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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 25, 1938     Golden Valley News
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August 25, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 2 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS The Golden Valley News .& continuation of The Beach Advance and The Beach Review TROTTERS W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle ~m~,mlm~n~mlm!~m~m~m~~ Editors and Publishers Miss Cora Grunewald is recuperating A weekly published every Thursday at B~ach, North Dakota. at home ~after undergoing m~ticaI care Entered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beach, for some time past. She,still has to North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897 matin ~r~que!]t tr~s toA d Oe~dr frOr Advertising rates furnished upon request ~er~ae~r~~e ~" we wl lef p y - Subscription price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak., ~'Mrs" "~ A Ca~/ubell dau-hter Elsewhere $2.50 _ Mrs. Paul~Kink an~oT(Billie m~ored ::: -- II 'i IIIIII first time Mrs. Bailey has seenher bro- to Beach iThursda/. _._ --'e- -- ~ ]ther in 13 years Mr. and~ Mrs. I~oy Wililams and sons Wlbaux .News ~t~ ~kCt/Themr:nlhe:tw?:da:aJe°d ;l~:~t~, M~I27~str::eekE~" CMirnbeCghinat" III II II I I by the death of her brother. / berg was ~rn~rly Nell Nelson, teach- ....... / Mrs Deltharpe and c~ldren ~ere er here ~or ~everal years. EarlMil BaMearr Yo~ma~eer1%:y gUse~wa~k;mi Glendive ~,~it~ Wednesday../" . i theNOr~ast tN::'ew%mek: ahtthebehnmSPe:~d~ng ~...w~ .............. s^nic Mr. an4 Mrs. ~y ~s~t)art retl~rneo ! ..~u ~raze a~enaea me ,w~ v i¢,~m ~r~lena Thu~d-v~o~ln~/ [grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ~nvention at Billings last week, J"~"r -"~d ~ :~"~'~ro'-'^%'T~ -~"rn~d [Nellermoe ' Mr and Mrs C E Wlnkleman wer .... "~ ,~v ~,~- '.. . .. • -_''_ i Frid, ay from Kernet~ Neb. Wh~re they] Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and (Mena~ve visitors Monaay ......... " .... re-m ! attended Mr. Troll,s sisters funeral. [ daughters were Tues0~y evening callers tan ~.ano~ m managmg me ~ ~ The Ladies Aid ~ She C. F. Church at the J. F. Crook home. station at present. ' Many of the laides who attende( Mr. Ballard and Mr. Ryan were inen°yed a picnic lunch at the club house town part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skaar and children from Skaar were county seat visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Helge Anderson and son of Fryburg, were Sunday guests at the O. M. Helvlk home. Mrs. J. D. Dobbin was down from Glendive Friday. Mrs. D. L. Collins was a visitor on Saturday. Shirley Bixby of Olendlve was a guest at the Guy Hall home last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mingel spent Sat- urday evening with relatives in town. Mr. Robert Jongewaard of Beach and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stair wtre six o'- clock dinner guests at the Ostby home Tuesday and spent a pleasant even- ing. Mrs. E. W. Baker and daughters and Mrs. B. Slmonson and daughter surGed to Glendive Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Teeters and dau- ghters came from Genes,l, Ill. last week to visit his mother and other relatives. They surged to Glendlve WednesdayI and expect to leave the last of the! week for their home. Mrs. Teeters Sr. plans to accompany them and visit eiatives in Ill. and Minn. Dr. George E. KeDer autoed to Glen- dlve Sunday to meet hts wife who was ret~g from the Eastern Star con- vention which cony,hi'din Billings last week. Mrs. Keller and Mrs. M. B. Lar- son were delegates from the local lodge.~ Eight crates o1 chinese pheasants were distributed in this community recentkv. Mr. and Mrs. T. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. ~chaal of Glendive attended church services here Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Steele be- tween morning and evening services. Anges and Marguerite Cassldy are home from Dillon sl~nding a short va- cation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Caa~ldy. The forme~ will teach a rural school near Dill~ and the latter will attend norma]~ there the coming year. * Mrs. David Dick and M ". and Mrs. John Carlson autoed to G: mdive Sun- day. The latter accompani, I their dau- ghter Mrs. Melvin Peder~ m, and her husband on a trip to B~ ffalo Rapids and report a pleasant ou lug. Mrs. Jack B~l~.rd and children at-! tended the show in Be~ ch Saturday. I~ste Zopfl wendinG (}I{ ~live Sunday and bought back ~ ne pickup for i G. A. Bruski. " 'J Mr. and Mrs. Burton Welsh and sans were business visitors in Beach Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott and son and Mr. and Mrs. F. E .E~llott returned Saturday from a vacation spent in the western part o~ the state. The Sportsman's Club held a busin- ess meeting at tile ~ommecial elub room Thursday evehln~. "~ Imogene A]~,~ham of Beach ~ spend- ing her vac~tio~ at the E~I:. Baker home. ~\ Mr. and Mrs. V~ L. Sta~gs were Glendive ~sitors Wed~sday. Ms.Effie\~Purvis of Beach and her sister Mrs, R~t~e Clark of Hedges were Wibaux visi tors~Fh ursd.ay. Mr, and Mrs. ~n Welsh and Mrs. B, Welsh autoed to 'Glendive Wednes- day, Mrs. Don Welsh visited at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N, Scabad until Sunday when her brother Wendell, and his two friends Ralph Knoll and Nick Seeberger brought her ~ack. Mrs. Ester Dick autoed to Beach Saturday. Miss Dolly Knudson, who spent her ~cation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knudson. returned to her duties in Spokane, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Balough who have been at Wolf Point came to visit ~t the Suthertand home before leaving for Lodge Grass where Mr. BaloUgh will teach the commercial course the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mangel and child- ren of Loyal, WLS. who visited here left Friday to visit relatives in Baker and Bentley before returning to their home. Miss Jeannette Welsh entertained some girl friends at a quilting party at her home Tuesday afternoon. Grames were played, and a lovely lunch was served and a pleasant time was en- Joyed. Miss Naomi Howard came from Fargo Wednesday and she and her mother went to Missou~ Friday, Naomi re- turned to work Monday. Mrs. Ostby entertained several girls at a lovely dinner party one evening last week complimenting her daugh- ter Jean who will soon be leaving for Moorhe~d. Minn. where she will attend college. Dr. Frederick A. Berry, a brOther of Mrs. John Barley, with his wife and Mrs. Eva Hamilton and Mr. Harry C~r- all of Chicago, Ill spent Sunday at ~t,he J. R. ]~iley home. This is the Thursday afternoon. Team Averages Beach Baseball Club August 21, 1938 Batting Averages AB R H PCT Noyes 40 6 14 350 Wetsch 49 13 16 327 Wenzel 60 11 18 300 Jones, Ray 19 2 5 263 Tennyson 48 5 12 250 Beckley 20 0 5 250 Oster 49 9 12 245 Jones, Bob 50 8 12 240 Fmderle 65 8 15 231 Niece 44 4 7 159 Gilman 21 0 2 095 Miscellaneous 46 7 7 Team Average 511 73 125 245 Opponents Av 490 53 92 188 Fielding Averages Noyes 77 I 3 963 Niece 38 4 3 934 Tennyson 8 34 3 9341 Jones, ~ 80 15 9 913 Wenzel 14 ~7 5 911 Osier 22 17 "i 048 Wetsch 10 13 5 822 aid Wednesday called on Miss Grune- wald at her near~y home. Tony Lehnd is busy stacking his millet crop. He certainly has tons of good feed. Genoese Omley is now visiting at the Campbell home after having spent several weeks at the Mosser ranch. Nellie Gifford was a c~ller at the Crook home Thursday . The A. J. Nellermoe family visited at the Ernest Moore home Sunday. PLEASANT VALLEY llll~tiltlUlllllllllmllllll$111W Pnlllll~ Mr. Paul Wlschow and Mr. Fred Kannenberg made a trip to SidSey / on Monday. ~ / Mr. Burns Abernethy alld Mr./Gee. !Richmond helped Mr. C~ E. #hal- lock combine his wheat last wer~k. Mrs. C. Carlson and MI~. J#. Dav- Idson attended I~tdies Ai~ ir] Sentinel Butte Th~sday. Mrs. Chas Slo~om~ ztn~ daughter were dinner guest~ at O. I-~ Moes Sat- urday. Mr. Harold Feldhusen was thrashing in this neighborhood the first of the week. Gilman 2 I 1 750 Enderle I0 i 5 689 Jones, Ray 3 0 2 600 Beekley 2 0 3 400 Miscellaneous 109 13 4 Team Average 375 136 50 911 Opponent Av 370 138 55 902 Sunday's box score: Beach: AB R H E Enderle, cf 6 1 1 0 Wenzel, p 4 0 2 0 Wetsch, 3b 4 1 1 0 I~tigh, 213 5 2 I 0 Noyes, Ib 4 0 O O Jones, Bob, e 4 3 3 0 Jones, Ray, If 5 1 1 0 Madison, ~b 4 0 0 0 Gilman, rf 2 0 1 0 Beckley, rf 3 0 2 I Robison, p 0 0 0 0 Totals 41 8 12 1 New England: AB R H E Neimeler, 2b 3 I 0 I Von Rude, p, ~ 3 I 0 I~ Pletan, If 4 0 1 1 Bender, cf 4 I 1 2 Lee, as, p 4 0 O 1 Wanner, lb 4 O 1 0 Gardner, ~b 4 0 1 I Austin, rf 4 1 2 1 Sattler, c 3 1 0 0 Totals 33 5 6 8 "I Lived With Gorillas." Astonish. in True Adventures of a French Ex- UNITED BR~rHRm~ CHURC~ Herman Grove, Mlnlster Beach, Unified worship service at 10:15, the pastor will speak on '~he~ Bannered Army" Evening services at 8:00; special music at both servlces, l Midweek services on Wednesday eve-! nlngs at 8:0¢}. ! Trotters, Sunday school at 2:00; pre- aching at 3:00; Trustee meeting at the close of the service. The annual Conference convenes in Great Falls August 30 to September 4. Miss Aria Bovey is delegate from Beach, Glenn Metcalf from Tortters, and Mrs. Stark from the Ollie Circuit. CONGREGATIONAL W A Smith, Faste¢ Beach: Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor picnic meeting. Meet at church 5:30 p. m. sharp. Trustees meeting immediately after services on Sunday. The Missionary Society will hold a" picnic meeting at the home of Mrs. Hollstein on Thursday of this week in the afternoon. Sentinel Butte: Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 9:55 a. m. Please note: Beginning Sept. 4, the Sunday school Will be at 1:$0 p. m and the church services at 7:30 p. m. plorer. One of the Many Interesting Features in THE AMERICAN WEEK- ST PAU~-'~ -,,'~ ..... LY th ......... ~ .... ~"~ , e magazme Diswumted With l V ........ ' C][][ICAG() ~ ~m~ t'~s~or NEXT SUNDAY S HERAI~ [ " " AND EXAMINER ! • I Divine Services 9:30 a. m. [ unday School after services • H Waldo of Bmmar k -- • • " c , district 'I'r~F't~D¢~O~'~i:~E HwE~,~ING lmanager Of the Northwestern Bell Tel- ephone Co., was a pleasant caller in STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, t'out tv of (]olden Valley. In COUNTY COURT Before Hen. A. E. ~astien, Judge. IN THE MATTER t)F TI~E ES- TATI~ OF MRS. MINNIE OETZ- MANN ALSO KNOWN ASt. MINNA OETZMANN, DECEASED. Adolph Oetzmann, Petitionex £8. Emil Oetzmann. and * other Dersons interested Respondew "FHI~ STATE OF NORTH AKOTA to the above 'named Re~ )ondent~, and all person~ tnterest~ t in the Estate of Mrs. Minnie t et~mann, also known as Mlnna ~ etzmann Deceased : , i You, and each of you, a~'e hereby notified that Adolp~ Oetzlllann, the Petitioner herein, h~:s fil~ in this Court a copy of the '.~Last|Will and Testament of Mtnna ~etz~ann, late of the city of DaveApo~t in the County of Sco~tt and St~ of Iowa, Deceased, and~ the probate thereof in the state o~Iowa duly authentic ated, wtth his petition praying for the admission ~ probate of said document as the~I~st Will of said deceased, and fo~ the issuance to John Keohane, Esq~ of Beach, North Dakota of Letters~of Adn~!nistra- tion with the Will A~4]exed ilvereon, and that said petition ~d th~ proofs of said purported Will ~11 b~ h~ard and duly considered by ~t~s~Co~rt on Monday, the 12th day of ~m- ber A. D. 1938 at ten o';clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court in the County Court House In the city of Beach. County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota; And you, and each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear be- fore this Court at said time and place and show cause, if any YOU haw~ why the prayer of said i)etltion should not be granted. You are fur- ther notified that the residence of said decedent at the time of her death as at Davenport. Scott County, lows. Let service of this Citation be made as required by law. Dated this 22nd day of August A. D. 1988. BY THE COURT. A. E. KASTIEN Judl[e of the County Court (SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) KEOHANE & K:UHFELD, Attorneys for Petitioner Beach° North Dakota. Aug. ~, Sept. 1 the city Thm'sday. Mrs. Harry Sites and children plan to leave Thursday for Seattle to make their future home there. Mr. Sites will leave later on this fall. Friday Mr. a,.:d 3h's. Pat Birmingham returne:l from a pleasant vacation trip spent with relatives and friends in Iowa. Sentinel Butte people who called at the News office Friday included Har- old Higlin, Carl Carlson, E. D. Nelson, Wm. Pederson, and George Wosepka and son. NOTICE t)F MORTGA(~E IettHI]- ('LOSUBE S A 1,1~. INSTALL- MF3NTS ONLY Notice is hereby giveI1 that tbat certain mortgage executed and de- livered by Albert Gallus and Anna Gallu~, husband and wife, mortgag- ors, tO lhe Mal]ager of The Bank of North Dakota, Mortgagee, dated the 9th day of April, 1930, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of lhe County of Golden Valley and State of North l)akota on the 21st day of July 1930, anci recorded in Book "IS" of Mortgages at page 109 and duly assigned by said Mortgagee to the State Treasurer of North Dakota, alld Ills SUCCesSors ill office, ill trust, will be foreclosed by a sale of the prenlises iIl sucb ]llOl't gflge and llereinafter described, at the froi~t door of tilt, Court }tou.~c in the City of Beach, ill tile ('OUllty of Golden Vallc:,y, aIId Slate of North llakota, at lhe hour of two o'clock P. M., Ol'i tile 20th day (,f ~eptenlber l,q3~, 1o .