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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 24, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 24, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L~ .... 20 Seen As Season Start Huniers may sl~oot more water- game birds open Sept. 20, the date ~owl, and over a longer period this(of the opening of the migratory and winter under ltberalledlwater fowl season in this state. 5. The open sason will be 80 days, Game and Fish 10 days longer than last year. J. Lowe The general daily bag limit for recom-ducks ,remains at I0, but an ad- M ~ Ck~ernor John Moses that ditional bag of five mallards the North Dakota season on upland widgeons, and pintails, singly or FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS on make= ira report t~ Candidate Jolxn W. Brlcker and Pregident~l Nominee Thomas 1~ Dewey at the Kepubliean governorm' coaferencm in Bt. Louts,, Mo, Next to Dewey Is Oov. Lvverette ~Jto~Ml ~ ¢hu~etta, and on the extreme right, Gov. Arthur B. Langlim of (Internltio~tl SoumfphotoJ OLD GLORY GOLDEN VA~,L?!:Y ~ ""~'" lia the aggregate, is allowed. Thus, if a hunter kills five or more of those species in a day, his bag limit on all ducks is 15. Is Crop Me.are Dr. Ira N. Gabrielson, fish and wildlife director, said the more lib- eral regulations were due to the steady increase in thecontinental migratory game bird"population. He said the increase in mallards, widgeons, and pintails has been "notable," and since they are the species which do the most damage to crops, hunters will be allowed to shoot more of them. Open seasons on wild ducks, and geese will include (both elates re- clusive): Sept. 20-Dec. 8--North Dakota South Dakota, Montana. Iowa Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan. VETERANS' WORK CARDS To simplyfy procedure for wa~ veterans in search of work, local offices of the United States Em. ployment Service will provide dis- charged service men and women with identification cards, On his first visit tO a USES office, the vet- eran must produce evidence con- jlrming his veteran status. Avoid Accidents In Home Canning To help home canners prevent accidents, canning specialists of the Department of Agriculture have prepared 12 safety rules. They are: 1. AVoid oven canning. Exploding jars cause serious accidents. 2. Inspect jars to be sure there are no cracks, bubbles or other de- fects. These are danger spots that may cause jars to break. 3. Try out jar tops and make sure you know how to adjust them cor- rectly. Some tops require looser ad- )ustments than others and if too tight during canning steam built up in the jars will cause them to break. 4. When using the three-piece type of jar top, leave enough 'give' to allow air in the jar to escape during cannir~g. The metal screw band must be screwed loosely over the glass lid and top-seal rubber so that the threads are just meshed in enough to hold the top in place du~ing canning. 5. Avoid burns or~ your hands by l using thick cloth or good strong • tongs to pick up hot jars. 6. Turn saucepan handles so they don't come out over the edge of the stove. 7 Watch a boiling water bath can- ner so that it doesn't boil over and maybe put out a gas flame. 8. Make sure a steam pressure gauge is clear and clean, so that steam can escape from the pet cock freely. 9. Make sure there is enough wa- ter in a steam pressure canner so it doesn't boil dry. 10 .Slide any hot or heavy con- tainer away from the heat rather than try to lift it. 11. Before opening a steam pres- sure canner, let the pressure drop to zero, wait a minute or two, then open the pet cock slowly. 12. When lifting a steam pressure canner lid, tilt the far side up to protect yourself from escaping steam. A vegetable storage cellar built deep in the ground is an ideal place to store vegetables under North Dakota conditions. Plans for build- ing are available free from your County Extension Agent. WANT CONSUMER PRICE LISTS Large-scale distribution of four to five million Consumer price lists is needed in connection with a campaign to "Sell Retailers oft Their Stake in Price Control," de- clared the Consumer Advisory Committee to OPA in protesting a- gainst substitution of a plan of posting Community ceiling price lists in Retail Storees. Shoppers are too hurried or too timid to ques- tion prices in the presence of other shoppers who may be waiting, the Committee said. Informed shopping, the advisors believe, "is possible only when Consumers have studied theeir ceiling prices at home." U. S. GOVERNMENT MANUAL The Summer 1944 edition of the "United States Government Man- ual,' official handbook of The Fed- eral Government, now being print- ed, gives the name and function of each Federal Agency, both "Em- ergency" and "Old Line." The Man- ual may be brought for $I from the Superintendent of Documents, Gov- ernment Printing Office, Washing- ton, 25, D. C. First Dovao Raid THE LONE RANGER By Fran Striker [THAT ~FIOT ~I~AAED ~ [REAR OF "t%lE CAFE ~~ 1 OEAD/• NEI~ GOT SOtv~" LR~NT.. LOOg TIgERE/~ ]~ ~ "rH~N~ ,S Hi~ " FIgT./ F}~/~ THE FIRST U. S. air raid on Davao, on Mindanao (lower map) in the Phil- ippines, has been reported by orifi- cial Japanese sources at the same .. --, "- - time a U. S. task force was shelling the Bonin Islands at a point indi- -~ cated by arrow (upper circle). The .o. .AT IA A noar.t to Davao is S por. ~~I~~T~,j~ ~ E~u'r/~AA~i~E.THIS ~ IT.~d ~-v ~ ONE AT T~4ATf on northern New Guin-a, recently taken by Gen. MacArthur's force~ .~kC~~~f [ ~// ~ and but- 600 miles from the target. Twelve Jap ships were mink in the =~~~~ ~, ,~~ Army postal olfleers are prepar- ing to move about twice as many Christmas parcels as were handled Service expects nearly four times year through Fleet Postoflices in New York and San Franclseo. Packages should weigh not more than five pounds and have com- bined dimensions of not more than 36 inches. Officials advise using la- .~=~7"~.~ ~...,~"~ ~l , ~ r..,.,,,~,, r~-~'~/~,~ I ~"~" LONE RANOER 9HOT _~~~m,,, ~ KNOW ~I~UT 9AY~ THE LONE RANOER 9 ~LVER BULLET~.~ [ I LIKEWE FOUND IN HAND? bels that won't come off and put- ring an extra address inside. Don2 send perishables, they ~ don't put edibles in the se~te box with durable gifts. A FAVORITE! 1221 12-20 Jumper-jacket outfits have prov- ed to be the ,most popular hits in Miss Americas summer wardrobe for 1944. If you haven't one or more of these versatile ensembles, try this easily made design ir~ a smart, summery cotton. An extra jacket in a contrast color is hardly, too! Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1221 is designed, for sizes 12, 14, 10, 18 and 20. Size 14, jumper dress, requires 2% yards of 39-inch material; jacket, 2 yards. Plau your fall clothes now!. The new fall and win.ter pattern boak, "Passing in Review" is now ---contains 32 pages of the f~p in clothes the boys in uniform adr mire--"Date" frocks, street sportswear, clothes to weer on home front--snappy school clothes for juniors and. children. Price cents. For this i~atter~ send lS plus 1 cent for postage, ir~ coin~ your name, address, pattern num- ber and size wanted to Bell, Noe~ Dakota Newspep~ Assoclation. 530 South Well~ Street, Chicago, Ill.