after the crop is harvested Additional information and before beneficial interest for eAuthentication Level 2 is lost, when the CCC market accounts and eLDPs can be repayment prices fall below acquired at local county FSA applicable commodity loan offices. Auction Location: Days Inn, Dickinson, ND Auction Note:' This is very good crop land with strong cropping history and established yields with very good ac- cess. Directions: Please call Pifer's for a complete prospectus and map of all parcels. Parcel One: 154.82 +/- acres (NW V~ 2-138-106) Parcel Two: 154.82 +/- acres (SW % 2-138-106) Parcel Three (A): 280 +/- (NW ~A; NE V~ less SE ]A NE % 32-139-105 Parcel Three (B): Farm Hehdqhart~rs and 40 Parcel Four:. 160 +/- acres (NW ~A 33-138-105) Parcel Five: 160 +/- acres (NE V~ 29-139-105) Parcel Six: 127.64 +/- acres (NW V~ 18-141-105) Parcel Seven: 158.98 +/- acres (NE % 16-138-104) 2% Broker Participation Arthur Beier Estate and Francis Beier Trust, Owners This sale is managed by Pifer's Auction & Realty, Kevin Pifer, ND #715. The owner(s) reserve the right to reject any and all bids. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. 1.877.700.4099 FAMILYMEDICINE Bruce Swam), MD 345-8965 Kathryn Monte, MD 345-8930 GENERALPRACTICE Penny Denning, PA-C. 345-8930 Carleen Gaub, PA-C 345-8930 INTERNALMEDICINE Arthur K. Fink, DO 345-8910 Sonja Samsoondar, MD 345-8910 PEDIATRICS Sonja Samsoondar, MD 345-8910 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Clifford J. Long, MD 345-2229 Jeanne Stewart, MD M5-2229 OBSTETRICS Bruce Swamy, MD 345-8965 Kathryn Monce, MD 345-8930 SURGERY Joseph Leal, MD 345-8920 LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORK Trent Lear, LCSW, MAC,LAC 345-8930 PSYSIATRY Gregg Singer, IMD 9/19 800-256-1084 ORTHOPEDIC/SPINE Steven Rizzolo. MD 9/27 800-299-6708 ORTHOTICS Great Plains Rehab 9/6 800-222-4989 HEARING AID CIALIST Tom Coughlin 9/14 :800-772-5994 Alfred McCleess . 9/20 888-557-1006 UROLDGY Bradley Anderson, MD 9/28 80(}-660-4325 PULMONOIA)GY Catherine Stephens, MD. 9/14 800-332-7156 EAR, N OSE, THROAT Brian Pelczar, MD 9/11 800-648-6274 DERMATOLOGY Gall Klemam MD : 9/18 800-332-7156 .Introducing GMC's new 3D/4D, UltraSound Good news for our patients. GMC has a new state-of-the-art ultrasound system that provides breathtaking 3D/4D images. Ultrasound images so clear, you might even see a AI. OLOGIST Monte Leidenix, MD 9/26 8(D-472-2620 PODIATRIST Michael LaPan, DPM 9/6/20 800-331-7575 ONCOLOGY Brock Whittenberger, MD 9/8 8(D-660M325 Ui LOGY Bradley Anderson, MD 9/28 8(D-660-4325 NEUROLOGY Partick CahiU, MD 9/13 800-332-7156 CARDIOLOGY H David Sorenson, MD 9/5 800-332-7156 ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC James Elliott, MD 9/8 406-34.5-8925 James Scott, MD 9/20 406-345-8925 Barry. Smith, MD 9/18 406-345-8925 Guy SchmidL MD 9/12/26 406-345-89o.5 G/endive Medical Center 202 Prospect Drive Glendive, MT 59330 (406)345-3306 1-800-660-4325 Friends & Nei