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Beach, North Dakota
August 31, 2006     Golden Valley News
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August 31, 2006
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a law it settled By Neal Shipman - ed lor ,f McKenzie County Farmer (reprinted a:ith pertni!,'sio:z /?ore ;Veal Shipma,z, Although, tk is zrticle 5; ,:,n KF, zi,County (Watford C ty}, ,hiev Co mtv anal F, iI/ings County u ili be ec#m[ y )tupelo, ted by this deci: ion.J Five .} of l:i,gal wn!,l glmg over whether or not the U.S. [)op u'tment of Agriculture and the U.S. Forest Servk:e had the .mthority to classii nearly 265,000 acres of National Grasslands in North Dakota as "I;,',oadless M'eas" appears to be heading aa out-o court settlement. /M d according to Roger Chinn, M{ Kenzie County com- missioner, the out;-of-court s :ttlement paves the way for McKenzie County to request that 73,o6o acres of the Missouri National Grasslands in MeKenzie (',oqqt): be rem,ved from "Road]ess Area" classificatzoll p !u't oi the Dakota Prairi,v Grasslands land use management plan. In addi- tion, other at:fect;ed :.cantles withir the state can also request that the USDA r, lnove an additional 19L940 acres of qat; .:.mtl g;r: sslands from being c] ass)fled as roadIess teas. "All of the original Farties o! the lawsuit, includ- ing the State ofN,:rt]: Da.kc,ta. have agreed to this settlement," state Chilm. A[i we waiting for is Federal District Judge Hey] and sigm the joint motion of dismis, ;a], which we are anticipating will happen within lhe week." The lawsuit wh:c]l was filed by McKenzie. Billings, Slope, a n,4 G Vail.-:y c ur:ties as wee as a coalition of gTazJng ass(> clarions, St determine roadless areas." According to Keith Winter of the McKenzie Counly Grazing Association, who alor .g with Chinn was appointed by the McKenzie County Commissioners to monitor the lawsuit, the settle- ment al c, provides a process by which the Dak(,t:, Prairie Grasslands management plan can be c,m. n ct:ed. 'The plan was hastily put together" states Winter. % is our hope that the USDA Forest Service wi![ recIassfly al[ the affected acreage as not roadless areas and then eh mge the m age- ment -dan accordJngly;" Under the terms of the setdement the counties have 90 days fi'onl the date that the federal judge s[gms the dismissal order to submk to the USDA a listing of the acreages that they believe should be removed from road]ess classification. "Op. the inventoried roadless areas where research has been completed, we have found sig- nificant tracks of land where roads and royalties were recognized when purchased by the federal govermnent," states Winter and Chinn. The USDA will then remove or modify the inventory roadless area classification where they acMxowledge the section line easements. "What we hope to be able to show through the hwentory process is that the county will have to prove that there are roads scattered throughout dxe impa, cted areas of the National Grasslands that makes it unsuitable for the Forest Service to mungo hem as roadless areas," states Chinn. :hinn believes that the settlement is a big win for { counties involved with the lawsuit, however mere are still some issues of the lawsuit that have q,& been resolved. "To me this is art economic issue for McKenzie County," states Chinn. "The ability to explore and develop minerals under the National Grasslands is critical to our economy. We've always maintained that the county had rights to the minerals and this settlement will allow those minerals to be developed." Additionalb; aceording to Chinn, what the road- less rule did was say that the state's section line law stopped the Forest Service boundary line. "The settlement recognizes the state's section line law and keeps these section lines on the grass)ands open to public access," states Chinn. "It is not a road building issue, but a public access lSStle." Her cakes An historic day for ork of art" ! ~qobirl JohPsr t] By Cindy Makdky One does:r't usually think of cake and frosting as art media, however, Robin Johrls,;n takes her media very seriously. ,U' er 27 years of baking cakes, she considers some of ',Jerks of art." "The more challenging, the better," states Johnson. And challenging they are. Every t l;.{ng from bouquets of flowers to Father Casse,d:e', Hill a swim- ruing pool lull <;f' swimmers to lovdy wedding cakes, Johnson has put together and impre asive scrapbook of exam pies. Robin and her husband Jay: who is the director at HOTR. moved to the' area last winter from Ohio where she was an Aquatic Instructor for 12 years. Johnson has faced several challenges in her lite. Her first kusband was swept from her life, because of death, after only 11 m(,nths of marriage. Her mother- in-law, who baked and decorated cakes, taught Johnson how to make wedding cakes and she has been making cakes ever since. Starting with birthday cakes for her children, Johnson's work has evo]ved into her current artistic 'X oice.' Shortly after moving to Sentinel Butte, she broke her back in a horse riding accident. After spending months healing, Johnson says she is ready to get back to work. Baking cakes on a profession- al basis is her goal, starting at home to get a feel for the needs of the area, and then moving into a business away from her home. When asked how she likes North Dakota she said, "2 love it! I really enjoy the openness of the counto:" In her spare time, Johnson likes to quilt, scrapbook, and make crafts. The Johnson's also have two grown children, a daughter who is a student at Ohio State and a son who is a student at Dickinson State University. Several cakes made by Robin Johnson include Cassedy Hill at Home on the Range and a swimming poo! complete with swimmers, c:,~,nesy phctcs T venty five girls make up the 2006 Buccaneer "Volleyball team, up from last year's num- bers. First year coach, Kayla Siren)on)w, a Junior at DSU majoring in Elementary, Ed is looking forward to an exciting season and says, "these girls have good potential for finishing in the top three in the district. We have good hitters and tough defense." The Buts have five returning seniors whom coach Simnioniw says are "fully capable of being on the floor at all times." As well as strong senior leadership, the Bucs have "lots of younger girls who are showing strong poten- tial," states Simnioniw. The Lady Bucs have seven home games and eleven away games this season. The first home game will be August 31 against the Bowman Bulldogs, starting at 4:30pm at BHS. Homecoming for the Lady Bucs is slated for September 28 against Belfield/SH. s out uccaneer vol Beach High student body gathered at Buccaneer Stadium Friday, August 25, 2006 for an assembly and an historic first lap around the track. The new stadium, which saw its first event Saturday, took two years to plan. Construction of the sta- dium began in June 2005. odagt in,{antiin9. Labor Day #" President Grover Ch:veland signed :t i,~;v ?~atking Labor Day a national holid~ry in 1894. Every ycaL ,;m ~i~' fits~ X,|onday in Se])tcml cr, h mor all worki ,::4 men and women. ~tt~in/q "JYan6itt~t ~ette~ ,t~t~ tl~,u! . ::.:: "o ~, :~ "co }--~i~J a -% 7,t a "-- ~:. Y<~<:b "~'? : .~ ~ ~,4,