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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 25, 1938     Golden Valley News
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August 25, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 To The Tuneful Melodies o~ AT BEACIt CITY AUDITORIUM TOMMY DOUGLAS And His Famous~ Colored B~d ./ FRIDAY, AUGUST 26th Don't Miss This Feature Attraction! ! - The Band That Gets Hot and Stays Hot - ~- ~ : ~ ~ : ~ = i shing'. " f .... :'Go,t0 ~he PARK CAFE, th~ RENT Modern apartment, dal3"l~,Trl~|~Tl~l ' ~ll~][Trl~rl[ll~ I Floyd Braden ~ °,;~ Mc~askeYiaXld most-comfortable p~ce.~ Apaxt~ent ......... ~3~l~lll~ll~lla DUIII~ Icame down frc ~,:t m( camp at[~he ~eals, luaches~:bj~ " - -~ r _ . o _ . o -_ o ~ . Runl}Sidney Saturda: to sl~end ~t nme-day[t~e cream," candy, cigars, ~ .FOR~S&LE--10 extra g~od mill~ eo~. - • "r ........... [ leave at Aheir l~ ;pective ,homes. , ] it's the "friendly cafe." James Reynolds, :~ndive. [fl~2tc ' Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ness left for thellr] Mrs J PJ~e :e and Miss Flbrence] " ..... r : " ---: ~ ....... ~ ~' ~ home at Laural Mont, after a vm ~[_ . • : ' •t-- . TRADE OR ~/$H--~A new American LIVESTOCK I~,4t~SERS~ATTENTION- ........ Jim Johnson" and Helen and| l-teimstetler~f ] :inot spent last week l cream speaxator. Chas. Reed" Oil]consign your livestock t Heart of the WXm naxs. . at their s~fnmez home in this vicinity•] xVerr,N~n~" Mrs Walter DCxon a~'fam- Mrs. 4ghn Kur~ow~i, son Ted, and~ ...... Station, Send.el Butte. 47-9tc IThelC°rndemandBe~t wherefor lives~best prevalL~k~ ..... " ..... -:-- e Ral~or~ and Tommy Odenbaugh of FOR SALE---Office table top desk an&~'has never been better. ~ ~uffor- fly were visitors a~ me joe Dx~n nora --r ..... • -" n ~ BeaclZ were dinner guests and visitors chair. Inquire at E• A. BrunsvMd|mation. Stockport s~ ~tock- Friday a~ternoo , t e ~,' - " -" "- - a c~ler in town at the Jack S ill horn . , home, Beach. 4T-Itc "port, Iowa. ~ 47-1tp oonn ~q~aara was c~ner . ~,. # Thursday ~tfternoon. f Mr. and Mrs~E~din ,~lams enter- Jens 5r~nning and~ sons of the tained a sister ff thb lattOr during the Alpl~ vicinity wereJSentinel Butte past week. / [ ~ callers Satitrday. At Mr. and M~s. ar~d.son~Merton,~j~ere °-ecml DANCE n Sen nel Butte tonight, visitors at the Oe~e St$1 homerlDun- Thursday. A~g. ~.l.)ifnI~ 2::ere It day evening." " ,~ I$ Mrs. Lois 4rin~s returned home, and Cimrley Thompson left' for his home is getting al~n~ fine ~fter her recent in Iowa last week Monday after a visit llll~ess ~ here with his uncle~]~-I, arry Hill and Mr " Victor Johnsm~ Mrs Walter Dick Kerr, and his c¢~sin, Max Kerr• Dixon and W, J. Dixon were Beach callers Saturday morning, Archle Levin left f~ his home at Washington after a months vislt here. WaJter Dixon wa,~ a business caller in Dickinson ~tur~ay afternoon. Warner Nlstler w~s a caller m Alpha St~day. ~ ..... ~rancis Higlin a~[ soi~ of Olendlve visited here 8taturday an~I Sunday. ~$ilda Waldahl returne~ home Sat- urday from Medora wh~fe she has been This A. ~• m~l~r lost another horse Sun- Week End flay n~. • Mr.:~ and Mrs. Tony Krysko were visit6rs:at the, Alby Rollins home on Sunday. ~SSIFIED ADS Old "for sale or trade l~ h e~,, ~ Bert Mogle, Beach. N, D. 46.Btp Buttered PECAN Ice:Cream Bologna ........................... lb. 15el Itali~ Prunes .................... 78c ~..~--~b. 20c[ Vti~gar, gal~ .................... 22c t Liver Sausage .... : ....... ilb. 15cl~gar, 25 lb.~saekc~' Flour, Occident, 98 lb. ~..__$2.8~V.ash- Pears, ~re+tone E!~5c ., ~ :,. ,. o" ~ -,~.1 oertas, oox __~._~ ........ ~rd, z U~S. Ior ......... ~ ...... ~ ~ :~ i - -~ ~Trenseendent C~ Apples Pears, lug ..................... ~ .... ~ per lug .............. ~ .......~e Su~, 100 lb. sack ........ $5.49 ,- DANCE NIGHT Sl ClA . A' cozy/ ~Luxe~fi~burger -- Vou'R ~ More Than Om SEE YOU I~ffDAY NIGHT, AUGUS: THE COZY CAFE t 6ARDE '~LUB" 26th e r~Joyed. Hflda will spend her ~wo FOR SALE~Roll top writing week~ visiting her parents here before Ralph Stacker, Beach. P~r Pint ................... 25c WATER /--~-- resuming her teaching duties in Sep- ~- tember. F--0-RRFANT-'----~'~2 roo"-'--'-ms and ~./Quart .............. . ........ 50c TUMBLER ~-~ ~rchie and Hugh Bolton enjoyed a furnished or unfurnished. ' ~ ~ :f | ~NO A 2"LB. BAO ] ~ visit from their sister and family of ers, Beach, N.D. • Other:Flavors \\],,, • ~b.~bai~LL5 Fallon, Montana on Saturday and . . : " FOR ~NT--~ ~urn.~ roo Maple Nut :~ ", Stra~vl~erry Sunaay. --. -- gas stoves. ~ Frmt Salad ~ ~,~ ":- ~- - - - -- - "-°-- "-FO~--My ~ bUll~ing , BONNIE VIEW Store) with-c~ yit~oul Chocolate \Gt~ape ~:- ._-=- ~ "~ _~,' or as a living quarte~?i RaSh 20e per pint Quart ~\ ' FLOUR, Occident,... g $ 0 Mrs M D S er, hose ho e isI • " ° I , near Glendlve,~w~a c~ler in:~ooenielFOR RENT~ Serve This Ice Cream to Your G~hests 98 lb. bag ................... $2.85 Vlo~ber Tuesday. Mrs~be~o~,,Sar~erm~v~toa~ fa~lYlolen_l, meat_ ~. ~nnie Smith Bea, ..... V', ~ f'~ mid , ,, . . . BOLOGNA, per lb .............. 15c were residents of tl~S v~cinit~ a num-i 09-J 41- ~o~,~,,o. - Wall 1Jr ~o any GRAPES, Thompson Seedless, 10c dive. They resided ][n [the/f~,rm now FOR SALE or EXCHANGI~ One EU.~e occupied by Eldin Ad~tldls i~nd family, t piano in good condition: ~ah~,~ff4ten= ~~.,~,~ APPLES, Wisconsin Duchess, .. 4 lb. 23c Miss Betty Tosner a~sted Mrs. A. ho~ or cattle in traae, joe~, lv~ey , F. Doblar with the Work during thre -Beach, N. Dak ~ TOMATOES,20 lb-l~g....... 4 lbs. 25c ........ y Co. ~, o,o~, Salad Fruits..Har~st Ou0on .Am HOT SPECIALS :HIS WEEK F.T. nolds fRUIT ¢O KTAIL.>- IU" Campbell's 'Taste the ~iference ' ~ m ~ I~,. AUGUS52- "7 "eadquarters for Y.~ - ~0~0//]U~~'' ~ Z°: Z~' Bologna ._-: ....................... lb. 11;c, Itali~ PI un~, .................... 78, . our Best ~annln~ ~¢[Vii~gar, ,al: .................... 22, ~.~/¢-;¢,--.~n.q S,,Itplict# lexsun ~ e,. o, z,. m~i - ~.~. Liver Sausage .... : ....... ilb. l';el~l~gar, 2[ lb. lsaek_~ Fruits faffA'~"~'lT~i rROIT JARS ~ ~:1~' Fl°ur'Oceiden-t'98 lb'~--$2"~l~Wbme~,P' ~o~ -~e?t°:eE/~5' Bread, fresh,21arge 11/~ lb. loaves 21c I - Jilifilr |aa~aps ,~,~, ~ 2z, Lbrd, 21bs for ~ ..... 2~'_ . ~\.'-~ . . _ " ........ ::-~-i'lxenseem em U~ ~pple8 Ir~ Pears, lug ..................... :, .... ~¢ per lu~ ............ :~ ....... 8~ ~ ~Rln~(~ Su~: 100 lb. sack ....... $5.49 Frida ndSaturday % ~~:~ CASH & CARRY Market & Groceries ~ ~ P-~.':~l%~'~2"z,~ at~.~. Pink , Pi&kl/dg Spices ~ ~, Loef. lad @ Tall : /: THOMPSON'S I:00O B AN$.' 3 w.-,.- ,,...,, COOKZZS