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August 23, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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August 23, 1951 |
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~-- - ........ ---= ...... -=-'~1: ." ", g r ~.,, C URCH.., 10:30
i i I c~ , • t~ |Ithe Vic Carlson family. ~ ~i Rt Rev.Msgr. John J- Heinz. ] Sunday School 11"30
BW t . pntmel B-tte 11 is es coi,een Xnu so. and I • ...o, ' ..... ;;:o ...,
t .~v m, i,L l/Joyce Larson and Clifford Knud- ~ ~ ~ Evecy Sunday 1 Sun"day'Aug.~tE at G~r'assy'~lt-~
F: I1"~ L {]son of Almont. N. D.. were week] ~ ~" Early" Mass 8:00 a.m. ]re. Registration 1:30- 2:00.
• ~ ~ =. ...........- .......-=-/end guests at the Hazel Van I ~;VANGELICAI., LLITIdEHAI~ High Mass 10:00 a.m. [
i ~' Mr. and Mrs, Norman Haugse/ ttorn home. / CItUHCH [ EVANGELICAL UNITED
i ~ # and Myron of Dickinson attended [ Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Everett ] O.L. OLSRUD. Pastor ,,, ,~..~,,u,,~t.~,~ ~vi~l. ~ BRETHREN CHURCH
i ~ Lutheran Church Services here [ and family of Dickinson were I FIRST LUTHERAN B~ar~- :,~¢t"~l l~a ~ ~./tUitCHE.-, [ Rev. lames Cornforth, p~t~
o''~ _, Sunday" and were dinner and]Sunday visi'torsof Mrs. Everett's } Servi ....... "' "--"--,:. ....., r.. -- mez Lac~, tasters ~ Warship Service 10:15 a. In,
llU]lJh $11~ supper guests at the Victor Carl-[ sister Mrs Bernie Kennedy and] Minister William Has- 1-rave ~- [ Dr S B Williams will be I
• ..wr,,, ,,~ son home "' " 1 lie h ,, ~e g. Sunaay bcnool 9:45 a.m. ~ " " • • " t
|A||II| I~ IPlP• . [ family. They a so ca d at t e / delivering, the sermon ........... ] char~,e of th~s service instead
~. • worsnlp servicett:uua.m. . •
m|||HN ~] ~ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rathbun[ Harry Olson home. [ Confirmation instruction at .... z,n [ being here for the evening sol
,.w~m=.,. " "'= and famil" moved to Baker ' ~'a"~ ~ --~al"'- arrived from' ....... ,,,~v~: • .....
,I ~ v m ~ymv ur, 1 7"30 ~ ,~ ....... ! vlce as previously piannea.
~[~||O~| ~V ~| |1 Mont., last week to make their| an air base in Texas to spend a/ "P~:=~'-~"'~,,~o~n- ~ .... n .... , ~ .~lornlng worsmp ~:uu a.m. [ .qundav School 11"15 ~ m
@U~fI[.~A ||L[ home. [furlough with his parents, Mr.t ,, m~ ......... s ......" ~ ~ SENTINEL Bu'rrE: | - -.- ~ : -=-" "
,Guests at the Carl Moon home[ and Mrs. Mike Cymbaluk. Also] CARi~v-P. Worship service at 9:30 a.m.[Evemng bervlce a:t~ p. v~
last week were Mr. and Mrs. AI-| home on furlough is Pvt. Ken-~ Serf"ices'at 9 a m oond"-te~ | This will be a union service,
~i!~)!!)~i~i~!~! vin Jacobsen of Kenm~re, N. D,,[ neth Wyckoff from Arizona vis-lbv Student William Hasse~ ST. PAU;.'S ~.UTitEItAN ]the E. U. B. Church, Rev. I~
ii::iii!~i~ii!iiii~! cousins of Mrs. Moen. They also] iting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. -rave " CHUIICH [speaker.
~i~ii}i~:i}~ ¢isited the Harris and Vernon] Robert Wyckoff I~" ~,.~.'~ ..... ~....., ~, ~a ~ .- ':3. ItINZ. paslor ] Thursday, August 23, 8:0
C~oldsberrys and the Art McGill| Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rathbun __ , . M ssour Synod m., Bzble Study and Prayer
family. | and children were Sunday vist-I ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC Services Sunday, August 26th, I vice.
Cecil Tangen who is employed} tots at the parental V,an Horn { ---- ~-- ~ ---Q
~ at a eonstruction~ job a Sidney,[ home. __ [~ ~,~r~,~,~r~ ~ll~,~r~l~'~l~- ~,d~F-~,~,~r~rA~-~.,~r~ |$F~
~~~" -_ " ........ _ -'d ~j[~F ~Iont.,his familySpenthere.the week end with[] r] ..... ..... - .......... |"~l[ ~'~ ...... x~.\~,~l[~,, ,,
~] Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Sehu-[ [ il'. r|,rl N~ I I ~ z:'F'-" iL
~ reacher of Bismarck drove up/l ~'~ ""~"'" 11 ~ ~ ~~};I ---~L i:
~~ ~Vi~2 Sunday to visit at the Lloyd|I i[ I, L • • • I • I l :"
[~:i~i~;}~%~...~/;~ ~ Z ======================= ~ /,/~ r~
Yates home and 'to loOk a ter] [- ! " -" ' - ii| 7 p\ ,
their farming interests south of[ Mr. and Mrs. H. P. gargfeld[0 ~UP,~lr~ :~|~.-"~'=~-~-~;~t' ,-NJ
~(~;~:;!;//:::~i~:;i~::!~-~4' ~ here They are enroute to Bill-] motored to Sentinel But~te Wed- ~ ~r ~ ~r~-~. ~.~. --- ~. . ~.~~I~~ ~
~)~:~2~;:'. ": :i;~:~::::~:~;: ~ lngs to visit their daughter Leo-/nesday to visit with Mrs. Barg-]K ~ ~'~~i~F~ "~
........ "~ ..... , ....... - " .................... -- ., . . - - . I na and husband They also call.l feld's daughter. Mrs. Waiter A1- ~" ~ ...... - .............. I ~~:1~£ ~.~ul~ I~l~
Here s the big-capacity tiller mat sees. mighty hne worl¢-- led at the Otto Petershe" homel[len for a few da. ys. .], :~:-~.. ................... ............. :.:.~:~i} ~.~ ........ , t~,_,=._._¢,~ ,.
thatcoversonacreeverysevenmlnutes. [Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Wesley Hedriek and]~
'~ " " ~ ^^" ........... t ..... ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tescher are/Mrs, ttarry Richmond motored to ~.'q
lne jonn Deere ].u-ioot DUrllex l]ller, eats up mq maqe lOPS the proud parents of a baby boy Beach Tuesday afternoon ........... :~:~:~::::~:/~,}: ..... ~ ~N
at lower cost than ever before. Whats more, flexible, linked [born to them at the G lend[re I Eugene and Julia F isk of Ba-[~ !~
...... ~:~:~::~: ~ .~
gangs hug ground irregularities.., do a top-notch lob wLthout [hospital. [ker were callers at the Hannah[ ~ ~ I}
• " ou in Ma " d " • Mrs Julia Jorstad arrived from 'H,artse home Tuesday afternoon __ - _ |l
ndqmq and g g g. nual lilt or hy raulic control raises or [.. • . " [ ...... . _ :[
. - - ,, - - .-_. _ .~. _ . . _ , .. _ ~ tucson. Arizona, to visit her I Mr. ana ~rs. t'aui ~tmwen ana ! k-
lowers a~ gangs mmu~taneoumy, tne muray, mmpm mtcn per- ] niece Mrs Byron Hogoboom and I sons were callers at the Law. I •
mits short turns.., avoids fouling, family " rence Morrison home Thursday ~ " .
] Mr "and Mrs "el ""a " [evenin [d We have a number of ood clean used cars, m
We 11 be proud to show you John Deem Sudlex Tille '[ ] *
' the Jr., and Beverly were Sunday Mr. .and Mrs. Mark Stanley l !* O/ I -- from '40 '
| I
i= =a nn, Cmaln unevrmets to meets, an
rugged fillets you want for ground-hugging fler.ibil/ty, wide l Phtlltps home. [Mont., were callers at Wesley l 'q _ C _ _
~,~,-,tabilit~, eas~ adjustment and famous John Deere duality ] The Mike Zinsli family and lHedri~k's home Wednesday at-[~ •~r~||--~,,~~ ~~r l[-~r~ f¢I~
" " ' ' -" "" I Dorothy and Larry Sechrist en-[ternoon. . :ll tgqutp u, l aU /
I joyed a picnic on the Little Bed- [ Mrs. Harry Hartse and Mrs. [ ~ .....
I ver. [ Dennis Hartse motored to Golva [ ~ ....
Mrs. Olga Lardy was ho te ]and Thursday afternoon Chevrolet 2 oor an O. K. Bargain.
• C to St Mary s Altar Society at on business. 11 •
We also have a Large Stock of Tra tors /i -h ~ " I Henrietta Allen of Tacoma 1. ,,~ w~ • . ...... ,_ ___!_._ L.._~L__ ~3, Tr f~..-- I~ .......
[ e. ome j. ursoay .a~xernoon, [ .......... , { | 40 IDUlC_J{ super, wlgn ramo, nearer. L, ar DargaILL. ,
--.. I~..,.NI ^@ .all ~,;,,,.~.., ] wnen a aehclous lunen was on-] wasnlngton, returnee To t~arly,le | t, .
Uli llU, IILE Ul /~l, ll i~libtl~i~, ~ joyed by the members and sev- [ this week for her two boys, w, ho [ ~ 9d7 ~.h~ml~P ~]1 ~g,~Am~e*~,~m
l erai guests. I spem me summer i n lnmr ! t, .~
[ Pfc. ,and Mrs. Julian Shield dr- [ grandparents Mr. and Mrs. H. P. ] ~ A~ f'tkatr~la4- II #last- ~n ~ ]~" l~,t,w~,n i;
[ where Julian has been station-] Mr. and Mrs. Mark J~tcobson |~
] ed. He will leave soon for over- [ and girls of California stopped [ I[ .............
~" - - " "in T Ill lseas duty. I at the Wesley Hedrick homelk |,~ • i'~J~ ~J & lip I/ Ih' ~ r|t
Ke(l Top Ball g W e ] Dickinson vlsttors ThursdaylThursday afternoon. [~ ][1 ~L~ ]DR. I1 ~ J~. ~ ~./O 1
included Mrs. Byron ,Hogoboom[ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Barg-[
[ and children, Mrs. lu, lla Jorstad, [ fold, Jr., and sons were Sunday ] k #'~'~ wlr It IVW'~ W~I !" • ~ ~ • -- --
w~___.~._'__ r~___ / Mrs. L. Quarve, Mrs. John Hon-l dinner guests .at the H. P. Barg. IN | |l& iPll I'tl | |__IN a||~|. /~ | .s~ 3.OlOw irae,ors
rontlae ~Al4rt} (hold, Mrs. Walter Dixon, Mrs.[ feld home. ]k ~t.#'~.~ ~t~mX~L~ • vtag mac , ~,~ i[~, ,, ~, ,~ ~,
I Jim Dixon, Mrs. Ein,ar Waldal[ Mr. and Mrs. Chuck MeDevlttt
--- ~ [ and Mrs. James Desehneau. / motored to Wlbaux Salurday af-I ~ ~]~7~ tl h ~ g~la ~,,,,,
I[ ~'~ ~ l~If~ [ M ,,~ f.~i [ ternoon on business I k. ~J.q IIZIkLILr--="~=IF=IV It ~tlPlt. V VVl ,
, r. and Mrs. Lloyd a ......... - • ~
~U]PMENT land moved into the section ,motored to Beach Saturday ,af'[, ~L~t ll2-~.~t~L~----l,~ ~.-~-- ~.n~tz, z~--t~---o
• I IE~ I~IU~. [ly arrived from Rosebud, Mont.,] Mr. and Mrs. Andrew GraYly. ~'~v l~Irlt~rll'~ ~,. ^ ]~YA,~, g'~_,,~;~,~ &,,~,~
~-~ ~ T -- ~ .. . ~. I house while he is temporary[ ternoon to meet their son Larry. I
uarence ~ JaCK I allarG ~wners I .. . • - who has been out working for[ ~ ~
, secuon mreman here. *tle re- ,c --
I laces lo etz e several months [
Ig p" L yd M g r who with • I
i~'$O=':~ ~:-~ n i ~ ~~m his wife returned to their home Victor Fe~agen and Mr. and ~ 11 F1 :~I £
~1 '~ _is ;1~, :-~K, ~-lr~ ~ ~ /at Mandan ~ Mrs. Harry Richmond motored tolW ~, • ,/ II't/] /Ii l/lldl'
n~ MI~I~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ Mr and" Mrs Ra;' ~insli of Ekalaka Sunday afternoon on] ~ .,, ~ ........
~ business
~ i i ~ ~ [Beacl~ Visited at" the Mike Thei- " Beach, North Dakota
[sen home Wedensday evening. A xr~ a ~ ~aakes all {
~-~. .,,,,.-"~ ,~ .,--,'-"-'~ ~ .-'----'-~ ,r~ ..-"--~ | Thursday evening visitors at ~busin'e~s ~"a"' J
News ulaSSllleO Aas l rlng UlCK 11 e Ul l/the Paul Wischow home were v .,-
with these NEW 1951
Wibaux, Montana
Located 1 mile East of Wibaux, on Highway No. 10
1S.8 Cu. Ft.
Holdt 553
11.1 Cu.Ft.
Holdt 389
Makes pedest freezing truly carefreel
Place food anyw6ere on all 5 in.
|1de surfaces and it'ssa~elyfroze~
for months of sealed freshness!
Freez/ng is as much fun as serv-
ing the treats you ve stored from
every season of the year! And
there's room for months of
meals for most any size family!
New, Exclusive Features
Over-All Fast Freeze Area--25
sq. ft. of fast freeze area in Model
lll-over 33 sq. ft. in Model
Drl-W-I! CaBinet-stops exces.
sive moisture on outside of cab-
Silent-Soaled Operation -- no
fan, no noise..
PLUs... Frost-Lok self balanc.
ing lid...Vae-U.Seal insulation
• .. automatic interior light ....
handy baskets, dividers...
"Tight Wad" S-year warranted
refrigeration unit, and many
moral features. See 'them todayl
~:,~:~ :: ~' :.:: : ~::::: .~:: :::~i: :. ~,: ~: ~ i}K~
,~:}:}i:::~$?))~:;::-'::!.:::. ~:i:::;:~}:':~:-:::!¢:::?:¢;.:J::':::~¢?::::::::",~{~~ "
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..~$: x? i:.::2x