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Page 8 Golden Valley News August 21, 2014
Rainy day
Part of an intersection in Sentinel Butte is floodedduring Friday's downpou¢. (Photo by Jane
M. Cook) .......... . _ .
The Manor residents are getting visited with morn Florence Finne- Kukowski's birthday. Resident
ready for the Wibaux Fair this com- man. Bill and Leah Bress from Bur- Council began at 10:30 a.m. then at
ing week by gathering up their many falo, Okla., came to visit Florence 2 p.m. in the afternoon was Reading
craft items. Looking forward to all Finneman. Bill used to work with with Sharon followed by coffee time
the festivities! Hope the weather is BusterFinneman, custom combining at 3 p.m. in the Dining Room.
nice and we won't have to swim and later at the farm. He met Leah Sharon reads us stories from the
over to Wibaux! Kukowski, fell in love then married "olden times." Machelle Vaught vis-
Thad, Melinda, Jaden, and Peyton her, and moved back to Buffa|o. ited the Manor: Diane Dobrowski
from Fargo, and John, Dixie, Parker Katy Zinsli took her mother, Flo- visited mom Mary Barthel. Darrell
and Taylor Abraham from Beach rence Finneman, to visit her sister in and Helen Austby from Glendive
came to visit with Edie Abraham and Wibaux. Guests at Elizabeth's place visited Fern Austby.
had dinner at the Manor to celebrate were her daughter Phyllis from Tuesday morning we started off
Adam's 10th birthday on July 29. Georgia, and Barbara from Kalispell. our day by exercising in the Activ-
Thursday was Mary Raisler's They had a nice visit, ity Room at 9:45. Heart River Hear-
birthday. Morning Mass at 9 a.m. Saturday morning exercises ing was at the Manor at 11 a.m. We
began our day. At 9:45 many of us began at 10 a.m. in the Activity played bingo at 2 p.m. and won
were exercising in the Activity Room. Coffee time in the Dining many prizes - especially bananas
Room getting a good workout. In Room was a perfect time for social- and other yummy edibles with Deb
town shopping started at 10:30 a.m. izing at 3 p.m. Tina and Britney Lauf. Pastor Ben Baker led Devo-
At 1:30 p.m. Frances Kress, Carole Reiss came to see Fern Austby. AI- tions at 6 p.m. Cheryl and Karla
Frasch, Dolores Kremers, Jim and bert and Dexter Rojic came to stay Hammond visited Vi Schmeling. J.
Mae Muckle, Loretta Wycoff, Verna the weekend with Sis Rojic. Jerry Bosserman also visited with Vi
Tosner, Fern Austby, Florence Miske Tosner visited mom Verna Tosner. Schmeling. Myrna Farstveet visited
and Deb Lauf took a ride over to the Beverly Baumstarck from Bis-with her sister, Dolores Kremers,
Wibaux Museum and enjoyed tour- marck, and Mary and Tim WangWednesday Fun With Food with
ing Pierre Wibaux's house, the train from Bemidji, Minn., visited with Marlene and Bethine was a "treat"
car and livery stable. Essie Martin Edie Abraham and attend Patrick because we made peanut butter and
served lemonade and cookies to Abraham's wedding. Sandy, Curtis, jellypie. Everyone had a little
everyone. Steve Raisler drove us on Abbey and Adam Stevens visited do putting it together and of course
the back roads to view all the crops Edie Abraham all the way from in eating it when we were done. The
and new scenery. What a wonderful Huntsville, Ariz. Alicia, Travis, only plate with anything on it when
afternoon! Marina Bares visited with Tammy, Kaitlyn and Megan Heick we were done belonged to Christine
Wiene Barthel for a couple of days. from Bismarck visited grandma Flo- Finneman who wanted to save part
Angela Larson and Joel Greuga rence Finneman. They are doing of hers for after supper - what
from Arnegard visited with Judy projects in Golva and get to stop by willpower! Travis, Kelcie and Toran
Curl. Steve Finneman took Katy often. Nellermoe from Glendive visited
Zinsli and Florence Finneman to the Adoration began our Sunday ac- with Carole Frasch - they were hav-
Shamrock to celebrate Katy's birth- tivities in the Chapel at 9 a.m. with ing such a great visit that she was
day. Elizabeth Brangard from Word and Communion following at even a little late for Fun With Food!
Wibaux visited Edie Abraham. Phyl- 9:50. Cards and games in the Dining Better late than never!
lis Goldsmith from Glendive came Room at 2 p.m. was the highlight of Maya Angelou quote of the
to see Edie Abraham. Barb Baker the afternoon activities followed by week: "Hate, it has caused a lot of
from Kalispell visited Edie Abra- coffee time at 3 p.m. Jess and Judy problems in the world, but has not
ham. Howard from Rhame visited with solved one yet."
Friday hair ladies were Mar- Fern Austby. Jo Vaira came to visit
guerite Parker and Marlene Muruato. her mom, Sis Rojic. Michelle and
They washed, set and combed out Gary Hardy with Gary's mom, Pat
our hair so we could be ready for the _ Hardy from Bismarck, vis ited_Chfi's- _
weekend activities. Lois Miske vis- tine Finneman after church. Steven
ited with Florence Miske. Darcy and Finneman visited with mom Flo-
Candy Austby from Glendive visited rence Finneman.
with Fern Austby. Steven Finneman Monday, Aug. 11, was Pat
support your
local merchants!
Aug. 20, 1964:
A farm auction and dairy disper-
sion sale will be held at the Wayne
Stedman farm, 2 miles south and 1
mile west of Sentinel Butte, on Tues-
day, Aug. 25.
Construction of the Golden Valley
Manor has started with groundbreak-
ing ceremonies taking place the first
of the week. The retirement home is
tO be completed in one year and is
designed to provide living quarters
for 60 persons. Each room will be
furnished according to the wishes of
the occupant.
Warren Brozolom and a compan-
ion from Worland, Wyo., ran into a
lot of trouble last Saturday night. The
men had a flat tire a few miles east
of Sentinel Butte and hitched a ride
into town to get a new tire. When
they returned they found their trailer
house afire and six rifles, several
shbtguns and three pistols were miss-
ing.It ]s believed that whoever stole
the glJns (the Sailer on fire.
From the pages Of the Sentinel
Butte Republican, Aug. 20, 1914:
(From the Fargo Forum): Lon-
don, Aug.12: Two salient points
emerge from latest news of the great
war. The first is described as a "silent
v!ctory." Steamship service from
Denmark to London is resumed, im-
plying in the opinion of the authori-
ties that the German fleet is being
held safely in check. The second, the
French were obliged to evacuate
Muelhausen and occupy new posi-
tions outside of town.
Season for all game birds in North
Dakota opens Sept. 7. Those hunting
before that date do so in violation of
Organization accepting goose meat
The North Dakota Community rectly from the field to a processor,
Action Sportsmen Against Hunger but identification must remain at-
program is again accepting donations tached to the bird until in possession
of goose meat taken during the early of the processor.
Canada goose season. However, Since no goose carcasses or feath-
Canada geese can only be accepted ers are allowed inside processing
through Aug. 31. plants, hunters must be able to ensure
Similar to last year, hunters can proper disposal and clean-up of car-
bring in their goose meat to partici- casses.
pating processors. However, hunters The list of participating proces-
must remove the breast meat from sors is available on the North Dakota
the birds before processors can ac- Game and Fish Department website
cept them. at
Hunters can clean their geese at Hunters interested in donating are
home prior to delivery to a processor, encouraged to call processors before
but breast meat brought from home dropping off geese, to have a clear
without a wing or head attached to understanding of how goose breasts
the meat, must be accompanied by will be accepted and the processor's
written information that includes the hours of operation.
hunter's name, address, signature, For more information, visit the
hunting license number, date taken CAPND website at,
and species and number taken, or contact Sarah Hasbargen at 701-
Hunters may also deliver geese di- 232-2452.
Our community was saddened and his wife Shawna and daughter
again this week when we heard that Lexi of Golva; son Perry Nistler, his
Joe Hartse, 54, of Miles City passed wife Tammy, their sons Levi and
away. Joe lived with his family in the Lucas of Golva; daughter Peggy and
Golva area, and attended Golva her husband Randy Mosset and their
School for a few years before mov- two sons, Brady and Mason of Bis-
ing to New Salem, and later to Miles marck, and their son Randy Nistler of
City. His parents were Jim and Vir- Beach.
ginia Hartse. Though his father and Joe and Arlys Kreitinger cele-
two sisters, Jeanette and Cleo have brated their anniversary on Saturday.
passed away, our sympathy goes out Though it was a couple of days early
to his mother, a sister, Lenora, and they were able to have family mem-
three brothers, John, Patrick and bers present for the occasion. Their
Mike, all of Miles City. son Mike, his wife Becky, their chil-
On Tuesday, Aug. 12, Mike and dren Zeke, Gianna, Jocelyn and
Doris Berger of Golva, Mike's three Charles Kreitinger from Dickinson
sisters, Frances Becker, Dorothy and daughter Kaylene and her hus-
Ranum and Connie and her husband band Blake Rudolph from Fargo
Art Message all drove to Helena, were here on Saturday. Son Scott, his
Mont., to attend memorial services wife Jamie and their children, Elijah,
for their brother Victor Berger. He Christian and Ashtyn Kreitinger from
was buried in the Veterans Memorial Dickinson were able to stay
Cemetery at Fort Harrison. overnight and attend Mass with Joe
This past weekend, a family re- and Arlys on Sunday morning.
union was held at the home of Don- Rose Kreitinger from Bismarck
aid and Marie Nistler. Among those was a weekend visitor at her mother,
attending were their son Tom, his Bernice Kreitinger's home in Golva.
wife Eileen, their daughter Mara, son Blake and Kaylene Rudolph at-
Jamison, and daughter Breenna, her tended the wedding of Samantha Hill
husband Emanuel Chaffe and their and Patrick Abraham in Medora on
daughters Maggie, Annie and Carrie Saturday, while they were here to
and son Tom of Grand Forks; daugh- help celebrate Kaylene's parents' an-
ter Mary Ann Freeman and her niversary that same day.
daughter Brandy of Devils Lake;
daughter Patsy Maus and her hus-
band Don, their sons Justin and Tyler
Put Your Money I
Where Your House Xs!
local independent ,,.~*'ft2~-'t strengthen our
bus,'nesses are 1~ col~rnunity
your t)e~,t v~,Ioe and our economy
[ .....
- Attention Students!
.... Sports Physicals Needed!
the law and are also taking an unfair
advantage of law abiding sportsmen.
All deputies are requested to watch
carefully the violators and prosecute
them to the limit, reporting arrests
and convictions to W. F. Reko, chief
game warden of North Dakota.
Ad: Our shop is the busiest place
in town. Our facilities for fixing tires,
both casings and tubes, are as good
as will be found in any city shop. If
there is anything the matter with
your automobile we can fix it. All
work guaranteed. Sentinel Butte
Auto Co. - C. K. Barnett, Prop.
Prior to participation (including practice), a student participating in
NDHSAA sanctioned athletic activities and representing his/her school
must have on file with the superintendent, principal, athletic director or
school nurse an annual NDHSAA-approved Athletic Pre-Participation
Health History Screening and Physical Examination form completed by
aqualif'~-=d health care professional (i.e. doctor of medicine or osteopa-
thy, nurse practitioner or physician assistant under supervision of a
physician). The Athletic Pre-Participation Health History Screening and
Physical Examination is valid for one school year; a physical
examination completed before April 15 is not valid for the participation
the following year.
Form: A physical examination is required by a medical doctor, doctor of
osteopathy, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. The front page
(the health history screening) is to be completed by the student and
parent/guardian. The back of the physical examination form is to be
completed by the individual conducting the physical examination. Form
for students 5-12 can be picked up at the high school office or Beach
Medical Clinic.
Hailie Ann
A baby girl was born to David
and Lori Sievers of Glendive, Mont.,
Friday, July 8, at 9:01 a.m.
The parents named her Hailie
Ann Sievers, and she weighed in at 6
pounds, 15.8 ounces, and was 21
inches long. She joins siblings Troy,
8; Michael, 3; and Jeremy, 2.
Her grandparents are Philip Siev-
ers and Sharon Mulske, Ronald
Wissink, and Lila Redetzke, all of
Listings for high school
sporting events, plus public
events that are free to anyone
and aren't fund-raisers or
aren't family or business invi-
tations, can be published free
of charge in this column.
• Badlands Trail
Run, Medora, Aug.
23; Eighth annual 5K and
10K road race and 5K walk
winds its way through the
North Dakota Badlands on
portions of the Maah Daah
Hey Trail. (701) 623-4444
OnT,,, J)a\ .
,~ ,
1680: Pueblo Indians drove out ti E.
Spanish and took possession of Santd
Fe, NM.
1831: Nat Turner led an insurrection
of slaves in Virginia.
1858: The famous debates between
Senator Stephen Douglas and Abraham
Lincoln began in Illinois.
1911: The Mona Lisa was Stolen?
from the Louvre museum in France by
an Italian waiter, Vicenzo Perruggia.
will join the music
team for a great time
of singing and worship
on Sunday, August 24,
at 10:45 a.m. at
Beach E. Church
125 4th Ave. SW, Beach, ND
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