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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 21, 2014     Golden Valley News
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August 21, 2014
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Page 4 Golden Valley News August 21, 2014 Zoning Hearing Notice Agency, Inc. 6198.00 39544 Calloway House, Inc. 109.87 39545 Capital One Commercial205.44 39546 Carson Dellosa Publishing Co. 68.38 39547 Cenex Fleetcard 96.98 39548 City of Beach 3181.82 39549 Crystal Springs Brooks 36.90 39550 D&E Supply Company, Inc. 281.52 39551 Dakota Water Treatment552.00 39552 The Dickinson Press & The Advertizer 392.33 39553 Dynamic Measurement The Golden Valley County Zoning Group, Inc. 69.00 Board will hold a public hearing on 39554 Edutech 100.00 Monday, August 25, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. 39555 EricArmin Inc. 63.27 in the Commissioners Room at the 39556 Esand 35.00 courthouse. 39557 Etsystems Inc. 109.00 1. Unfinished Business 39558 Fargo Forum 170.25 Due to the newspaper missing a 39559 Farmers Union Oil Co.1019.42 publication date, the following public 39560 Brandt Gaugler 196.70 hearing was not conducted on July 28, 39561 Gerrells Sports Center 670.50 rather it was deferred to Aug 25. 39562 Golden Valley Kenneth & Rita Dedeker request the News/Billings Co Pioneer 711.65 SWl/4 Sec 1-140-106 (Parcel # 9- 39563Gopher 1126.30 0245500) be rezoned from AG to In- 39564 Larry Helvik 7.97 dustrial. The stated purpose of rezoning 39565 Jandt P&H 2178.72 is for placing a disposal well for oil and 39566 Jaymar Business gas contaminated refuse, for process- Forms, Inc. 140.35 ing of oil well refuse and other tempo- 39567 John Deere Financial 89.36 rary storage of oil drilling equipment, 39568 1043.73 surface only. 39569 Lakeshore Basics 156.94 2. New Business 39570 Lingui Systems 127.85 No new business was presented for 39571 Master Teacher Inc. 421.00 this month. 39572 Matthew Bender & (August 14 and 21) Company, Inc. 114.10 39573 McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC 345.39 Notice to Creditors 39574 MDU Resources Group, Inc. 2163.19 Court File No. 04-2014-PR-00046 39575 Mentoring Minds.corn 140.70 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 39576 Mid-American BILLINGS COUNTY, STATE OF Research Chemical Corp. 1721.46 NORTH DAKOTA 39577 Midstate In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Communications, Inc. 581.55 J. Jaborski, 'Sr., Deceased. 39578 NASCO 17.34 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 39579 ND Assoc. of School the undersigned has been appointed Business Managers 50.00 personal representative of the above 39580 ND Council of estate. All persons having claims Educational Leaders 1420.00 against the said deceased are required 39581 ND School to present their claims within three (3) Boards Association 950.00 months after the date of the first publi- 39582 ND Small cation or mailing of this notice or said Organized Schools 400.00 claims will be forever barred. Claims 39583 ND State must either be presented to Andrew J. Historical Society 803.75 Jaborski, Jr., P.O. Box 55, Berry Creek, 39584 Office Max CA 95916, as personal representative Contract Payments Inc. 1020.46 of the estate, or filed with the Court. 39585 Oriental Trading Co., Inc.47.49 Dated this 7th day of August, 2014. 39586 Pearson Education 1755.76 Is/Andrew J. Jaborski, Jr. 39587 Plank Road Publishing 152.20 Andrew J. Jaborski, Jr., Personal 39588 Prairie Lumber Representative Company 107.04 Susan E. Johnson-Drenth (05387) 39589 Premier Agendas Inc. 2135.13 JD Legal Planning PLLC 39590 Ramada Plaza 902 28th Street S, Suite 2 Suites of Fargo 92.00 Fargo, ND 58103 39591 Read Naturally 19.80 Telephone: (701) 364-9595 39592 Really Good Stuff, Inc. 430.05 Fax: (701) 364-9596 39593 Red Rock Attorneys for Personal Representa- Sporting Goods 536.20 tive 39594 Resources for (August 14, 21 and 28) Educators, Inc. 388.00 39595 Reynolds Market 16.99 Public Notice 39596 Rohan Hardware 641.76 39597 Scholastic Inc. 875.05 39598 School Nurse Supply Inc.95.84 Cellco Partnership and its controlled 39599 School Products affiliates doing business as Verizon and Equipment 876.34 Wireless (Verizon Wireless) pro- 39600 School poses to build a 259Dfoot self-support Specialty Payments 656.47 commumications ,tOwer~.,.Anticipated 39601 State Propertyl LLC 57770.75 lighting application is medium intensity 39602 Super Duper dual red/white strobes. The Site Iota- School Company 258.83 tion is County Road 11, County Road 39603 Supreme School 1711, Sentinel Butte, Golden Valley Supply Co. 48.90 County, North Dakota, 460 56' 12.11"N, 39604 Raynette Szudera 87.50 103o 49' 42.03" W. The Federal Com- 39605 Bill Vanhorn 390.83 munications Commission (FCC) An- 39606 WaI-Mart Stores, Inc. 20.23 tenna Structure Registration (ASR, 69607 Wells Fargo 660.50 Form 854) filing number is A0910134. 39608 West Plains Inc. 694.69 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS - In- 39609 Workforce Safety terested persons may review the appli- and Insurance 8427.97 cation ( 39610 Zaner Bloser 1280.61 by entering the filing number. Environ- 39611 Mike Zier 380.16 mental concerns may be raised by filing 3084 Coca Cola Bottling a Request for Environmental Review Co. of Dickinson 143.50 ( 8645 R&C Tree Service 3000.00 quest) and online filings are strongly en- July Payroll 46952.45 couraged. The mailing address to file a Helvik presented correspondence. paper copy is: FCC Requests for Envi- • Thank you from the Paul Peplinski ronmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Wash- family for the plant. • Anonymous letter has been re- ington, DC 20554. ceived. Discussion. Procedure for ad- HISTORIC PROPERTIES EF- dressing anonymous letters and FECTS - Public comments regarding complaints was discussed. The district potential effects on historic properties has a policy addressing this item. may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Terracon HeMk presented finances. • 2013-2014 financial report was re- Consultants, Inc., K. Burgert, 15080 A viewed and discussed. Motion by John- Circle, Omaha, NE 68144, 402-384- son, second by Larson to approve 6983,, financial report. Roll call vote carries (August 21) unanimously. Helvik discussed preliminary Beach School Board budget for 2014-2015 school year. • HeIvik discussed general fund mill PROCEEDS OF THE levy and the possibility of a special re- REGULAR MEETING serve levy for 2014-2015. OF THE BEACH BOARD OF Helvik presented facilities. EDUCATION • Lincoln elementary classroom ad- Unofficial Minutes dition was discussed. Bids were dis- Subject to Review and Revision of cussed. The combined bid of the Board $1,093,310 exceeds the budget. Dis- August 13, 2014 cussion. Motion by Johnson, second by 6:00 p.m. Sperry to reject combined bid as it ex- Room 11 ceeds the budget. Roll call vote carries Members present were Kimberly Nunberg, Robert Sperry, Jay Johnson, Jeanne Larson, Mike Van Horn, Misty Farnstrom, Larry Helvik, Brandt Gau- gler, Dave Wegner and Troy Hoffer President Nunberg called the meet- ing to order at 6:00 p.m. No visitors were present. Nunberg discussed the agenda. Dis- cussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Larson to approve agenda. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented July 9, 2014 regular meeting minutes. Motion by Johnson, second by Van Horn to ap- prove minutes. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Farnstrom presented general fund, activity fund, manual general and July regular payroll. Motion by Sperry, sec- ond by Johnson to approve all bills and payroll. Roll call vote carries unani- mously. 39530 ARM 13777.45 39531 American Legacy Publishing 1787.50 39532 Michaela Applegate 87.50 39533 ASCA 119.00 39534 Association for Career and Technical Education 115.00 39535 AT&T Mobility 45.72 39536 Atlas Pen & Pencil Corp. 80.09 39537 Beach Cooperative Grain Company 286.25 39538 Beach Food Center 8.26 39539 Bismarck Tribune 537.90 39540 Boiler Inspection Program80.00 39541 Boss Office and Computer Products 472.99 39542 Buckboard Inn 130.00 39543 BW Insurance unanimously. Discussion. If the lowest general construction bid is accepted a mechanical and an electrical bid will be required. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Johnson to approve the low- est general construction bid submitted by Wright Brothers for $442,567 contin- gent upon satisfactory mechanical and electrical bids. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • The school board toured the du- plex houses prior to the meeting. State- line Property LLC progress with the duplex houses was discussed. Rental Agreement for the duplex houses was distributed and discussed. Security de- posit amounts were discussed. Water A public notice is information infoming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives. Public notices have been printed in local newspapers, the trusted sources for community information, for more than 200 years. bills and lawn care was discussed. Ap- pliances and window coverings for the duplex houses were discussed. • Probability of purchasing a differ- ent route bus and a different school car was discussed. Bus routes were dis- cussed. Consensus of the board is to pursue bidding a new bus. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Van Horn to approve a vehicle trade in and pur- chase of a suburban or like model of ve- hicle. Discussion. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Helvik presented personnel. • Resignation from Tracey Trask was read. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Larson to approve resigna- tion. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • Resignation from Kristine May as day treatment teacher for the 2014- 2015 school year was read. She has in- dicated she cannot find suitable housing and is requesting release from her contract. Discussion. Hoffer indi- cated Marty Campbell has expressed interest in the day treatment behaviorist position. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Johnson to approve Kristine May's release from her contract and ap- prove the hiring of Marty Campbell as day treatment behaviorist. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • Jodi Ridenhower has been inter- viewed for the day treatment para pro- fessional position. Recommendation from Hoffer is to hire Ridenhower. • Hoffer reported Sue Feldman has agreed to be a long term substitute teacher in day treatment until Angle Helsper completes her student teach- ing. Helsper will be considered for a contract upon completion of student teaching. Discussion. • Gaugler recommended hiring Trawls Wojahn as assistant football coach. Discussion. Motion by Sperry, second by Johnson to approve hiring. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • A retired ag teacher was inter- viewed for a full time or part time teach- ing position. Discussion. The individual declined the position. Discussion. The district will look into offering ag courses over ITV. • Gaugler recommended hiring Patti Burian as head volleyball coach and Caitlin Maus as assistant volleyball coach. Discussion. Motion by Van Horn, second by Larson to approve hiring. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • Wegner reported he will be con- ducting interviews for the night time jan- itor position at the elementary. Other open elementary para professional po- sitions were discussed. Open cook po- sition was discussed. Helvik presented unfinished busi- ness. • Policy Pondering publication was discussed. Policy AAC-Nondiscrimina- tion and Anti-Harassment Policy was discussed. Motion by Johnson, second by Sperry to approve the first reading. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • Helvik discussed possible changes to the bus routes as current and new residents are requesting changes. Dis- cussion. approve purchasing boiler insurance Arthaud seconded, to release Ms. Mei- form North Dakota Fire and Tornado for dinger from her contract with an as- the 2014-2015 school year. Roll call sessment of $4,000 for liquidated vote carries unanimously, damages. Roll call vote was taken with • Jim Wosepka has completed the all in favor. audit for the 2013-2014 school year and Principal Soehren recommended will present to the board at the 9epterm .... moving',. Mr., John Marten to the ber meeting. • Certificate of levy was discussed. • Account analysis were distributed and reviewed. Wegner presented elementary prin- cipal report. Gaugler presented high school prin- cipal report. Next regular meeting time was dis- cussed. Motion by Sperry, second by Johnson to adjourn. Nunberg adjourned 7:50 p.m. Kimberly Nunberg, President Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager (August 21) Billings County School Board BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Unofficial Minutes of Annual Meeting July 15, 2014 The annual meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to music/technology position. Reis moved, Burian seconded, to approve the recommendation and offer Mr. Marten the music/technology position. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Principal Soehren reported that she has been working with Dr. Lisa Daniels in the DSU Education Department and ND Education Standards and Practices Board in finding a way to utilize educa- tion students who just need their stu- dent teaching before obtaining a ND Teaching license. NDESPB can issue a substitute teaching license to those stu- dent teachers qualifying for that status and they can be paid as substitute teachers under a mentor teacher until their elementary ed teaching license is obtained. Soehren recommended two individuals for this type of arrangement. Burian moved, Baranko seconded, to accept the recommendation to employ Markie Toso at DeMores in the third/fourth grade classroom as a long- term sub until the end of December, 2014. Roll call vote was taken with atl in favor. Burian moved, Reis seconded, to accept the recommendation to em- onded, to accept Gary Meduna's re- quest for $2.53 per mile. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Joey Kessel moved, Burian seconded, to accept Dennis O'Brien's request for $2.46 per mile. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The board then entered into ne- gotiations with Pete Oderman. Arthaud moved, Burian seconded, to settle on $2.80 per mile. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The board entered into negotiations with Kathy Malkowski. Arthaud moved, Burian seconded, to settle on $3.35 per mile. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The business manager presented the report of pledged assets from First State Bank of Golva, which currently exceed the required amount. Arthaud moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to ap- prove the pledge of assets and to des- ignate First State Bank of Golva as depository for regular working ac- counts, with investments to be made through Choice Financial Bank of Belfield, First State Bank of Golva, or Edward Jone's public fund investment program. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Joey Kessel moved, Burian sec- onded, to designate the Billings County Pioneer as official newspaper for the District, health care professionals at Sanford Health and Great Plains Clinic for required physicals, and Perform- order at 3:35 p.m. MT, Tuesday, July 15, ploy Dinah Ridl at Prairie in the sec- ance Truck Center, Westlie Truck Cen- 2014, at the DeMores School in ond/third grade classroom as a ter, Wallworks Diesel, Nelson Medora. Present were members Dar- long-term sub until the end of Decem- International, Harlow's, and GuyTessier ren Baranko, Brenda Burian, Stacey ber, 2014. Roll call vote was taken with for DOT inspections of buses. Roll call Kessel, Julie Reis, and Lynn Arthaud (via Facetime). Also present for all or part of the meeting were Principal Soehren, Joey Kessel, Andy Mrnak with Pifer's Auction, All Paulson with Pifer's Auction, Bill Faiman with Bianco Realty, John Marten, Jeff Iverson, Louis Lindbo, Laura Filkowski, Jessie Berger, Lynn Peterson, Gary Meduna, Rick Olson, Dennis O'Brien, Pete Oder- mann, Kathy Malkowski, Quain Malkowski, Joe Kessel, and Tony Kessel. Reis moved, Stacey Kessel sec- onded, to approve the consent agenda, which included the Minutes from the June 9, June 25, and June 30 meetings with two corrections noted, the attached check list and the addition of two items. all in favor. Dr. Daniels will work with these individuals in fulfilling their stu- dent teaching requirements under this arrangement. Burian moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to approve the change in teacher/classroom configura- tions at Prairie School to be Kinder- garten/first, second/third, fourth/fifth, and sixth/seventh/eighth grade combi- nations. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Discussion was held on para-pro- fessional wages. It was determined that Kayleen Obritsch's wages had not been increased when she received her para certification and Maria Hutzenbiler just recently received hers. Burian moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to raise Kayleen Obritsch's and Maria The motion carried unanimously. Hutzenbiler's wages by $0.35 for this Andy Mrnak with Pifer's Auction ore- effort and for fulfilling this role in the Dis- sented a reauest to the board that a trict. Roll call vote was taken with all in portion of land 35.61 feet wi'de b~.i"f~v~i ".i~" ~',';i; '. .. 453.28 feet long adjacent on the west .... the Neaa uce po,cy was rewsnea to the land purchased by Energy Re- and changes made to the current policy source Group with the Fryburg School sale also be deeded to Energy Re- source Group. This strip of land be- tween that sold to Billings County and that sold to Energy Resource Group was surveyed at the time of the Fryburg School sale, but was not included in the either party's deed. It was determined that this was likely an oversight. Jeff Iverson, representing Billings County, and Louis Lindbo, a local property owner, asked about the easements in- cluded in the original land sale and it was determined that the deed for the enacting a nit/lice free requirement. Burian moved, Stacey Kessel sec- onded, to approve the first reading of the Head Lice Policy (FCAC) and waive the requirement for a second reading so that the procedures can be expedited by the time school resumes in August. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Laura Filkowski was on the agenda to discuss school issues. She asked to be removed from the agenda. Business Manager Simnioniw pre- sented the proposed expenditure and revenue budget for 2014-15. Stacey vote was taken with all in favor. Joey Kessel moved, Burian sec- onded to establish the annual meeting calendar for the 2014-15 year with reg- ular meetings scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. be- ginning August 1, 2014, except for the July annual meeting which will be held the third Tuesday in July. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Joey Kessel moved, Reis seconded, to re-appoint Stacey Kessel as the Board's representative to the Roughrider Educational Services Part- nership governing board. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Lynn Arthaud left the meeting at this time. Burian moved, Joey Kessel sec- onded, to appoint Tammy Simnioniw as the authorized representative for Title Programs for the 2014-15 school year. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Additions to the agenda were then discussed. Burian asked that the board consider how BCSD staff who drive ac- tivities buses are being paid. The ques- tion was whether they are being paid both as a bus driver and in their role as a staff member. The board requested that the matter be looked into further and brought back for discussion at the August meeting. Simnioniw reported on students from Billings County transferring to other school districts and new students moving into the District. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. • Helvik and Nunberg attended the new parcel being discussed was sub- Kessel moved, Reis seconded, to levy RESP and RACTC meetings in Dickin- ject to any previous easements, con- $744,418 in taxes for the 2014-15 son earlier this month. Discussion. Mo- veyances, .agre.ements and surveys for school year which would be at or less • 'tion by Sperry, second by Larson to that portion of- property. Arthaud than a zero percent increase. Roll call ,approve Nunberg as the school district : moved;Burian seconded, to approve'" vote.was taken with all in favor. Dis- representative and Jay Johnson as the the sale of the .39 acre parcel in ques- cuss=on was held on whether to return alternate school district representative to the RACTC board. Roll call vote car- ries unanimously. Helvik presented new business. • 2014-2015 school wide "title grant was presented for approval. Motion by Larson, second by Van Horn to approve the 2014-2015 school wide Title grant. Roll call vote carries unanimously. • 2014-2015 Neglected and Delin- quent grant was presented for approval. Motion by Larson, second by Van Horn to approve the 2014-2015 Neglected and Delinquent grant. Discussion. Johnson declared conflict of interest and abstained from the roll call vote. Roll call vote carries. Discussion. • The superintendent needs to be appointed as the authorized represen- tative for all federal programs, including but not limited to Title I, Title I N&D, Title II, Title liD, Title IV, Title V, Title IX, Tay- lor Grazing, Carl Perkins, Federal Food Program, E-Rate, and Technology Grants. Motion by Johnson, second by Sperry to approve consolidated appli- cations and approve Helvik as author- ized representative. Roll call vote carries unanimously. Hoffer presented day treatment re- port. • Hoffer indicated day treatment is now fully staffed. Helvik presented superintendent re- port. • Helvik attended a Blue Cross Blue Shield meeting in Dickinson today. Adding hourly staff to the school health insurance was discussed. Consensus of the board is to have Helvik obtain a count of hourly staff that would be inter- ested in taking the health insurance if it was offered by the school district. Dis- cussion. Farnstrom presented business man- ager report. • Flex benefits can no longer be of- fered to employees who are not offered the major medical health plan through the school district. • North Dakota Fire and Tornado property insurance coverage premium has been waived for the 2014-2015 school year as the fund is financially sound. • Hartford steam boiler insurance and North Dakota Fire and Tornado boiler insurance were discussed. Mo- tion by Sperry second by Johnson to to one day per week bookmobile serv- ice from the Dickinson Public Library to DeMores and Prairie Schools. Reis moved, Burian seconded, to return to weekly bookmobile service at each school with the increase reflected in the proposed budget. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Major items in- cluded in the budget were a new roof and storage building at Prairie, new fire alarm system at DeMores, and an allot- ment for staff housing in case a favor- able opportunity was identified. Reis moved, Burian seconded, to approve the 2014-15 budget as presented with noted adjustments. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. for the 2013-14 fiscal year with Darren Baranko leaving office. The meeting was then immediately called to order for the 2014-15 fiscal year with Stacey Kessel chairing. Newly appointed member, Joey Kessel, was seated. Burian moved, Arthaud seconded, to elect Julie Reis as president. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Reis took over chairing of the meeting at this point. Stacey Kessel moved, Burian sec- tion for a sum of $1.00 to Energy Re- source Group, Inc. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Business Manager Simnioniw re- ported that the County Commissioners agreed to build a new bus turnaround east of the County Shop on 14th Street SW. An easement to the school for a 2 acre parcel of land will be provided by Cody and Julie Reis at no cost with the request that the land revert back to them when it is no longer in use for the bus turnaround. The Board reviewed the business manager's investment report. Burian moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to ap- prove the investment report. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The board reviewed the District An- nual Financial Report presented by the business manager. Reis moved, Burian seconded, to approve the report. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. 16754-16760 July Payroll Vendors $5,187.73 EFT July Federal Payroll Taxes $6,829.31 EFT AFLAC $330.67 16761 BC6 BUILDERS $12,995.00 16762 BCBS $1,674.50 16763 BORDER STATES $27.15 onded, to elect Lynn Arthaud as Vice 16764 DON HEISER ELEC $200 0~' ...... President: Rotlcall-vote was taken with 16765 ESAND $35100 ..... a(I i~fav0~". ~ 16766 FOUR SEASONS TR VOIDED None of the members present had 16767 HORACE MANN $327.27 any conflicts of interest to report. 16768 MIDSTATETELEPH $235.46 Bus negotiations with contractors 16769 ND ATTORNEY ensued. Quotes were presented by the GENERAL $44.50 contractors. The board reviewed and 16770 NDCEL $805.00 discussed the requests. After discus- 16771 NDHSAA $165.00 sion, Stacey Kessel moved, Joey 16772PIONEER $8.75 Kessel seconded, to accept Rick 16773 RUDY'S LOCK $24.00 Olson's request for $2.59 per mile. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Burian moved, Stacey Kessel sec- 16774 S & R INTERIORS $1,205.62 16775 STEAM BROTHERS $175.00 16776 SW WATER $66.72 16777TOM HUTZENBILER $45.00 EFT JP Morgan Credit CardS7,327.46 Principal Soehren reported that Sara Eberts and Erin Pennington had sub- mitted letters of resignation, which were read by the board. The resignations were received after the contract sub- mission deadline, so the contracts were considered rejected at this point. Soehren read a letter from Valerie Mei- dinger requesting to be released from her contract to teach music and tech- nology. After discussion on the impact to the school district, Kessel moved, NIN UT IME? For subscribers, your subscription's expiration date is on your • address label• It's time to send in your payment if your expiration is 3 weeks away. Julie Reis, President Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- ager (August 21) .... :' I ow? The Billings County Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertising, and have been sharing the news for some of their inside pages for about 40 years. This means the coverage of your ad isn "t limited to just either county/Ourprimary coverage area is western Stark County and west to the Montana border. It pays to advertise/ %% -" ..... it I / / / / / / / / North Dakota adults an item within past two weeks from a NEWSPAPER AD! z C