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August 22, 1935 |
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By Edwar-M V. Pickard
IL , I ii
Senators Back Down on
"Soaking" Small Incomes
NOBODY liked the new tax bill
that congress was working on,
and the senate finance committee bad
hard work making up its mind as to the
form it would recom-
mend. First it altered
almost every provision
of the bill ~passed by
the house and changed
it from a "soak. the
rich" measure to one
which would soak
practically every one.
This was done by low-
ering personal income
tax exemptions and
starting the surtax in-
Senator Borah
creases at $3,000 in.
stead of $50,000. The latter feature was
proposed by Senator La Follette and
was adopted to keep blm In line. Also,
the inheritance taxes which President
Roosevelt had asked for were elimi-
nated, o
Protests against increasing the taxes
on little incomes came immediately,
from senators, representatives and the
country at large. Senators Bornh of
Idaho and Norris of Nebraska were
among, the "independents' who ex.
pressed theLr disapproval Mr. Borab
especially was vocal in opposition. He
could not see the Justice or the wis-
dom of the proposition.
"Families with these small Incomes
are now paying more than their pro-
portionate share of taxes and at the
same time are facing higher prices for
food, clothes, fuel and rents," he said.
So the committee suddenly reversed
itself abruptly, rejected the La Fol-
lotto plan by a vote of 8 to 7, and for
the time being at least saved the ltt-
tle incomes and perhaps a lot of house
members who hoPe to be re-elected.
The bill which the committee voted
to report contains new provisions to
compensate for those eliminated from
the house bill and the estimated rev-
enue is only $1,000,000 less. This is
divided in the senate bill as follows:
Graduated corporation In-
come tax ........... :... $ 60,000,000
Cornoration excess profits
and capital stock taxes 65,000,000
Intsreorporate dividend taxes S9,000,000
Increased estate taxes with
X related gift taxes... 100,000,600
nereased surtaxes on "ln:"
co~'le8 [1~ excess Of
$I,o0o,000 ............... 6,000,000
Total ................ $269,000,000
• The bill thus more closely follows
the demands of President Roosevelt
than the house measure, with the ex-
eeptinn of inheritance taxes, which the
senate committee eliminated. Even
this action was offset by the Increase
in the existing estate and glft tax rates,
expected to bring in $100,000,000.
This action by the senate committee
probably means the adjournment of
congress will be speeded up. The house
is eleanlng up its "must" legislation,
the ways and means committee Raving
voted to report favorably the Guffey
coal bill which would set up a "little
~NRA" for the bituminous industry. It
is generally believed this measure will
not stand a test in the Supreme court,
btrt the administration had demanded
its enactment nevertheless.
How Social Security
hour; probably many thousands of
mere and women all over the country~
began figuring on the pensions they
any clear idea of how the new pro-
gram's pensin9~ system will work, so
we reprint here a neat summary pre-
pared by the Associated Press show-
ing its operation as applied to "Bill
"Suppose young Bill is twenty when
the law goes into effect and makes an
salary of $100 until
He will get a monthly
until hlS death, of $53,75.
• '/n detail, here Is wLat Will happen
years 1937, 1938,
tax of
for the
three years. In 1940, 1941, 1942 he will
those 83 years.
"Thus. in 45 years, Bill 3ones will
have paid in $1,440. All the time his
wlli get back ~.4~0.
~ones dies this is what
"o ~ ~ u,,~
"If Jones dies before he gets back
$1,890 in pensions, what he actually
received is deducted from $1,890 and
the remainder~paid to his heirs. If he
lives until he gets back all of the
$1,890 and more, his heirs get nothing,
L Jones should die before he
reaches sixty-five, his heirs would be
entitled to a payment of 8~ per cent
of the total wages on which taxes had
been paid.
"For Instance, if he died after ten
years, he would have paid taxes on
$12,000. His heirs would be entitled to
31h per cent of that, or $420."
Senator Clark of Missouri made a
brave attempt to save private pension
systems, but gave up when the prom-
ise was made that house and senate
committees will try during the recess
to work out a method of preserving
such of these as are found worthy.
The measure as passed provides for
old age security; unemployment insur-
ance, and for financial aid to dependent
children, the blind, the crippled, and
to public health agencies. It carries
appropriations totaling $94,491,000 for
the fiscal year 1936 as the government's
share of the program. This sum does
not Include an authorized grant of
$4,000,000 for the fiscal year ending
~une 30, 1936, and ~9,000,000 for each
subsequent fiscal year to defray the
cost of administering one project la
the bill.
Farmers Organize Council
to Protect Their Rights
FARMER~ who believe ~at their
individual rights are being en-
croached upon by the administration's
sgrlcultursl policies are offered a
chance to get together by the organi-
zation and incorporation in Chicago of
the Farmers' Independent Council of
America. Dan D. Casement, a farmer
of Manhattan, Kan., is president of
the body. Stanley F. Morse, South
Caroline farmer and consulting agri-
culturist, IS executive vice president
and Chris 3. Abbott, ~Nebraska stock-
man and farmer, and Clyde O. Patter-
son, Illinois Jersey" breeder, were in-
corporators. Dr. Charles W. Burkett,
agricultural authority of New York
and formerly director of the Kansas
agricultural experiment station, and
I~ G. Toiles" farmer and past master
of the Connecticut State Grange, are
other vice presidents of the council,
and Dr. E. V. Wilcox, representative
of the Country Gemtieman, Dlstrlct of
Columbia, is secretary-treasurer; Fred
L. Crawford, Michigan congress-
man and farm owner; E. E. Dorsett,
farmer and past master Pennsylvania
State Grange, and Kurt Greenwald,
farm manager and agricultural engl.
seer, New York, are directors.
'~o me there is but one issue,
whether we are going to have s con-
stitutional government or have a dicta-
torial regime," said Charles E. Col.
lins" Colorado cattleman and president
of the American National Live Stock
association, regional vice president o!
the new organization.
G. O. P. Defeats New Dealers
in Rhode Island Election
REPUBLICAN leaders threugbont th~
country were immensely heartened
--probably too much so--by the result
of the by-election in the First district
of Rhode Island:
Charles F. Risk, Re-
publican, and deter.
mined opponent of the
New Deal. defeated
Antonio Prtnce~ Dem~
c'rat, by nearly 18,000
votes, capturing the
seat In congress which
Francis B. Condon,
Democrat, resigned to
go on the State Su.
proms court. Tbe r~
Chae" F, Rlak versai was so decisive
that the Bepnblicana hailed It as a
clear indication that President Roose-
velt would be defeated for re-election
RePresentative B. H. Snell of New
York, minority leader, made a speech
about it in the house in which he said:
"This is the first time the people el
any part of the country have had ae
opportunity to pass on the reckless
and extravagant expenditures of the
administration. They have passed up-
on it in a very decisive manner. The
election shows the People are begin.
sing to think. The handwriting is on
the wall. From now on we will wlt.
hess similar rejections by the cltlzenrl
of the New Deal program."
Hoover Demands Showdown
~rom the Administration
HOOVER, traveling from Callfor.
nla to New York, stopped tn Chicago
long enough to issue a challenge to
the Roosevelt administration and a
call on the President for a showdown
as to his policy on changing the Con.
StltnflOn, He declared the American
people have a right to know what al-
the basic law the admln.
Grass Roots Movement It
Given Permanent Form
~EPUBLICANS of the ~0 Midwest-
£~- frn states that participated In the
~rass Roots c.onference in Spr~lng~eld,
Ill., have made the Gr'a~ tto-~' ~'~e-
meat a permanent auxiliary of the
party. Harrison E. Spengler of Iowa
is its chairman, Mrs. Leslie Wheeler
of Illinois the vice chairman, and Jo
Ferguson of Oklahoma, the secretary.
Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky, not reP-
resented at the Springfield meeting,
have been invited to Join in the move
Black's Methods in Probe
Resented by Pat Hurley
bama may bring out a lot of facts
In his inquiry into lobbying, bt~l his
way of conducting the investigation is
not winning blm any
credit, The hou@e has
all along felt that he
was trying to bully it
into accepting the util-
ities bill "death sen-
tence" clause and has
been correspondingly
resentful. Various wit-
nesses before the sen-
ate committee have
felt, seemingly with
reason, that theY were
P. J. Hurley being treated unfairly.
One of these witnesses who com-
plained bitterly was Patrick ~. Hurley,
secretary of war in the Hoover ad-
ministration. He testified that he had
received $100.000 fl~pm the Associated
Gas and Electric system in the last
three years, but insisted he was paid
for legal advice only and had done no
lobbying. Hurley was not permitted
to read a prepared statement, and
Black's interjectiom and questions so
angered the witness that he rose to
his feet and shouted: "Everyone knows
all you gentlemen are good prosecu-
torsi Of course, you don't know what
it Is to be fair or Just~ You try to put
words into a witness' mouth. Your
questions are all on the type of the
'Why don't you stop beating your
wifeP query."
Federal Penal Colony on
Rat Islands Proposed
COL. c. A. SEOANE of the army sig-
nal corps has proposed a plan for
the establishment of a federal penal
colony on the Rat islands, off Alaska,
and recommended it to the considera-
tion of Attorney General Cummings.
It would be so Isolated that no guards
would be required and the prisoners
could be left to shift for themselves.
The four Rat islands, near the end
of the Aleutian ~roup, comprise 1,000
square miles--and are more than 1,000
miles from the Alaskan mainland, 2,000
miles from the nearest unRed States
point, and more than 2,000 ~iles from
Hawaii. Except for one oi' two fox
ranches on each, they are uninhabited.
Banishment to the I~at islands
"would mean a long good-by wlthou¢
hope of pardon, parole, or escape,"
Colonel Sedans said. "Therein lies ths
secret of what is believed would be-
come an eff~mtive damper on the
wave of today."
~he islands, part of the public do-
main, are suitable for raising blue
foxes, sheep, and goats, and for fish-
Ing. They are washed by the warm
3apan eurrenr~ seldom have snow and
have an average temperature of
lu winter and 54 in summer.
Nazi "Housecleaning" Has
Hitler's Full Support
ADOLF HITLER'S silence during
the recently renewed Nazi war-
fare on ~Iews and Catholics led many
to think the movement was being led
b~ others. But Der
Fuehrer emerged from
his country residence
to make a speech at
Rosenheim in which
he. made it clear he
was backing the cur-
rent "housecleaning"
to the limit. He de-
clared the Nazi party
would smash its oP-
ponents, continuing:
"Always stand to
your flag, not only In Adoif Hitler
good days but even more in the bad
ones. Keep it up when the storm
lashes and clouds the firmament."
Deep apprehension still prevails
among 3ews in Germany as to what
the future has in store for them. Aft-
er Count yon Helldorf, Berlin police
president, had forbidden individual ac-
tion against JewS, Wilhelm Frick, min-
ister of interior, announced :
"The Jewish question will slowly but
surely be gotten rld of, as the l',laz, t
program foresees."
Mussolini and Ethiopian
Emperor Prepare for War
~'~NGLAND and France were still try-
lng to find the way to avert war
between Italy and Ethiopia, but Pre-
mier Mussolini of Italy was so skep;
tieal that he ordered 7~,000 more men
to the colors. By the first of October
he will have about a million men in
uniform. Halle Selassle, the Ethiopian
emperor, was reported to have sane-
tinned the concentration of 60,000 of
his troops on Italy's east African fron-
tiers. The chiefs, It Is said, are finding
|t l~ereaMngly difficult to restrain their
Warriors from overt acts that would
ittrely precipitate warfare.
-A report from Addis Ababa said the
a portion
Nobody Was Frozen
One Strike Subsides
The Emperor Has Lions
1,000,000 Tiny Pigs
S~everal have written to this column
offering to let themselves be "frozen
stiff and ~en re-
turned to life" in
the interest of sci-
ence, as suggested
by a Los An~geles
chemist, R. S. Wil-
lard. They will be
sorry to hear that
the American Med-
ical association
calls Mr. Willard's
alleged freezing "a
vicious hoax."
It accuses Wil-
lard of freezing a
dead monkey and
then snbstltuting a
Arthur nrlsbane live one, supposed
to have been frozen and thawed out
Doctor Fishbein, editor of the Amer-
Ican Medical Association Journal, says
anybody frozen stiff would surely dle.
It was an Interestlng yarn while It
New York's strike of nnlon men
against President Roosevelt, General
Johnson and the WAP ("Works Prog-
ress administration") seems tempo-
rarily to have collapsed. Mr. Meany,
New York labor leader, said all union
men would go out and stay out and
nonunion men would follow. The news
Is that the nonunion men did not fol-
low. and the union men went back
to work.
Robert Moses of the park depart-
ment, who employs 25,000 workers on
park projects, reports only 110 de-
An interesting photograph from
Addis kbaba shows two servants of
the Ethiopian emperor, riding on lions,
one female, one male, In the palace
garden. The emperor's lions are
trained in this fashion for use as
"watch dogs." You can easily be-
lieve that intruders "keep out."
For war purposes, however, lions are
not particularly valuable. Tear gas
and deadly poisonous gas would dis-
courage the tlons, as they would men,
and lions cannot Jump as high as an
In Chicago's stockyards half the hog
pens are closed, prices are soaring,
men have lost Jobs, all" for lack of
hogs to push around and butcher. The
yards are suffering.
And only a little while ago an ear-
nest government, determined to help
the farmer and promote prosperity,
was butchering tens of thousands or
"farrow sows" to get rid of them be-
fore their little pigs could be born.
"Too many little pigs wlll make too
many big pigs," said the government.
You can Imaglne the ghosts of a mil-
li0n pigs floating over the stockyards,
squeaking in their baby voices, "We
told you so."
War talk continues. Mussolini an-
nounces a new air weapon "over-
whelmingly powerful," but does not
say what ir is. Plain TNT and poison
gas are powerful enough.
Hitler, announcing that his country
ls "re~dy to meet any outside peril,"
adds: '*No power on earth can attack
us." That seems a little overconfi-
A prosaic financial telegram suggests
that the public debt of Germany has
been increased by 20,000,000,000
marks. That might represent an interior
enemy of considerable proportions.
Uncle Sam, with all his spending,
makes a little something for himself.
His money-issuing ~rivlleges, paper
dollars worth abou~V 50 cents, and
silver coins coatalnlng less than half
their value in silver, have given the
treasury a profit of about $3,000,000,.
And at this moment it does not ap-
pear to have hurt anybody. Who an.
derstands money?
Stocks are better, pribes higher, in
London and in Wall Street. The Lon-
don Dally Mail says: "A stock ex-
change boom seems to do more for
world trade than anything. The res.
son Is that It gives confidence every-
Strange and powerful Is *'confi-
dence." You cannot see it, feel It,
weigh it, but you can easily destroy it.
Lovely woman, le.d by Paris fash-
ion designers, Is still trying to find
out what she really wants. Unlversal
Service dispatches from Paris describe
'*dresses as transparent as lace cur-
tains from the knee down ; skin-fight
evening gowns with cut-out designs as
big as elm leaves from under the arms
to the hlp-llne. Cape coats of white
fur, sllt wlde open on both sides." One
gown is made entirely of "plaited gold
When will women settle down finally
to some one style, as men have done~
Interesl~ng items in taxation news.
For instance, government will collect
income tax on "public relief.? If your
generous Uncle Sam gives you $94 et
month, the amount that unions now.
spurn, he will take back $13.12 In in-
some tax.
Nothing is qu~e so important to
tealth as food. The wellbeing of
a child depends on it, and his fu-
ture stamina will reflect nutritive
discrepancies in babyhood.
The mother who thinks that there
Is time enough ahead for corrective
diet is laboring under a traditional
delusion tlmt up until two years of
age and sometimes longer, milk is
the sum total of everything.
Milk is the warp and the Woof of
what it takes to get through life,
and especially at itsbeginning. But
it needs supplementing, because Its
chemistry is low in a few needed es-
sentials and the child, set in his all-
milk diet, resists other foods.
Doctors Prescribe Varied Foods.
Doctors long ago recognized the
value of adding other foods to the
diet of milk, early in babyhood, in
order to offset future finicky appe-
tites. Thus the infant of six weeks
gets his cod-liver oil and orange
~ulce or tomato juice; a little later
a spoonful or two of prepared vege-
t3ble Juice or even the strained veg-
etable itself. At a period that in
the past would have been consid-
ered murderous he gets his bit of
cereal, part of the yolk of an egg,
a snack of baked potato and mashed
stewed fruit.
Whatever today's baby is given,
should, of course, be absolutely un-
der the doctor's direction. There Is
a difference in babies.
But the great truth that man
mothers do not know is that chil-
dren with touchy appetites at six
or eight or ten years of age, are
the results of fixed preference in
Caution Must BS Exercised.
Another thing that should be re-
membered is that as milk must be
the alpha and omega of his meal,
therefore the amounts of ottmr
food given must not be so great
that the willingness to take milk Is
The doctor will give you lists and
schedules for feeding. My sugges-
tions here are only for one purpose.
That is to show "why" and "how"
aversions to needed foods are start-
ed. Food habits, which mean flavor
habits, have to be cultivated early.
Week's Supply of Posture Free
Read the offer made by the Posture
Company in another part of this pa-
per. They will send a full week's sup-
ply of health giving Posture free to
anyone who writes for lt.--Adv.
To Save Windmills
An energetic campaign to save the
picturesque windmills of France
has been started by the Municipai
Council of Bergues, in French Flan-
ders. The French state has been peti-
tioned to protect these mills, which
constitute a •form of sentimental
wealth which it is d~flicult, sometimes
impossible, to replace.
The vegetable weevil, a new
insect which eats most of the
mon garden crops, is spreading
the Southern states and has a~.
peared in California. the
States Department of AgrlcultUm
has reported.
MosquiL~es llve on
Before she can draw your
annoy ~are dan
[ serious d|seese op|4emlcs.
chances. Kill mosquitoes,.
spiders with FLY-TOX-- proved
by IO, OOO tests.
Quick, Pleasant
Let's be frank~there's
way for your body to rid
the waste material that causes
Ity, gas, headaches, bloated
and a dozen other
Your intestines must function
the way to make them move
ly, pleasantly, successfully,
griping or harsh irritants is to
a Mlinesia Wafer thoroughly, i~
cordance with directions on the
tie or tin, then swallow.
Mtlnesla Wafers, pure milk
magnesia in tablet form, each
alent to a tablespoon of liquid
of magnesia, ~correct acidity,
breath, flatulence, at their
and enable you to have the
pleasant, successful
necessary to abundant health.
Milnesia Wafers come in
at 35c and 60c or in convenient
at 20c. Recommended by
of physicians. All good
carry them. Start using these
ant tasting effective wafers
Be Sure They Properly the Blood
yOUR ~idneys are constant[
i.g waste matter from the
stream. But kidneys sometimes
their work--do not act as nature
tended--4ail to
poison the system when
hen you may suffer naggir
ache, dizzi.ess, sc~anty or too
urination, getting up at night,
limbs; feel nervous,
all upset.
Don't de|ayl Use
ON.C~ you taste G~q~e-Nuts Flakes" you~l
chee~ tool And it not only delicious
flays, lmtit'a nomr~bin~