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Water, Dam 1I!
Is State Experts' Slogan
people of this region will be Dam Bulletin BeLu& Published
in the following waverI The department is getting out an
~rva~ion program which is be-I illustrated pamphlet on farm dams
to be distributed free of charge to
~ram~ed by the state.
State Engineer department is applicants, to county agents and to
in post offices and other ~ community leaders. Two types are
the staA d cu ed, the dam and the
urging a waver conserve rock dam with the ordinary safe-I
program to .capture and retain for guards to be observed, it endeavors
I~tmflcal use the spring floods that
~ten esv~pe unharnessed to the
Milch has been said about the
t~,opo~d great dams and other pon-
derous projects in our state involv-
lag millions of dollars but we bare
~en so busy viewing these moun-
tains that we have oferlooked the
~¢Old in our back yards. These back
Yard projects are not so small in
tlae ~ggregate. If on _eacn o, ~e
80,000 ~luare miles of l~ort.h DaXuO[d
a ~ dam were built whmh W~ive
~la~l m~ly a few acres, say -00
~, that would add over
~uare miles to our present lake
SO ambitious a ,program is of
fanbastl~ But the fact re-
matna that an enormous number of
dams can be built and have
~. bttllt bY farmers at a negltgib:~
y of cash. Mr. Waldo E. Smi
18 conducting these investigao
f~d thtrty-two farm dams
In dBtark oounty akme. That is l~th
l~ a partial list. Yet, Mr. Smit
reports that he observed the
~rrecks ~d remains of a much larg-
el, number.
tO show wherein many amateur I
built dams are weak and why Vhe~
In addition to this the depart-
meat desires m advise builders of
these dams on problems not covered
by this general treati~. Correspon-
dence is solicited, t
Community Park Dams 1
The other line of'investigation is l
toward the construction bf dams inI
streams adjacent to communities
which now have parks without wa-!
ter or have streams suitable for park~
purposes and have as yet made no
effort to obtain a site for a park.
Two. field parties are investigat-
ing these possibilities, making soil
borings, surveying areas inundated
and contacting -~arious personsIn- -
terested, On this the Department
is cooperating with the North Da-
kota Game and Fish Commission,
American Game association and
various local organizations, such as
chapters of the Izaak Walton Lea-
gue, American Legion, and service
clubs. About forty such sites so far
have been found, mainly in the sec-
ion west of the Missouri river.
Stock Raisers See
Hope in New Plan
Discussion led by Dickinson Lea-
Choral union ~rehearsal.
CHICAGO.--With the Western
range country under-produced and
under-stocked, the fall of I932 of-
Saturday Evening
6:30 Banquet.
Toasmmster. Rev. H, G. Plamann.
Speak~rs Roy. O. S. Rindahl Bis-
marck. "Gee. Washington.'" Rev.
ferS ~rowers of g(md quality grass- Waldo Ellickson. Taylor. "Christian
fat and feeder Education/' Rev. Chr. Notsund.
c a t t I e a n d Belfield, "Christian Stewardship."
lambs the b(,~t Sunday Morning
oplmrtunily in 9:00 Communion services for
years for in- Leaguers and Pastors.
creased prolil s
on fl~eir stock,
,lohn H. Bowles,
v 1 e e president
of the Bowles
Livestock l;om-
mission C o m-
pany, explained
here today.
Dowies made
his remarl~s to
. . a group of live-
~o~n H. Bowles stock men on
the occasion of announcing forma-
tl(m of a revolutionary "contract-
share feeding" plan to be operated
~nder the newly-organized Bowms
~ational Supervising Service with
headquarters at the Union Stock
Yards in (~htcago,
Bi~ Shortage Exists.
'~£he law of supply and d£umnd
thla year favors the cattle aml
lamb grower of the Western ranges
who places his stock in the corn
belt feed lots to secure corn-fat
premlum prices next year," Bowles
said. "It will be practically lm-
Imssible to over-supply the corn
~tt or likewis~ to 0vet-supply the
corn-fed fat lamb and fat cattle
Imarket dOrlng the first three-quar-
ters .of 1933 and possibly not for
~iV~ears to come.
,~."& great shortage of these am-
lmals now exists in the corn belt
a~ the corn belt feeder is not in
~Itl0n to finance the purchase of
.: ~eedtng cattle and iambs. The!'e-
~ore~ he must turn his efforts to-
Wa2~t. contract-share feeding."
~Ince the United States Is now
$n a stri¢t}y domestic consumption
Of: beef and lamb, Bowles said,
there is ~o danger of foreign mar-
ket competition, The breeding and
yo~!~ ~oe.J~ of both cattle and
lamb~ will be held back by raver-
able grass and hay crops, These
anlmal~ will be available for corn
flal~tng and will bring premium
l~rlcesbecause the supply will have
been exhausted by the time they
are ready for market.
Hea~ed by Expert Feeders.
"The new supervising service."
Bowles continued. "is distinct frmn
any which has been attempted In
Confessional address. Rev. A. O.
Andvik, Mandan. ASSLsting. Rev.
Carl G. Nelson, Sims.
Rushing Work on Chicago's New Post
.., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1982
returned Wednesday from an ad-
venturous trip to the coast ,an~
back. While in Seattle the boys wit-
":-: .... -- .......... --" incased the preliminary maneuvers
ST, PAUL'S LUTHERhN I of the United States fleet as they
H. J. Trlnklein, Pastor prepared for their big demonstra-
tion put on August 22rid. Jim Orlon-
Sunday, Augus~ 28th:
Divine service. 9:30 a. m.
Sunday School, 10:30.
Everyone welcome.
Rev. C. G. Ellinger. pastor
baugh, who accompanied the boys
on their trip, stopped off at Billings,
Montana, and has not yet returned,
t though he is expected soon.
Tl~e Missionary ladies of the Uni-
] ted Brethren church will give a play
entitled "Sewing for the Heathen,"
at the church Friday evening, Sep-
Sunday school I0 a. m.. Mrs. C, C. : tember 2rid. Admission ten and
Hollstein, Supt. callers a~ the Hall ranch, south of
Morning worship 11 a. m. At less be an extremely enjoyable event
this service the new bulletin board and will draw a big house.
w211 be dedicated with an appro-
priate message by the pastor. The ---~-= ..... =----------~-
buiDtin board will be presented by
the Christian Endeavor society and
the Men's Brotherhood.
Missionary society meeting Fri-
day the 26th a~ the church with a
picnic lunch.
Choir practice: Thursday 8 p. m.
P. A. Gisvold. Pastor
With workers going at full steam, Chicago's new post office, located near the loop district, ts rounding
into a first class skyscraper. It is hoped to have the building opened in time for the coming Century of
Of Golf Tourna-I
ment Sept. ]lth.!
The ~eaci~ GoH club had a meet-
ng in Dr. Niece's office Wednesday
evening, wlleu :evcral hll$il~eSs t~a~.-
Lets v,cre di~c-a.,scd. ~~?: tnat~er of
a defici~ .m :i~.e treasury we:, br0ugi~*
;4) c:!c, ~m as>.f:sme.~ made t2
cowr ~v." Following that. tentative
platte were shaped for ~he annual
Open Tournament. ti~e date of ~qep-
tember 11 being chosen, thougt~ tllis
time iz to subject to change.
This is the second of the tourna-
,hems and bids ~:air ¢o be a mos~ in-
teres;ing evem Ior aiI ttmse who en-
joy the game of golf. Entrants axe
Sunday, AugUSt 2gth:
Beach: Worship 11 a. m.
Sentinel Butte: Worship at the
Congregational church, 2:30 p. m.
DAY 2:30 P. I~L
I i , II
F. G. Roscoe, Pastor
Bible school 10 o'clock, Ottie
Morning worship, II o'clock.
,------- ...... Services, Trotters, N. D., third
Sunday of each month, 3 o'clock.
! A few young folks from Beach at- Services at Stoddard schoolhouse,
!tended the dance at Dickinson Fri- fourth Sunday of each month at
i day evening. ' 2:30 o'clock. Evening
Miss Helen Kastien, of Thermop-! Senior C: ~ndeavor. 6:30 o'clock,
olis. Wyo. was a house guesl, a~ the
'Earl 5I~ller home.
Mrs Gin> >~cDonald an~: Mrs
gcrd S)idi:clberg are ,,,uife!in> ~, i:h
poLson Y%.
The culnCe al Eve.~erten i;ar?.
Wedne~fiay e,cnlr~a wa:5 fairly v.~qit
attended and all [nesen~ grcat-b en-
joyed the excelknce of the mu~-ic
iurnighed by ',he Tin'her orc!:estra
Although this ~s the first time the l
orchestra has played in Beach. Tt's
music i~as long been familiar ~o the
peopie here through their radio pro-
Edna Buck. president.
Preaching service 7:30 o'clock.
Otterbein Brotherhood. fourth
Tuesday each month. 8 o'clock.
J. Ralph McNeil, Pastor
Sunday school. 10:00 a. m.
Mornin~ worship, 11 a. m.
Antt~em by choir.
Combined Epworth League and
evening services 7:30 p. m. Special
Mid-week Bible study and Pray-
Friday and Saturday
Saturday Matinee, 2:30
at her best in
And A Comedy
Monday and Tuesday
10:30 Convention services: Ser- required zo pay a fee and su~stan-
men F~ev. Carl B. Ylvisaker, Moor- tial prizes are awarded in a liberal ! grams from B;smaz'ck. er servxce Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. A clean picture with
head, Minn. Ritualis-t. Rev. P. A. fashion; there is no charge for those
who watch the t~Y. Later a list of Monday. while working on the Our motto: "Jesus Ct~rls,t the 80-
Gi~vold, Beach. entra.nt~, who sometimes come fromI combine engine, Guy. Bro~m, s u~- ;utlon of Every Problem.' EDDIE QUILLAN AND
Sunday Afternoon a considerable distance to enter will' rained a sprainea wns~ ne -as " MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN
2:30 Devotion. Rev. C. M. Fos- ' ~ ":" ,And A Comedy
be published with the announce- broughtto .B. each for n).e~,~ at[ ORDER OF MASSES FOR JUNE,
mark, Dunn Center. meat of the exact date decided up- tent~on ~y .ms ~at:~ez: ~w-~ ~; , JULY, AUGUST
choral union concert, on. bu~ ne ~'111 be unaole ~o use ~ne a m --
On the committee making the If- for a coul~le of weeks or so. BEACH:
Small, but Histori~ nal a~wangements are D, A Rhyner, ~, • 1st. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday
lathe Washington family, in England,The village of Sulgrave, home Ofso small that it is not on the aver- p Jh e t ~ v ~ Z~e% pT$~l,d m~B 3ryRev" Trinklein and L. A. Kirst. ahPo ! Paul Manship, New tt ;r'ch :ha °tent h eput tern gst t I= York scUlPofif ~ Atb:: samop? ~f h~o khDea!q ut~ JP Mr ! Sea~ n~e~2~WednesdayAudt°rAnders°n'wn°e 5th.4thgrd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. 2nd. Sunday, 10:00 a. m.sund@,sunday 10:0010:00 a.a" re.m" '' A;s'~lasth-'e
Big and Little street, ~en~d~s ~ relatives at the hosnitMI Emancipator as a Hoosier youth of the day conferrng with Manage1" R: 1st. Sunday, 10:00 a. m.
there, would drop in at the Advice of twenty-one, with his hunting dog. H. Milloy of the local Penny store. 2nd. Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
L~ssom of Machine AIt~ olfice as they go by or give us a{ The statue has Just been erected by ] Mrs. S. D. Knezevicn and two 3rd. Sunday 10:00 a. m.
" ' hat i woul , ~ sons William and Clarence return- 4th Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Another w~nderful pict~
An advancing civilization re" rang on the phone, so t t d the, LincolnlNatlonal Life founds- I - -' ....... "--onth's
~alra~ of tm new disciplines and new be ~ible to send various messages -, , .... ~ ,, , ~ ea zrom a p~easanv vs~v u~ ~ m 5th. Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
~" .... I non in ~'ort wayne, ~nu. ' • ," " ' ar Father Hake. RICHAR~ BARTHL~I~[~8
~autlo~.---Woman'~ Home 0ompaw ano mml to Mr Cushing, wila-~ou~ ~ duratmn ~ith Mrs_I~. ezewfh'_s p
waiting for the rather slow postal Trm lem Mrs ~ en~s ann omer remnves a~ Aurora, WITH ~ _~S'H
Ion, delivery on the days when Mr I The Rev H.J. ' k " . .' Minn. As Aurora is in the neigh- Mrs, Frank Huber was taken sud-
_ _ - ~' o ~ -. ...... 72. Trinklein and the three boys spent borhood of Lake Superior it is bless- I denly ill with a recurrence of an old An~ A Co~y
't~usning's iamlly canno~, go uOwn ~o it' s ' '
Bats' P~ulta~4ty see him {the first -part of the week w h Mr., ed with a very cool temperature m trouble Wednesday and left at once
Bat~ are said to utter sound~ ~, " _-_ -~ --, Trink]ein's mother at BeKield, re- the summer so that when we were for the Dickinson clinic, where she
high in pitch that they are inaudlbls ~ turning Wednesday. ) suffering with the heat, it was de- ] was advised tl~at an operation would
to the human ear, ~ i lightful there. ' be the only relief possible for her. Friday~fid Saturday
IN McGRAW S SHOES M~s Eleanor Odenbaugh spent a . She returned to Beach on the late Matinee Saturday, 2:30 p.
week v~iting friends in Glendive.Mr. John Kurkowshi entered the train the same day to talk the mat-
COMMANDS THE FLEET 'Miss Evelyn Fleischmann accom-!St. Joseph's hospital at Dicmnson ter over with her family arid to Don't miss this gripping
panied her home to spend a week,Sunday night and was operated on make arrangements for her absence, ""*g--Niht ~ ~t'm"
and to help celebrate Eleanor's, for a blaxlder trouble Monday morn- but is returning to the hospital at
,birthday. ling. This operation follows a pre- Dickinson the latter part of the
• l lminary one performed In Beach week. She will be accompanied by
The firm of Eide & Son are re- I four months ago, during which per- her daughter, Laura Sticks, who will WITH WALTER lllrS~
decorating the interior of the Mo~s~iod he has been confined to bed at remain with her mother through PHILLIPS HOI,M~S AND
Haukaas heuse on upper Grant his home. It was not deemed nec- the operation. ANITA PAGE
street. " es~ary to keep him at the hospztal
former years. A big feature of
the plan la the financial aid ex-
tend to the grower through ar~
1,a~igements made to defer posting
of any cash for freight until tim
animals are marketed as corn-fed f
fat cattle and lambs." "Memphis Bill" Terry, slugging
Bowles reported that the new first baseman of the New York Oi.
~pervising plan tins attracted tim
interest of livestock men in p-'c- Admiral Richard H. Leith, who ants, who was named the new man-
~lcaily every range state of therelieves Admiral Frank H. ~chofield ager of the Giants to succeed ~Iohn
emmtry and will be directed by a~ commander in chief of the fleet, 3. MeGra~ who, after 30 year~ of
mH)ervisors who carried of" 22 ~,f Admiral Schofleld has been ordered managing the National leaguers,
~e ~ grand championship av,:cds to duty as a member of the gene~', startled the baseball world with the
m~de ~y the International ~,'ve- announcement that he was retiring.
board, N, vy ,epartment. of Job
I~tock i~xposihon in Chicago shwe ,
the inceptic, n of the internat,oaal H-mbh B rthplace n N. Garner
(Continued from I)age one) ::.::.j..~~~., ':i '£ ....... " ....... *
M ndan League.
Dlscusslon led by Sims and AI-
meat Leagues.
Committee appointments.
Choral union rehearsal.
Friday Evening
~:30 Choral union rehearsal.
S:15 Mixer. 9arso~age lawn,
•his llttle:~cablu in Red Rtv£~ county, Texas, was the ~_rthplace of
the house and Democratic nomiae~ for
Saturday Morning I
~:00 Registration and choral ]
lmlon rehearsal.
10:00 Devotion, Rev. K. L. Norlie,
lVlasher. ]
Bible study, Rev. Carl B. ~lvi-]
asker, Concordia college.
Special music.
"Christ First in Everyday
H~en League.
by F1a~har League.
2;~) Devotion, Rev. Th. Larson,
tlible ~tudy, Rev, Carl B. Ylvt
:~ ,~ longer than Wednesday, when the
F. S, Thee!son. of Los A~geles is family e~pected to bring him home,
numbered among the new subscrib- altho he will rein%in in bed for
ers tO this great family journal, sometime, His many friends greas-
Ily regret his extended illness and
Mrs. E. Suuter of Golva was a vis- hope for his eventual recovery.
itor In Beach Monday.
Miss Mattie Thompson returned
James Odenbaugh, jr., left Men- Sunday afternoon from a very exo
day for Seattle, Washington. tensive trip wheren she first went
Grace Moyer returned home Fri- to Caiifarnia via the north route
day evening from a months trip to thence back by way of the sOuth
route to Wisconsin, and then to the
eastern pointS, Twin Cities, visiting relatives and
I Forence and Ethel ~an of friends at various points on the way.
[Alpha were Beach shoppers Satur- She was. gone aft a month.
l day. The St. s
] Mrs. Lyle MartIn of Sentinel Aid will meetd~g the basement of
the church next Wednesday, Au-
Butte was a Saturday visitor in the igtmt
"Chrt~ In Edu~,on,
Arthur Meyer and chidren of And A Comedy
Glendive and Ann~ Meyer were NEWS RE'F2b
twenty~five cents. This will d~bt-
Ollle, Wednesday.
Beach, No. Dak.
Quality Merchandise Fqrtess
At Our
Just unloaded another car
can always buy\sugar at
we're just out. /
Sugar for 100
98 Lbs. Gold
C. W. White Ch
as we never
5 cans for
Wrapped, mild sugar cured picnic hams ...........
Sugar cured Bacon, lean, pound ............................
Dill Pickles, quart jar, only .......................................
Canning fruit, such as Elberta Peaches, Fancy
Pears, Prunes, Grapes, Apples, Crab Apples,
loups, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Blackberries and