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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 23, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 23, 1951
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PAGE TWO THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. O. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1951 Saturday, August 25th At Shamrock Club, Wibaux Music *by Melody Five Everybody Welcome! Three-Day Fair Planned At Baker The Falh)n county fair will get under way Friday when ex- laibitors will enter displays. There will be a nig'ht show and carni- val Friday. Judging ot all crops, home ,economics. 4-I! and livestock ex. hibits will begin at 9 a. m., Sat- urday. 'rl~e afternoon program which consists of roping by local club :nembers. rnd cold blood races. thoroughbred races, and special features and acts will begin at t o'clock Saturday and Sunday. They will be followed by night :~riows. The 4-It club dress revue rill be staged Saturday night Notice is hereby given that the Sen- tinel Butte School Board, School Dis- trict No. 2, Sentinel Butte, N. Dak., will receive sealed bids at Sentinel Butte at 2:00 P. M., on the 1st day of Sept., 1951, for one cast iron sectional, gas fired steam boiler, of at least 600,000 B. T. U. per hour. Installation to be completed by Oct. 15, 1951. To be complete with blowoff valve, low water cut off and safety pdots. Boiler to have metal jacket or to be cov- ered with .magnesia cement to a depth of two (2) inches and trawled smooth. All return piping below water line of present boder to be replaced with mild steel black pipe. Condensation pump to be replaced in boiler room to have a rating of 4,000 sq. ft. Present boder to be taken out and removed from the the con- tractor, hole left by removal of old fur- nace to be filled in. All piping and installation of boiler is to conform with the A. S. M. E. stan- dards. All piping is to be covered with 3 cell asbestos pipe covering and mag- nesia cemented joints. The contractor to guarantee the boil- er and piping against any defects for a period of one year from date of instal- lation. It is further understood that at any time the piping or boiler should prove faulty in the period of guarantee the contractor will replace such repairs free of charge to the School District. All bids are to be sealed and accom- panied by a certified check for 5% of ihe amount of bid. All checks will be returned to the un- successful bidders immediately after the opening of bids and the certified check of the successful bidder will be retained until installation of boiler has been completed and approved by School Board, Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. [IERMAN DIETZ,-Clerk Sentieel Butte School District No. 2 Ii~rATEI~ENT OF TB~ASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT FOil PUBLICATION Receipts In Ooneral Fmad ~.mounts Received by School District Treasurer between July 1, 1950, and June 30, 1951) Jr. Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and c~ciudmg Sinking Funds) July 1, 1950 ............... AIlI. Grand Total cash on hand and money ~ to Gener~l Fund (Total of items A, AI, AII) as o~ J~ly 1, 1950 ............................................................................................ 1. Total amount received during year from State 2. apportionment *mo,mt 3111.33 ~JO Share) County tuition fund ........................................ 8. Amount received during year from taxea levied by District School Board (General Fund} ................ J amount received Dy School Treasurer during the I~ year (Ttotal of item,- 1 to 11 inclusive) ....................... Grand Total amount z~lved b~v S~hool Dlt~lct 'l~murer melu&Ing vasn on, hand (item m~d Item B) ............................................................................ EXPENDrFORES OF GENERAL FUND 7tJnotmts Paid Dirking Yosx. for the F611owing Put'peeos . General Control ...................................................................... 98.09 ~nstructio@ai. Servic? ........................................ I~J$ ~ [ uperstlon oz ~'mnt ............................................................... ILI.~ l~mtenance of Plant ................................................ ~,IN 40.~ lWJ8 3111,33 'and a display of fireworks will I Should Plan Now be presented by Thearle - Duf- For Tree fiehl Fireworks company after t'lantlng the shows and Sunday, the final day, will start with a noon pa- rade. sponsored by the Lions club. Music for the fair will be fur. nished by Vhe Baker high school band. "Stars on Parade" is the night show which is being furn,ished by the Clarence Smith Theatrical agency of Salt Lake Gity. The Northern Expositions shows and carnival will ,provide rides and entertainment. N. D. Featured In Natl. Geographic "North Dakota Comes Into Its Own" is the title of a fea,ture appearing in the Sep- tember issue of the National Geogra,phic m~gazine. The text is written by Leo A. Borah, assistant editor, who last April spent three weeks in the state. Pictures will include 35 in c~lor, taken by the maga- zine s ,Photograper J. Baylor Ro- berts, during his six weeks visit to the state last year. Among them is one of a MayviHe farm scene and a night picture of the intake structure at Garrison dam. There are eight black and white pictures, one of the Man- dan rodeo being credited to Lee Mohr, Mandan commercial pho- tographer; a full page of geese in flight credited to J. W. En- ger of Oakes and wl~ich was published last spring in The Far- go Forum, and two credited to Gifford Herron, Fargo Forum photographer. One of the other black and white photographs is a view of Broadw.ay in Fargo, apparently taken from the Moody store. In addition, there is a double ~page ma.___p of North Dakotan. Forms Hew Church--- Rev. Edwin Goosen, who serv- ed the Christian Fundamental church in V~ibaux about four There is still enough summer left to "arrange for a windbreak or shelterbelt tree planting on )'our farm. says John J. Zayl- skie, forester of NDAC exten- sion service. If you want tl~e trees next spring, get things ready now. he adds. Your tree planting area should be prepared and kept fallow the rest of the season, to provide favorable conditions for the trees next spring. For a farmstead planting a strip 95 feet wide usually is big enough for most 7-row plantings, according to Zaylskie. I Heturns From Korea-- Lowell Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gray of t~he Carlyle community, returned recently from six months in Korean wa- ters. Now serving aboard the flagship LST 1089 Gray enlisted at Helena in June of 1950. Two brolhers, both World War II veterans, are also with the navy, Lcland in Cuba aboard the USS Putnam and Lyle in Philadel. ,.)hia. as a member of the DSS ',(:osevelt's crew. Homemakers Elect-- Officers were elected at the regular meeting last week of the Badland homemakers club in Wibaux. They are: Mrs. K. Ley, president; Mrs. Johnnie W,itkow- Trees for )'our ,planting also ski. vice president and reporter; should be arranged-for now. Help on this can be obtained from your county extension agent, or from the extension ser- vice forester. NDAC. Fargo. You don't have to be a Sher- ;oek Holmes to find buyers, use Mrs. Irene Wheeler, secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. Harry Watembach and Mrs. Frank Watembaek project leaders. Poison Ivy Victim-- Poison ivy last week hospitali- zed Mrs. Tony Zabroeki of Wi- News want ads. baux. ST'A Og TREASURER'S REPORT FOR PUBLICATION Roceipts In General Fund (Amounts Received by School District Treasurer between July 1, 1950, and June 30, 1951) A. Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and excluding Sinking Funds) July 1, 1950 ................ 2579.84 Grand ~Dotai cash on hand and money credited to General Fund (Total of items A, AL AII) as of July 1, 1950 ............................................................................................ 2579.84 1. Total amount received during year from State apportionment .......................................................................... 3,56.90 • 2. Total amount received durin~ year from (County Share) County tuition fund ...................................... 421~74 $. Amount Received during yesr from State Equali- zaAon Fund ................................................................................. Total of (a, b, c) ...................................................... 60~.a9 S. Amount received during year from taxes levied by Dl~trtet School Board (General Fund) ................ 58711.01 11. Amount received from ~ther non-revenue receipts 1~.71 B. Tota~ amount received by Sohool Treasurer during the year (Total of items l to ll inclusive) ........................ 11,156.96 C. Grand Total amount received by School Di~'let Treasurer including cash on hand (Item AIII and Item B) ........................................................................... 13,736.80 EXPI~qDITURE~ OF GENERAL FUND Kmoun~s Paid During Yemr £or the Following Pu~ 1. General Control .......................................................................... 1~.16 2. Instructional Service ................................................................ 413~,31 3. Auxiliary Agencies .............................................................. 106.80 4. Operation of Plant ....................................................... ~4~KI 5. Maintenance of Plant ....................................................... 618z28 6. Fixed Charges ............................................................................ 60.{lit 7. Capital Outlay ....................................................................... 3~.~ O. Total Amount Paid During School Year by District Treasurer ..................................................................................... 574&03 ~. Cash on hand in General Fund as of June 30, 1951 (Item O., ~ l~port), tneludtn~ Cert. of De- posit and U. S. War Bonds) ................................................ 79~K77 WARRAN2~ ISSUED ~arrants Issued July I, 1.~0 to June 30, 1951 (Item B, Clerk's Annual Report) ........................................................ §74,~.03 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ) years ago, has announced the )as. Conservative 'i County of Golden Valley ) formation of a Saddle Butte School District No. 1 ) .Baptist churh in Billings, which ] I do solemnly swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the ,re as School Tr~msurer. he will serve. [ ~qthin is a true and correct report of all moneys received and paid out by CARL UF~KERT It pays to Advertise in th^ Treasurer of Saddle Butte School District No. 1. (;otde~ \'~]lov N~WS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July, 1951. RAY W. LINGK, Director. [ Entertains At Dinner.- Mrs. Nellie Bass was hostess a{ her Wibaux home last week to Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Rourke and their daughters and son-in- law. Home From Hospitnl-- William Lentz recently return- ed~o his home in Wibaux after being hospitalized several weeks m Beach. Home From Glendive-- Lawrence Nistler of WibauX was released last week from the Glendive hospital, following treatment for a heart attack. To Glendive-- Mrs. Arleigh Helvik. Mrs. All Helvik and Ole Helvik were busi- ness callers in Glend,ive one day last week. Advertise in the G-olden Valley Ne~ 0 IN and Come and Get Your FREE DOSE OF SODIUM • FLUORIDE To Worm your H gs , And also instructions and informa- tion for the Next Two Weeks See Your Local At Ta_I , ...... Equip. "~' Dal~i-'l" al !11 Unfil ve it "11 what I YOUTE HEARD Tim TAL~ about Chrysler's revolutionary z~ew V-8 Fir~ower engine . . . with lta 180 horsepower, its "Mnazing smoothness and celemti ... NOW COM DRIVE REASON for all this I citem88 most revolutionary advance mot car engine design in 27 yeat d... Hirer8 180 HORSEPOWER... • full 20 hor - ]power than that the next most Amerk lmmmg emlinel • • • COMPRESSION... Coa mtion Chamber in m American car engine actually puts to work more of the energy contained in the fuel than other engines, HERE'S EXCITING PERFORMANCE... re~ • ivenesa, acceleration, smoothness, which no othe~ pauengar car engine built in this country can equal today. And you can have it with Fi~ePowe~ even on riGa-premium grade gasoline. HERE'S TH~ SAFETY OF POWER-IN-RESERVIg greater than ~ ever had at your command --4 new high in tim instant reeponsivenee8 which k the very essence of safety on today's highwaysl YOU'LL LIK CHRYSLER'S POWER BRAKING, TOO... smoother, ~enfler, awifter stops at an~ speed than you've ever known. At the touch of your toe, ~ower from the engine helps put on tl~ brakes . . . reduces foot pressure by as mUCh 811 two-thirds! AND HYDRAGUIDE ... TH~ NEW STEERING! It makes driving a c~r a brand new experience. At your touch on the whee~/wdr~ power provides four-fifths Of t~ steer~ em~ri~. Even at a standstill, you can ~ the wheeJ~ your thumb and one finger| A Ip~at ~ COME DRIVE IT . . . ONLY A RIDE CAN SHOW YOU WHAT ONLY A CHRYSLER GIVES! Beach, North Dakota