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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 23, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 23, 1951
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/ AUGUST 23, 1951 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE SEVEN Alpha Country Club Friday, August 24th REMEMBER THE HALLOWE'EN DANCE! Music Baker Legionnaires Alpha News I Aid met with Mrs. Fred on Thursday w, ith 9 and 12 visitors. New wells are being drilled at Art White, and Nick Gain. homes. Baker drillers are the work. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn girls spent a few days vis- at the Karnes Johnson Larry and Gene Nunn re- home with their folks af- spending the summer on the ranch. Bertha Bury visited at the home over the week end. and Mrs. Karnes Johnson Dickinson shoppers Thurs. dinner and supper at the Geo. Wosepka were: Mr. and Mrs. Bud and family, Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mr. Gloyd Bury and fami- and Mrs. Karnes John. and family. and Mrs. Bert Hudson and Ernest Stark attended la- aid and also visited at the home Thursday. Bury and Sally Fas- visited Darlene Jesok afternoon. Bud Clouse and Joey and ury and Beverly were Beach shoppers Friday and also callers al lhe Ed. Kouba home in the afternoon. Mrs. Bud Clouse. and Joey and Mrs. Schwartz called at the Fritz Fasching home Sat. afternoon. A birthday party was held at the Johnson ranch Saturday eve. Those attending were the Leo Nistters. G. Burys, Bud Clouses. Art Whites, Lewis Schmelings. Carol and Jenny Fasching vis. ited a~ the Hubert Schmitz home the past week. Henry Moe and son and fatal. ly of Kenyon. Minn.. called at the Bill Drewniaks Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Maus and family spent Sunday ax the Fritz Fasching home. Mr. and Mrs. John Irons took in the show in Beach Sunday af- ternoon. Jim and Johnny Irons were callers at the AI Irons home Sun- day eve. Mrs. Elmer Howard Jr., and son spent several days at the A1 Irons home he] ping cook for har- vesters. Mrs. Ray Popiel and children of Miles City are visiting at the Barthel. Carew. and AI Irons homes for a while. Otis Adams of Miles City is a visitor at the Bill Carew home. Mrs. Fritz Fasehing and Til- lie, Daisy Wassaman, Mrs. Fzed Wojahn and Elizabeth Warren were Beach shoppers Friday. AdverUse m the Golden Valley News When is water Frozen water (ask any skater) never soft But, the water in your home is always soft, instantly and automat* ically, when supplied by a Lindsay Automatic Water Soft ner. Nobody should be denied the modern con- veniences of delightful, sudsy bath- ing, white and fluffy laundry and the countless other advantages of the Lindsay Automatic. Here today is soft water magic in a beautiful unit that costs le&s than most others on the market. Compact and rugged, yet sim- ple and well- etyled, the Lind- say Automatic Water Softener features the fa- mous Chron-O- Trol valve, as- suring ease of operation. Just add salt, then "~t it .and for- get it"l Behind each unit stands a service orgaai- zation of factory trained dealers and the national reputation of The Lindsay COmpany, fast- est growing manufacturer of home automatic Water softeners in the world. For Free Book. let on advan- tages of a Lindsay Auto- matte in your home write SCHLAMPP FURS REMODELS MINNEAPOLIS STORE An entire store remodeling and redesigning program has just been completed at Schlampp Furs, Minneapolis, in time for the August sale event Designed with every lighting facility and every comfort pos- sible to a,id the customer in her selection, it m~kes shopping at Schlampp's a pleasure. A drift. wood gray decor with silver ,and raspberry ,touches plus tropical plitnts placed effectively through. out gives a soft, restful feeling. A representative of the com- pany will be in Beach next Fri. day, August 31, at Smith's Ap- parel. To Bismarck-- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ball,ard and son Jackie motored to Bismarck last Monday morning remain. ing there several days to trans- act business. STATE 4-H COUNCIL TO MEET NOV. 6-8 Annual meeting of the North Dakota 4-H club leaders council has been announced for Nov. 6 to 8 at NDAC, following a recent meeting of the group's executive committee. The 4-H council 'is made up of delegates selected by county 4- H councils and serves in an ad- visory capacity with the exten- sion service in planning club programs and activities. State council officers are presi- dent, Ralph Scott. Jamestown; vice-president, Mrs. Ernest Nel. son, Roseglen; treasurer, Willi- am Neuharth, New Rockford. ,and secretary, Mrs. Fred Birdsall, Gladstone. Beach Visitors--- Mrs. Anna Streitz and son Al- bert of Gvlva were business vis- itors in Beach 1.ast Wednesday. THE MARKET, AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO AIL AND I INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. THANK YOUI Will buy hogs next in Wibaux, Fri- day, Aug. 24, and the following Friday, August 31 in Beach. Last week we paid the following prices: BUTCHERS 240 to 270 270 to 300 300 to 350 350 Up Top 180 to 240 ...... $21.50 to $22.00 ................ $21.00 ................ $20.50 ............ $19.75 ........ $18.00- $19.00 SOWS 330 Down .................. 330 to 400 .......... 400 Up ............ Stags Heavy, 70 lbs. dock .. Stags Light, 40 lbs. dock .... $19.00 $18.50 $17.50 $16.50 $17.00 ALWAYS PAYING ]I GHEST MABXWr CE$ ITItiIICIIHIlllIiliI[]IIIIIIIIIIII(IIIIIIIIIIHIIMII|IIIIIIII[II|IIIIIIIIIID Ollie News 't[ll|lIIIIIIIIInlillllll|lllg]llllllilllllnlllllJlllJJl[~llllll[tllllt|ll'~l Sunday School 10 a. m. Evening Service 8 p. m. Wednesday Prayer Meet~ing. Thursday Choir Practice. Oh-f Rost of Ulen. Minnesota, was a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Auer left Mon- day to spend a couple weeks with Rev. Auer's parents at Broad- view. Thursday dinner guests at the Vic Berg home were Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd. Carol Rose Fred and Gordon Steen. Mr. and Mrs. ~Bennie Jesfield and family from Spearfish were Friday supper and overnight guests at the Henning Steen home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wang and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holder, Olaf Rost, Alice and Shirley Owens, Art and Grand- ma Wang were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wang and ~amily, honoring Leonard Wang who is home on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. George Cameron and granddaughter, Merilee Cameron of Hawley, Minnesota. visited at the Ross Cameron home several d,ays this week. Celebrating .Patty Shepherd's first birthday, her grandmother, Mrs. Ross Cameron, had supper Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Ter- ry Cameron and son, Colin Cam- eron, Mr. and Mrs. George Cam- eron. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Shep- herd and children and LoHta Yokley. Ernie Stark took his daughter, Doris to Canistota for treatment Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe of Billings were house guests at the Ernie Stark home Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Arlin J.aques and son are visiting at Steele. N. Dak. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson. Mrs. Ernie Stark attended the Alpha Ladies Aid meeting Thurs- day. Evelyn Nary spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hudson. Mrs. Terry Cameron spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Ernie Stark and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hudson. Joyoe Bryson and Dale Gru- baugh were married on August 16. a! the Methodist church in '[;reat Falls. Rev McGee offici- ating. The bride was dressed in a light brown suit with' white ac- cessories and a red rose corsage; her attendant, Miss Thelma Berg, wore a beige su4t with a talis- man rose oorsage. The groom and best man, Frey, wore conventional suits. Joyce has been employed at the McGregor Clinic in Great Falls for the past year. Her husband works for the Air Base Construction Co.. in Great Falls. Advertise In the Golden Valley News Start Foundation-- The Chaska brothers are ~.~- cavating for a bt-sement for ~kr. and Mrs. Steve Sleight, w~t~ Ernest Feldmann and crew ~o- ing the cement work. The Sleights purchased a house to he moved in, and as soon as the foundation is finished, and the building moved to ,its new site~ carpenters Ed Justesen, George Seeley and Tony Doblar will be- gin remodeling. The house wilt be located across the street J from Mrs. Minnie Sorensen'~ I home. and the St. Paul's Lu'th- e~tn parsonage. 1250 Watt Delco 32-Volt Light Plant With Nearly New Heavy Duty Delco Batteries -- Also 32 Volt Iron, Maytag Washer, Elec- trolux Cleaner an half horse Inter- national Motor. Also One Circulating Heater, One Regular Heater, One 3-Room Oil Heat- er, One Butane Gas Heater with Built- In Fan, Thermo. Control, Gas Kitchen Range and 8 Cu. Ft. Servel. Dining-Room Set, Zenith 6-Volt Radio, Kitchen Cabinet, Dressers, Singer Sew- ing Machine, Water Tank, Pump, Jack, Once-used Grain Sacks and Numerous Other Articles in House-Hold Goods and Tools. All Electric & Gas Equipment In First Class Shape: A Great Deal Nearly N"ew. -- All Priced Very Low For Quick Disposal Or Will Consider Offers. m Owner At Cedar Canyon On H. W. 10 7 Miles West Of Belfield Remember, the car that is properly serviced never wears out, never breaks down, is economical with fuel and oil, handle's easily. We have dedicat- ed all our resources to the motor car service job today. Come in and talk it over with us. WE INVITE YOU TO HAVE YOURS COMPLETELY CHECKED, BOTH BODY AND MOTOR---NOW! * Our enlarged body shop, with the skilled labor of Bill Melnick and Bruce Goddard, will make your car look like new--we prove it every day. * Complete motor overhauling. * Brake relining and repair. * Wheel balancing safety service. x '47 Plymouth 4-door sedan, perfect condition. 1½ ton Ford truck, '45 model, with new tires. '49 ½ ton pickup, perfect condition, very good rubber. '38 Chevrolet pickup, bargain priced. JOHNSON SALES SERVICE Phone I0 Beach, N. Dak. Beach, North Dakota ,,,on m mmcL w.