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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 25, 1938     Golden Valley News
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August 25, 1938
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/ +: Th G ld V 11 N e o en a ey e, -s And THE BEACH REVIEW And THE BEACH ADVANCE I VOLUME 2 BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 NUMBER 47 Program Is . Booked At Glen dive Fair Sept. 1-3 Patrons of the Dawson County Fair, held this year Sept. 1-2-3, will be offer- ~l an exceptionally fine program of entertainment, the main feature of Which will be "Broadway Parade" a notch musical revue presented in front of the grandstand. Special acts presented twice daily be- the grandstand, featuring corned- acrobats with new stunts and dar- areial gymnastics, trick artists of i versatility, Rutons' dogs, a[ of highly trained canine stars, I a~torty Flemm, ace clown of the show~ ~orld - all will contribute to your en-,t of afternoon and evening As a spectacular climax to the night preformances, Thearie Duf- Fireworks Inc. of Chicago, fire- specialists, will present the most dwisplay of fireworks to oe at a counw fair. M~in feature of the afternoon grand- stand program will be the running races in which the pick of local horses and their cowboy riders will compete t0r attractive purses. Top rlders and trained hoses will also take part novelty and relay races - amusing exciting features at most rodeos exhibitions. Children and grown- alike will look forward to the Shet- pony race for junior riders. The Markets Wheat ......................... 53 :Flax .......................... $1.44 ~:)ats ............................. 11 Barley ......................... 17 Rye ............................. 17 ~ream, sour .... 20c Sweet .... 22c ii ~ggs ...... 15c Bu~ter ...... 23c GETZ POULTRY CAR COMII~G The Getz live poultry car will be on the track in Beach this Saturday, Aug. 27 and also on Aug. 29. F. L. Winders, well buyer, will be with them. High- market prices will be paid and are assured of the usual square Rev. Grove Tells Of Wl;k..v l.J., !I • Recent Vacationl .wauA auj 1 Rev. Grove and---~amily of the U. B.I IS LaidTo Rest Chuch spent their vacation this year[ __ ]" by taking their daughter, Mrs. Foss, ~ Wibaux Mrs Cylista M Hoiman ! of Sumner Ill back home after her!chamberl2n who was -- " "-" 22 i .... Dorn y , ! two month visit here. They were ac- 1853 in Cl'~ton coun~ NZe~York companied by Rev J W Arnett of~ ..... ....... " . ". ' . . . pasesd away Augqst 18th a~er l~omel uxrcm, ~aon~. Tne ~rxp coverea a~a in Wibaux She[ had be~n in ~oorr- miles in 11 states and covered a period " v . ....... health for manY'lYears ~utha; beenl ~ ~ R~,hM Gf. oI lb oays. A stOp over was mane a~ soared to mintste~ to l~r family. She[ ±~ ~* ~t~AJt~ X#'J. the summer camp of the Wichlt~ Dist- was married to~ C~arles-"Chandler i • Ji~O/t~re~hcun~ [fers Knotty Prob rmt of the Kansas Conference where Chamberlain in 1 0 to which union the Groves formerly lived. Another stop six children were ~rn. ~Oneishon was[ .7 was made at York College, York Neb l , " killd in an auto accident ,a few years raska, to make arrangements for some ago, One son, Charles, of Wibaux, four Montana Conference girls to attend, daughters, Mrs. Garski of Frazee, Five days were spent with their dau- Minnesota, Mrs. Geo. Byrns of Port ghter in and around Sumner. IlL Angeles, Wash., Mrs. Nettie Collins There seemed to be something wrong and Miranda Chamberlain of Wibaux. with the wheat crop everywhere. The beside oth~ relatives and a host of parts of Ili. that were covered showed t friends, are to her loss. an absence of wheat due to drowning;I Funeral of Rev. in some instances corn was planted Robert Jon :h: were where the wheat drowned. Other places held the wheat was damaged by dust storms hail, rust, and wind. Much of the corn in different places showed good pro- spects but needed rain: Everywhere it was hotter than in Beach. Free Movies At~cution of everyone is again cal- led to the big free movie demonstration and lecture to be held at the Beach city auditorium tomorrow night, Friday August 26. beginning at 7:30 p.m. sharp. This program is very interesting and educational and is on tt~e subject of !fire prevention and first aid to the injured, which should indeed be of :ntercst to everyone. The program is sponsored by the local fire department, and is absolutely free of charge. Plan to attend this worthwhile event. ART ROBISON HERE Arthur Robinson. who pitched for the Beach ball club in 1936, and who was employed here for nearly a year in the Cozy tap room. arrived in town last Wednesday and visited friends here. X.: wen~, with the local baseball club o New England Sunday and played with them there. On Monday night he left for his home at Fairmount. He has been employed at Croak, Wn., the • past few months. ~rEBB'S I~ILLING WORKERS I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eckberg and Mrs. Trotters--A large crowd ~tttended the Erickson, who visited at the Vic Ben- at the church parlors strom home last week, left Thursday when Mrs. ~. E. for points in Minnesota where they ~ hostess. Be~ .~s a ~ry at- tend to visit. From there they wm nee of mei~l era ~ u~te a her return to their home in California. Mrs. slto~"~e~ present A El, of Erickson- was a sister to Mr. Renstrom s ~s tl~ ~rain I~u~e. o the and Mrs. Eckberg a niece. The~offil ~ Cerelall ~k ;ted being as folioS: ~ I Saturday Fred Dickinson and his ~ldent---Mrs. ]~ Sp~ I mother, Mrs. E. E. Dickinson left for e-l~resident--~rs~ J. F. Crook Minnenapolis and other Minnesota retary--Mrs. (J.JR. Andre . j points to spend a two weeks vacation. asurer~Mrs. "is. V. Moore t M.r. and Mrs.' Bernie Dickinson accom- the business meeting the folks panied them as far as Minot after hav- invited to partake of a delicious ling spent a pleasant week here with As yet there is no" definite meet- relatives and friends. set for September. I [' 1 Aged Williston Here Next Sunday For Last Home Game Of Year dist was a member, who atetnded the Mrs. George Byrns, who caring for her mother the month, Mr. and Mrs. Garski of Minn., Mrs. Hillman from Livingston, Mont., Mrs. Robert Jakin from Sidney ~tnd Mr. and Mrs. James Collins of Glen- dive. Mrs. Fischer and Mrs. Ostby, ac- companied by Mrs. Cullen, sang com- forting songs. Interrment was made in the local cemetery. New Undertaker Is Hired At Overstad's Tommy Douglas' Colored Band To Be Here Friday lem At Present Attention of all music and dance lov- ers is called to the big feature attra- tion which is booked at the local city Bismarck, Aug. 25--A committee of auditorium tomorrow evening, Friday, three is attempting to find a solution August 26th, when Tommy Douglas and to the current North Dakota relief pro- famous colored dance orchestra will ap- blems. Appointed by Governor Langer, ~pear for an engagement. This band the group is trying to find ways and has established an excellent reputation means of replenishing the general re- throughout this territory and will un- lief fund of the State Public Welfare questionable be one of the best to ap- Board. ~pear here this season. No grants to counties for General~ The dance last Friday was well at- [Relief (financed entirely by state and tended and a good time reported by county) have been made since Juneall present and from all indications when state funds were exhausted. The another big crowd will be present to- l welfare board has asked the board of morrow night again. I equalization to levy $455,300 to make up the deficiency. MRS. J. F. HARDY ILL The appropriation bill for GeneralI Last Friday Mrs. J. F. Hardy was I Relief and Public Assistance programs taken quite ill and brought to the local empowers the board of equalization to hospital for treatment and she is now make a levy and transfer the money to there recuperating, and at last report Monday Maurice F. Rohan of Bis- marck arrived ~nd began employment here as undertaker for the Overstad Funeral Home. Mr. Rohan for the pas~ year and a half has been employed for J. W. Calnan at Bismarck and comes to Beach well recommended. His home is at Hettinger, and he has had four years experience in the funer- al business. He succeeds O. E. Griffith, who for the pas~ several years has served in the capacity of funeral director here. During his stay here, Mr. Griffith and his family have made a host of friends, who regret to see this esti- mable family leave Beach. It is un- derstood that they p~n tO gO t~ Mlt- cheil, South Dakota, Mr. G~'lffith's former home, and where he h~s an op- portunity for employment. Best wiahes go with them for every success in their new location. CHU~H DINNER HERE ] The Catholic Ladies Guild of BeachI will sponsor a chicken dinner for the] public on next Sunday, August 2$th,] at ~oon in the hail of the church. Everyone is invited to attend Mrs. Marshall Miller and daughter Betty, and sons Donald and Bruce, ac- companied by Mrs. T. E. Hudson, arrlv- led home Friday from Seattle, Wash- [lngto. Donald has been employed there ~the past year or so, and Bruce nu been spending the summer there with the state Public Welfare Board fund in case of a deficiency of relief funds. The state constitution limits the levy for general state purposes to four mills. Te present situation has developed be- cause the four mills levy is not suffi- cient to cover appropriations made by the last legislature. Of the $6,100,000 appropriated for relief, about $4,000,000 has been used. This money came from was slowly improving, which is indeed good news to her many friends. Her brother, F. D. Mailey, and family of Tacoma, Wn., arrived here Saturday night and Jack Hardy, also of Tacoma, arrived on Saturday noon. FAVORITE 4H CLUB MEETS The Favorite 4H club met at the home of CieOne Curl on Wednesday, the sale certificates of indebtedness ,and the girls worked on their man- and the sales tax. l uals. All members were present. They It" has been suggested that revenues ldiscussed plans for exhibits to be sent of the state be jack-potted and pro-~to the fair in Fargo. After the excit, rated among the different departments ment of getting their work completed and institutions. State Treasurer John,-- ..... ~ney are planning to take an Outing. Gray said this course ox ac~mn woma The next meeting will be held with Az- not help the situation as there is no alia Hammond on August 15. money in the general fund at this time. and that a levy made now would not b2 collected until a year from now. The State Welfare Board also asked for $871,600 for a deficiency in the Pub lie-Assistance fund, used to match fed- era'l ~iad county monies in old age as- sistanc& aid to dependent children, and aid to the blind. LION OFFICIAL HERE Mr. R. Roy Kea~on, a special rzpre- sentative of Lions International who has been working in the interests or that organization in Montana for sev- eral weeks, came to Beach Monday and called on officials of the local club. He stated that he had heard some vey fine reports on the Beach club and that he wanted to see what the mem- bers looked like. He complimented the local club on its past achieve- ments and said some encouraging things about the appearance of our city. KILLLED AT SIDNEY Wlbaux--Friends of the Archie Yule family who formerly lived here, but now reside at Glendive, were shocked to hear of an auto accident at~$tdney Saturday night, in which their daugh- ter, Viola Yule, a 16-year-old high school student, was instantly killed and her brother critically injured. The latter, with all other occupants of the two cars, are in the Sidney hospital. Sympathy is extended the Zmreaved family. FURNITURE EVENT Elsewhere in this issue can be found an ad of the Overstad furniture depart- i ment, in which some choice and at- tractive bargains are listed, and readers are urged to look it over carefully. Tuesday morning Mrs. Minnie E. Smith left for Dic~ wliere she will attend the state conventkm of county atufltors, which will last three Locals Win Over New England, 8-5 There Last Sun. Next Sunday the strong Wllliston team comes to Beach for the final home game of the season. The local boys have been playing good ball the past season and axe deserving of the wholehearted support of the fans in the last game. The Williston team travels a long way to play this game and it is hoped that they will be greeted with a large crowd of appre- ciative spectators. It is understood that the Glendive Band will be on hand to furnish music for the game which should be an add- ed attraction as this band is one of the outstanding musical organizations in this territory. Let's be there. Before a large crowd of loyal sup- porters the strong New England team went down to defeat at the hands of the fast Beach club by a score of 8 to § last Sunday. Recently the Ne~ England team defeated the Diokinson team and since the latter has w-~ two games from Beach the "dope" pointed to a New England victory but the dope bucket "was upset. The scoring started in the second inning when Chiet Bender opened with a single, off the pitching of Wenzel. Bender scored later on a single by Gardner after Lee had taken three strikes and Wanner had grounded out to first. Austin struck out for the re- The first Beach scores came in the third inning when Enderle and Wen- zel were both safe on errors and scored when Haigh came through w~th a double. Bob Jones sent Haigh across the plate with a single and when Ray Jones was safe at first on an error Bob scored on the same misplay. We skip the fourth, fifth and sixth innings as neither team scored in those innings altho Beach had men on bases in every inning. The longest hit of the game was made by Bob Jones in the fifth, a triple, but it was wasted as no one was able to advance him. In the seventh Haigh reached first on an error and was advanced .to second on a neat sacrifice by Noyes. Bob Jones got free transportation to first• Both runners scored when Ray Jones singled to left field and the re. lay to the pla, te to catch Bob Jones was wild, Ray Jones going to second on the throw in and scored when Beckley singled. Score z:o.7 being Beach seven and New Englar-,~ one. A fast double play Wenzet to,Haigh to Noyes retired Wanner and Gardner after the former singled in the. New Monday night Walter Bratton of the ........ ~ ~nd Mrs. John Brockmeyer, d.v. ~rt af it beinz conducted in England half of the seventh. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hal-,] News office returned from a two weeks his sister, Mrs. Marine O lson:._~?. Ad;~1~ "~Ver~n_-Keuneth and Wllma M'~r~7"" - ~ also hit for on~ base, Sattler and Nei- and family left for Eugene, Ore-] vacation trip which took him to Chi- H~ had been to ~o.r~mnu,..~_~., ~:~ ~lers at the Horman Kettner Sr "~ " . ..... meier walked fining the bases. V:on where they plan to L~ke their t cago where he visited relatives, and to visit her daughter vera ann Ianu~y ~.^w~,~ m,,ao~ ~ " ~.~,,t. w,~t~ , , ,~ n~u Of the Ruden's fly to right field was dropped, ,, .......... . ...... , .ell~f ..a _=el" ~_ • h~le'. The Ha[steads have I also took advantage of. the o I~ortun,- there. .... local Red Owl store in Ed Oste~ ab' A.usttn and Sattler scoring, Neimeier re--of Beach for m~ny years,ity to.see.:some major league ~senall ~_..~.= _: ___ ..... __. .... ----------- -----='~'i ~enee, attended a dls~iet ~neet~tng at gom. g to. third and .VonRude[a to sec- rove ~, host of friends here, who [ game~, : He also visited his home at ~--=- : - -:::- - -='- - -- ..... ~. ~ ...... ,,~ ~,,,~,~,,, ,,~,t ona on me error. A stogie oy Pletan F.r~.t their depe~ure, but wholRugby for a. few days, and reports a | rrL.-##- "Ce|ebratton ' l; Tuesday Mr, and Mrs, Cap Bryant!_~,nt both1~1~Cl~ h01~e, Scoe, Beach m wmhing for them every Juc- [ very en~oyame rune. ~ AILU, L A • ~! &w~J ~" ~ ] and Bey, Jor~eward went to Fort P~k ] 7, New ~.~ngland o, ~;~ n ~ now lmma. ....... - { "~ | ............ -----':--'--:---'-----'--': "--: -:: ~-*-'::-~-'-~ ! for the day :l Beach added another run in the real ~e In stere~t the @~iace inLDr. ~nd Mrs. Blatherwick.and son ........ --- - ..... -- - - -me-bitterly critical in the past in eharglngl M~ Claflce McLain who has beeli!/llnth by virtue of a One ba~e hit by C~' n h : of Van .Hook N D, stoppea over a~ Headline hunting cttrectors ox i , ' 'Bcb Jones who : -~ ~ -~: -=" 1 ,~ = /~ ~,~, ~'~,, ~,~,~ -t~t - --:'-'~'~ .... ta A~ocatton went l'poiltics in the department. You areI employed at the loom hospital left]_ .. . . went to .second when . =s. aonn ~cnroeae~ an~rl... ...... Ray,, ~"~ .~, ................ -~.~ ---~, , G,reater ~orrax ~.r,~.:o .... ratre w~-'~ I~+,t,u,h,,.,O,~oo ...... ~ .o dan~rous..=_ =nrecedent ......... ~,~- ~o," h0me at Wibaux __~..,~t,,~h,~ov ---,night., ~oomson too~ one in the ribs and I friends MrS W~ ~i~d two dau i-enroute back to their home from ~en- ~ a-puffing out on me Aone p l . ._ l ........... scored when ~eckle~, ~ot his .... -~ rs, of* St.' Paul" " aridity here from ' ver. They left h~re SUnday. . I nesday to put on,, a comic-operaroad that isn"de"t I all-hard-surfaced'"The project to roadmaze willN°'not~° anbe I Mlller,~ews wnon~ unreac'nenm recentlynere wasma~gomg" ~acztO hit ~,n¢ .... ~ ,"°'~° ..... " ~ ~'~"~ in, Montana, and ;~inghs Sund~! :Thelen Homemakers w.Kl. meet Th_ .ur-] dicatic~, program for a IM,,~,~t~ ~mt.H th~ l~tt~r hart of Sen- school in Minneapolis, is now em loy-I Frank Wenzel pitched fine ball for ' a week's visit with the Clay Wiley! s~ay ~ep~emoer 1st wltn Mrs. JOnntfiniahed. . ..... relw... ...... "-~'"~ -"~---)f-Oc-~r. and~ed in a bank at Cavalier, N D P ]seven innings allowing three hits and A1 Schroeder families there. Sun-i.Holienl~c.k. All members are)gsked to| It will be a.nothermontn2£s?~t~z=[~erOr i lr~s~ ÷Pa?o]:~ ~-~uv 'route I Mrs. E. F. Cook will entertain the Istriking out nine men during that rdght Ray Sehroeder and Mrs. Wy- ] ce l~e~* ............. ~-* ~ : ~ ..... ~the construction worz. m .~'.~_'~'_~-_7 ~,' ~'.~ _w,,~ ~;,~.~,,~ ~.,~-~,~ +*,~ [ Desso~t ~ .~a~h ~ Yl~'Sday ] time. Art Roblson, star pitcher of the and daughters returned to St . W1 . _ . = . ~tt . :[Htghwa. y : ...... ~ ........ ,~. ^, ,~,..~.~,.~, .,u, ~.~. [ Pla- to hear tl~ Wt~ eolor~i dance|Beach team of two years ago finished ~d~ .u r~. The me o, me the s te a ooruer-to ..... cou,~ ....... ,uo ~,~ ........... - ,~- ..... l~ ay, g. t~ive ~a ...... the game getting three men the ' this de rtment for dece tion nd in BEACH ~m.o~J~t~ by r here~ ~ ~_...7 ( ... ~ big.. _ . "_ + " strikeout route and allowin no hits r ..... ~ "~ ......... ~ --- ~ .... '"+ ' ther the oread- , nd I ~wnff ~.'+~e~ Lart~n and g o a ana ~- ~,~* for Los Anaeles.[-Thf~ wee~~. ~lestk familyI But the fact didn t bo - I think, Mr. Ryan, if you a ............ o ~nd its wn ~r. and Mrs. Oeorge Larsen of Turtle runs. ~.~ ,~ ~. ~ ~,,.~.~..~ ~.. aa~[moved into the Turner house on the er North Dakota Assoclatl n each confine ourselVes to our o ..... ...... ~,,.~ ........ ~. ~ +~ ~ ___ ¢~ttv ~h~ h~.~ ~t the rmst [ north side. ! enterprising secretary, M. O.. Y~." fields that everything would be fine. = = ~,~- ~,~ ~n ~t~ o~tv ~ffir.~ r~ . , ---. .......... r~-- ~-- the directors tO grao -., ~. m. ~, ................ ~. e of monthe here with her par- DANCE in Sentinel Butte tonight, + SO anxious were ...... uredit P. I-l'+ Mc~DRREN,. . Tuesday Mrs. Blanche Bondley left W loaux ~cnools Mr and Mrs W L Carlson, Thursday, Aug. 25. Be therel It the spotlight ana taze all the..- _.,. Highway Comm~mner ............ t "'~"-" .... ,, _o.__ r~ ~r~-~w Q~- ~ItI~ she reports that she enjoyed her l .~rs. o~u~_ r~oy_.~. =.u u,u~.~___a.~, mr a p,Z~-=:-:-~h~;hh~themsclvcs Still under construction as the var- having visited her parents, Mr. and omy went m mlnngs on Tuesaay ox tug to uo ..m~ here very much. News Is in receipt Of a report last week, returning here on Thursday. out under the blistering sun at Medora!lous officials assembled to "dedicate" Mrs. Oeo. Nutter here.. - [its "~letiO~, were close to 17 miles S/dney, vhdtors ~last '~tlrsd~,y. were the month boy of Mr. Mr. and Mrs, R.W. Sa~trom of For- Wednesday and at the exPe.n~_e. _ °fma-n. Y!weet of M~la~'and~.~t :of Se~l Mr~ E~o. Ntstter+Mr~ ~.Jo~,Ml~ Mrs. Knute Famtveet had. a tooth man, N. D., spent a ~eek vis/th~ at '& wilted white-collar, "offl~ ae- the age of t'~. weeks,-which indeed the Chas. Ho~ .hOl~; Mrs. ~ts- id/¢ated the "completion" of yJ~gbW~,Y record 0f.sollm ~rt. Mrs. Donald Uifers sadod~u- and Mm, Lum~k ~ mad of POrtland, Ore~n, .left "fOr in WLw~in on Friday to Wit of ,weeks. Hubert Bares left to the funeral of a relative at S; D. Leonard Thill took him to catch a train that day. Floyd Neudeck ~ two children down from Sidney last week to a few days at the W. H. Wood- home. Blencowe, Mrs. Ethel Caw- and Barbara Jean were dinner of Mr. +and-Mrs. Jesse Still and W. H. WoodL'ull Friday evening. of Portland; Butte Aug. ~5. Be there! strom beh'~ Mr Rollstetn's sister. The l~t again taw latter ~ of the W~e~: accom~ed ~trs. ~h Zto~- stein. +MI~ IL+OIS Odland and her ffh'l friend l~,-abeth ~eleske of B~mnmrek arrvted Sattu~ay to Visit g few day~ at the I~ewis Odlaud home. Tuesday evening Mr. gnd MI~. Marshall Miner gave a seven o'clock dinner honoring Donald Miller, who is home for a visit now, Miss Ruth Holistein lef~ last week- end to resume her teaching duties in Gregory, S. D. Friday Rev. and Mrs. J. K Strong and the five boys whom Mr. Strong taken through the Park, left for a brief while to at- It tend to bttsiness intexests there. [No.~ 10 with dUe lz~mp and ~. '~. RefminZ to be part~ to me mind trod decel~i~n that ~; ~~ p. ~ M~au~n and ~v~-n~ ~u~ two men who really lind ~m~thl~ t° do wi~ ~ the ~tructto~ pro- Ject underway. In. a ~ telegram to l~yan 01¢DA pronm-~er, McOdrren minced no words in indicating his dt~pproval of the trickery being used in an aber-t tive effort to boom tourist travel overI h hwa that is not complete and a ig Y n+ will not be completed until early i Butte. ~on is l~Ing hendled in two+ ~ netth~ ot which was of a~.~ ~t ~orea re- vea:~L O~:~t~.i.Oim:.~'a.,~. (Upro~l.- mamy ~ ml~ea ~ .I ~ :~utte) grad~r.g ~-0~ ~ ~rcev.t,oomplet+ ~ of Iz~t I~'urd-a~ (AUg. 1~I). On the other ~~ project (4.37 miles west of MedOmJ department records showed the grading only 20 percent complete .--Tl~e Leader. (Ed. Note: The News office is a member of the GNDA, and glad of it, and believ~ it to be a worthwhile or- ganiz~tion. However, the above story really tmrtrays the true attitude of a October. The text of McGurren's telegram to huge number of the rank and file of Ryan: people from this part of the state, in "I can not be'a party to a celebration regard to the so-called "celebration" which attempts to use the state high- last week. and an awful lot of these way department as a vehicle to ad- are wondering Just w~hy been just as ~ell vance the until the road was candidate for The reactionary press of the state were reallY complete. ) I Ma~ Veeder and ~. Y~ed Bry- ant. arrlved~ to ~I~+ t~e office re- cemly vacated b~. A!~rt ~nae, who Was transferred to ,Xallds~. Mr. Dahl is a single man, and has+ been asso- eiated with FSA work the past two years or so. ROger, Mary Lou and Timothy Mug- gll went to Riehardton Wednesday and returned Sunday. Urban C. Bares and Charles B. King, both of Minncapoils, were guests at the J. P. Thiil home the past week. Mr. Bares is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Thill. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilt of Olendive were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thill. Mrs. Leo Kopman of Malta, Mont., arrived last Wednesday to v~sit her daughter, Mrs., Russell family. She plans to return this end. Wilmux--The county ~ ~o~lL win , open on Tuesday. Sept. ~.h; w~tl~, a few changes: in the faou~t~. Mira AUce, Nelson, Miss Mary IZ~mtl~on:m~IMr;• John mm~ml have reded to take - lx~ltions e!~wh~, ,w$~la~ Saot¢ ts. ...... superinten~tmt and w~ ~azh:.;m~,y/+ merclal dep~men~ Mt~'~, Peterman of the soC~ S~ancl Miss A. Butler of Endl~h~l~tobert Willet will have charge ~ boys athletics and Will teach ~, mathematics and biol- ogy. Miss Nelson's and Miss Hamil- ton's places have not yet been ~illed. I James Scott has the seventh and eighth [grades. Miss Vera Hall the fi,th and t sixth, Miss Fern Knudson the third and fourth, Miss Dlederick the second and Miss Mary Stefanowich the first. Mr. axed Mrs. Barney Brunsvold and arrived in , Mr. Brunsvold thereat of the are visiting at Elmer Brunsvold hame.