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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 20, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIII II I IIIIII III I II Easy Stitches in Gay Flowered Chair Set I I GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS pi Bronch Bill i 0 • uMP l ME a I IT,ItED &apos;No  .NOUR - DINK Of: WATF.J ,  I I-THEW(:N COLLISE.13 o  GOINO TO- M'AI, I Ff UFFEtN' I I=ETS i /- - -=  / / X'LL-- I L! a,TFIS rl l-' ou6o- ll' , "-4;F'% -;-' ,,'J,  INNOF_I'4"r [ 7fll II(lt\\;ll|\ I1|1 I ta 8/¢7 ,:LASSIFIED DEPARTMENT HONEY WANTED -o, ::= 604 N, P. AVE. FARGO. N. D. HOTELS i _ Frlen,lly Hotel powers on Broadway in Fargo is the place to stay while you transact your business. Twenty per tltlllllllllFlFJll--llL.J'(x)el' x'LLEL# /ttt---I _.-'----"Nowo, IE'-Asl ,o LED'rRum.IN' eentofthe luxuriotm IIJL_/D N B.L llill]BE---ii III ] 4R.IETIEE,X'LL t/hH--I ]LE.N- | RANCH 15 ISRECR0:I (3Tt-ITt ICOLLE) NE/Ef I'l_VE ,5   Wl...-'lll----I EE PUS ,RONTO. Ill.Ill WHILE, HE.| EIN RL)N --nw" • EEAt< I'4"fEL room are only $1.25. A(30 IEV VED "  "r Em. 1 l.l'l'w ;i [ | II i l I l.."r-r'-( f KF'..J.-.-L) II I ' I-d " tl -- I (31= H INN0- | m,m-_ _._,v.'L,ll "rile MAN- I 71J , -  ".- / A till CIR win4 o" "TI-E .. • " of in . . fat. l oun'g C colors I--And when ve made I " "-" / m/e Ton edlwaT the last lazy daisy stitch and fin- ready to add beauty to chair or " I Wl'lC'll TLUEO W H'S w'E'S ' IERS,I'LN 0WNR 0''t I H 'UU   S I 'E" Y  R'H- , I 11 Z'illhl - o111 _ Pattern 411 contains a transfer pattern I'rvN-Eb ANCH,baqNOUNCD I i.K OWe.FUL ,,.--,,4I..IEFEO 4t4 I SF.E , t:--TER.S tmE.Vt. a 12 by 14t inch chair back and two | --AI-4 Mk'OID¢ ' _. IAN/lOLIO¢,tt HANU QUIT I H/f=qf OVF.. Hl¢2t I. ] [ OST? tONE .T ! |'of stitches;bY 10,materialslneh armrequired.rests: itlustratiOnSsend your e z-I  /==I L I \\; \\; ! It| DICKINSON, N. DAIS, Sewing Circle Needleeraft Dept. I Everybody wants to know what .ightb Ave. New York I to send a soldier, sailor, Coast • ]nclose 15 cents {plus one cent to / Guardsman, or Marine. The an- cover cost of mailing) for Pattern [ swer is simple if he smokes a pipe .ame No .............. ............................... , [ ',  or rolls-his-own. Send a pound of ] tobacco. Tobacco, according to numerous surveys among the men i (. themselves, is the gift most ap- preciated, and most wanted. Fa- vorite smoking tobacco of many service men is Prince Albert, the J. e Pep / ,owY!ZlS,:rl,_.s.x¢ota.N! ,cEro,,eouaosS. I National Joy Smoke--a title well- Full r mt.zaE51 ,l' \\;::NI . . -a__ I L ',.. '.'d il  I I ,Noi IH,v" v0t,ll Hro mut-ER"a.t Jr, it. ----, IIl'rt" : uo rreRSi , mNO sO Kt t. ' II deserved since Prince Albert is -- "-- 'rou. ,,ff,ai'_ll% ,I "3 _l leOss wA  e--roLrr, voR IHE'S tNOCE'Z X0ULU I the world's largest-sellLug smok- Lug tobacco. Local dealers are than genuine, pure St. Joseph Aspirin. large .es. 36 tablets, 20; 11 tablets, 35o Unmovable Dispositions Believe if thou wilt hat moun- tains change their places, but I J& ).%'-%7--J •  II . I ,<.. I I.E.KON i::'Q 1 "[ CL J,,L-TE .{M-M-M. ,, ,v,e 'Tg_E_c_ o I believe not that men change their I JBIFIli,, I/_  Ill  € I IE-re. 0t.uEOl ,E Kt.LE rtO  -:U.k'OO Oe.T- I dispositions.--Mahomet. "T -- CUT" NE= HEAO 0 T't'iT .... 0WERS FP-.I duST HA'[ '  -- "Mebbe," says I, pickln' up that little cmmpllment, "that's because What runny Doctora do for it I feel so good most of the time." t' . "- " " or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest-acting Per, you know, folks, when you .  . medicines known for syratomatie refief--medieine feel good your dlsposttlon's apt to like those in Bell-ann Tablets. No laxative. If your be good, too. But to do that, you verZ, first trial doesn't prove Bell-an better, return got tO eat right; which includes , Dottle to us lind get double your moey back0 gettln' all your vitamins. And   :  " . , KELLOGG'8 PEP is extra-rich in ........ -- - -- - ' : '   ; " Reaping Disappointmen t nary meal--vltamins B, and D.  RE'i .'  I fh.  .._. (Wlk? ,.,) } It is a bitter disappointment Mighty fine-to, tin', too. Try itl :rT'h .,7..I I .-J,'/'}/ \\; ,,,,fi.. '..'  a  i,m, m"  %'t'*k 6%- J] I ¢.',<. ,,  R when you have sown benefits, to II  :'.mt , reap injuries.--Plautus. de idous trtal tka supp ties per fi S .   (J o.): the full miimnm daily need of • .Itamin D; 1/4 the daily head ofitamltt Bt. believe not that men change their bitter disappointment when you have sown benefits, to And Your Strength 8rid Energy Is Below Par ' N't OF A,N UNSHOC:) I i IT IS 'THIS OtGt-qT r WE EAt CECW. "rIEM oo --'rE ML)RDEEE5 I I T HEL FINE} .] L$,T.,,WHF__4 V "i2JN UP " 4UN'r UST VE -rROWN I I e0wEr.' RE,L t TE I'.XL. l!LLEa-. I' 5 rJE-NE ALF.}Y  ! tko NETTED A,-q'- /1CA T TO YLgR ANCH rH NC,|ILC,'¢bedTH AO SEE IF I It may be eau.-d by disorder of Id ee function that permit poi$onom$ wut to accumulate. For truly many people feel tired, weak md mtrable when the kidneys tail to remove ezeese td$ sad other wast0 matter from the blood. You may er negng beekaebe, rheumatic Imlnl. headache, dininese, letting up nighta, tell painl, swelling. Botns?.lmel frequent and scanty edna- tiu with smarting nod burning hi in- other s!ga that something l wrong with the kidney or bladder. There should be no doubt that pro mjt treatment iS wiser than neglect. Use Dean's Pills, It  better to rely on s medicine that hal won countrywide riP- proval than on something iesi favorably known, Dean's have been tried and tmt- ed many ear. Am at all dra4[ store Get Doan I today, ,,, • , ,,, WNU--Y &T---4 m l ilrl 1,00, 00OOD WlILi w m _-. = = The manufacturer oz = _= merchant who adver- = = ties, makes public the - = faot that he wants your good will. And he real- •  tzes that the only way = g that he can keep it il = by giving good val i mad serzices. -- S , , i,r Protection for the Ferry Command Sergt. aek Early ef New Orleans, assistant radio operator and tail gunner, Is shown in the rear turret of his U.S. ferry command "Lib- erator" plane in England. The ferry command has been delivering planes to England since the start of the war and has, in many ways, been responsible fer the bombing e Ire'go German cities. 'Nurses Street' at Carolina Maneuvers :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::  ::':@::::/i::.'-::?.< • .:. - < ..... .,'.x..:- .... • - ............. < ..'.,x,,. ........  ,.,..,<..,! !!.!:,'. ::ii?..'!, ',:C"" " :.> "...:...,.x.: .. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,,,..:.:.:.x!..,:.:.,,::-•.: ..k<::::::..::::. ;€ , ', ',*:: :::: ::,:::: ::::::; - - : :::: :K< : :::E,:?,.:.. >" ::.: :@: .  ... ::" >,'-'.<'k:  " ":::@:':'" " '  !. .: "." .".:-xx .... >,.< > :: .- ¢ "? :<: z .:::'. ::?'-::'. @: :]:i:i!ii]i:; !ii: :!:i::!::. :, ::i:: :,:4 ::::.>:-::::::: .'.:,:':::::: ::, . ,'.i:::.::.<::::,. :!TI:: " ........... : C"! -:i i:: i! :!i:: -  i:!::,. • :::: :::::::::::::::::::::. <. J The street of tents which house the registered nurses now in training to become officers in the armed forces is shown above. The nurses, who form the staff ef an evacuation hospital here, care for more than 0 soldier patients a week during tbc current maneaver, I$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ i We Can All Be EXPERT BUYERS @ It Is a good habit to form, the hablt of consulting the advertisements every time we make a purchase, though we have already decided iust what we want and where we are golng to buy It. It gives us the most prk:ele, feeling In the worldt the feeling of being adequately prepared. • When we go tnto a store, prepared beforehand with knowledge of what is offered and at what price, we go as an expert buyer, filled with self-confi- dence. It Is a pleasant feeling to have, the feeling of adequacy. Most of the unhapp|nes$ in the world can be traced to a lack of this feeling. Thus adver- oa tlslng shows another of Its manifold facets--shows itself as an aid toward L' making all our business relaflonshii :: more secure and pleasant. Is ssss $ s s s $$ $ s stt] i' (I ]; r fni . on t slx W A ; grou: i: from i 1 An I ing i goi I sea: i self As our Pil to sea was rain and thr( pla: the har nrla( bad sha: N for abl( life can f lion lic, tion the stea devi by ur Mos us f 0vho pos why who tere into sary tot eril In for rati( uto V( in| ev th, ev ! be } oun t  -at