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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 25, 2016     Golden Valley News
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August 25, 2016
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August 25, 2016 Golden Valley News Page 5 ne more county fair +:' one m .tl ...... •, .=. ~.,.~-+One ~nore .... '~ounty fair and one more story. This weekend it was the Harding County Fair in Camp Crook. It still is one of the best lairs in the country. And unlike the state fairs, 'you can just let the kids roam free. Bicycles roam the streets and kids can walk in and out of the bar and charge a can of pop to their dad or mother. Nobody drives over 10 mph and everyone watches out for every- one's kids. They show calves that w ry from 200 pounds to 1200 lbs. The sheep vary in size from 60 pounds to 160. There were two hogs. One was a giant boar. The other one was differ- ent. Rabbits, chickens, and goats. And every kid had a smile at the pre- mium sale. Rumor has it that at the Comer Bar, on Friday night, there was a big fat cowboy with a bad back that rocked the dance floor until one in themoming. I wouldn't dare say, but , I know my back was in bad shape on Saturday morning! Don't tell Shirley. She retired early. Each day when the fair winds down, kids jump on bikes and head for the bridge over the Little Mis- souri just out of town• I mean this is like a Norman Rockwell painting. A rope hanging from the bridge and kids squealing and bailing into the river. A few years ago we went fishing there. Fishing is using the term loosely. We had three rods• A "Bar- bie Doll" pink, a "Tigger" orange, and a wore out blue one. Between the three rods we had one hook. Since Gage was doing the casting. ~we soon decided that one hook was too many and removed it. It was :. more of a rock skipping, moss gath- ering, peanut butter sandwich kind of day than actually fishing. Now you have to remember that Gage was less than two, and Gracy ore ry Hat Tips By Dean Meyer was five• Brave little ranch kids. But after a couple hours I went off into the willows. While I was there a bear attacked me! Shirley and the kids could hear me screanfing and see the willows thrashing around. Oh. it was an epic struggle. Finally, the bear got the best of me and there was com- plete silence. The kids kept hollering for their Grandpa. Meantime, I had escaped from the bear and began to crawl around behind them on my belly. Now. trust me. even on my belly I still stick up a fair bit. But I did get around them. As I peeked out of the tall grass, Gracy was carrying a five foot long piece of driftwood. Gage was carry- ing a big rock. They were edging closer and closer to the willows where the bear had devoured their Grandpa. Suddenly I let out a roar and charged from the willows. Gracy dropped her club, and with eyes larger than her head, raced for Grandma. Gage tried to move, but was stuck between gears and could only scream. His rock proved a worthless weapon against a bear at- tack as he dropped it on his loot. I was rolling on the ground with laughter. Till Grandma picked up that five foot piece of driftwood and whacked that bear across the back. Note to self. Grandma is not scared of bears• Reminds me of a story Grandpa Jack used to tell. This guy came across this old mountain man sitting outside his cabin• Inside was a heck of a ruckus going on. He asked what was happening. The mountain man said a bear was in the cabin fighting his wife. And he had never seen a light that he cared less about the out- come ! Later, Dean Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leadership Program announces new director DICKINSON - The Theodore Roosevelt Honors Leadership Pro- gram (TRHLP) at Dickinson State University has announced the ap- pointment,of Dr. Holly Mcl ee, as- sistant professor of English. as the new director of the program. The TRHLP is a student-driven program that allows participants to maximize the skills they learn in the classroom while honing their collaborative decision-making and problem-solving skills. The TRHLP promotes character devel- opment and intellectual growth through various honors courses and student-organized events. TRHLP scholars who successfully complete all program course requirements earn a leadership studies minor and graduate with honors distinction. In 2008, McBee was hired as a professor for the Department of Dr. Holly McBee ing composition and literature courses and serving as a member of the Theodore Roosevelt Honors faculty. pproves permits for th pipeline proj BISMARCK-The North Dakota ated facilities. The pipeline would near Johnson's Corner to the BOE minals North Dakota L.L.C. to con- Public Service Commission (PSC) transport Y-grade NGLs, which is a terminal near Killdeer, which is con- struct and operate the Johnson's Cor- on Aug. 17 approved siting permits mixtureofethane, propane, butanes, nected by an existing pipeline to the ner to Dakota Access Pipeline for three new pipeline projects- two iso-butane mix, pentanes, and natu- BOE Rail Hub located southwest of Project, a new 3.5-mile long, 16-inch crude oil pipelines and a natural gas ral gasoline. Estimated cost of the Dickinson. The BOE Rail Hub is a diameter crude oil pipeline in liquids pipeline, project is $19.5 million, loading facility that provides pro- McKenzie County. The pipeline will The first permit approved was for The second permit approved is ducers and marketers access to des- be constructed to allow crude to flow ONEOK Bakken Pipeline L.L.C. to for BOEPipeline L.L.C. to construct tinations served by local rail. The in either direction. The pipeline will construct and operate the Garden and operate a new 41.8-mile long, pipeline will have a maximum ca- have a maximum capacity of 150,000 Creek Loop NGL Pipeline Project in 16-inch diameter crude oil pipeline pacity of 165,000 barrels per day. barrels per day, with a normal McKenzie County. The pipeline will in Dunn and McKenzie counties.Total cost of the project is estimated throughput of approximately 50,000 be a new 16-inch diameter, 14.4- The pipeline will carry crude oil to be $55 million, barrels per day.The estimated Cost of mile long NGL pipeline with associ- from an area custody transfer meter The third permit is tbr Plains Ter- the project is $5 million. Agencies p b t hunting r bait Hunters are reminded that hunt- also includes a provision that pro- salt, fruit, vegetable nut, hay, any ment or accessories used by hunters ing big game over bait is prohibited hibits hunting big game over bait on naturally derived scent or lure, or on Private Land Open To Sports- on all state owned or managed both public and private land in deer any other natural or manufactured men acreage may not be left unat- wildlife management areas, all U.S. unit 3C west of the Missouri River, food placed by an individual, tended without written permission Fish and Wildlife Service national and all of units 3El, 3E2, 3F1 and Bait does notinclude agricultural of the property owner. This in- wildlife refuges and waterfowl pro- 3F2. practices, gardens, wildlife food cludes, but is not limited to, guns, duction areas, U.S. Forest Service Hunting over bait is defined as plots, agricultural crops, livestock blinds, stands, baits, scents and de- national grasslands, and all North the placement and/or use of baits feeds, fruit or vegetables in their coys. This means a hunter cannot Dakota state school, state park and tbr attracting big game and other natural location such as apples on or place bait on PLOTS prior to or state forest service lands, wildlife to a specific location for the under an apple tree, or unharvested during the season and leave it there. The governor's proclamation re- purpose of hunting. Bait, in this food or vegetables in a garden, unless permission has been granted lating to chronic wasting disease case, includes grain, seed, mineral. In addition, any firearms, equip- by the landowner. warns of m reli m BISMARCK - North Dakota NDHFA's and the staff person listed directly to refinance your loan, and ing Department, (701) 328-8080, Housing Finance Agency has alerted on the letter does not work for no legitimate mortgage lender will (800) 292-8621 or its borrowers about a mortgage relief NDHFA. ask you to make an advance payment scare. The letter said that the recipient to qualify for a loan modification," NDHFA is a self-supporting state An NDHFA customer recently re- has been approved to enter a trial pe- said Jolene Kline, NDHFA executive agency dedicated to making housing calved a letter that used the logos of riod plan under the Home Affordable director. "It appears that the primary affordable tar all North Dakotans. the state agency and Making Home Modification Program, and it in- goal of the letter is to obtain the bar- The Industrial Commission of North Affordable, a federal government structs the recipient to make their rower's social security number." Dakota, consisting of Gov. Jack Dal- program. While the letter includes first monthly"trial period payment" Borrowers that receive a suspi- rymple as chairman, Agriculture some legitimate contact information to qualify for a permanent modifica- claus call or COlTespondence regard- Commissioner Doug Goehring and for both agencies, the toll-tree phone tion. ing an NDHFA mortgage, shouldAttorney General Wayne Stenehjem, numbers provided were not "NDHFA will never contact youreport it to the agency's Loan Servic- oversees the agency. State: Kids can't go to school if lacking some immunizations BISMARCK - The beginning of nated now in order to protect them vaccines your child needs. Once your grade will need: the new school year is here, and the and other students from preventable child is up to date on vaccinations, • one dose of Tdap (tetanus, diph- North Dakota Department of Health diseases and so they do not need to be please be sure to submit their immu- theria, and acetlular pertussis) (NDDoH) would like to remind par- excluded from school, nization record to your school." ° one dose of MCV4 (meningo- ents to make sure their children are up According to Lexie Barber. epi- Before entering school in North coccal disease) to date on immunizations, demiologist with the NDDoH, "vac- Dakota, children nmst have: The cost of immunizations should North Dakota state law requires cines are the best way to keep° five doses of DTaP (diphtheria, notbeaconcem, lfyourchildisunin- students in grades kindergarten students protected and stop the spread tetanus and acellular pertussis) sured or your insurance does not through 12 to meet a minimum num- of infectious diseases such as pertus- • tour doses of IPV (polio) cover vaccines, children can receive ber of required immunizations before sis, mumps, and measles. Vaccines • three doses of HBV (hepatitis B) vaccine at no cost through the Vac- they are allowed to attend school. If are especially important for school ° two doses of MMR (measles, cines tbr Children Program (VFC). children are not up to date within 30 settings where outbreaks can occur mumps and rubella) Speak to your health care provider or days of the start of the school year, easily and quickly. If you haven't ° two doses of varicella (chicken- local public health unit if you believe they will be excluded from school. It done so already, check with your pox) vaccine ................... ,your child would be eligible for VFC is,in)p°rtant ............. to get your child vacci- healthcare provider tofind put which In addition,. Students. ,?Dieting, .... .7th Fvaccines,.... : .. ; :,. :/. Area oil activity report for week of Aug. 14 The following relates to oil and gas well activity for the week of Aug. 14, in Stark, Golden Valley, Billings and Slope counties and is from re- ports of the Department of Mineral Resources: Permit renewal: #29149 - Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation, Solberg 44-12PH. SWSE 12-140N-99W, Stark Co. #29152 - Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation, Dietz 11 - t 7PH, NENW 17-139N-99W. Stark Co. Geophysical permit approved: #970271-Great Plains Energy, Inc.; Seismoelectric Pilot Test 2-D; 139-95; Stark Co., 1 Ln.Mi Wells released from "Tight Hole" status: #31617 - Thunderbird Resources LP, Blacktail Federal 21-23-1H, SESW 14-143N-101W, Billings Co., Bakken Permit renewal: #29179 - Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation, Iver & Minnie 41- 14PH, NENW ! 4- t 39N-99W, Stark Co. Rent this space for only a few dollars a week. Call 872-3755 for more details today/ Crop HAIL Insurance can cover the GAPS in your MPCI Policy. Call Farm Credit Today. i!: Language & Literature. She earned Twenty-two new students will Six reputable companies with competitive rates, her doctorate in English from Pur- be induc d, nto the TRHLP this immediate coverage, and deductible options. :' due University in 2007• For the past fall, bringi% the total number of An MPCI Policy or FCS Loan is NOT required to buy hail insurance :, several years, she has been teach- schohn's to 57. S 4 i.d Credit Services of Mandan : Horseback riders plan September journey v" | Cowboy Up Journey For A Cure Overnight locations during the is a lr-day. 373-mite trail ride across journey include: Dickinson, Sept. 21; 2 Bedrooms Available 't • the state of North Dakota to raise Belfield, Sept. 22: Bar X Ranch. ? * All Utilities Paid 't .... money for the fight against cancer. Medora, Sept. 2,~: and Beach/Man- abridging lhe treedom Brace and Carol Van Den Eindeedna border, Sept. 24. % * Laundry Hookups i ol speech, or ,ff the press. and Scott Olemd will be riding their "Everyone has been effected by Amendment 1 ? ** ncome ooo ! horses from the Minnesota, border to cancel" through their own personal Das..A c,s. ('onstifulion the Montana border. 'This ride is a journey or through a loved one's great opportunity for us to realize a ioumey." said Carol Van Den Einde. dreamwe Ve had for many years and "This ride will honor those who have Call Wade • 701-690-7552 '] Don't let your freedom slip away. to raise, money for the fight against survived, lost the fight or are cur- P irie Homes Management Protect it as if you were Theodore Roosevelt. cancer, said Bruce Van Den Einde. rently fighting cancer." The ride will have 16 overnight All donations benefit the Roger stops along the way, with fund-rais- Marls Cancer Center in Fargo. ing events planned at most locations. Local+Tidersi• either individual or groups, are welcome to join at any of • . . I Put Your/Honev the towns along the way. For tllose I WhPPD Ve.lrl4n.c; Tel who want to show support but cannot I ~~ffY~ot" l fide, they can do so by attending any I ~c~J~naen~ 2~'g:~~et~n0ur " . businesses are community of the events orby becomlngaspon- I (for3;5 0r i0 monthsJ sor. " " ............... ] kealifelong ] ,Idl A L/If endfr°mabrOad. 1 I Enrich your family with I another culture. Now you I I can host a high school I exchange student (girl or ~ [ boy)from France, Germany, ] -~r [ Scandinavia, Spain,[ ~ Australia, Japan, Brazil, Italy Victoria fmm Australia, I, 3,~. or other countries. Single Giorgio from Ital); 16yrs. t'njo~ slvending lime with her parents, as wett as coup es Lov~ to play Ir, tselrall and ,spend family 'and yotmger ,'dblings. with or without children, time with his dogs, Giotgio al~) ~/ictoria pla~ volk'yball andis may host. Contact us ASAP playsfl}e guitar, and hisdream North Dakota, since statehood, has been well-served with strong and excited to learn nc~v sports for more information or to is It+ join a drama club at his while in ~tmerica. select your student. Americ,'m high ~'hool. effective open meetings and open records laws. Tell the people who represent you in the legislature that you, and Theodore Roosevelt. Amy at 1-800-733-2773 (ToU Fr / like it that way. or email II l jim Noaak Mutual _ . ~. Insurance,,~,~l,~,,.u+~ u~ +C°mpany~. ~'~/'Q sse Dan Farstveet, Beach , , . 872-3i00 690-8"172 ,,,..,.,,,,,..,.+,.,+,,,_:.,.,._..,._"+' ++, , .......... +++ +,+,,++'::::::",,'::,::+ +o~ ~o,,++,+,,+,,++,+ ..... or }:or privacy reasons, photos ;+b,,x c arc IIOl ph,,.+. ,+t a, trial ~ru~{cltts Farm Credit Services of Mandan