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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 25, 1932     Golden Valley News
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August 25, 1932
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OmC'*IAL PAP ira O1 GOLDEN VALLEY CO~fl~rY &ND CITY OF BI~6"B ' I .... ~ i' ,, ' , ,'~ , ,r,m ] ....'~,' ..... ~[ * ,r q N ~ i i .... I ........ VOLUME XXIV ALL HOME PRINT BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, TI URSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1932 EIGHT PAGES NUMBER 17 GRA SH !(oN ' • .... ,' , Scenes and Persons:: Current News . I EACHP] [i I ( }LS "VE . BEINGH ] I[ T TO 0P[ . IF , .]]11 at :: the school houseI]' ' "l}t T#t LEAIJUE rn1 vvHl) 'l' [, ]gId'e'ath then "Two ========================================================e edhlsBall partner Mixed : laylng" y in :': Foursome ::: this the ": next " .,., . ,oer veer.llrura[ AIiii a° a inar ansn't,he done -- " ,,. ' v | ADVANCE EDITOR IMPROV- :: :: '~~!~>: "~::: ""::':' ................... ':": ~ ....... ' " !:~: :.% ...... ~i~:%~::::: '::~:::?~: ~i ~i: . ~.:: CAN YOU HELP • 1~]l~r~'~I~lh[ J We axe all cheered up by the i I ~ I try will, ill ulally cases, need a I 1~T~r/r V" ~"V]L'~C ~'{ : L good news of Mr. Cushing's?m- TII_ I.tlqL I - - ~:: • ~" ~ ~ chance to work for board and 1] JP~L :' [ provement. He u a l llL i .... ! .I W ~ 4f~ ]~kT i'][q D ~ I I tough time of it but you can't | I ~[~ , room ff they axe ~o go ~o mgn/ "- ~.~ ~.~ ~ 1 r~. ~L~ 1.J] keep a good man down and he 1 I i~::i:: school this yea. In some ea~ / g~Iri~V ]L~Ad~IT1F ~: ] is showing us the staff that he 1 [ ~:i:!~:!: they will be able to help out [ ~tl[ll r/ uUhl 1 ~ ] is made of in his game fight. 1 I ~:i:i: :: with potatoes, vegetables, eggs~ | :~ ....... I Saturday he was given a blood I I ~:::::::i:::! ~: meat, etc., as a part of the costs [ I I ~~ ~'¥~:!:::i! i: of room 'or board, but they will ....... J~unea TOO oeep TO] transfusion, the donor being his I I ~ii~!~ !::i need a little help from those [~upt. urmustuen Announe~ Be Killed By [ son-in-law, Harry Rice, which 1 I ~i~ii~::i::~iwho live in town. Tlflnk it over, } All Will Be In Readiness ~ did him a mighty lot of good, II !!~-~ ....... e~ ] and Monday another, the don- 1 put yom~self in their place---in I .G~nl~mmhdmr )Pif~h ~ - _____ [ or being his daughter Nan, who " [ i their parents' place, and then [ ~-~z- .............. I I /~:~i~ ~ | do wb.~t you can to help these [ __ | was staying with him for a few I I ~~~~ ~ i young people get an education. I OATS, WILD MUSTARD [ days to cheer him Up. He is [] I ~]~~.i[~Jl ~ ~ [ If you can use a boy or girl for SCHOOL BUILDINGS ! .... ...,~..~ ............... { gaining steadily now, and under ~ [ ~~~ ~ | I odd jobs, or for regular work, I WELL RENOVAT ~( UHU~I~N l~I I~UI~I~I~I~' the splendid care he is getting L~ I soonat St. Joseph's hospital we hopeto have him home again. ![// '~:~ ! ] cMl up supt. Grindstaen,~ i -- ~'* ight Meetings Held In Deadt : ( iU:RAI IRates of Tuition Will Be The Thistles And ( MAUREK nw: o :'i I U [ Same As In Past Few Years ussell) OM i DISTRICTS MUST MENDS 1932 , o oo, on t--Norman ArmourNew Jersey, counselor of the American emb ssy n P , o been p o nt-I P A V TUITIf NI_ "r- ........ grasshopper population in 1311 TNTrlplNI ' I • in th fl 1 h 1 & • I l~U3lll~lk~£ 1 ~pr.~InDe o~n. ££ 1~ nope~l I;~ el by Presxdent Hoover to be minister to Haiti. 2~Actlon photograph dur g e e d ockey game in ~d,.~n n¢-.~---., ^~,----~,, ,---,---- whxch India defeated the United States in the Olympic games at Los Angeles. 3--Scene in St. Louts after a I [the first daY of school so ~tat th~ ~den Valley and adjoining coun- ] lltJ±~lll~Llt !.~21 It~ k3 • • . chi ....... ~,,v,,~ m~ w,. '~sm ~[~ls on a general increase accord- I ~ deluge that turned the streets Into rivers and did vast damage. }--'" e ..... I will be no interruptlolts in the mlttoet . , . ,_ . ,,., y enera james.mor-lwork. Regular attendance is essea. tO ~County Agent Russell who is I ' '- IBAUX TEACHER DIES [ rm Hands Down 0proton } tial to good school work. a special study of the habits I More Waterfowl Present In CARLYLE 4-H CLUB TO [ IITT1LII I ]w I To That Effect I Children who will ,be six yea~e .of ~he pest. Normal infestation fori North Dakota This Year ~tlarea according to Mr. Russell's] q~h.n In l_q21 HOLD ACHIEVEMENT[lxjL /qtq ll i~9~llll~lt t FRIDAY AT MINOT, N. D. [ . l age on or ,before JsA21~ry first will ~tey is from two to three hoppersI ............. [ ............ 1 l -- [tin admitted to the first gra~e, -- The school bulldlngs in the eAt~ squ~re yard. This year the The annua: achievement day pro-I ! The many friends city of ISEVERAL DISTRICTS IN land the four rural schools ~t shows about six to eight per] g 9 rl v last Frida to learn of the ~t~x~ ~,~ru~r~x~ av t-An ~ - .- ..... ~ yard. The present infests- PRAIRIE CHICKEN SEA- ram of the Carlyle 4-H clubs will _ _ the Parker family in Wlbaux were | ~n~ ~ n~ ~t~xr~rt n~ n ~ ~, ~ been tlaorou~rhlv renovated a~a "~m,~ I ts the greatest since 1919. Mr. I SON OPENS OCT. ..... 1PIW. T be held Carlyle / _ . f th " decorating by the school eua- ~ge~r~' -t~'l points out that during theI Wednesday, August 31st at 2 p.m.| l~tJ ~.a~t_ltJ.~Vl2/ KI~LF±~ of Mrs. $1gne earzer o a~J |ted|an,% Tornow and Vanatter. ~' ng year the infestation in _ The following clubs will take part: [ ~ c:tY. Mrs. Parker was in Minor a~| [ Post-graduates will be admitted art ., The Oo-Oetter,~oys 4-H_club, .At-] I the time of._13er _a th" an .]Is Vexing Problem That Has ]in the past provt4 t~ey conform ~!~mction of the state was very ~' because of the fact that a I Four Day Seasons on Part- [nur.~xar~m an.a Lm~ne Fm~on, 1o- | Sept. 2-3-4 Set As Dates For [snomy_ e_x_pe2 _a } Aroused Much Comment i m ~ae same reg311ation~" ami rttlea cat teaxLers. The t~even mnappy] ~_,L___.__ ~, ,, _ _ [sne ?yv? In ~VO-i~" ~-~--'-- ias o~ner student. Pcet-gra611at~ disease had developed among } ~.Idoa s,a Pheas- Sewers club, Mrs. Thos. Fulton and | ~Jatnertn.g_o[ Ioung [ teachers oI ~na~ clw ~or a number | ~ rtn uetaottt | who have an earnest desire for au I~L,~ltoppers the latter part of July ~e~ -~]-- -~- ~-- " " ' " ] t li ~"~" ~11}) and continued through the anis; ±~o tTeer Mrs C Stuart local leaders The Folks o: years and expected ~o resume her I leducation will be welcome-~ Live Wire Sewing club. , Mrs. C.M. - ~" ~ duties along hat ne. | ----"- [ ........... The. t~,~. h~r~__, .~.4~ ~,~.~,.. ~,;,.,e~ ~*~u'~' ~season that fall. Thus far Fulton and Eva Martin, local lead- . Ftmeral services were_held Men- ] Following is art interestin~t eli - twill be practically the same ag thol~ Year the disease has no~ ap- ] era The Lone Star Luncheon crab, , any. ~esmes 'her nusnana sue |uin~ from the Mandan:~lca~P~ |0f last year. Students who ~t~~ the hoppers. The[ Hu~_~h:~ :eaton will soon be with Mrs L B Griffith Mrs Gee Ran-|PROF. YLVISAKER OF two sons Donald and Fhillip, ~o~c_ _ a ....... " .... tto dlapose of their old texts ~,-~--,r Ig in r~te soil a~ all times ~ - -. . - • " ...... t f wn cn has am~mc~ iota4 m~xmg, mmmm ~ Only requires favorable condi- [:s and we are pmasea au this time dash and Sophie Oriffith, local | CONCORDIA TO SPEAK m,°ur9 her,lo~s, as well as a hoe o ~and is in regard to a problem that/have them at ~he high SChool build= ~= ~,~,t~ lts sp'~ad among the hop- I :o publish recommezulations made leaders. ] z~e~ m ~nm secraon. [has often been discusscd: ling on the first day of school, Th0~ ' ~x / - [ t.o Governor sharer by Burnle -- | ~ [ A school district which does ~lot ]who desire new book~, may ptlroha~ ~tlL lRak~ell also said that if one l./~urek state fish and game corn- II* /1 / 1~ * 11"| I .... • • /'~ "11~ g'~! / /offer high school f~eilitie~ cannot|rdaem at tne office ~or actual coat. nlcmano raw has [Pastors, J elegations rrom Local bOlI LlUb |refuse to pay tmuon for its students/- ccouats be ~a ~'~ successful in the control oz I iv:L--~:oner, in regard to the wild | Entire Slope Area Will ]who attend standardized high | . ~t~i~on will re..~ _the : ,~:lll~ect pest he must first smaY[:ame situation In our state. Mr., Ma n y Exhibits[ ey ] : ~.bits of the pest and then a,: [Maurek believes tI~t there is a de-i Be a.,. Holds Tourn , ¢- ,:~-r~m from their weazes~ .po.m; [cidea increase in waterfowl and UP-i se Durln the pas~ Jew :~ g . . . [land game birds in 1932 over 1931. -- | | The attorney general was ecl'~-~cl |school studen.ts, fifty.-four doll~'~ ;~m~ [ Following are the recommenda-' ~ have been learned which is[t~onz which he made to the gover-~ Agricultural Exposition Will |Le~guesof-the--Mand~' ~trecu~:twi~l] |~n~entEof'pu~?:'i~a~PUuYl~u,~t~t I~he~arents tultl~ :! to be very valuable in next :.':_. Be Big Feature of Men- ~assemble at Beach ~o~ their 1932 " . ............ |a number of districts .larva given no- I' .on .p. ". . . . . ;• ~~~:]'~f~tu~ce!:~" " wn ] ii~r~sntg[the parle:r°tuaTh~k~tngccl':icken:h°n~n~g/°°~:th:and sharp-tail- tana Falr ~inc°nventl°naFre itdl:rYo=°rnintgndtaThe sessio~sl 0:32~haend::=;willbegin TournamentHere SundayWill l~e Melu [ dU~nag~t~~n~yaea' [aYstu~ltlce that the tuition will not be paid:: I if arab"an:d[i ~:nere .wnl _ l)e:yw:~:ci~tltYh~utrha~HoS~m~~g°my three nu r ugh Su Y. -- | . y e " 'r " • ~J~aight not be generally kno ed grouse be open~i at noon on Oc-, The big Agricultural Exposition ] ...... Christ Fi st " , of a high school district not furnish- I~Mrs. L. Baker) will be succeeded • ~ Iarmers that the hoppers are tober Ist 'and closed on October 15, ! ~ • . o: tne convention ts ' . r ," will hold . - . b to be stag¢cl m the commumty ex- I ................... ~ The Beach Golf club ing high school faclhtles may at- [I y M~ss Ida Underland. of Hettlnger • large meetings in every sac- at sunset in all parts of this state; I ....... and tn~s theme ~:m uv u=v~m,vu • . • ":': :~,~Uy-hoppersOf the countY.haveSOmeset about°f there itdailYl0 bag'limit 5 and possession lira- I ~!i;i i~~;e'~'c!!~d~! ~Ureai ~s ~ri~~~/ [[ :~O~.. a campaign for better living Second" That the season for the ] B {!~ltlons for hoppers. ,Some of the hunting taking, or killing or rtfffled] • !i :~a4ad fast rules and regulations ~rouse 'commonly known as the ~ 'iiave been adopted are as fol- ~rtrid~e be opened at noon on Oc- t n endent A R McChesney t The Ray Prof Carl B. Ylvisaker ' - ' '1Rugb for the ast tw per| t " " " : " this new event--officlall called a Morris said. Y P o years" Miss 1 ~'..~.~That all grasshoppers must re- ~ober 8~h and closed October 12th, 1 The ex osition will present a of Concordm college Moorhead, will Y ........... l~undb--b- Miss M r'l -" ' - P " ' " " " e rna t)n [Sllure o[ ~ne nome $cnool ols- y y y ~ e otson o1 • he outside edge of the field at sunset, in the counties of Bolt|n- eorrdensed picture of Montana agrt- be present t,o lead the Bible study TwO Ball Mixed Foursom Ton - trier to a the school district |Beacha graduate of ~n ' II ,readsides as soon as the grain eau Rolette, cavalier and Pembina; culture in a graphic, striking way. t and den.ear the convention sermon merit" maintainiPaYthe hm~ school may [college Moorhead Sl~e ~ • ~ except those Rving in flax dallY bag limit 5 and possession The big combined display will ~in-. on_.~un.aay mormng: . ~ is a tournaaient wherein sue and recover tuct~ment f,r tbi~ [some ~xst-graduate work in ~en~t'~ alfalfa fields. It has also limit 10 ~ elude registered and approvecl The ~odowmg pas~ors are expect-, both men and women participate, tuition and an order" ........... ma be secur-lsat the University _re ,*~,~,~ee-.~;l~n~ uested that all lady hop- Third: That the season for the threshed and s~eaf grains, threshed ed to ~,be 2re~nt w!thr del,ega~%ns, drawing for partners t.a~g place ed requiring the districty to levy a Mrs, Arnold will be su~ lrt [[°~ their eggs only in the grass hunting, taking, or killing of Chin- grains and seeus, snea~ ~orage cropsl~rom ~nc,~r ?a, rm~e~. ~.~u~ _~_~v_- Just berate ~ne. ~g~nntn~ oxtne tax for the payment of the Judg- ~nama rural SChool by ~ LR .t~t the fieldsand along the ese pheasants, be opened at noon and grasses, corn, po~a~oes_ve_ge ]suno, ~eme~{t, r~ ~',amann, tourn.amen~. ~.'ngn~ o~_I~_o~r1~wo mentinanamotmt five mills in ex- A~oyer, and Mr. ByroniA~rnet.hyby The reasons given by on October 15th and closed October tables, root crops,.ana ~rm~. s:n- | ~. ........................... coupms) .pLay me ..usu~ nine no ~, cess of the usual tax levy limitation, ~a~ss irene Maanum Of Golva in the big guys in charge was 19th at sunset in the counties of tries close September ~m, a~ one, c~ipgeOnslYo~iOngVa~o~enObWa~er, ~ ac,,~ordlnnogtictce to~e:tto~ne: gene~ci ~IOa:nr~ua, SaxCehTrl~luMai~s r?:yse~iv~v~v about--with first on shooting and ent under the lany to relieve ~he Pea ely 1 school district from the pay- farmers plowed or Richland, Sargent, Dickey, Ransom, [o'clock. . ..... land in the fall. This and that part of LaMoure coun~yl A special invitation nat ~een ex- of S~a~e 'reachers college a~ Dlak. -= was very detrimental to i east of State Highway No. 1 tended to all the adjoining counties ., insert and Valley City. lyng . o n .... • eneration of hoppe~. The and south of Shale Highway No. 13. of Montana and Western N rt shot, thus al~rnatLng .~tte ment of this tmtmn," Mr. Morris The faculty w~ll be as follows: [[~we~ also requested to deposit only; daffy bag limit 4 pheasants, eli Dakota, urging them ~o.t3 .ring. court.- l~lies and gent. ~mI ~al ~ said, . .... ~ural Schools ~%lCe~ef:h~r~dneae!edJft~ab~ ~~ettO/~ae' ~~N~bh~n:net~llSt~e ~elelfbw2d:t~ot~raee,at~th~:~e~S~tn~:ae~fw~f geIn~a~:O~l~d ~O~g~hec:~tlOsy~r~n! ~ar:c~nneu:l~et?::ki ?,Tb~ rtl or stubbleIt has been females All other parts a e for booth space Outside coun- of the players non resident eUnils n,- reducti^,-s -- "-!"" • 2 may be • m d . . - . ' - ~ ..... ~t the heat from burning of the state to remain closed, ties entering exhib,ts will not corn- Some real golf should r~sult frutO~.e should be made for simple absenc- orth [[~ stubble is not sufficient to Fourth: That the season for the I pete with any collective . exmm~ th~s to.urnamen~ anct go~ eel,s :'e es from school during the period aa a~,ot~t~,.r~,tt ltlt~l~t i~the eggs when covered by at hunting taking, or killing of wild I from Richland county, 13u~ omy all .~nw~ed to attend and par~c~p.ate, for which the student is enrolled, r~ , ~r~ [[!~ inch of soil. ]ducks ~ild geese brant, coots, and iamong themselves, and a~so urgeo ~o vrmg tne:r w:ves ................ • I1~" . ..... L~ .... nimous opinion among iother'aquatic birds, except Ross l "Visitors to the fair this year will and lady friends along. Dewey ~ts~r*.~.x+ ~.r~. l' 1 !1 ~ acsourees ~rs of this sectio~ of the i~eese cackling geese wood ducks, !find our big agricultural exposition Rhyner is in charge of the learns- ~t~,t~t~tt~z-x~,~ ~S~L. : ks most corn ~ete ment and requests that all wishing ~nat the safest place to start l~,,~dv ducks and buf'flehead d :c ,lone of the finest andp.. , . . . i TOO MODERN ----- i~ of hoppers off m life is i~.=~ned on October 1st twelve shows they have ever seen" said :to play ShoUld be.presen~ a~ ~ne University Prnf~-~,~- ~. ~ the roadsides The reason i .... -- On and closed on Novem- ~ Mr McChesney "It will tell the : course at 1:30 Sunday a~ernoon in ..... ., ...... ~o~: ~&. __ --^, -^~. ,^.. ,~..~. ~o'clock no ...... q.. ba~ ~ 2. ~ ~,,,,~t':a Au~riculture to t order to assure participation Mandan Pl.oneer--:No behaver :n presses Utmost Confidence l~"~?~ was rn,~ w~ *=~ "~"" bar 30th a~ sunset. ~v t~ ~ ~s~o~y ,,~ ,,-~,,-~,- ~- .. " ~.^~.~ ~.~ ~^~ ^.~.,~..,_~ ," ,~ o ~.. l:~. nttnued to page fly'e) l limit of 'ducks shall be 15 ix: aggre- !the outside world in a most e::ec- ~r~s~'i's, E~'2_"-,~l~ _ ~ ...... ~;~ ..... ~ m ~urvey oI ~lope - gate of all kinds but not mo~dthna~ tive way. lIneadeditwi~,a~ t~illparc" I / / -- rid / g~o cSme~r~m~rgerYseer~,e/a~,e~e: • ~ I* . [5 eider ducl~ (balue_biolnis: or in agf-: qrU::snt~a byp ~culture within the l lnoepenoents take ago a.d has since made his ~om~[ _ . ~ ~ - l'reolcts more than :v O: t Y---e of the re1 /t~ ...... d-~l~n~ the past twelve [ ~., .'. "I r**-,* . • on farms near New Salem. Saturday[ rroteasor W. E. Budge of the Unl- gregave o~ ~wo or mw back red"tcutm~y We'~ looking ~or a large l ]' |'~,w,~hl~ '1 "~|itltlm•nn" Allgeryer took a train for New York l vex~i~.Y of North Dakota last Tuee. I~ * T *P. l l° species: canvasj__~_ ,scan~- [mon_t,hs; i I IUIIIUI~[~ 1111111111115 and will sail from there Thursday aayftel~ered an interesting addreea • P,~gMrlgll11~l~ I ,11[[ [ head, grea~er scaup, ~e~y~ ~', : entry. " ........ull inform 1 { to bring back a bride from Ger- I ~o .~ne ~Icr~mson Lions club ~' ~.~vaava,La~t~ ~La~-~ [r'_in... ~,neck, lblUe'wingedcinnamon tealteal' shovelergreen" I atlonPremium" about ns~the ugrlculturalg~ng"~ expos-- -1-" / PROF. YLVISAKE~ -- man.y. • [ Din ne told of the. great wealth North . winged tea, , f Jr[ 1 • " rs Ha prospective br:de awaits himI akota has m natural resottrc~, be taken in any one lion and other features of the a , .-- -~ Glendlve Varmty Sta d . , . or gadwall, may , . • m Neufroch Bordee, Oermany, his and sa~d ~n effect that there were retary of Commerce day; and any ,person at any one are .being. wi~lely d~trtb, ute