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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 23, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 23, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, Martin Building Sentinel Butte Golva News Frank Keyhve and Gib Sch. ~¢tltt arrived Tuesday from Eden Valley, Minn. They are employ- ¢d at the Bob Ctarin farm. Mrs. Joe Hartse and grand. daughter, Ruth Thornton left Friday,Jevening by train, Mrs. ANNUAL ELKS The Lone Tree, 4-H Club met at the Earnie ~'hmitz home on Monday. Carol Popiel was elec- ted delegate for the Home Ira- provement Convention to be held in Dickinson Friday and Satur- PICNIC day, Aug. 24 and 25, Norb Finneman and crew re- turned home Wednesday ~rom the South; he is now the proud owner of a nice Ford car. After a two weeks visit with relatives and old friends, Verna Seheffer returned to her home at Hamilton Wash., Friday eve- n,ing. Anita Tschida left Thursday for a visit with friends in Min- neapolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rising and family were visitors at the A. E. Scheffer home Thursday eve- ning. Verna Scheffer and Mrs. Junior Schultz were guests of Laura Stieka at a fine dinner at Jack's Club Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Volney Schmel- ing and family were diner vis- itors at Mrs. Edna Hammond's home Sunday. Mrs. Bert Covert entertained a "~~ ~:~{~-~i~2: 26 BAGDAD PICNIC GROUNDS Starts 12:00 Noon REFRESHMENTS FOR EVERYONE FREE --- Pop, Ice Cream, Coffee Bring Your Picnic Lunch Fun For All --- Races, Softball, etc. Schlampp's, famed for almost haft a century for quality and fashion leadership, bring a complete new fur collection to the finest store in your town! Through honest and reliable business practices, Schiampp's have won the confidence and trust of women everywhere and today ate the largest furriers ia the entire Northwasd Fur Fashions thiJ year axe exciting, dramatic, flattering! Shaped sleeves lavishly cuffed; shoulderlines soft as a shawk distinctive collars, uecklines and silhouettes! Here is a collection eutstaudlug iu fashion and selection.., enhanced by $chfampp's famous Kandatds of quality and workmanship... st prices to fit you: budg~a QUALITY VALUES IN FASHION FURS MOUTON LAMB ..................................... $ l~ CARACUL LAMB (At~tumn Brown or Sapphire Blue) ..... ~UdERIC, AN MINK HEADS ......................... $~ AJdERICAN MINK SIDES .......... ..o. ................ ~S NORTHEI~BACK MUSKRAT (M/nk B/G~t~ ............. SN MOONGLO MUSKRAT ~ ........ .. ............. . 49B PERSIAN LAtOI ............ .. ................. IIHEAR]m RACCOON (35 to 45 b*ch GoatS),......... ...... ? Music by Moen Orchestra Saturday, August 25 number of neighbors and friends [ week end with their parents, Mr. ' gllllllllllllllllllllllll Thursday afternoon. Canasta was] and Mrs. Joe Hartse and family. m played and a lovely lunch serv- Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rising and L'ttl R d S h lh ed. Those attending were Mes- family were Sunday dinner I e e c oo ouses guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wehrman. i • Are Rarity dames Edna Hammond. Madi- son. Fred Cook. Alice Fischer. Verna Scheffer. Gee, Gearey, J. Tschida, Frank Schouboc, Rich- ard Hanson and A, Scheffer. A very pleasant afternoon was en- joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Nistler and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schmitz drove to Spearfish, S. D., Thurs- day to attend the Passion Play. Harold Wosepka boarded the train at Beach Thursday eve- ning for a visit at Billings, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Canar of Rochester. Minn.. and Mrs. Chas. Gunn of LaMollie. Minn., arriv- ed the forepart of the week for a visit at the home of their sis- ter. Mrs. Edna Hammond and family. Mr. and Mrs. MO,~on Stuart of Spokane. Wash.. are helping with harvest work at the Don Hammond home. Mr. and Mrs. Veller and child- ren of Wolf Point and Hazel Hartse of Miles City spent the CITATION HEARING PETITION TO ESTABLISH THE RIGHT OF HEIRSHIP TO REAL PROPERTY. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hen. Guy Lee, Judge IN THE MATTE.R OF THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH HENKEL. DECEAS- liD. O. C. Henkel, ) Petitioner, Elizabeth Garthwaite. Edith Mankel• Arthur H. Tebo, Elizabeth Houghton, and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or in- terest in. or lien or encum- ) brance t~pDn the property ) described in the petition or} against the estate of the said deceased. ) Respondents• THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPO~N- DENTS : You. and eaci3 of you. are hereby notified that O. C Henkel of Water- town. South Dakota. has filed in the County Court of Golden Valley Coun- ty. North Dakota. t~is duly verified petition praying for a decree ascer- taining and establishing tl]e right to succession to the real property with- iu Golden Valley County, Nortb Da- kota. of which Elizabeth HenkeL de- ceased, late of the City of Lancaster in the County of Grant and State of Wisconsin. died seized, which said real estate is described as follows: Nor~w~st Quarter (~1/4~ of Section Nine 49) in Township One Hundred Forty-three (143) North. of Range Ona Hundred Four (104) WesL of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Golden Valley County, North Dakota, and that Tuesday, the 1Bth day of The Youth Club met Sunday afternoon at the St. Mary's church basement and the par- ents were entertained. i • l)ut it isn't a rarity for your | daughter to want a sweater lots of then] for her small and t)aCk-to-school N O T I C E[ wardrobe. We have gorgeous new n v- i Ion sweaters in lovely colors, in sizes We will have cabins , .... ,) . , , -, o ()-14, an(l misses, axallable als available for rent by in pure wools. the month during the winter. Fluorescent color satin jackets, for gMs and t)oys, lined and interlined; Ze- lan treated. New School dresses, 6-12, in ginghams, cordtlrovs. Beach, North Dakota We invite your in- quiry before Septem- ber 1. NOYES Modern Cabins Beach, N. Dak. ~l~l~l~l~l~llll~ll~l~ll~llll~lll~l~l~llll~lll~l~lll~ll~l~ll~l~l~llll~l~lllllllll~lll~llllllllillll~ We have a complete line of truck and ear tires on hand. Also batteries and filter cartridges Come in and have your truck or car greas- ed in our new lube. room. All modern equipment. fuel de- September, A, D., 1951. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court, at the Court House in t~e City of Beach, Golden Valley County, North Dakota. has been set by this Court as the time and place of hear- ing said petition, at which time and place any person interested may ap- pear and object ~o the granting of said petition. And you and each of :you,are herehy cited and required thenand there to be and appear beforethis Court a~how cause• if an5" there be, why ¢hts l~etition should not be granted• Let service be made of this Cita- tion as required by law. Dated this 18th day of August, A. D,. 1951 BY THE COURT: GUY LEE. Judge of the County Court. W. L. ECKES, Attorney for Petitioner. Beach. North Dakota (August 23 - 30) SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN DISTRICT COURT Sixth Judicial District Robert Clarin, ) Plaintiff, -vs- ) Hubert J. Zimmer and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or m- terest In, or lien or eneum- brance upon the property ) described in the Corn- ) I plaint, i Defendants. ) [ THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEF~N- DAN~$: [ You are hereby summoned and re- ~huired to answer the Complaint of e above named Plaintiff. which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your ans%ver thereon upon the subscriber at his office in the City of Beach. in said County and ~tate. within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons upon you exclusive of the day of such service, and in case of your failure to appear or answer as above required, the . Plaintiff v~i:l take judgment agamsz y~ou uy fault for the relief demanded in tbe Complaint. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 21st day of August, A D., 1951. • V. L. E~KES, Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Postoffice Address Beach, North Dakota NO'I~CE Call us for vour bulk oil and Buy from your Local Co-op and Save. Beach, North Dakota ~~H~~~~~~~~ The Littlejohn 1950 Ford F-I Pickup with POWER PILOT was one of some 5,500 trucks in the nationwide Ford Economy Run. Daily records of all running expenses were iwpt.