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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 24, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 24, 1944
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~ursday, August 24, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE THE Mrs. Walter Wassmann and ........... -=- .... --T FOR SALE--A five room bungalow You arc hereby summoned and re=I IN THE MATTER OF THE [10% of the Bid must accompany all Jerry and Emma O'Berg were t fully modern, 50-ft. lot, east front quired to answer the tzompmint elI RECEIVERSHIP OF THE {bids. fi0LD A VALLEY W ANT ADS I tile above named Plaintiff which is GOLDEN VALLEY STATE BANK. ' Quantity Estimate: Beach shoppers on Saturday. two blocks from State Teachers on file tn the office of the ClerkI BEACH, N.D. i Embankment, Dam 6100 cubic yards Miss Lois Wassmann spent Sat- College, garage, paved street. A of the District Court of the Sixth{ . I Spillway Excavation 1900 cubic yards NEW~ urday night and Sunday visiting at [ ! very fine home. For prices and Golden Valley and State of North 'b rge "~ece!ver oI. the above namea Rubble Concrete cut off on spill,~ the Loyde Wassmann home. TWO CENTS PER WORD Judicial District in the County of ......... ' Rock rlprap 636 square yards Herman Wassmann was a visitor PER ISSUE terms see or write Abraham In- Dakota, and to serve, a copy of your l anK nan men nm•ljnai" rep.ort ann: 10 cubic yards surance Agency, over S & L Store answer thereto upon the subscriber accounung anti peuuoneu tms ~our~ The Board of County Comr61a.¢ml~ at the Fred Wassmann home on If you want to buy or sell Dickinson, N.D. 47-4tc at his office in the city of Beach. for an Order ternmmting the receiver- era reserve the right to reject rar~ Wednesday night, somethtng~ tt you need help in said County and State, within ship thereof, or all bids. All interested parties are hereby (August 3, 10, 17. 24, 1944) I ........................ or want a jeh, Tou can get SAVE on Wards l~owerlite Bat- thirty (30) days after the service Mr. and Mrs. John Fakler and results from News Wan! Ads. V Jackie were Sunday evening visitors~ No ad accepted for le~ than tortes. New shipment just recei,~- of this summons upon you, exclusive notified that said petition will come of the day of such service, and in on for hearing before this Court at the Fred Wassmann home. zsc per |nserflon. A service ed. For your 32-volt Farm Light case of your failure to appear or at the Court House in Bismarck, NOTICE FOR BIDS -V charge of 25c will ba made for Plant. Sizes from 7 to 21 plates, answer as above required, the Plain- North Dakota, the I4th day I~If. -- ten o'clock A. . "blLnd'" ads. I mme d i ate delivery. Liberal tiff will take judgment against you September, 1944 %~ Bids are hereby called te ,v.u,ppl~ Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota, coal for the Cripps, Burk~ ~md = .......... by default for the relief demanded this 15th day of August, 1944. Barthel schools for the sees~a ~t ~=:_~ :--=~ trade-m allowance on your old in the Complaint. TROTT~I~S N~S battery. Purchase your set now. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, FRED JANSONIUS 1944-45. Bids will be read ~ • FOR SALE~Raby walker, Mrs. $86.71 to $262.94. Montgomery this 15th day of August, 1944. Judge of the District ular meeting October 10tl~ N O TI C E Court of the Fourth Ju- reserves the right to reject ~r~F ,~r ~s. J. F, Crook, Cot. Wm. Hasseistrom, Beach. 48-2tp Ward, Glendive, Mont• 48-1tc You, and each of you, will please dicial District, presiding all bids. take notice that the above entitled and acting in the above ED. F. KREMERS, Clerk FOR SALFe--One 11~ bu, gra~ entitled matter pumuant Lower Valley School Dist. No. 16, Golva, N. D. FOR SALE--McCormick-Peering 6- action is brought for the purpose The J. F. Crook family were Sun- ft. cut combine, on rubber. Max bin, built in sections, round, Calif. OfdeprivingqUietingyou,titleandin theeachPlaintiffof you,andof tOthelaWsupremeand thecourt.Order of Begger, tel. l-F4, Beach. 48-2tp redwood, $215.00; One 2% ft. ex- any and all interest in and to the (Aug. 24, 310 1944) day afternoon callers at the Kyle __ tension for Allis Chalmers 5- ft. following described lands situated in ~-V-- Sperry home, a week ago. ~ D0|t Y$g¢$01~--~ ~@' The stomachfluhasbcenmaking]WANTED TO BUY---5-r~m me- combine. Make your machine 7% the County of Golden Valley, and NOTfCZ FOR BIDS 1 ~ ~~ the rounds of the community of dern house. Nick Martian, ft. cut, $135.00. Assortment 30-ft. StateTheof NortheastN°rth Dakota,QuartertO-wit:(NEIA) late• Beach. 48-2tp Lareatte ropes, $1.25 while they of Section Nine (9), and the North Notice is hereby given that the last. Grain Buster Hammermills, Half of the South Half (N~S~) Board of County Commissioners of ] ~-~,]b i~,~ ~ ~,,~ Dress bargains Friday and Sat- FOR SALE--~-r~m modern house. 150 to 200 bu. P.H., $68.50. Best of Section Ten (10), in Township Gel.den Valley County, North Dakota, I ~~ ~| WAVE ~1. One Hundred and Forty-one (141), w~n reee*ye sealed bids for theI ~~ .Cc~pl~wi~h~leh~, ~J[~ s~rucuon oz ~ne wlmams ~ree~ I ~ "~ ahampooanawavs~et. urday at the Mildrella Shoppe, Also some household furniture, buy on market today, one 12-ft. North of Range One Hundred Dam. Bids to be left with the I It's easF to So and safe tot eve~tlrlm of ~" Beach. 48-1to Mrs. Carrie Gordon, Beach. 46-tfc Rumley combine, good shape• Get and Four (104), West of the 5th County Auditor to be opened Sept I lmtr~..Fora~s~a~r~u~Ja~_..~u~..t~ t A fair sized crowd attended Sun- - ................ your basin tiller now. 10 and 12 P.M. 5th, 1944 at 10~00 o'clock A. M. AI ~m-~u~LOv~0mlulaa~ - day school and came for church, FOR SALE--6-room house, known foot in stock. C. G. Johnson, and of determining adverse claims certified check in the amount of IWOODWARD BaGS DRUG, REACH but no pastor arrived, as Zook house. See Ernest Moore, is made against you unless you appear Ben Russell was a Thursday af- Beach. 46-tfc Golva. 47-1tc thereto, and that no personal claim and defend in this action. ternoon caller at the P. V• Moore Dated this 15th day of August home. FOR SALE--12-ft. duckfoot; Singer " " 1944. We received a heavy rain on sewing machine; wheel chair. MORE TROUBLE FOR THE GUY LEE, Monday. Those who had grain cUtbut not shocked had to get busy FoRChas' Purvis, SeaCh.sALE._1929 Baldwin 44-tfc POOR VOTERS IN N. DA~.12_ft. Beach,Attorney for ~plaintiffNorth Dakota. WA R N [ N after that. Among other things North Da- (Aug. 17, 24, 31; Sept. 7, 14, 21, 1944) Several farmers in this commun- combine. W. O. Jandt, Sentinel --V ~ota voters will have to worry SUMMONS ity are busy combining now, and Butte. 48-3tp about at the forthcoming general WHEN CREATING LIFE INSURANCE PRO- not only the men, but women and FOR SALE---Two 9 x 24 tires, tubes election are two initiated measures STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA )as)• TECTION FOR YOUR FAMILY, BE SURE TO DO, children are on the Job. and rims. Logan Garage, Beach, and two constitutional amendments .... • I COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALu~x l The first initiated measure to be IN DISTRICT COURT childrenMr andandMrs.Ben KyleRussellSperrywere dinand ..... N. D. 46-tfc -~eS on is to ~ermit~ the issuance{,,, r, SIXTHc,huTM JUDICIAL DISTRICT BUSINESS WITH MEN THAT ARE ESTABLISHED ner guests at the P. V. Moore home FOR S~Residence. Inquire at of up to $12,360,090 in tax anticipa-I ......... Plaintiff IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY. SOME PEOPLE on Sunday. Montana- Dakota Utilities Co., tion certificates to finance the vs. ' We understand that Don Metcalf Beach. N.D. 48-1tc state's post-war road building pro- t C~int°n C%Lord, Freder!ck ARE REGRETTING THAT THEY EVER DID BUSI- r n- r ...... ch~. ~a-, ~-~,~ ....... ~ ...... - was a patient at the Beach hospital g am a a p ovme xunas ~o ma~ tha I. Darby, Florence Hou- NESS WITH GYPSY LIFE INSURANCE PEP- part of last week, but is home FOR SALE---Quarter section land. those advanced by th~ federal gov- den. Brownton State Bank, again, we are glad to report. Good water and buildings. Mrs. ernment I a corporation, the unknown PLEAS. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and Ellis Ayers, Beach, N.D. 48-1tp " • .. . tIcirs of ~V S Davis De- The second lmtmted measure ,s ceased Waiter" S I)avis daughters attended church services to prohibit the sale of liquor in lM~,~i~ Smith, as Admin/s:: FOR SALF-,--14 head young Here- eating places or the sale of ~ ~n I tratrix of the Estate of ........... ' ROBERT T COUTTS Dist Mgr. at Skaar on Sunday, August 13. fords. John A. Feragen, Carlyle,liquor drinking places. A " " ~Mary Adelaide Daw~ (a so They were supper guests at the Slmhar, ~ known as Addle Davis}. Ed Skaar home. Mont. 48-1tp but not quite so drastic, a measure Deceased, and all other per- • ~ • was defeated bv a narrow rn~r~ln t;~ons unknown claiming any ~.V.-- FOR SALE--Two small houses on at the -eneral "ele *ion -+'~' "--°'"!estate or interest in. or lien ) FARM LABOR MEETS NEED E.D. Logan property. Mrs. Gee. ~ c~ ~wo years~or encumbrance upon the ) , PROVIDENT LIFE INSURANCE CO. ~go. property described in the ) With North Dakota farmers now Oech. 47-tfc One of the constitutional amend-IC°mplaint, Defendants harvsting an all time record small FOR SALE--I~" Minneapolis ham- ment adopted at the 1943 legisla- THE STATE OF NeaTH'DAKOTA grain crop, the demand and sup- mermill. Earl Schmitz, Beach, tive session was to permit villages TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- ply situation for harvest labor ap- N.D. 47-2tp and cities, but not townships, to FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and pears to be the best balanced for engage in the retailliquor business, required ,o AUCTION SALE any harvest season slrme 1939. ~ SALE~I grain elevator with The other amendment, also of the above named Plaintiff, which This is the opinion of H. W. Kohler engine; 1 9-ft. onew,%y, adopted by the 1943 legislature, is on file in the Office of the Ckerk of the District Court of the Sixth Herbison, supervising the emergen- Frank Schrom, Golva. 48-1tc would allow members $4.00 a day Judicial District in the County of as expense money, in addition to Golden Valley and State of North At the old Michelson House in Beach ExtenslonCY farm labOrservice.program for NDAC FOR SALE--Several saddle~ and their regular salary of five bucks Dakota,answer theretoand to serVeupon atheCOpysubscriberOf your "No county has had to be short work horses. Sam Wilson, Car- of good harvest labor to supply lyle, Mont. 47-4tc ahomesday andand mileageBismarck._Lansfordbetween theirthirtyinat hiSsaid (30)offiCecountYdaysin theandafterCitYStatetheOfserviceWlthinBeach yCaturaa , u-ust 26th farmer orders more than 24 hours FOR SALF_e--St~I bed complete Leader. of this summons upon you, exclu- 9 ~-V- sive of the day of such service, and since the time the first binders with springs and mattress. Leo A folder giving suggestions fornor caSeanswerOf asY°Urabovefailurerequired,t° appearthe SALE STARTING AT 1:00 P. M. and windrowers pulled into the Haigh, Beach. 48-tfc building temporary grain bins is Plaintiff will take judgment against fields," Herbison says. "There has been no surplus of FOR SALE---Royal Typewriter rib- available from the NDAC Extension you by default for the relief de- help at any time. Under the pres- bona. Golden Valley ew8 service, and from county exte ion manded in the Complaint Household Goods of all Kinds Dated at Beach, North Dakota, ~his ent system of controlled labor sup- office. 5-tf agents. Ask for circular No. A-27. 5th day of August A. D. 1944. plies and placement of men d~r- V-- ~O~N KEO~ANE SEE POSTERS! ectly where they are needed, it LOST---~ap for gasoline tank, Everett Stevens, Sargent county Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Postoffiee Ad- has been possible to use farm la- Finder please leave at the Golden farmer, finds a good protein sup- dress: Beach, North Da- Mi|ch Cow, Two Heifers, One Calf, Chickens her forces at a high degree of Valley News office. John Rider, plement added to the ration of kota. efficiency." Beach, N.D. 46-tfc growing hogs will save about one- NOTICE HA 0LD F0SJA D The emergency labor program fourth the feed. He uses a corn- TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS: t Owner now in operation in the state was LOST~Parcei containing b r o w n mere[ally mixed concentrate, mixing You, and each of you, will please set up by a special state farm la- skirt, white sweater, white turban, it with ground feed. take notice that the above entitled bor committee and is being con- If found leave at News office or v- action is brought for the purpose dUCted by the Extension Service phone 14F22 for reward. 48-lip t SUMMONS. ofdeprivingqUieting you,title andin theeachPlaintiffof you,and STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) in cooperation with this committee FOR SALE---3 burner Perfee~I )as of any and all interest in and to and with the help of the War Food the following described lands and Administration office of labor, stove; kitchen sink; Heatrola;]cOUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY } " premises situated in the County of ....... ' ............ ~.. ' ~ -- -=1 water tank for toilet. Leo Zempel / IN DISTRICT COURT Golden Valley and State of North -- According to latest figures, ap- Phone 162-R, Beach a~ ~t~/ SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Dakota, viz: Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine "~ ~ M d Pop d proximately 7,800 men have been " "" [Ralph Moaner, ) ~9), Ten {lO), Eleven ~iI). Twelve moved into the state for harwst ---- ~ Plaintiff, , om an an the Car,,. FOR SALE---Cedar telephone poles/ vs. ~ (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), and threshing work. About 4,200 Fifteen (15), Sixteen {16), Seven- and split cedar post. Hanson Sylvanus M. French, and teen (17) and Eighteen (18) in have come mostly from Misslssip- all persons unknown claim- Block Eleven (11) of Near's First pi, Arkansas and Oklahoma. The Lumber & Hardware Co., Golva, mg any estate or interest Addition to the City of Beach, ~ ~1 1~~-- rest are 3,600 Mexican workers. North Dakota. 38-tfc in, or lien or encumbrance North Dakota, as the same is upon the property described platted and the Plat thereof on A substantial number of men from Illinois, Wisconsin and Min- FOR SALE~I1O volt Zenith else- in the Complaint, whetlter file and of record in the office of ~r~ as he~rs, devisees, legatees t',e Register of Deed~ of Golden nesota have been released in those tric washing machine, motor like or personal representatives Valley County, North Dakota, states and many will be available new; also Singer sewing machine, of Fio*cnce C. French, re,-- and of determining adverse claims in North Dakota for late threshing Felix Wicka, Beach. 48-2tp Deceased,merly FlorenCeor underC" Herrick,any theretO,s made andagainstthatyounO unlesspers°nalyouCtaimap- and warehouse work in potato other right, title or in- ) ~ear and defend in this action, i areas, the Extension Service points FOR SALE---1 McCormick-Peering terest, JOHN KEOHANE pump engine; 1 truck box, 6 x 8, Defendants. Attorney for Plaintiff out• good shape; 2 potato diggers; 2 THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Beach, North Dakota. Transient flow of labor into good wagons with triple boxes. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- August 10, 17, 24, 31; Sept. 7, 14, 1944) FENDANTS: --.V- I North Dakota has been the liglrtest J.M. McCoy, Beach. 48-1tp You are hereby summoned to S U M M O N S in years, so far, and the caliber ................ answer the Complaint in the above 1 /~ ~! !l~ of these workers has not been equal FOR SALE~XA Walker-Shaw entitled action, which is on file inSTATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) tO those of past years, combine in A-1 condition; 1928 the Office of the Clerk of the Di~- )as. V- Chevrolet motor and differential, trict Court of Golden Valley County, ~COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) -- North Dakota, and to serve a couy i IN DISTRICT COURT CATTLE ARE MOVING completely rebuilt; also Model T of your Answer upon the su~scrio- SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FROM RANGE STATES Ford motor. Jos. Walker, Beach. er at his office in the City °l Glen R' Ols°n' ~::~BvI"~&~ "~|~~liI !:~/~|~_~ Phone 5FZ2. 48-1tp Beach, County of Golden Valley Plaintiff, (÷:. and State of North Dakota, within vs. ::~ i" )i!l~tiii!ii ~ ~ ~ ~L The movement of cattle from the thirty (30) days after the service Central Securities Company, ~;:::~::~ i~ ~: : ~ ~!ji!!~Ji;~'i:- j:: :Ji J!:i:~ !~ range states is now getting under- FOR SALE--8-room house with 6 of this summons upon you. exclu- a corporation, Beach ~taie way. Marketings are expected to acres plus .69 acres of land for sire of the day of such service, Bank, a corporation, Ed- reach a peak in October, taxing quick sale. Located near school in and in case of your. failure "~o ward D. Shriner, The Cen- i BUTTE DRUG appear or answer, judgment will tral Mortgage Company, a , slaughterhouse capacity as did the Beach; also two-wheeled trailer be taken against you by default c o r p o r a t i o n, Joseph W. heavy hog runs of last winter and with good tires. Harold Fosjard, for the relief demanded in tt~e tVIoore, Administrator of the Estate of Lucy Jane Slay- =_- =:=---___ :-- - -:-- spring. Scarcity of skilled labor at Wibaux, Mont. 47-2tp Complaint. Dated at Beach. North Dakota, ton, Deceased. William Bur- tGooroII, ilmt reminds me--we must have the Standard 011 Man packing plants is a bottleneck. JOItN KEOHANE Case Threshing M a e h i n e Cattle slaughtered at 32 fed-TRAINED Auto and Diesel Me- this 23rd day of August, 1944. ton. Susie K. Arnold, J I. chanics, Welders, Top and Body Attorney for Plaintiff C ompan y (Incorporated), Cb~lgo our wln~hlgM wiper bla~s[" erally-inspected centers for the men in great demand. A short, Office and Postoffice Address: and all other persons un- week ending July 22, totaled 208,327, Beach. North Dakota. known claiming any estate " interest in. or lien or the heaviest slaughter of the year practical course will prepare you N o T I C Z or and one-fourth greater than the for a good job. Free catalog, TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- encumbrance upon the pro- Worn wiper blades spell acddents to 1V~om, and HANSON TRADE SCHOOL, Box PANTS: perty described m tile comparable week last year. ]780-X, Fargo, N. Dak. 45-4tc You are hereby notified that this Complaint, she knows that accidents put cars our of ter of calves also reached a new action relates to the. following des- Defendants. high of 111,555, more than double FOR SALE~I Air Motor Windmill, eribed real estate s*tuated in the TIf% STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA commission. She wants to be able to keep rolling~ of North Dakota, to-wit: FENDANTS: ]the comparative week a year] 25-ft. tower 8-ft. wheel; 1 coal County of Golden Valley and State O THE ABOVE NAMED DE- earlier. Meanwhile, for the third burner heating stove 16-in. fireI West Half (W~,h) of Section You are hereby summoned and re- straight week, the number of hogs pot, in good shape; ' 1 3-burner Twelve (12) in Township One qulred to answer the Complaint of 2/~y motorist~man Or woman~can keep a ca~ running slaughtered fell below a year earlier kerosene stove, in good shape; t Hundred Forty-four (144) North, the above named Plaintiff. which of Range One Hundred Three is on file in the Office of the Clerk right, running longer, and running farther on every with prices advancing sharply. 1 big Xmas cactus. See Mrs. A. (103) West. of the Fifth Principal of the District Court of the Sixth Meridian, Judicial District in the County of gallon of gasohne. Just take it to a Stand~d Oil Deale=, The 12~2-million head of cattle Helm, Beach. , 48-2tc and that the object of this action Golden Valley and State of North and calves slaughtered during the is to determine and declare the Dakota, and to serve a copy of your He's trained in wartime ca~-saving service. first five months of this year was FOR SALE~Wild fruit. Cherries, heirs of Florence C. French, for-innaTer thereto upon the subscriber short of the number considered l0 qts. $.75; plums for sauce, $2.50 merlYed, andFl°renceto quietC' theHerrick'title Deceas-~of the atin hiSsald offiCecountyin theand CitYstate,of BeaCh,with|n necessary to reach the slaughter a bushel; plums for jell, $1.50 a Plaintiff in and to said property, thirty (30) days after the service Remember, it's going to be a long time bsfore you can goal considered necessary to reach bushel; buffalo berries, 20 cents and to wholly exciuae you, and each of this summons upon you, exclu-. the slaughter goal for 1944 by replace your car. Don't neglect it. about 1,150,000 cattle and 325,O00 a quart. Orders filled in order of you, therefrom, and ttmt no per- sire of the day of such service, received. Mary Rathbun, Sentinel sonal elaim is maae against you, and in case of your failure to of any of yqu,.except such of you appear or answer as above requir- calves: In order to bring numbers Butte. 46-3tp as appear ann cezenu mis action, ed, the Plaintiff will take judgment into safer relationship with feed Dated this 23rd day of August against you by default for the re- FOllow y~ur Standard Oil Dealer's 5rd.War-Year supplies, the 1944 slaughter goal jOHN KEOHANE Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this ~ervl~c Guide and keep your cat a¢ its bes~ always. called for the slaughter of 35 to 36- WANTED TO BUY--U~-d Clari- A. D. 1944. fief demanded in the Complaint. million head. Cat~e numbers in nets, Trumpets, S a x o p h 0 n e s, Attorney for Plaintiff 14th day of August A. D. 1944. this country have increased by Trombones. Send complete de- Beach. North Dakota. JOHN KEOHANE nearly 25 percent since 19~9---from scription and price. For Sale, (Aug. 24 .... 31" _Sept..-V-7' 14. 21. 28, 1944) AttorneYoffice ~ndf°rpo~t~fficePlaintiff Address:I about 66,000,000 head to 8~,200,000 Pianos, reconditioned and guaran- S U M M O N S Beach. North Dakota. in January 1, 1944. Present indica- t.eed. Dickinson Music Shop, State of North Dakota N O T I C E. I tions are that numbers on the first D~ckinson, N.D. 48-4tc County of Golden Valley TO TItE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- • In District Court PANTS: of January, 1945 will be changed l sixth Judicial District You. :~nd eac~ of you, will please take l~OtlCe that t.'le above entitled but little from last year's record. REAL E'STATE--Wel] i m p r o v e d Catherine UetZ, Plaintiff actkm ,~ b~ou~ht for the purpose ~V farms, from 160 acres up. Well vs. of q~ict~ng title in the Plaintiff and Giving his hogs as much early! improved ranches up to 10.000 J,,scph Uetz, the unknown depriv/ng you. and e~ch ef you, spring and fall pasture as they can] acres in a block. Business build- ~ ,ir*~ of Joseph Uetz, Ethel ot any and all interes~ in and to handle helps Vincent Nelson, Sar- ings and modern homes in town. ikes the unknown heirs ~ ~e following described ]and~ and gent county farmer to raise good Before you buy, drop in and see ~~thaPeterc UetzDilley,deceased,John p~emi~e~:Goldcn ValleySttuatedandm Statetr~e Cour~tYof Nortn°I ~::= Jr" Agnes Boitz DakoL~. wz: hogs at lower cost for extra protein t me. W. C. Howard. Real Estate B~ ', le ' feeds. V Broker, Wibaux, Montana.. 42-tfc ~ ~o known as Agg Boltz, S~mthwe.~t Quarter ~sw~4) of ter Boltz, the unknown Sect:on Four (4). the North Half The vo~f ~ural pro-I ira of Frances ue~z Boltz, {N~) and the North Half of A REAL p][ANO BUY__Not just an h ceased, Mary Uetz, Anna the Southwe.'.~t Quarter (N'~SW%, Standard 0il Dealers 4z Nick Uetz, Henry of Section Eight (8) all in Town- duction of foods for sale and farm l old abused, worn-out instrument ~ r, Chas L. Jacobs, sh;~p One Hundred Forty-four '~1~' Ford, A. J. Gilman, home use in 1944 is expect¢~l to be that is being discarded because it (144) North. of Range One Hun- 38 percent above the 1935-39 aver-! has seen its best days, but a aL ~ ~u other persons un- dred Five (105) Wsst, of the ~w~-clalmtng anYl. estate F~fth l~,inc':p~l Merid~m. Baldwin made piano that is ok interest m, or *en or and of determining adverse claims{ are trained for bert ]agethan andlast year.almost5 percent largerI guaranteed to be In first class cumbranc.e upon the pro- thereto, and that no pe ooat claim, er ca~ em,,e J v t e: condition in every way. Beallti- p rty descr~Dea m me Com- is m~de against you unless you ap- 1 pear and defend in this action. ~ ~ the A~ack. ,. Don't Wmee a Dl~ ~a~ ~ W~ ful tone and easy to play. If p ~Int. Defendants. JOHN KEOHANE I J Weather damaged, shriveled orl you are looking for something v~z sTATE OF_O~r~RTH DAKOTA Attorney for Plaintiff I ....... ~.~,~,~~ I mlxed wheat usually can be used] good, but not cheap, inquire at TO T_~_S~ NAMED DE- Beach North Dakota ] .. [ to best damage as livestock feed. ~ the News office. 40-tfC FENDAI~r : (Au~. 17. 24, 31; Sept. V. 14, 21. 1944) "- ~' "- _ _ ---: ...... Ill I I il I A Weekly Published ~.very Thursday by The NEWS PUBLISHING CO. JOHN H. RIDER, Editor N. C. SHIPMAN, Business Manager J. D. MacDOUOA~LL, SupL ~ntered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Beach, North Da~om, October 7, 1936, under the Act of March 3, 1897. BONNIE VIEW Mary McCaskey, Reporter Lavern Nielsen was a visitor at the home of his friend, Marlyn Adams, Monday. Mrs. Jack Callahan and sister, Mrs. Eddie Owens, were callers at the Joe Pesha, Jr. home on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. "Happy" Ayers and Mrs. Frank Kelly of Dickinson spent last week at the Ayers farm. ,'Happy" returned to his work at Dickinson the first part of the week, but Mrs. Ayers and Mrs. Kelly p]~an to remain longer. Lyle Adams, son Marlyn, daugh- ter Janice and niece, Joan Adams, went to Dickinson Thursday, Lyle and Marlyn returning home on Friday. Joan remained at her home in Dickinson, and Janice stayed with her to visit there for a while before school begins. Joan has spent most of the summer at the Lyle Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horning of Glendive were guests at the Jerry Pesha home, the first part of last week, Mr. Horning being a brother of Mrs• Pesha. On their return to Glendive they were accompanied by Mrs. Pesha, who visited there for a short while before returning home, accompanied by another brother, Bill, his wife and baby, who visited at the Pesha home also. V 77"_==. Bill Marquette was a Beach caller on Tuesday. Clarence Finneman was a caller at the Fred Wassmann home on Tuesday. Fred Wassmann and Mrs. Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn were Beach shoppers on Friday afternoon. The haft adjuster was adjusting hail losses in this community last week. He was a dinner guest at the Fred Wassmann home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz are the parents of a baby boy, born at the Johnstone Memorial hospital one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann] and Mrs. Johnny Johnson were] Sunday dinner guests at the Walter Wassmann home. i Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Babcock andI son Howard and Mrs. Crawfordt were callers in this community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyde WassmannI and Carolyn and Lois and GeorgeI Wasamann, Jr. were among thoset who attended the show in BeachI Sunday night. _ I ' BOBBY PINS For Everybody! NOW, more than ever, ~ w~ to stay on the job and do your full share of the work which m~rt be done. Headache, Mu~u Pains, Simple Neuralgia, Func- tional Montidy Pains. slow you down, interfere with your work, ~pofl your fun. Have you ever tried DR. MILES • Anti-Pain Pills when any of these common pains have made you miserable? Dr. Mileg Anti-Pain pills .are pleasant to take, and prompt, tn action. They do not upset the stomach or make you constipated. A single tablet usually brings relief. Dr. Miles Anti-pain Pills are compounded under the super- ,~.sion of competent chemists. Get Dr. Mn~ Ant|.rain at yo~w drug sto~e. Regular pacE- ,,, Zcono v e. ,,• Read dir~flom~ and taJm o~v N di~e~L