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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 25, 1938     Golden Valley News
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August 25, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE 5 LOCALS Miss Olive Moyer arrived in Beach Sunday night from Minneapolis, where she has been the past year'attending~ the Cniversity of Minnesota. She plans, to leave today for Silesia, Montana, to visit her mother there. Percy Cooper has been transferred to l~ed Point, Montana, inasmuch as depot agent H. W. Blair is again on the job here after his recent illness. Miss Maude Cooper, who is employed at the Cozy care, had the misfortune to burn her hand quite severely last Friday. Don't miss TOMMY DOUGLAS col- ored dance band at BEACH tomor- row night. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Steinhauser and! family and Miss Loretta Carroll of] Minneapolis arrived here Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll. They left again Wed- nesday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Messmer and fam- ily of Bowman were Sunday guests at the G. Muggli home in thecity. Russell Denton and Frances Zielsdorf we~e in attendance at a soil conserva- tion meeting in Bismarck Tuesday. Saturday Mrs. Junior Schulz left for Havre, Montana, where she will vLsit about three weeks with relatives. To make a long Tale Short one of our local hardware dealers asked a customer how his wife's cake was since he sold her an elec- tric cake mixer. H~ replied: "Love- ly. Every time ~l'eat a piece of it I get a shock.~' It won't "shock" you when ~e~ tell you ff you'll give a used ear,he same treatment you'd give a ~ one, y~u'll be surprised at the~ra servic~ it will give you. THESE WILL H~LD THEIR OWN 1937 FORD V-8 frudor Sixty. New Motor radio. ~uaranteed . $550.00 1935 FO~D V-8 ISedan "85" lit & G • . ear. A bargai~ at ........ $425.00 1931 CHEV Sedan, good C~Mltion. A buy at .................. $135.00 1929 CHEV Coupe. You can't go wrong at .................... $95.00 OTHER TYPES TO OE[OOSE F/tOM :" ~" Johnson Motor Co. Pho~ 10 ~ No. D~ the season at Beach next ~unday. mg [he past fex~, ~eeks ~lth her sons In ~ aunt of A(~en ~I~ller stopped a= the {out oI t~¢e U. B. Parsolx:~ge and are now Jerry left for Webster, 8. D., where Williston vs. Beach. ,Fargo, returned last week Wednesday Aden Miller home ~!(mdav cnroute~living 2 blocks north in the Kukowski the, will visit he~ da h ~ , DANCE in Sentinel Butte : ' , . . ~ - 3 ~, ~ 'ug te', Mrs. John tonight, She brought her little granddaughter, home from Waslm~g:on. :V=r. and Mrs. house. The Parsonage will be used as iHalbkat and family. Miss Marie Keo- Thursday, Aug. 25. Be there! It i Mary Lou, home with her for a visit. Sevland were enrotue to Cokharbor, N. ] a Parish house for Sunday School clas- ] hane who has been at Webster the past D., and Mr. ?.Di:,.~" a::: : ~t: :e:. ~s and social affairs, i moth or so, will return with them. N.D. IJOU TII[ATR g Beach, North Dakota [ New Scats--- Air-Conditioned FRIDAY- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p. m. "MEN ARE SUCH FOOLS" CAST: WAYNE MORRIS, PRISCILLA LANE, HUGH HERBERT, HUMPHREY BOGART. Lively entertainment, full of action and laughs. Comedy and News Sunday- s Motrda - Tuesday MATINEE f~ttAY AT 2:30 P. M. "Theflafazing Dr. Clitterhouse" CAST: EDWARD G. ROBINSON, CLAIRE TREVOR, HUMPHREY BOGART, ALLEN JENKINS. A new top for Robinson and his support couldn't be better. Comedy--Broadway Brevity, "Rainbow End" Wednesday- Thursday Don't Forget The Cash Drawing! "F $T COMPANY" CAST: MELVYN DOUGLAS, FLORENCE RICE, CLARE DODD. A comedy melo- drama that in story is somewhat similar to "The Thin Man" ALSO A COMEDY 59c FRIDAY andSATURDAY ONLY 59c THIS CERTIFICATE IS WOrtH $4.41 This certificate ~nd 59c entitles the bearer to one of our Genuine Indestldictible $5.00 VACUU~I[ FILLER SACKLESS FOUNTAIN PENS. Visible Ink Supply. You SEE the i~k. A lifetime g~mntee~--- with each pen. Sizes for ladies, men, boys and girls. This pen will not leak, blot or break.j The New Plunger Filler--Vacuum ,: Zip---Only One Pull and its's Full This Pen holds 200 percent more ink thany any ordin~y ~n ~on the market! You can write for Three months on One Filling. No Repair Bills. No Lev~tr F~h~er! No Pressure Bar. Every Pen Tested and guaranteed by the factory to be unbreakable f~r !~rge. Get yours NOW. THIS PEN GIVEN FREE if' you can buy one in the eity for less than FIVE .~.._L_I~S. This Certificate good only while adver- tising sale is on Introduetory offer--This pen $~.~ftcr Sale. ADD ALSO $1.50 PENCILS TO ~ATCH ABOVE PENS, Only 29c LIMIT 6c Extra 3 pens to For Mail WALL DRUG CO Orders * Certificate | l ROYBLUE Reg. "B"J BATT~IES 84c Mr, and Mrs. Gus K~line and their daughter, Lucille. of Bismarck, stopped here Thursday to visit Mrs. Harold Smith on their w),y to Roundup, Mont. tana, to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beall of Kal- ispeil, Montana, arrived Monday to look after farm interests here. Mrs. Bead will be remembered as the former An- ~a Gugolz here. They returned Friday. Last Saturday night Emestine Lin- ger arrived from Lisbon to spend her two weeks vacation with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Linger. On Wednesday she went to Wiiliston to visit friends at that place. HEAVY DUTY $1.39 We're Proudly Presenting the Greatest Furniture Values of the Entire Year \¥() (~()FgeOtlS I)ieces! A Wonderful Living Room Suite! Kitchen Chairs All metal, strongly built, enameled in eith- er white or green. SPECIAL AT $1.19 Ill I I II August Specials ALL COTTON NEW CLEAN ~ This Sturdy frame living room suite is a remarkably MATTRESS ~ good buy at our sharply reduced 7f~ugustsaleprice! You may hav~ *67 ~ your choice of several truly beauti- I ful c°verings" 50 The Z pieces ........................................... iN * 50 lb. weight ! K;tchen Cabinets They're featured in our August Sale! All styles and sizes priced low as .... $24.50 SEE OUR 7ENEEREI) VA NITIES A Smart Dining Room Suite! In a style you'll like! Simple yet ele- gant~beautifully walnut veneered! The table extends to six feet--the 6 chairs have comfortably ~holstered seats. The 7 pie~s ...... i..~. ............ ;e,e This Glorious 3-piece ~edroom Suite tl (~ omprslng bed, chest and cl',oice ~ (~ drsser or vanity.~ Full size, ~i (ustproof pieces, veneered in ~ ~ f'~ [2 ~e~X choicest walnut over gumwood. #2:~ %,~ ~ ~ ' --~:~J .uJV l~eres an outstanding August Sale Value. Don't Miss It! A. OVERsTAD & SON Which may be bought Separately