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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 23, 1934     Golden Valley News
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August 23, 1934
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE r~EACH, N. D.. A!bVA~.~F, Pictorial ,, 1934 above ur, the yacht with which T. O. win fox Great Britain the America's cup, is The photo was taken from an airplane as Endeavour o~ the waters off Newport, R. I., where the in- ternational races will be held. First Photos of Religious Riots in Constantine First actual riot scenes from strife-ridden Con- stantine, Algeria, are shown here. Alleged dese- cration of a Moslem temple by a Jewish soldier resulted in a religious war between the rival faiths. More than 100 were killed before French colonial troops brought an armistice. Top, a debris-filled street showing looted and burned homes; bottom, city ai~horities trying to put out the blazing stalls set afire by the Arab rioters in the $ewish section o1 the city. Endurance Record Their Goal .~ii: :~8~:!:i::: :i::. :::, :: ,:i:~.*:¢~:~:::::: ": ~::::: ~: :!: :~:i:,::::: ::::-:::::::~: 8;:~:!::::::::: ::~ :~:~:~:::::!:~: iiiiii!!iiiiill ::i~::::i!i!~iiiii~il ~iiiiii~iiiiii~i~i:: !iiii!::iii~iii~i~::~;~:~:~ .................... .... ~iii~ii~i!!!iii~iii!~!i~i~!~ii::~i~:~:: .... ITheir aim a new endurance record, La Rene, left, ~n and Mary Owens Campbell, of Fort Worth, Tex., are shown :icthawith the Curtis Thrush, 225-horsepowered plane they selected eir flight at Curtiss-Wright 'field, Chicago. It, is their' plan to ~0r the regord of 554 hours 45" minutes, set by the Hunter Film Aetr D rector Capt. Leomtrd Reid Capt~ Jame~ Ayllng ]Poreed to land in England on their attempted flight from Toronto, Ont., to Bagdad, Iraq, Capt. Leonard Reid, left, and Capt. James ~yiie~ are shown above at Heston airdrome, London. Motor t~ouble ~oreed them to land after their transatlantic hop. Pennant Winner in This Photo • E • . am r ror II [[ L I i NEW FRANKLINI ANA ~ Almost unno. riced for~a century and a half, this statue of ' Benjamin Franklin I datinG[ back to his so- journ at the court of Louis XVI, has been discovered. A. Atwa~ ~ter Kent pr~ented it to the Franklin Insti. tute in Phila. Here it 18 with the original Franklin printing presS, in the Graphic Arts section of the In- stitu~ ~VETERAN BARTEN- Addresses Ambi. Rookies ~ Hans Newmann. "mixer" at the MoAIpln Bar. N. Y., advises men preparing for "bar examinations": .NEVER stir a highball ~Nith a spoon! It de- Irtroys the ZIP which is soul of any carbon drink. Use self.stir. ring Billy Baxter Club ~eda. Its EXTRA hub- do all the neces- CLEAN 8WEEP -- These shapely damsels showed excellent form ---And forms ~ in a broom sweeping contest :::~. for college girl vaca. tionists held at a south. DI ern beach recently. SIS ~ Melvin Purvis, youthful head of the (.~ Chicago Department of Justice. MAN AND MOTOR Conquer Mountain Driver AI Miller credits B¢flln Alu mlnum cylinder head of Hudson coupe for all.time record climb of Mt. Washington In 13 minutes and 20 sec- onds, "Aluminum • a d increased compr~sion and ,William Seiter, well-known Hollywood movie director, is his bride, the former Marian Nixon, screen actress and of Eddie Hillman, ]~everly Hills millionaire. The tw( at Yuma. Ariz., by Earl A. Freeman, the famous "marryin[ Doug Returns to U.S. power without knocking," Miller slid, hie equipped NOTEL GOTHAM IN NEW YORK has flret-M'r trans car breaking port bulletin board--pern~anent airplane echedulel ca r are displayed oB the board, erected in the hotel lobby all celebrities of the aviartlem world cheered. Genoral : K!nca/d (left) President, American Hotels Corpora- at ~nt. tlon, oHainated the tdea and will pla©e a board in 1t tat each h~L Eddie Rlckanbacker, World War ace hails ~l| p~lve step In Iwlation. ~frlend: Ochre is a friable clay with an ~ hardest,worked ton oxides, giving it kn0w$ 0f,,' eald U~ Ebe~