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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 21, 1941     Golden Valley News
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August 21, 1941
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GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS -- PAGE 2 mP The Golden "Valley News W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle Editors and Publishers • week published every Thu.,~lay at Beach, North Dakota. Entered as w0ond clam matter st the Postofflce at Beach. North Dakota, October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897. Advertising rates furnished upon request Mslmcrlptlon price .00 in No. Dak.. Minn.. Mont.. and So. Dak.. Elsewhere $2.50 m CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH W. C. Boyd, Pastor Beach, Aug. 24: Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service IX a. m. C. E. Society 7 p. m. Sentinel Butte: Mr. and Mrs. Thorval Vleland and Inez, Victor Renstxom and Adolph Johnson were Beach vlsttoru on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Drewniak add Shirley and Olaf Orstad were Beach visitors Thursday. Ed Fischer was a caller at ~.he John Stull home Thursday. Mrs. Lloyd Wassman and Mrs. F. Wassman were Beach visitors Fr:day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith from Minneapolis, Minn., were attending to business matters here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wassman and W~ter Wassn~n were Sentinel Butt visitors Sunday evening. REPORT OF TREASUILER OF Henry Sehool District No. 12 STATI~MENT FOR PUBLICATION ReceiPts In General Fund A. Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and e~cluding Sinking Fund) July 1. 1941 ................................... 1215.19 3 Amount recelv- ed during year from State Equalization Fund (Total of Fund .................... 5 Amount recelv- ed during year from Taxes Lee- ted by District School Board 6. Amount recsive'4 8.54 1242.86 during year f~om other Revbnue Re- celpts (Total of a, b, c, and d) ........ $0.157 60.$7 .............. ]8. Total amount received by school treasurer dur- ing the year (Total of items I to 9 in- inolusive .......................... 1912.97 C. Grand total amount re- ceived by school district tr4mJursr including sash os hand (leon A and Item B) ............................ $527.46 ]~f~PENDITURES OF GENERAL FUND .&mounfa Pn~ DurlnB Yeac for tka School Officers salaries 19.00 19.00 3. Auxiliary Age~n~ dies. ,'J~anspor - tation 470.93 tu- ltlon $49v~1 ......... 518.95 $. l~Xed Charges. In41upancs ~19.$8 Ml~el. $1~.75~ .... 185.19 D Total AmOunt Paid Dur- Ing school year by Dist- trlct Treasurer .............. 673.11 GRAND TOTAL BALANCES Gr~d Total Receipts .... 2597.46 Grand Total ExpendRures 973.11 Grand Total CsJh on Hand in both funds, June 90. 1941 .................................... 1854.35 _._.____ STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA) County of Golden Valley )ss Henry School District No. 12. I do solemnly swear that to the b~st of my knowledge and belief the within Is a true and correct re- po r~ of all moneys received and paid out by me as school treasurer. MRS. CECIL MI~J[~CALF, Treaesrer of Henry School District No. 13. Subm~ribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of July 1941. MARGARET WENTLAND W|llMtnm School Dfstx4e No. I STATSeMgNT FOR PUBLICATION Re~lpts in Gemerul Find A, Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and excluding Sinking Fund) July 1, 1940 .................................... 1116.33 1 Total amount re- ceived d u r l n g y~ar from ap- portionment o f State T u l t i o n Fund .................... 46,96 2 Total amount re- ceived d u r I n g year from ap- portionment of County Tuition Fund .................... 34.76 8 Amount receiv- ed during year from State Equalization Fund (Total of a, b, and c) .... 49.96 5 Amount receiv- ed during :~ear from Taxes Lev- ied by District School Board ........ 406.44 6. Amount received durir~ year from other Revenus re- ceipts (Total of a, b, c and d) 26.24 9. Amount received from other non-rove enue receipts .... 128.43 ]8. Total amount received by school treasurer dur- Ing the sear (Total of ~tsms 1 to 9 In- clusive ................................ 694.75 C. Grand total amount re- ceived by school district treasurer including cash on hand (Item A and item B) ................................ 1911.11 ]~XP~NDITURES OF GENERAL FUND 5. Malntensnce of plan~, ltsl~airs to Bldg. $5.00 .... 6. Fixed Charges. 1 General Centre, School Officers salaries $68.00 .... 66.00 $. Auxiliary Agen- cies. Transpor- tation 356.60 tu- ition 139.00 ...... 495.60 5.00 Rent $9.2~ ........ 9.26 8. Debt Service. Bonding Mea- sures $5.08 ........ 5.08 D Total Amount Paid Dur- ing school year by Dist- trier Treasurer .............. 580.94 Reeeipta and Expenditures In Sinking and Interest Fund Receipts ................................ 23.59 Warrantm Issued Warrants Issued July 1. 1940 to June 30, 1941 .... 580.34 GRAND TOTAL I~ALANCES Grand Total Receipts 1834.70 Grand Total Expenditur~s 580.94 Grand Total Cash on Hand in both funds, June 30, 1941 ..................................... 1253.76 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) County of Golden Valley )ss Williams School District No. 5 I do solemnly swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the within Is a true and correct re- port of all moneys received and paid out by me as school treasurer. eRIE McMANIGAL Treasurer of Williams School Dis- tries No. 5. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July 1941. W, H. McManigal, After spending tahe summer with Morning worship 9:30 a. ~heir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. i "----- F. Doblar of north of Bea~, Waxren Medora: Sunday school 2 p. m. and Duane Doblar returned this past Worship service 3 p. m. week for their home at Cleveland. Ohio[ --- . . i RE "bOalr~r SOe~h oo~ fS--~R A. Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and excluding Sinking Fund~ July 1, 1941 .......................................... 795.44 1 Total amount re- ceived d u r i n g year from ap- portionment o f State T u i t i o n Fund ........................ 124.60 2 Total amount re- ceived d u r i n g year from ap- portionment of County Tultion Fund ...................... 117.79 3 Amount receiv- ed during year from Star Equalization Fund (Total of a, l~ c and d) 219.25 B. Total amount received by school treasurer dur- ing the year (Total of items 1 to 9 In- clusive) .............................. 2117.19 ('~. Grand t¢ tal amount re- ceived by school district treasurer including cash on hand (Item A and B) .......................................... 2656.36 EXPENDITURES ()F GENERAL FUND AJsouats Paid DmrlnM Yea~ for the Foilowimg Pul'pO~q~ 1 General Control. School Officers Salaries $140.79; expenses 2.19) 142.91 $. Instructional ser- service. (Teach- er's salaries 1198.06; supplies $215.34 ; Teachers Retirement Fund $U.7C) .................. 1395.10 3. Auxiliary Agen- cies, Transpor- tation $143.20) 142.20 4. Operation o f Plant. (Fuel 42.51; light, etc. S9.00; Janitor's wages $10.00; sup- plies $3.66.) ............ 92.17 5. Maintenance of "Plant. (Repairs to buildings $6.53; up- keep of ~round~ $$3.60; repairs to equipment $2.90) 13.03 6. Fixed Charges. (Insurance $5.00) 5.60 D Total Amount Paid Dur- in~r school year by" Dist- rict Treasurer .................... 1960.94 GRAND TOTAL BALANCES Grand Total Receipts ........ 2656.38 Grand Total ExpendituMs 1860.94 m. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dissen. Pastor Divine Services at 9:00 a. m, Sunday School after services. BEACH LU'ftlER.~CN CHURCH Oliver Everette, l~wtor Beach: Services 9:30 a. m. Communion service and business meetang post~ned until the following Sunday, Aug. 31. Sentinel Butte: Services 11 a. m. Communion service following regu- lar worship. B, J. Cormess of Los Angeles, has been here t~e past ten days stroking ha~s with old time f~lends and also taking care of farming interests. E. A. Brerm¢.se was a business vis- itor in Be~ch Saturday evening. Miss Betty Bryce spent a short va- ca~ton from her d~tles as phone op- erator in Billings last weekend visit- ed relMAves and friends here. The Booete~ unit for the Rlchland counW fair at Sidney were in town Monday. Vincent Keller and Art Bale arrived Stmd~y fro~ Mlssoula and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs Arley Meek returned from Merrillon, Wis. last week where they ate~ended funeral services for the ~atter's mother, Mrs. Erickson. Their son Lute was also there from Three Rivers, Michigan. Several relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dick arrived Friday morning from South Dakota, called here by the critical illness of Mrs. Dick. Mr. and .Mrs. E. B. Sherman were buslne&s visitors in Olendive Wednes- day. his birthday. Bunco was the '~liversion of the evening and a lovely ltmch was served by the self-invlted guests after which they presented Loren with a lovely gift. Mrs. Jane Mueller came home from Billings last week where she had spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John Sctera and family. She and Mr. and Mrs. Morford and son spent Monday at the Hu~h Baird home. Mr. and Mrs. Stainer Pederson were business visitors in Beech Sa~turday. Mr. Kelly is a patient at the Wag- ner hospital taking treatments for rheumatism. Eugene Brenneise was tramsacting business in Sidney last week. It is reported that Norman Coul- ston, the genial pharmacist at the Burns drug store, has bought a drug store in Terry and he and his wife will leave for that place Sept. 1. Henry Kuch suffered a paralytic stxoke Monday from which his friends hope he speedily recovers. Mr. and Mrs R. S. Eisenbart re- turned Monday from a week's vaca- tio~ in Glacier Park. They were ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Good and son of Pompey's laillar. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bold and child- ren left Tuesday morrdng for Van- couver, Wn., to visit her daughters. She accompanied her clau~hter Agnes and her hns~nd who had been here for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Welsh were brininess visitors ~n Glendlve Thurs- day. I-Ia~ld Peterson has returned to the parental S. F. Peterson home from his trip to North Dakota points. Mrs. Sclrade came from Wisconsin week to visit her sister, Mrs. F. E. ]~tott. She and Mr. and Mrs. E1- liott accompttnied Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~liott a~l mm to ~ when they went home S~turday. The Sportmen~s club released an- other shipment of p~es~n.ts Friday. ~r. ~d Mrs. Chas. Yacky of Circle visited the former~ sister, Mrs. Wm. 8chuett end htmbm~ S~turday. Mr. and Mrs. George and Mr. and Mrs. George Petcoff and son autoed to M~lles City Sunday. The Petcoffs returned Money and the others remained in the city. After sending news ~ast week we heard of the marriage of Mks Alice ~wartz, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sva~rtz, to Earl Thomason of Brownir~, Montana. The cerem~y was performed at Grit l~lls, Mont. The bride, a gradtmte of the and of the C~rlst~e Beauty School in Mrs. Katharine I~rson returned Blsmexck, hms many friends who from Billings where she had spent!wish her and her husband a happy some time with relatives. She also wedded life. -- son, Five meetings Board of Equal- ization, $15.00, and Auditor's Sal- ary $75.00 - $90.00; Earl Jones, Janitor's Work, $2.50; Beach Li- brary, contribution, $10.00; A. A. A~bel, Assessor's salary, $204.00; Gamble Store. Power lawn mower. $66.76; Glenn P. Cook, Board of prisoners, ~4.00; M. P. 1 Lovgren, Five meetings Board of Equallza- tion. $15.00; N. W Bell Telephone Co., Local service, $2.55; Golden Valley News, I'ublishin~ proceed- ings and notices, $10.92; Roger Muggli, Work in park, $2.36; James Kelley, work at dump grounds, $25.00; L. J. Erickson. salary, Special Police, $85.00; ~. L. Lovell, salary and phone calls. $126.20; Ed Kveck. cleaning septic tank, $7.20; Ben Lechler. street work. $10.00; ~'m. Braden, work at air port, $~;.00; Jack Farra. work at air- port, $8.00 G. M. Alguire, hauling gravel. $4.95: Ed gowal~.wski. street v¢ork, $2.50: The Texas Co.. Gas and Oil, $23.74; Gerhard Shal- lock. street work. $36.65; Clayton ~Fa~lace, ~,vork on waternlains and airport, $14.60; Sawyer Hardware. miscellaneous, hardware, $14.56: ]~each Volunteer Fire Department, Firemen's service, $22.50; Smith's Service Station. gas and oil, $2.42: Millers. cleaning material. $1.59; H. W. Blair, agent, freight on sleeve, $2.00; Golden Valley Lumber C,).. luntber $9.25 Cliff Bartlu~l~- mew. hauling sand. etc.. $2.00: Dickinson's Store, :,leaning cloth, .30: Sta,te Treasurer, sales laX. $25.39: O. R. Beeler, cleaning septic tank. $7.80; M. B. Sktnnner Co., sleeve for watermalns, $11.20: Mon- tana-Dakota Utilities Co.. Power. lights and gas. $66.84; Montana- Dakota Utilities Co. street lights and lamps $124.61: City of Beach, water In hall, $1.28. Moved by Cafferty and seconded by Halstead that bills be allowed as read and that warrants be is- sued on the various funds in pay- ment thereof. Roll being called the vote was as follows, Cafferty, Dickinson. Halstead. Lovwren and Thompson all voted yes. Nays none 'Motion was declared carried. A bid for cleaning catch basins filed by Cliff Bartholomew ~a~as opened and read as follows: ~ for cleaning catch basins, eL00 .each. There being no other bids on file a motion was made by ~Lo~gren and seconded by Halstead that the "bid of Clif Bartholomew be accept* ed. A building permit to construe: an annex for s'orage pu-9o~es was granted to the Occide,tt Elevator Co. on motion by Halstead and seconded by Dickinson. The au41tor was directed to ad- vise the N. P. Ry. Co. that the culvert across Hunter street would be completed at city expense and that if WPA labor is available In the fall the culvert across Balnche street would be constructed ac- cording to the original agreement, otherwise the city expects the Ry. Co. to bear a part of the expense of constructing it. . Motion to adjourn was made by Cafferty and seconded by Halatead. Carried. R. W. JOHNSON Mayor. Attest: C O. Halvorson, City Auditor. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS BUDGI~r MI~RTING, JULY 24, 1}41 The City Council of Beach met on July 24th, 1941 to consider ths an- nual budget as submitted by the auditor. Mayor R. W. Johnson and Aldermen Dan Cafferty, T. L. Dick- inson. H. H. Halstead. M. P. Lov- gren and H R. Thompson wore I, re- Grand Total'Cash on Hand WaS a GlencUve visitor during theI Miss E~aine Anderson was the in- In both funds, June 30, past week. , apiration for a birthday surprise party sentsent. and Roy A. Noy,:s v/as ab- 1941 .......................................... 795.44 After rtvie~in~r the budgetand Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pederson of ~t the E. L. W~ns home Thursday making a f~ adjustments a me- STATE OF NORTH" DAKOTA. ) Glendlve, Mr. S, Abraham and son evening. Games were played on the lion was made by Halstead that County of Golden Valley, Garner School D/strict No. 10 Arvld and daughter of Beach eqljoyed beatlt~tflly decorated porch tlr~tU a the budget appropriating the sum of $12,415.00 for operation and I do solemnly swear that to the a del cious fried chicken dinner at the lovely lunch we.s served by M~s. ~Vat- maintenance, $2500.00 for Capital best of my knowledge and belief ~/~ Pederson home Sunday. the within is a true and correct re- and her dau hters. Elaine wa~ and Betterments, and $2000.00 for paving,and levying the sum of port of all moneys received and ~trs. Amelia Kunda and children presented with a nice gift by her $5500.00 for Oneration and Main- paid out by me as school treasurer,have returned from their trip to Cal- frierd~ and all spent a plemmnt or- tenance,and $2000.00 for Paving, ENOCH ANDERSON. Treasurer of Garner school tfornia, ening, be approved and that the Appro- priation and Levy Ordinances ap- District No. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleave and dau- Lonna Jean Reinecke returned Oll proprlating and levying the above Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sth day of July 1941. ghters Alice and Bet~y arrived from S~turday from a visit wt~ friends stated amounts, be passed on their first reading, was made by Hal- JUNE VIELAND. . Colorado Saturday to visit their son at Circle. stead and seconded by Thompson. On roll call Cafferty', Dickinson, REPORT OF WREASURER OF Philip and family. They enjoyed aPhilip Van Cleave and his parents Halstead, Lovgren and Thompson Di~LHI SCROOL DISTRI(Y]t~ NO. 9 trip through the Black Hills of South went to Beach Sunday where Mr. all voted yes. Motion carried. STATEMiSNT POR PUBLICATION D~kOta on their way here. Van Cleave, Sr. consulted a doctor. There being no further business the meeting adjourned on motion Receipts in General Fund Friends of Hugh Baird are glad to A baseball game and ci,~us in town by Cafferty and seconded by Lov- A. Cash in General Fund know he was able to come home Sun- Sunday brought a good sized crowd gren. (In hands of District Treasurer and excluding day Zrom the Beach hospRal where to Wibaux. 11. W. JOHNSON Mayor. Attest: Sinking Fund) July 1, he has been a patient forseveralsMr. and Mrs. Don Welsh came home 1941 ........................................ 916.73 weeks. c. o. HALVORSON, I Total amount re- tmday from Billings where they at- city Auditor. celved d u r I n g Rev. and Mrs Burets Morford and tended ~he summer session of school year from ap- portionment o f son arrived from Plainfield, Wis. last at the Polytechnic. The first summer ~ ~'ffi State Tuition }week for a visit with relatives and graduating exercises the Poly has ever Fund ...................... 133.50 "friends. Accompanied by her brother, had were held Friday evening. Mr. ~~@P~[~A~ 2 Total amount re- ceived d u r l n g I Don MUstier and family, they went and Mrs. Welsh had the distinction County Tuition I to Billings to visit relatives there• A of being the first husband-wife corn- year front ap- [family reunion was held there when bination to ever receive bheir degrees portlonment of " "~ -~t~O~ ~@ ~__#_~_~ Fund ........................ 94~73 JMrs. Jane Mueller god her sons at the same time from that college. (r'~.~ ~R~Y~0~ 3 Amount recelv- " IRalph and his family who were on They received Bachelorof Science ed during year ~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~ O~ dt~fl~f~ from State Itheir way to W~hington, Don and degrees. Another feature of the class~ffl-~|~do~s _~a41am E q u a I i z a t 1 o n [ ~i more la C,nsd~--~o w~.- Fund (Total of his family, her daughters Ethel (Mxs. was a grandmother, Mrs. Edna Pierce ~]~[ ~-~,~mi~ m~ a, b, c and d) 206.46 Morford) and family, Eileen (Mrs. of Rosebud, who also received a Bach- ~ ~ "s~d" tlda ~,t._~N~'s 206.46b" Teacher unit Eddie Gress) of Malta, and Alma elor of Science degree: T~e degrees ~]L~[ ~dm~' 5 Amount receiv- (']~'s. John Setera) and family, all were granted by Lieut. Governor E. ~\~"-'| ~?as b~ Gn~m~L _~_~ edfromdUrlngTaxes Lev-year met at the l~ter's home in Bfll~gs. T. Eaton who is president of the col- ~ ~ I | hound ibqmm~Paid Tour. [One son, Rhinebart, who is in Calif- lege. led by District School Board .................... 1369.96 ornk~, could not be present. 6. Amount receiv- ed during year MrS. Ethel Johnston received word from other Rev- tha~ a son was bern to her daughter e n u e Receipts AliCe ('Mrs. Bob Symington) at Re- (Total of a, b, c, and d) .................... 90.31 nan, Montana. d. Penalty and IAIcil~e E~den was called home from interest 90.31 R. Total amount received Glendive last week by the critical by school treasurer dur- ilLvles of her father, Prod Eiden, and lag the year (Total of Items 1 to 9 inclusive) 1894.96WhO premed tw~y Monday eventide, C. Grand total amount re- Wednesday e~ ReV. WestD~ore- ceivsd by school district treasurer including cash land performed It wedd~ ceremony on hand (Item A and ]wbJ~h ira/ted Arvil~ ~beling of Knox Item B) ................................ 2611.69[county, Nebraska, and. EdWard Ray- EXPENDITURE~F GENERAL [mend Brtxius of Glendive. . , FUND j AD~tOI~ WlbsurAtes seen in Be~ch ~moumts Pald~ ]l~st4n~ Yeor for ,the Foiluwltn~Pul~0a~o . ", • P Fray morning were Mr. Danielson, 1 General Control. School OffiCers ]~8. "J[~f~, ]~1~, ~ ]M[I~. salaries $87.00: P~lne~k~ and Golleen, Mrs. Burton expenses $17.50; Welsh and Mrs. Pete Kramer. misc. $7.50) ........ 104.50 :Mr. and Mrs. David Dick and baby 2. Instructional See- vice. (Teacher's Sal- cglne from Wolf Point Thursday, aries $1029.60: sun- ca l~ here by the illness of Davids plies $20.86: Teachers Retirement Fund mother. $10.40) ................ 1070.02 4. Operation of Plant. (Fuel $37.37 "Jani- tors wages $10.00; sttpplles $ 7.~) .... 54.64~ 5. Maintenahce of Plant. (upkeep of grounds $1.00) ....1.00 6, l,'ixed Charges. (Tnsurauce $3.13) 3.13 D Total Amount Paid Dur- intr ~chool year by Dist- rict Treasurer ...................... 1233.29 GRAND TOTAl, BALANCE,q Grsnd Total Receipls ........ 2£1;.69 Grand To.tal Expenditures ]233.29 Grand Total Cash on Hand l, hoih funds, June 30, 1941 .............. ~ ....................... ~57,~.40 STATE OF NORTH-DAKOTA, ) County of Golden Valley, Delhi School District No. 9 I do solemnly swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the within is a true and correct re- port of all moneys received and paid out by me as school treasurer. W. O. JANDT, Treasurer of Delhi School istrict No. 9 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of August, 194L FAITH N. MENKE. Mr. and Mrs. John Isaak and ehll- dren came from Minnesota and visit- ~ed at the E A. Brenneise home. They l left Saturday for Big Timber where they plan to make their home. Mrs. Allen returned to her home in Circle last week after spending several weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. I Frank O'Rourke. Mrs. Albion Welsh was hostess to , ~he CF ta~es aid ~t her home Thurs- i daY afternoon. Misses Nora Jordan ,and Beatrice Sples from California i gve a very nice program and the ho~-" I tess served a nice lunch to a good sized crowd. Art Wittoft resigned his Wasition at Drake's grocery to help on his f~thers farm near Beach during harvest. We are told Art and his family pla~l to move west after harvest. Loren Watkins was recently sur- prised by a number of ~riends who went to his home to help celeb~te CITY COUNCIl PRO- C[[DING$ COUNCIL PROCEI DING§, R GU- LAR MRI~rlNG, JULY 7, 1841 The City Co'u~f Beach, North Dakota, met in regular session on July 7, 1941 with Mayor R. W. Johnson, Aldermen Dan Caffsrty, T.L. Dickinson, H. H. Halstsad, M. P. Lovgren an4 H. R. Thompsnn preser~t. Roy A. Noyes being ab- sent. minutes of the regular Ths meeting of June 2nd and the meet- ings of the Board of Equalization on June 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and $0th were read Moved by Dick- inson and seconded by Cafferty that the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried. The following bills were consid- ered: Nina Kirst, City Treasurer. pav- ing warrants No. 93 and 112, $500.00 ca., $1000.00; R. W. Johnson, Five meetings Board of Equalization, $15.00: Dan Cafferty, five meet- Board of Equalization, $15.00; T. L. Dickinson Five meetings, Board of Equalization, $15.00; H. H. Hal- stead. Five meetings Board of Equalization, $15.00; H.R. Thomp- non, Five meetings Board of Equalization. $15.00; C.O. Halvor- II Reading Glasses .... 50c to $f Gold Glasses ........ $10 to $15.50 Double Vision Glasses $3.50 ur GLASSES FITTED G. Gilbertson Optical Soecialist Beach, N. D. II I 1938 OLDSMOBILE 1934 CHEVROLET 1928 CHEVROLET, GOOD A NUMBER OF NEW AND SEVERAL GOOD HORSE SINGLE AND ONE FORD V-8 PICK-UF. 1935 F()RD V-8 COUPE, One Good White Faced Bull SOME GOOD WHITE FACI C. C. Clark, Mar.