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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 23, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 23, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t AGE TEN THE GOLDEN VALLEY NE% S. BEACH. N. D. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, | From Glendive-- Fourth Delegale-- Steps In Beach--- Guests From Minn.-- Attends Rites-- " Visiting Brother--- I t O C A L Mr. and Mrs. Chris Siverts and Miss Elaine Kittelson is the t Harold Guy of Ft. Vtaync, Ind., ] Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Holde- Mrs Rul,v Deemer returned/ Mr. and Mrs. George | J~ small daughter of Glendive, fourth delegate chosen for the [stopped in Beach for a brief visit ]m;m of Pelican Rapids, Minn., ho'me" last "Saturday from St[brant and son of Oshkosh, | Jl Mont. were Beach callers this ~tate 4-It ~Iome ImProvement [ this Tuesday to visit at the IIen- spent the past week end visit- Cloud Minn where she had I arrived last Sunday .and IL ~ NEWS past 'Friday. Mrs. Siverts is a ..... Days to be held in Diek.inson this l ry "Feldhusen' home; he left this,J'mg Mr. and Mrs..Ben Plerzma," " gone 'to attend ....... last rites for her I visiting his brother, Henry,' I --- long-time resident of the Beach Friday and Saturday. Her name / community about 1916. He is the i and Mrs. Keyth Pierzina here. lather William H Walker, who [ family, of the Beach rural | It~i-i~ie;eSi'-i~ici¢~i-Ul~-i~er® rural community, and is the for- was received too late to be in-lson of John Guy, and the family They were returning from their p.:ssed away there Aug. 14. Fun-|munity. They planned to ! .ha me:e b~ our News re~rte~mer Mary Rathbun. (.ludedin the county agent's[lived many years on their farm wedding trip through the Blackeral services were held Thurs. ~ for home this coming week | WO ~e al~yl glad to gel: your issue. ~and Harold attended school at lowstone National Park. Mrs. on" 'church ' " [Poor Health-- I~ews Items. PHONE SS Afternoon Callers-- news release elsewherein this/3 miles east and north of Beach, Hills of South Dakota, and Yel- d:tv Aug 16 at the Presbvteri-/ , , Mrs. John Irons and son John- /what was then the Bunker Hill Holdeman is a niece of Mrs. Ben ~ I Mrs. Jeanette Plumley, m Mo~ing To Missoul~-- ny and Mrs. George Oldis and B?~s DUE?hie/-- and Bier f ]schoolhouse. Even though he Pierzina. Ccleharbor Visitors--- [of Tom Plumley of this city, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Glen Wolf and daughter Virginia were callers ~ • e ~ m o t doesn't know too many here ............. I suffering with a back ailm - "" ' " W - En-' "--sis--- 2,1r. and Mrs. Aoln ±vnuer v~s-t ....... $OlB Wesley of Dickinson stopped =t the Herman Broekmeyer home Miles City, Mont., is the morner| ',n .... r~ ~r p ..... to"ned at +he eet¢ u ~u~ ! recemiy and is uname m of a baby daughter, born at the [ News office to subscribe for the Guests over the week end at ]ted o e t eek d in C le-] around very readily anym, in Beath Saturday morning en- in the Golva community Satur- " ~ :' ............ ~ ~ ~' ~ " v r he w en ' o ' route o Missoul,a, Mont. Mr. (lay• Holy Rosary hospital there last! "a er - the J. D. Moriarty home in harbor, N.D. 'She keeps house for her son. Wednesday evening• The child,| p p ' Beach were Mr and Mrs Julius ~-- .... dr n n ~oume mrmam/ z-arty-- I 1520 for drunkenness in a publicDonald Ulfers country home Sun- [ IRENE DUNNE FRED l Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sehouboe tives helped them celebrate, .L.L~I~,~'L~, / ............ ..... to m" j d l- ..... n ~rL - ~al • TSyO?,T . / .. . ' Wed.- ~ ~ " ' o ~ s' e ce an • , " " " Consideringthatitwas the I dleir vacation trip to Hillsboro, ......a "*'°"" one eeps ] • . ' . ~ ~ • • . ~.Psl'lLI UI'- -El'l.?.nll~.l~ z..~.c.~ ....... , ........ r r n our nelghDora and me beach tire "'~ at fish in the Little Beaver [ ,,,~r~ A truly ente ta'ni g a d d'- e surmg 24 inches and weigh- [ ferent story. I Mrs Ray Petty of Arlington S [ ~ RED OWL S LUW PRICE u., was a guest nere last weeK[ the Po~tomee at Beam~ Nor~ ~ [ ~" ~. ~ "~ I A Weekl]r Publtehed ]~rer]r | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dolwigt ~- ~ I returned to Beach Sunday night [ ~ Y~r ~.IW] from Missouta, Mont., where he l s~-, ~oa~--~~-~'.ml school and working for his mas- ~t~.m~ I I ter s degree, ! c~ ~,~ mm [ Wolfi~. " -~[ Washing/Onears,had received/~l~_._ wordBartlettluthe pre- uart k $1=--'00l ~ uo~set ~ are also avadabl ¢ JUICE ,, r vious day that he could have Ear Surgery--- . .... the young couple's first, hasI Violators Fined--- Froeschle of Hazen, N.D. ~ ~ , Sun, - Morn - Tues. ,~he m'ma-ement "f *he " o ~orma Jean z~arlan, daughterbeen named Jane Ann. Mrs.] Justice Ed. Enderle last week .......... Sundcry Mailnee Sandme~er zs the former Lyla fined two area men for u ke ..,, o. o rla n are" i'. 0 ".-- oo-- " .' ' --0 ". Y * " ~ is recovering from ear surgery Stockwell, daughter of Mr. and driving and the license of one Jeannie Ulfers and Karen No- lr 1" T I "Never A Dull wanted to be transferred. They" . f" havin the were on their way to Missoula at her nome, a:~er ,. Lg._ Mrs. Howard Stockwell of the of them was suspended for three gle were guests of honor at a ~ • ~ ~ ~[ ]~| ] | ~ .... t-" to loo .)v~. w~.,~ wm ..~..o.m.., eonmdon correc[ea last Frmay Beach rural community, months, while a third was fineddouble birthday party at the .~L.~ff.L ~ ~..~ ~ [ £¥1~1~111~::;111b k ( ....a .............. - ....... s hos i ly be their new home. Since ~[. aosepn . pl: Down For Harvest-- place, day, where about lo young rela- r1"11 | ] ~ITPOAV ' leaving Beach several years ago ta~ in LVlOKln~on; sne return a ,~_ ,, • ............... home as soon as she came out of XYlI, VVOI1 spent a snort Willie at ...... Glas2.ow, Mont., btl: for .the past me anesrnetm, of Billings are staying with the [Return Home-- with ice cream and cake. "~"" ~ I A delightful story that .l.L. Tschida family in Golva I Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Priess and IW-&CIL NOR'IN DAKOTA comedv and heari: tou few yaars has been located atMove To Beach--- during their stay in this com. [sons returned home to V~ibaux CARD OF THANKS ]warmth Dickinson. Mrs. Robert We!gum and two munity; they came about two [last week after visiting in I would like to express my " ° * ° * I -o " News Dearee C~adidate--- daughters moved to Beach over ~eeks ago to supervise h.arvestlSpmngfield Ohio and St Paul thanks the an,~ kin fv" __ _ _ . C meay --- Cnem;~'" *or t~'~rus~ ....... o~ ~eaen ~s onethe ...... past week end, and are re-he aet~wtles at the farm which they /Mln - ends who through their flowers " i of the more than 760 candidates smlng m an. apartment in .~_ still maintainin the Golva I ....... cards and other friendly deedsl Saturday Mc~inee for degrt~s at ~he University of hBallarda.b~l'de'tg:cr°r~s t~l tenne" area. ' M, - Mrs "ed Dickinson showed that they were thinking ,,.~-- ,-i , Colorado, Boulder. tie willre- ospl[ I. ' " "g ..... 1" ............. [returned Saturdav evenin~" from of me while I was hospitalized. The t ompany IIT'f'.~l ........ g"~l, eei~ e th( bachel r o" ci n " ter Beach htgll SChOOl l;nls z,a 1. -,:~-,-~.. ~..-~.~-- | ,. - s r~......~., u~.~.. ~. *r I~ I L) IIUII~[EO/~I ~U[I! The) are from Belheta civil engineering degree. !' " first fish she ever caught Miss lOre., where thev were guests of]~.. l ALEXIS SMITH, SCO'I~ From Iowa ' Moves Family Here--- Dorothy Sechmst of Sentmel | her parents. They also visited in _ ..... . ...... ,,~a~ ~(-n'r-r I')I~,NN.I~ DY. Mrs (2 "--E Winkelman o* J.F. Holland, new local man- Butte cstabhshed somewhat of iSeattle and Tacoma, Wn. We .extend our thanks to ..all n'[; EFE I An action film dealing -- "..." ." - . '*. ager of the Northwestern Bell a eco d Su day by catching a ! " , "-" • " [the dope racket. l~noxsvl:ile, Iowa, WhO arrived .... c department for their prompt help r 1 n n ff las~ Wednesday on business, has telephone system,a .,~f;eoam ~n~s been visiting MTS. Jesse w~le an ct son, to t~eacn are mak" m a " ' tt~ in fighting the fire at our farm ' Shorts Still and her mother, Mrs. W. S. m,treK ~aturaay; .mey .... : ing 4~, lbs. Evidently the young I ~"~--|,rL~v~ ~T,~|1¢,~, this Monday. ' [ iii Woodhull in the eommunit" inK their nome in me J~auara ]~.,., -~ ...... ~,,+,,,,,~ + .... ~+,,,I~Yl]PJqLIt[~IIII~lit~I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zook Short -- News [ --~~~~~ Y" apartments. Mr. .Holland has small fry, even in the matter of I ~T - ------r--------~ To Billings Fair ' been in Beach for the past twocatching fish. i . -[~eWS ~i,~ i ~,~, Mr, and Mrs. C. O. Carson and weeks, worlving with Bob T, ay- Mr. and yrs. T. E. Hudson spent lor, now stationed at Rugby. From South Dakota-- I ' 11 last Tu(sday to Thursday in ...... Billings, Mont., where they at- v'~lts l.-amuy--- . _. , --- ~ ' . • : ,' ','i Ea~red as Second Clam matter at l ~ tended the Midland Empire Fair . Mr. and Mrs.. Eddie ,rnoemgeat the Frank rook and William I ocmt~r ~, .19~, u2aa~lqSl~ 4~ at [ ~ 4~ l~r__ • i ,and did some si'-htseein- '.and chirdren of Haiuaay were L eckert homes; she is a former [ ......... [ i i~l - - " -" "~ • g 14. i in town this t~st Sunday,vis-resident of this area. 1 I F~om Indiana-- . iting members of the Thoemke Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hostet~- families. Eddie is operating aBack From School--- [ Thm-~l~ [ let and Iam,i]y of Nappanee, radiator shop in Halliday. Ind., recently ~isited with ,Mr ..... n V~it sn B~.llmgs.--- a d Mrs. Mike Heckaman in Wi- baux, also touringYellowstone Atty. and Mrs. S~th ,Manning park. of Wibaux visited last week end • with their daughter Leona and - , - ~ r~ ~.~ ~ d ~ ~ I Dinner Guests..-- son Bob in Billings. . Mrs. Mantilla 8utterfield en. ~ ................................................................................................................. ~ ................................................................ ' ~ertained Miss Carrie Witzig, Visit From Wibaux-- i~ ~ James Odenbaugh and Walt Mrs. KatherineLarson, George q I| |i~lk|ll~l~ql'lfl * ':i • Bratton at a chicken dinner at Larson and Claudia Begger vis- L |i -. her home last Wednesday eve-ited last week wi,th the Orval i~ |=--- ning. Ross fam, ilyin Beach. IIIIINNF/ ,I fancy & txt;r, fancy " ,, ............................................. , ii 4ve~ av -a III ow,,.--o,c.o,,. , . ..o....,o._ ,,o, ,i l'Ylt 1'/IklU¥1 -, .*~ ~st OUEm, m m~0 ~ t~ 23¢ BEANS 29¢ ,| ....,....,.,...., ,|,] CHERRIES CAKE MIX | : ~ ~LUCKY LEAF jOAN I~ ARC BED KI{~H~ MA IIINEIil , e NS Is¢ -[ suce Ainu I ,,v. o,.v. I l Elberta [ ii and ill APPLE SXUCl ' 2:14¢ BEANS o 13¢ aches, lee. sizes, crL .$2.Bl GRAIN STORAGE !, ,, o, I i BEE. 2 CAN. 2S ,- PORK & BUNS 9¢ , i~ -~ I FR ()AY DICEI) OR SHOESTR G ]P lug. ..... $,.59!" , .,.,o.,.o.. == = 20-oz. I! .i PORK & BUm 14¢ , . CARROTS 2 25¢ oz ¢ BEAN5 c,. 14 • i , iil CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE ' 25 [ EVAPORATED J ~Miraele Whip ~ li iil iliN;SH RICE '~~* 2]¢ I ~ I I ~ ] JU;;i' ~;~°~*'26¢ l~alad Dressin, .~0c ~i "-=- = ~ .-'. !!, ,,c.. • __ ,....m=., 0o~,,~.,,. ,,oz . ,g, q • - • ! _:---"- = -: --=' HI SPAGHITTI ! ] [Era(t-Ca amels, 1 lb. pkg. 34c] - ", * ,-,,,/.or--., -g -= ",.,_:.~ v- ",-°.~ ~l ARMOUR I J - . ------,w . ' ]20Z i~ - - ---- iil POTTED MEAT '~ 17¢ I 0 c~.s ~'~', i PRESERVES ?;,26¢ r i QUONSET 40 --"|1 VEGETARIAN V£O.*StE I I .o ow, - p-gs. - °° iil , ' .0m ;= ,6, Maine ~ 1-4 Oil iSardlnes, can ....... , E ! 10 cans I I • • * ou, _... I i FLOUR 89 ~.~ I OZ. ~ ~v-v~.. SAUERKRAUT II AN % i| TheO.o.set o,Quo.set32a.d I c |W i -. ,_ _ = ~ H V i~ " • $ il . ~, ~s, ou,, ~, o~ -- I I COFFEE ,~ 2.25 DeI Monte -- Cream Style or Whole Kernel | 3 SPINACH " 3 ,u. ..=o. . ½L~orn, dlllldl " ....... 18C, No other warehouse or ''"-- --- S t~lle03 ~ money ,sa Quonset. You get max'- __ I -- -= I WlI'ImES |Campbell's--Chix Noodle | ii ~ii~~{; iiii;:::'|' }::;j:: i :~K:q ! ~~M~:!: "::::"3:: , OUr, _:V, . l_c ~ou,. [n a tlre sate, rot and tO SAW)WICHSPREAD ~ 3]¢ I m~in-., i .~ow,.tt ,,o " " " E ~ [ m~te-prooU~u~.nset means reduced I~|RRI[i~'~ e oz,~,¢ I L'k' lm=:C i I'lq, ltLIg~) S*R 0~" • and "n ran costs .~',"'~''" -- ~G.' le ~ CAN • ] t I EATWELt IN TOMATO OR MUSTARD sAUC~ maintenance I su ce • r~,,,~.'o " 1 To learn more about thl, steel-clad MUSTARD i0¢ SARDINES ov i%x, 21 Gateway --- Tender Sweet building investment, write or wire ~ ' . i . . .. .... ...,R,~ O~nt en¢ FARMDALE CHEDDAR J Sliced Bacon--Melro=a 1-11o Pko 491¢ "eas, 303 "%. ,or .u,, ,mormanon. |m, ,,o.., ....... , .... _ .... • .... • • F ~i~ F I Peanut, .e/ [ R N • DETEROENT tOE chunk or creamy ...... 14-ox. Jar ~r - ,.,~ ,,o= ~.ngg~g ! C::e, Syrup--.Hershe,... 1 6-oz. Ca . 0 cans 85c; Secret Of Ouonset's speed and .Jm-,~ tO,...¢ ~IIAAR I Baking Cho¢.--Her, hey..8-oz. Pkg. 3|g. i pHclty Of erection Js the patented VKr.rl . PKO.*I rVVl/ [ MazolaOII .......... Q~artCan l~,~l nailln ro ve "n " r Steel 12 TO PKG. ~ Mazola Oil Pint Can .vv g g o ~ Its St an- • -- -- -- -- I Ma ............ , Royal -- Solid Pack " joists and studs.This groove permits MODESS 2 PKG$. 77¢ 2-LB.~A~ [ Cream of Whea .I~, .... $|~ exterior and interior collateral ma- BREACH BOX AI~~ i _ Regular Or qmtK ...... ],-OZ. Ykg. . Tomatoes, no. can . . . ,..,a|. t~be nailed ~lrettly to the I IIRI ' i :.:.d:_,:.--O:.k.;.... 4-oz, P,k?, |16~ I ........ u ~., n ruff@o W~aar-.-~JuaKer.,.4-oz. reg. ~tran-~teel framework by ehnchln~ P~'WDERED ...... i~tl q~ the nail m a "grip of steel ' l~.OZ. ~ dHn ~ to k 2 Pk s 211I ~ ~.,~,~ ~ ,--., ,--~., ,, • BOll AMI 2 c .o .. ¢ , . , ' ........ t • ~.~. u.s.P.t o~ .......... .~......, I Paper Cups~For cold .|1~ ~'~^"°=~ -- 14.0Z ----* KcI.~ ~J'nl. I drinks 10 to pkg ...... . 2 Pkgs. "~ Del Monte -- Diced [ ~ AJAX c,.s" 25~ I -. = -- -- I .'Fork, or Spoons ........ 8 to Pkg. 1 . ~~ .-... o!,,, -¢ ~ALAI) I W,zardWlck,,-Plne...... 6"0Z.~" ~' Carrots, 17 oz. glass ... 13cI "-- "°" ......... , ,,,......-,,,--- -' UOW FmO W ngEq[1 lHr. I brands .............. Ca~o. S2.1a " ."j:ars 49c' ~ mOWAX ~Ql'ti S5¢ ;1~q~¢ I"j~kllm~D~]~ll rely [ |~SaapSale_ --1 $'' - t ELCOR LUNCH 60 TO PKG aweetneart ,, ~14th§ar|ar 1 ~ $|F Quonget Buildings are products of ...... - _" __. [ ,.,. I ~1 , J .......... ,.~i Great Lakes Steel Corporation NAPKINS Z , ][1 I JAR ~l& i' I Van,lid--Red Owl P... 9.0,. ' POND'S FAOM. . [ * im~l -] I Crackers--Sunshine L --- J s,g= ....y ......... , .... TlSSI 29¢ -- ,, o= - * il I iI l[][ kT, li $'1f PRESERVES OWL c.,m 29¢ USSS t Free Delivery a. In. & liD. --- Pltome i Beach, N. Dak. , j,