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August 23, 1951 |
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TRACTOR NOT MOTOR or answer judgment x~!] be Iak~'n as may be determined to be for terest in or lien or encum-) -vs- ) W. L ECKES, and Estate of Clara B. Mvers )at~
._ against you by default for the rehef lhe best interests of the State.] brance upon the property de- ) S J. Wlllard, Nat ona )
VEHICLE, JUDGE RULES demanded in tile comphnnt. STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT j described in the complaint• ) Surety Company, a corpora- ) AttorneYofflce andl°rpostoffieePlaintiff' C(mntv°f the of VicinitYGoldenafVai~cvMed°r'aandirlSlateth~
Dated at Medora, North Dakota, ti~s fSigneu~ S. W. Thompson j Defendants. ) tion, In Liquidation, Superin- ~ Address of N}n'th Dakota, deee~{sed, to the
A tr;,~,tr~,, ;, ~,f -~ ,~,~t~,~ .,,~h~ 18thday of August, 1951. State Highway Commissioner I THE STATE OF 5:ORTH DAKOTA tcndent of Insurance of ) Beach, North Dakota creditors of, and all pers~ms having
......... ,5 , ...... ,,v~. ~,~,,,- " WILLIAM W EICIIHOHST IAugust 23 - 30) I TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- the State of New York as ) NOTICE claims against s:lid deccdel~t to ex-
ele, according to District Judge Attorney for the Plaintiff, -- t DANTS: Liquidator of the National } TO "PHE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- hibit them wi'th the ]e¢essar)," ve~.
Harold Nelson of Rugby, w'ho ,r~ TH_ ~d~'a, Xo~!~.Dakota_. LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE suYmOU, onan2aeaCh of you, are hereby Surely Company, and all ) DANTS: within three ~3)montha afler
0 -- - ., ~ ~ ~ ~1. '.) 1~ ./El) DI~'E.N- ." a cl requlreo "co answer me olher persons unknown~ YoH. and each of you, will Dlease ti~e first pul)hcation ol this notice
raered the state highway de- PANTS' Notice is hereby given that the un Complaint of the Plaintiff in the¢]umm an. estat '
Partment to return a-drivers li You ~,ill please take .... tice that thedersigned has applied for an exchange above entitled action, which is filed t'erest ign orYlien ore e~lr, uimn-" I actiontake notiCeis broughtthat forthe theab°Vepurposeentitledof teat thethe officeC°UntY'ofC°urtthe County°f saidjudgeCountyill
' " summons complaint and notice of noof land administered under Title III with the Clerk of the District Court brance upon the property de- ) quieting title in the Plaintiff and de- the Court House in the City of Beach
Cense it had revoked, personal claim have been filed in the of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant of the County of Golden Valley andscribed in the Complaint, ) pricing you, and each of you, of any in s~id G,oldcn Valley County, North
~,T,~..,,. A..~.:~: ........ : of the Clerkof t e DistrictAct within the western ~orth Dal¢oza the State of North Dakota, and to Defendants. ) and all interests in and to the fol- Dakota.
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