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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 27, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 27, 1942
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/ THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1942 LOCALS TOATc--The coml:.*ion bet]as, mineral and dry ,baths, at the bhe McClellan bldg, Beach. Why go to the springs? Save tires and mile- age or train fare. Mr. and Mrs Merl Main of Great Falls, Mont, and two children are visiting Mrs. Main's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. YoueLls. Warren Clark. high school janfior. and William Shock, janitor at the Lincoln grade school, have been busy this week getting the ku'Idings ready for the new school year starting Sept. 7th. All of the floors have been cleaned, waxed and polished. A ma- chine cleans and waxes at the same time, then with a twenty minute wtt the floors are ready for polish- ing. Mrs. Charles Hollstein and her daughter Ruth went to Olendive on business Tuesday afternoon. David Nicholson, who has been vis- iting with the Charles Holistein's a their farm home southwest of Beach. left Tuesday morning on the train for Akron, Ohio. He will enter the Western Reserve Academy there on a scholarship. David's father is now the pastor of the Congregational church in Akron. Ohio. succeeding Rev. Bryant, who is now in Fargo as superintendent of the s,ate of NOrth Dakota for the Congregational church. Mrs. Floy Stough, who has been visiting te Charles Holistein family here and other friends, left for James- town on 2ues(ay morning. Mrs. Stough, a widow of 'Dr. Stough, one of the pineem of this area, is also the mother of hrs. Frances Beier, now in Oregon. who taught in the Beae, h high ool for a umber of years. h's. Ed. Oswood, Mrs. Gertrude Youells, Mrs. John Peek and ,Mrs. Merl  spent  pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Butterfield. Mrs. Wltzi$ and Miss Carrie Wltzig were guests at the Butterfleld home Sunday. Mrs. Pahrtcia Sokoloski arrived here last week end from her home in Los Angeles, Calif., to spend some time here during the larvt season and to vLtt friends and relatives. "Pat" says she likes (alifrnta very much but is still glad to get back to North Da- kota, Mrs. Jimmy Stone and son Bobby arrived here last week from Tron, Oallforni for a visit at the Mon Stone home. Jimmy is expected to m'rlve .here later for a visit with his parents. Billy Bradley arrived in Beach last week end from Great FallS, Mont., to spend some time here visiting friends. While here he is a guest at the Mar- THE GOLDEN I'0 SHAHPZN T01100 ltaX00JUBT L Q. Thrum €oed flintlock muskets  are the insignia worn by soldiers in what branch of the United  States Army?  9. Watch !] one. Define AWOL. 3. Women in the newly organized Women's Army Auxilim:y Corps will serve in non-combat duty. i !What American woman fought with men on the battle line and was voted an annuity for her hem- tam and patriotic deeds? 4. Name th medal which was awarded t to General "Jimmy" Doolittle's 79 fliers who participated in the attack on Tokto. 5. What Is a walhie-tallde? 6. In Army slang it is called "an Army banjo", but It is a useful utensil rather than a musical instru. menL Nmne it. 7. Beside his dfle what are some oi the United States iniantrymcm's other weapons? 8. July 3 is an important date in American military ..... history. A=range these events with the yearn in which they occurred on July % ' Wmshinqton's timt battle 1863 U. S. naval victory at Santiago 1754 Pickett's charge at Gettysburg 1775 '. Surrender of Vicksburg 1898 , Washington takes command of Continental Army 1863 9. This insfqnia distinguishes what...€Q,. branch of Army service? V I0. Grandsons of two of the beat known commanders in tim War BetwNn the Statu, one a Union offices and the t other a dished Contlerate leader, are now I mafor generals in the United States Army. Can you ncane them? (ANSWERS ON PAGE 8) Shubel D- Owen, Assistant Super- visor of Vocational Education for the State of North Dakta visited here. Rev. Oliver Everett left last Mon- Monday morning for Chicago where he is attending a church conference. He plans to retu:n here Friday of this week. Miss Mary Ann Vu':e:ic is here ] from Chicago spending a two-week I vacation with her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Emil Vukelic. Mary Ann has] day morning for Chicago, Ill., where I She is employed and plans to return I to her position. I Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull returned to Beach last week from the west coast being called here by the illness of her husband who is getting along quite nicely since his opera,ion at the Joahnstone hospital last week. Wm. Gardner, who recently return- ed from Wisconsin where he was VALLEY NEWS m Food Sale The Catholic Ladies Guild will have a food sale begtmIng at one o'clock, Saturday afternoon, September 5th, at Vukelie's Store. MEETING NOTICE The Sentinel Butte Farmers Union Local will hold their next meeting in the School Hall on Thursday eve, Spt. 3rd. Roll call will be taken at 9 o'clock P' of delegates to bhe State convention in October will be par of the program. We wish to take this time to thank Father Win. Hake for his invigorat- ing talk and also Mr. Bayer for th review of Coop Elevators which were given at our last meetlag. Wibaux Dr. and Mrs. Dale were Beach visitors Saturday afternoon. Frank Beeler returned to his duties in the U. S. Army in Texas, leaving Thursday. L. D. Botch and son spent Sunday in Bismarck with Mrs. Botch, who recently underwent an operation there. Gone Welsh was a business visitor in Dickinson Saturday. He was ac- companied by h:.s brother. Neal. Mrs. Katherine /.,arson had mino surgery in Glendive Tuesday. She re- turned .the same day with Mr. and Mrs. Schade. Mrs. Ed. Skaax from ninth of town called on friends Wednesday while her son was having repair work done on machinery. E. B. Sherman was on the sick list the first of the week. Miss Charlotte Fischer, who has been wishes to expre their deepest sym- I pathy to the Reed family in the time attending the State University at Madison, Wlsc., is home for a short of their sorrow nd loss. i vacation a the home of her pare t. 4VIlss Lois Wassmann is assisting lMr. and Mrs. P. A. FAther. with the work at the home of her Mrs. Ethel Johnson was hostess t sister, Mrs. Joe ,VDietz. I the Women's Society of Chr2stlan Ser- Mrs. Daisy Wassmann entertained vice at the M. E. Church parlors the Alpha Ladies Aid at her home on Thursday afteroon. A very nice lunch Thursday, Aug. 20. No business meet-was enjoyed by the ladies. tng was held due to too few members I ,Mrs, Elsie Williams returned on being present. Those attending were, i Thm.aY from an enjoyable vacation Mrs. S. L. White, Mrs. Art White, i sP ent, m Minnesota and IlliUois with Mrs. Rosina Fasching and two chil-' relatives and friends. dren, Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth and Mrs. Mrs. Frank O'Rourke left lust Harold Ziebar'Ah of Alpha. Mrs. Ed. for Denver, Colo., to visit her daugh- Shoen, Mrs. Louie Fasdflng. Mrs. teas and families. Agnes had under- Ralph Jacobs, St.. Mrs. Henrietta gone an operation and was reported Shoen and M2ss Flora McPhee of as not recovering very satisfactorily. Golva, arid Mrs. Fred and Lloyd Mrs. S. L. Sherman of Glendive. Wassmann, Dorothy and Carolyn of accompanied by her mother, Mrs. C. Garner. The hostess, assisted by her E. WhiCe, were bttsiness visitors in daughter, Mrs. Bob Coleman of Calif., Beach Wednesday. served a very deliclous lunch at the A.E. Arrnentrout suffered a heart their regular meeting at the Club House Wednesday efternon and tied a comforter. Mrs. I.eRoy Priess visited at he home of her parents in Glendive last week before her brother left for U. S. Servlse. Mrs. Hannah Hartso arrived via bus Friday morning from Seattle, Wn., to visit her sister, Mrs. Oscar Otteson and hsband. She plans to leave this week for her home at Perth, N. D. Miss Yvette McClain and Mrs. Stainer Pederson entertained at a birthday dinner Friday evening at the latter's ,home, complimenting their mother, Mrs. Clarence MClais. A nice dinner and social evening were enjoyed 'by those in attendance. Walter Summerfeld, David Welliver, Albert Sc-hade and Donald Storkel were among those who surged to Beach Saturday. Miss Florence Beggar, who is em- ployed at the County Agent's office, left l'iday on the ,bus to spend the week end with her mother, who has been a pat'ient at the Bismarck hos- pital for some time. Miss Elizabeth Beggar, who was employed by the Chamber of Commerce, came home from Glendive to assist with the work at home. Mrs. Simon Hazelton and children and Mrs. Elsie Williams were in Beach Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Fischer and daughter autoed to Glendive Stmday. The members of the Cottonwood Homemakers Club enjoyed a party at the home of Mrs. Robert Thrarns cs Saturday afternoon. The time was spent visiting until the self-invited guests served a delicious lunch and )resented Mrs. Thrams with a lovely blanket as a weddisg gift from the Club. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reinecke and Collees were busines visitors in Miles City lt week. Mr. and Mrs. ,Burton Welsh made a .hurried trip to Beach Saturday af- PAGE FIV noon. Mrs. E. A. Brennetse and sofa, who went over on the morning train, returned home with .t Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts and sons,. Duane and Jimmie, came from Bil- lings and spenf' the week end at th S. F. Peterson home. They were ac- cempanied by Miss Lucllie Larson who visited her mother, Mrs. Itheaine Larson and other relatives until Wed- nesday, Mrs. Clara owee went to Billings Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Samsel of Baker who has been Ill in Billings for several weeks. Mrs. Ittle Preiss was hostess to the" Birthday Club Thursdey evanin in honor of Mxs. Win. Manning. A lovely 7 o'clock dinner was enjoyed at the Sutherland Care, after whicl bridge was 0ho diversion at Mrs. Preiss' home. Pris were wn by Mrs. Oulles and ,Mrs. L. C. Palter- meyer and Mrs. Manning recved a nice birthday gift. Earl Carlson, Fred Reineeke and Dallas artse enjoyed a fishing trip to the river over the week end. ,Mr. and Mrs. urry Watembah visited the latter's sister. Eleancr Germann at the Dickinson Hospital Sunday where she recently had axt appendectomy. Robert Peterson came down from Billings and he nd the Earl Roberts family visited the C'lson family in Beach while they were here, Walter Carlson is home from ,the U. S. Ser- vice on a furlough. Friends of h_e Joe Itrnaby family" were grieved to hear tat their little three-month-old baby boy passe away at the Beth Hospital about noon Monday. Vgfl was born at tl hospital May 27, and was kept her for some time. He leaves his paremt, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Barrby, two broth- ers, Roger end Gaxy, and his-twin sister, 4aerr, his peernal md- parents, Mr. d M. Emil Barney" and many other relatives o, his demise. We extend symltly t th8 bereaved family. HUNT nnnnunnnlnnnnmmluni shall. Miller hne. [called by the illness of his wife who close of the fternoon. attack at his home Sunday. He was Mlss  Muanum of Bismaxcklunderwent an appendectomy, reports Mrs. Joe Dietz and Lois Wassmann reported to be much better Monday. came 'tp last bury to spend alher to.,je:j.t, lng.92oyCry4x. 1 7 were Beach visitors Friday. Mrs. D. Wa.sMrik and M2"& Roy few dtys here with .her parents. She [ Mrs. J. C. Butterfield recmveo a t Mr. and. Mxs, HelEy Smith of Min-,M¢el and son, Eldon, and daughter, returned 'ix) her duties at Bismarcklcard from her son. Bob, wh O hadneap01is, Mlnn, are here attenairrg "te lGfohen, of Baker visited at the A1. Yesterday. 'returned to Colvllle, wn., from a staY lbnsines s matters. !bion and Burton Welsh homes Wed- lr. andMrs. Earl Palmer left Wed- of over six months at Dutch Harbor, } Mrs. John lkler and Jackie .were lnesdaY. They were accompanied by nesdy morning for Huron and Mit- Alaska. ........ [callers at the Fred Wa, smann home IM rs.. Annie Mengen who has been chell, S. D., and Omaha. Nebr., where rs. oo me.man_a..a son,,oome,]Friday" i wsrmg them the st month. Eldon they will visit reltives for t'he next of Sherman oazs, an.L._ arrives th?! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann and ien.ei, no enlisted in the U. S. Beach last Sunaay to vts ner mo thr ..... k "l Dorothy and Mrs. Lloyd Wassmnnervme ,neamy wo years ago gra- uu W . . ] ' ............ ,..4 from er, Mrs. Damy Wassman, and other i and arolyn were Beach shoppers on I uated August 13th from the Signal os gs  ,* - friends here for a Air v " .................... f in relatives and l Wednesday. Tey were also callers Corp DI ismn at Ft. Monmouth, --llalX:Klx) r,a,emepom*-u " onla.s ' N J and n " VRANNA AUTO SUPPLY +,. + ^,  . .... , t the couple of m • . l at the Ray Hathaway home Wednes- • ., is ow a lieutenant in the ........... ._t  On Sunday, August 23rd, a a qmettday" I U. S, Army and was home on a ten n lgn school. ..lss l.g__ is a. vuuT wedding in Trinity Lutheran ChlEch., Mr and Mrs Lloyd W,ssmann and day furlough returning to his dutle Beach, North Dakota or the University c NeDrasKa. j..u, us ' • - iS her first teaxhing position tribaux, Theodore Steinmetz and Miss[aroly n and Oeorgie Wassmann were Friday. M- -,mnio Stevens returned tot Gloria Bender, both of New England, Beach visitors Saturday night. # The C. F. Missionary Society held B ........ ' N.D., were united in marriage by  , each Tuesday of this week after the Rev Oliver Everette of Beach.  --- "  --    : spending a week in Dickinson visit- Attendants at t,he wedding were Miss GET YOUR SUPPLY OF SHELLS NOW! Without a doubt there will be a short. age of Ammunition this fall. Birds are #entiful and we n°w have a g°°d [stock of shells WHY TAKE CHANCES? Mildrella f Shoppe lng. e. DR. O. k. ]IECE Dentist BEACH. NORTH DAKOTA DR. E. At. NYM&N Chiroprar BEACH, NORTH IrA New Location DoWnstairs phone 61 W. IL SCHELL Attorney-At-Law Beach. N.D. (, - urn, ca ,,, m,e o,a Dr. Cherrmusek Rogers & Gumper gYEs TESTED-OLASSES FITTED Walton Block Dicklnson, North Daot GUY LEE ATTORNEY Sentinel Butte, N. KEOHANE & KUHFELD ATTORNEYS AT W Phone 133 Beac3, North Dakota PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOe Diet, z, Mr. mad Mrs. Fred Wass- mannwtmsmannand Dorothy and Mrs. Lloyd $1995 were among those who at- ¢]Y'J[ tended the funeral of Charles Reed * • on wednesday afternoon a Sentinel Accent your personality with this Slenderizing Style! . Needlepoint smartly furred with Australian fox Mrs. Olf Orstad and daughters were Beach visitors on Monday. Mrs. Olaf Orstad and gi:l were callers at the Fred Wassmann home Monday evening. Mr .and Mrs. Matt Krause, Mrs. Garner / i CASUAL COAT . • • For women on the go. Always ready. All ways Smart. Birdseye Fleece Irma Steinmetz, a sister of the groom, and Reuben Kilian, also both of New England. Sitirley" Anne Schmitz. who is a l patient at St. Mary's Hospital, Roch- ester, Minn., is recovering nicely from an operation she had there on Wed- nesday of last week. There will be no meeting of the Beach Homemakers Club in Septem- ber. Next regular meeting on Oct. 6. Mrs Harold stecker and dughter, of Oakland, Calif., spent Monday with Mrs. Butterfield. Mrs. John Peck and two grand- children of Tacoma. Wn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W, Youells. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Edwards of Watklns, Minn., arrived Tuesday night in Beach, to spend a week or so visit- ing at te E. M. Enderle h0me. Mr. Edwards is a brother of Mrs. Enderle. Erni Seedorf cf Arlington, [owa, arrived in Beach Tuesday evening and will spent some time visiting at the lmmes of his brother-in-laws, A. G. and H. G. Brockmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkens and daughter of Alpha were business call- ers in Beach Wednesday afternoon. While in town Mr. Wilkens called at he News office and had his subscrip- tion advanced for another year. Miss Cathryn Zabrcski is here visit- ing her folks in the St. Philip com- munity arriving the first cf the week. Mrs. Jack Callahan and son are expected home this week from kher month's vacation sFent with her re- latives in Wisconsin. $8.95 to $17.95 $19.95 and up As you know the "Betty Rose" label stands for high quality and good fit. This season brings new styles and new colors.., boxy and fitted dress coats • •. casual styles.., fur trims .... Every coat has 10 Betty Rose "extras" such as extra wide lap-over, linings guaranteed for life of coat, scientifically tested and pre.t SIZES I2 to 20; 38 to OTHER WINTER COATS Presents NEW "BETTY ROSE" COATS For FALL AND WINTER : T