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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 20, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY brEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1942 I I IIII III II I II I I I  |1 I1"111 I II 71( ...... " . .,.,..,>,,.: .... , -!11 "Gone With The ..... Wind" Sunday 23rd, Sunday Matinee, Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th- One Show Each night. Mat. 1:45 p. m.- Evening 7:30 FULL LENGTH PICTURE AT POPULAR PRICE00 • . -,I " O'" Matinee: Adults and students 40C, children 20c- Evenm. Adults and students, 50c Children 25c. Don't bring children under six years of age. We Are Selling All Tickets For All Shows In Advance. GET Your Reserved SEATS NOW! BIJOU THEATRE BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA xw-, OUR MOTTO: • BEST IN MEALS, SERVICE and QUALITY Our Meals Are Cooked Home Style. During the Harvest Season We Will Be Glad to Help You With Your Labor Problems. -PARK CAFE- "WHERE FRIENDS MEET TO EAT" I" L' ,this week. Call in a news item each UL/Ik l week you think they would like to n" " - ofread or drop us a post-card. E. E. Salzmen a ,a r. rnes I " r " " - M aria noard Blake and Mandan, both former residen of thls " " " city were transacting btlne in son of Belle Fottrche. S. D., arrived Beach several dys the forepart of here last eek for a visit w h Mr. the week. Blake's sister, Mrs. "Butch" Nelsoq 'of this city. Mr. Blake since arriving Mr. and Mrs. Pui Dickinson and t her e has taken employment with Jesa their nephew, Billy Di left lt Still during the hrvest season and week for their home in .lieapolis, [then She Blake family plan to go after spending some time llexe with Mr. DickLnson's mother, lkfrs. E. K i ,west. Dickinson, who ha been quite ill liar. and Mrs. A. T. Wenberg and the past few weeks but now feeling IMr. O. Smedsang and son of Mo:lne omewht better, i Illinois. left last Saturday for their Announcements have been received home after spending a week here at here of the mrrlage of Miss Irma t the Howard Wenberg home south of Steqter, a former Beach #;seoher, to a :Beach. Mr. and .Mrs. A. T. Wenberg Air. Clayence Gehrke. The marriage late Howard's parents and former e- tcok place at Backus, inn., on Sat- aidents cf this coun'5,. urday, August 81fl. Mrs. Gehrke has} ,Mr. and '.Mrs. J. Chytn RiLe-ell been teaching in Montar and will I were Stm ay guess at the Chas Hell- return there again 'bhts year as her isteln arm home wes of town. Bur- husband will be going  tJae army. ling he evening some twentv-:ive J:)r. E. A. Nymph and his aes'stant, Business Opportunity: Modern, Prac- WANTED--Girl for Housework no WANTED--Girl for restaurant l:ss Deanna Gougnour, were Sun- day guests at dhe Ohas. Holls:cm farm home west of town. Mr. ad Mrs. Ben Thompson ar- rived home last week from heir va- cation trip spent at BemidJi and Thief River Falls, Minn. Wm. S. Melvin arrived here Sun day rom New York City where he has baen employed by an air condi- tioning concern, who are now air conditioning boats, to visit w,ith his mother on .her farm eight miles south of Beach and ,to help with the tr- veting. A number of local legionnaires and some of the younger fellows spent a night last eek loading a £arlcad of rubber which had been gthered in the comfy during t,he rubber came paign. The car cont.ained over 29,000 Ibs. and there is still several thousand tical, Thorough, Progressive, Econ- omical-These are the qualities of! the Mankato Commercial College, i Mankato, Minn. Send for free] catlog. 38-16tp. FOR RENT- Furnished Rooms for outside work on farm, $1.00 a day, phone 10-'F-3 or "require t News Off'ice. 47 WANTED High School Gi ! for a few hours wk after sc"ofl in exckage for llfl hou¢ekeping privil?ge :. No eperience ecessary. wages. Don't apply unless you wi111ng to work. Doerner's Beech. School Children. Inquire t the Inquire at News Office. 47 News Office. 47-1tp. i , FO-'OALF1936 Ford Track.'-'ov FOR SA,E----1936 Special DeLux Tud r wheel base dual wheels c.v'ee Ford, vetch accemorbss. Good tires. "'-- rock rack and'-rain'ox Just overhauled Call phone 5-F-22 n w[n n£w s s ' 1, N D ' " " 4 L ' Several good saddle horses. One Go a, . • 7-1 P'I three bottom P & O plow. One second-hand cream seperator. If FOR SALE--Two wheel Trailer hou-e. WORK WO.NTED--wfil run • interested see .Hank Thoemke, 7x14. Three good t:.res. $150. ih or tractor. Write or call Beach, N. Dak. 47 equipment. Phone 11. Steve Ram- Allen, Butte Hotel, Sentinel sing, Bee, N.D. 47 1 N.D. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY--Small Barn i'n Beach. See or write Mrs. - ..... -,------ Rube Clark or Mrs. Effie Purvls, Beabh. 47-lip. pound to be shipped. The men work- ..... l until 2 a. m. to comple:e LhelWANTED TO BUY--L'ght Oak China work. I Closet. See or write ,Mrs. Rube Lawrence Turnbull who entered the I Clark or ,Mrs. Effie Purvis, Beach. Johnstone Memorial Hospital yesterdaY tFCB SALE--Good Stock Saddle. See morning is recovering nicely from his or write Mrs. Rube Clark or Mrs. recent operation, l Eff:e Purvis, Beach. 47-1tp. BEACH LUTHERAN CHURCH Oliver Everette, Pastor  Beach: Services 9:30 a. m. Sentinel Butte: Services, 11 a. m. FOR RENT--Three-room apartment upstairs and one room downstairs. Also room in basement or school children. See or write Mrs. Rube Clark or Mrs. Effie Purvis, Beach. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CIIURCH V. IL Dissen, Puto Divine Services 10 a. m. Sunday School after Services. LOST--One green felt Child's 'Boy's" Hat, .Saturday, August 1, in Wi- baux, Beach, Golva, Carlyle or Ollie, .Reward, return to Mrs. J. M. Buck- ley, ODle. 47oltp. FOR SALE--1940 Interngtional Truck, CLASSIFIED ADS I ° "  '° °"'' " tLres. Wi'oa¢ bx. Wrlt or ca 1 i Win. M. NRrum, Wi,[aux, Mont. 47 WANTEIN--CaJaner at your town inh° aKtllb, j '£'W'-ANTGoTen Valle-'lo--i, Marg, Fox Farm, Nel:isville, Wis- " Beach, 'N. D. 47-1re. consin. 44G5tp - - LOST--Cue brown, part Shelmrd dog, WANTED--House work. .Call phone size. Finder pleas nctfy 91-M. Beach. 7-1tp. News Office. 47-1tp. FOR SALETwo exceptionally goad FOR SALE--One Minneailis Modal A 16-ft. Combine. A-1 condiV.on. Fred Stein. Ollie, Mont. 47 late model cars. Good tires. You have o see the cars o appreciate them. Inquire at he News of- FOR, SALE--'31 Model A Coach, A-I FOR SALEFive Dol'sl's pro" will buy SccUon 13, TIp Range 106, In Golden Valley 1 ,If Interested writhe S. L. FOR SALE--Dora-Rose Beaut 'cheap. Write or phone 33W, Hedges, Marmartax, N.D.  %V. A. Osterloth of Chicago, Illinois, l see the ,moving p ctures of the North ilce. Dakota Badhnds which were shown condition. 2 new 00x19 mud :d arrived Sere Friday of las week ,tO lby Mr. Russell. For some tim: Mr. I WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--A spend hs annual' f, all va'tion here during the h.arv¢.t season looMn Rr=ell ts ben taking pie"ures of) small piano in good Condition. fLer farming iute:.ts'ea,st of Oolva. lille scenic Badlands and now has' Write Margaret Fisher. Beach. N.D. BeA. N.D. e7-I bp. Mr. Ostdvloth made the 'tp p in a quite a collie*Ion. new Sh'lebaer sedan ccming by he i Lt. and Mrs. A. M. Kohfeld were wy of e Blac tLlls of South Dx- Saturday night guests at t.he Att'y snow Nres on rear. o her chree lcerfect. See Marga:et Sieg lb:rr, Friends here extend congratulations, ne:ghbors snd frtenc's ather;d to 44-%fc. E mE: eER,EL CORN ,,! oo=00 _VV[ S[LL [OR l[SS EARS i John Keohane home in this city. kota. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Bradby and A1 is home on a urlough and during son. Dickey s:oppel  Beo, c last that time is working with the code LAUNDRY SOAP C. W... 6 for 25c TOILET TISSUE, 6 rolls ....... 25c Friday afternoon .nrou¢e, to their{commlssion at Bismarck. home at Gmat, a$S, Mont., where Jack Reidel, spervisor of element- the Bradlys h,ae beet, making their axy education in the Bismarck city e te  ix week. Dr. schools was a Beach visitor yesterday Bradley ,had been called bak to Iowe'calling on friends and old acquaintan- y the deth of his mother who was!oes. Mr. Reidel is a candidate for t years of age. State Superintendent of Public In- During the  two weeks bout struction and informs the News that d0 new serwce bs nines hive been he expects to come back here this added € the News subcr.ption list fall to get acqua2nted with more of and will start receding their pper our voters. ram. -= Salad Dressing I lodized Salt r Sand. Spread "Reynolds" _Pint ...... .. 21c 3 cans ...... 22c BACON SQUARES ..... lb. 1% SUMMER SAUSAGE ...... lb. 27c Babv Food, all kinds ....... 4 cans 29c ORANGES,juicy ' 2 dozen 45c C. Red Raspberries in syrup. 1 lb can 25c GRAPES L.sco.s CALIFORNIA 2 lb 35( Thompson's Seedless iDUCHESS APPLES O.o.SA,¢,, 3 lb 27, "PEACHES ¢o . $1.5t Last of California Peaches Doz. 32c IlllilliimllMllllmlllllilillil MINNESOTA BRAND MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI lil & L iilCKlES" .. THE QUALITY WAX PAPER RECTOR, all flavors ... 3 bottles 21c PETER PAN o,, 223' JELL-IT, all flavors ..... 5 pkgs. 25c LARD, Pierce s ........ 4 lbs. 65c • , PEANUT BUTTER dPh GRAPEFRUIT ..... quart bottle 35c Corned Beef n JAR LIDS BLACK Kellogg, Pep or Rice Krispies 2 __pkg 25c l Real Buy! n Enameled FLAG TOILET TISSUE INSECT SPRAY KLEK, for washing dishes lge pkg Dc 5 an''' ...... 2%| Dozen ........ 9c .,j; 3"°00sl II[YNOLDS FOOD STOR[S All Kinds of Fruits, Meats and ...g 23, 2",,,v19': Vegetables We DeliveFree Phone 75 m ' FOR EATING OR CANNING ..- GENUINE WASHINGTON BARTLTTt, BE,: IN TOWN NILI(o'/00 LAND O'L&I,e.E$ BRAND- 4. 6.,,..,..,,,.,,,. AlnnA I  ,,I 6r.vsT OaD 4A m/A_ ,mmmlttm mine sr,,,,,.... ,..,, ill LIk JR If  FLOUR ""° OWL $1.69 U PURE LAne BEANS NECTAR .,,,  " - -'- --- ,-\\;\ . ,,,, ImNNZX ar.Aw r ( 70Z "'--,"7;I) W u'" J &eZGS& m " cocExrzD SOT. | IN 2S' [