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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 25, 1932     Golden Valley News
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August 25, 1932
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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pAGE SIX THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANCE THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1932 ~r~ ...... GOLVA 1 Lorena Hurd, Reporter ] A f~ame of ball will be played with ~batlx on the home diamond Sun- d lasay- Margy Funk who has been v~ag relatives in Hebron the past few weeks returned home Sunday bY waY of train, Mrs. Prudence Page is visiting at the home of her son, Wallace, in Golva t~s week, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Larsen and t~ghter Betty were dinner guests a~ the Fritz Fasching home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kremers and la~ally spent Sunday at the river. Mr, A. M. Carlile. who has been ~21dlng summer school in Mis- Sis, Mon~.. arrived in Golva on Monday afternoon. Miss Marian and George Wosepka ~d Bert Faaching called on Miss Be#~ry O'Connor in Baker Sunday. Miss LilLlan Maanum visited at the O~:mnar Fahlst~m home last week. The food inspector of Bismarck was in town Saturday. Mrs. Henrietta Sheen who has •sen visiting her brother in Hazen retairned home Saturday. & number of young folks from attended the l~Xty ~t Geo. Mulls Saturday night, g~ven in hon- ker of Fad. Stull and Delbert Huwie, 'l~.ey report having had a good ISl~llra Meyer of Beach visited at the J. L. Tschid~ home last week. John ~ who has ,been work- for TOm Oldls was a week end Vl~Or at (~olva. ~r,. and Mrs. Wallace Hurd of ]BowmanM2s. W. werew. PagegUeS~sThursday.°f Mr. andMr. !OR BETTER OR FOR WORSE: Tile blushing bride is Janet ynor, the handsome groom, Charles Farrell and the cere- and Mrs, Page accompanied them on.yea part of thmr new Fox comedy romance, 'The First ~k to their ranch and remame~ until Saturday. Owing to the rain which is based on. he saccessful John Golden s[age laric~ay night, they had quite bad [-0 u ction_).wmch was.wntten by Fram< Craven. roads through the hills. .......... Mrs. Carrie Madison, son Homer 9~d daughter Anna Mae and Mar- garet Exeitinger visited at the lmme in STREET COSTUME: Of blue silk crepe, with darker blur souffle and lace vestee The hat is of rough lacev Worn by Elissa Landi in ,.h,:: Fox Pic .ure, "A Pa.spert H,AU' THE CHAPL[NS ARE COMING: Sidney Ear[ Chap!m, age 6 and Char!es Suencer Chaplin, Jr. age 7 ons of Lira Gre Chaplin. arrive m New Vork from Nice..Fr::=ce. on tke:: to Hollyweod. where r.,',otner, tr':.:; will r,:ake five feat; .re pi,ctures f-'r re:.. l:ih:::. of Mrs. Madison's brother. Joe Murphy in Glendive Sunday. Anna Mac and Margare~ remained in Twin Brothers in U. S. Infantry :CATTLE LOSSES ,MAY BE DUE TO PRUSSIC ACID L'om K'e l).~,~n:.s .,vRh aborted! TAKING TIME BY THE ,.=re ,vttL FORELOCK 5,lr. Tholnl?zOl! t~d vi.:('s : ll.a~ f:l BONNIE VIEW Mary ~eCaskeyo Reporter John Barkland and son Ernest were Beach visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Beeler and family and Hank Beeler have mov- ed to George Kenigan's farm, where they will make their home. The?" have resided on the Farra Iarm :or about three months past. Miss Catherine Uetz and MiSS Mary Dilley of Beach and Mrs. Roy McCaskey were visitors and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nehls. Harry Hill. Max Ken" and Bud McC;'~skey made a tnF to Beach and Wibaux Monday. Mrs. Nick Schmidt of Beach and Miss Josephine Schauer are assist- ing Mrs. Mahlon Stecker with her home work during tlu-eshing. Ernest McDanold ret.urned ~o his i home last week Saturday from WiLl- . iston. N. Dak. He has been employ- ed in a newspaper office in Willis- ton for about six months past, but due to poor health it was necessary for him to resign his position there. He pinna to remain at his home for the present. Mrs. Joe Skala, son Ernest, little granddaughter and their relativ~ left Ior their home at Chicago, last Tuesday morning after a two, weeks visit here at the home 0/ Skala's sister, Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs. oe family, who arrived at tile same time. remained visit with the former's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Helen. Ward Butterfied ed a~ the Oluf home last week. Floyd Hobb~ ,he to have his cdtlar broken week when he from his Mr. Hobbs and Livermore planned to dri to tow'n. horse ~tmt the' ormer was started to ru ~nd coming to I whe fence s~c suddenly. ing Mr. be thrown, as was withe resulting e hr(l:~,n bone. He is at.: Glendive for a weeks yisit. Mr. and Mrs. Andr@ Abraham of near Beach ~4sited ~at theSever Abraham home Sun,ray. ed Harry Harpster o~ Beach pass through Golva Sunday enrout~ to Alpha. W. W. Page anc~ wife and Jack ttalasen were bus~ess visitors .at Marm~rth Monday~ Mrs. Page ws: ~ted with Mrs. F| L. Barnes an daughter Katherin~ while there, the latter being an ol~ time Minnesota friend of the family. The Dance Den[ons are giving a d~an~ at Carlyle ~aturday, August th. / William I~iddlet~n of Beach has beene out ,~o the ~om Oldis larm ~mut~ of ~a th~ past few days. W. Findahl~f R~nger was at Gol- va Monday on~us~ess. . A heavy rain~e~ at Golva early Monday morning~ i Bad Halgh dl~o~to Glendive on Sunday to participle in the ball game bet~een Beacl~ and Olendive. He was aecampanied by the Misses Alvera and Mildred Funk and Lor- e~a Hurd. While there the party en~0yed a swim in ~he