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August 20, 1942 |
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Golva - "
Miss ,Helen KMstad of Steel, N. D.,
is visiting at '0he Obto Hanson home.
Miss Kolstd Is a niece of Mrs. I-Ian-
Mrs. Flora Funk and Mr. and Mrs.
John Tschida went to Dickinson Sat-
urclay evening and re:urned home on
Otto Unger left last Sa,tu:day for
Youngstown, OhiO, where he was
transferred from the airport here. He
will meet his wife at Eau Claire,
WISe., and after a short visit there,
with relatives they will go on to their
Dew ome.
Mrs. Rlph Jacobs of Hazen, N. D.,
IS visiting at the McPhee home.
Mrs. Carl Johnson arrived from
Chicago last Sunday for a s:hort via,it
With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Paterson.
Joe Harp arrived last Sunday by
bus from Wisconsin and will help
with the harvest work.
Mrs. A. Scheffer and son. Kenneth,
went to 4he A. Still home Sunday.
Yvonne Still returned home with
.petizing lunch to a la:ge crowd, fire hazards, and should be ken
care of before they cause a disastrous
I Frank Beeler arrived last week on fire.
'furlough from Texas where he is Mr. and Mrs. WIn. Burns received
in the U. S. Service. a letter from ,their son, William, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Breitenfeld and who is stationed at Fort Douglas, Salt
4ughters went to Glendive Monday, iLake Ci%y, Utah. Billy is very happy
August 10th where ,hirlty Mae re- in the U. S. Service and hs a chance
mained at the N. P. Hospital for to keep on in his muzical education
them. observation. Mrs. Breitenfeldt stayed Iwhile he is helping, which is good
Mrs. Bert Covert entertained friends iith her daughter. TLeF ame hme news to his
MWrse. esd.ay afternoon in honOr of Fridw¢ and Shirley Mae is .to re- friends.
M s. C. Coudelt. Four tables of whis¢l mainin bed for ten days.
were in play Prizes were won by Robert Faltermeyer, who has b:en
Mrs. George Geary, high and Mrs in the U. S. Service fcr the past
adie Page received second 'high and year and a half, arrived home Sunday
also the traveling prize A lovely l m°rning from Fort Lewis, Wn., for
lunch as served. Mrs. Coudell, a niece i a furlough at the home of his par-
w,. bee'. al00"
aux gow came home Wh them.
Orland ,Howard ame home Sunday
Mrs. Botch is a patient in the I:Eck- on Iurlough fro the U. S. Service in
inson hospital where she ur.derwent a ]California. Miss B. Stockdahl of BiN
major operation last week. !lings is also a guest at the WIn.
Miss Mary Bro;.hy arived from Howard home.
Idaho, Wednesday to visit at the Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall left Sun-
B:ophy home scut.h of torah, day on a vacation trip west.
Mrs. Bertha Stlpek is visiting her The fire depar:ment was called ou
grand:on, Donald Pt:rson and other one hot afternoon last week when a
e:a.ives around Lvs £nge:es, Calif. fire started to burn scme rubbish in
Fa:'l hmnason came Lore Marys- the northwest par of town, got out
ville, Calif. last week to visit his wife
and baby a the home of her pr2nts,
I Mr. a;.d M:s. Eli Swartz.
'Mrs. E. D. WA:iver was he tess to
[the C. F. Lad.ies Aid at .her home a
Thursday ,afternoon. Mrs. Reinecke
s in charge of a very good pro-
gram, and the .hostess served an ap-
....... LftrAl00 ,,,he News that Kenneth Ray mgin&l Johrmy a: ttVrl '..
• Jx. maA.a n, son ofr. and Mrs. X. J. ,I-Iggins, Ihut week end from Ody; W'o., em
Mss Carrie Wltzz has resim-d of Govla, has ,recently enlted in the he has beeamploFl ltSt
..... " _ : I U. S Navy and is now undergoing or more
Der pomn a'te county agents o,- h A -:---i ........ "
[ice and plans'to leave t'his coming rcru araamng. I J ,I3oeaT has been employed t.he
wek fcr £h cage where ll=e will l Lloyd St,let, brother of Mrs. rank'Past wek a te Witzig toe her
• gain tec,h sohoo,l ,this year. Kukowski. , left Monday morning of he is enclosing their porch vt
NOTICE--We will kee ...... f I ths week fc- Port,land, Ore., where ,screens amd doing sce other car-
open in the evening during t.he bar- I e w il be employed. I Penter wk.
vest season. Dr. E. A. N?/man, Beach. .....
The Social Hour Club "ill meet I
on Tuesday afternon, August 25 h at
of Mr. Covert, left .Saturday for her
home at Mount Morris, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sill and daugh-
ters were callers at the Schouboe
home Sunday.
Bob Mendke was a busines visitor
i Goiva Monda, y.
Mr. and Mrs. A1. Fasohing and son
came up rom Dickinson Saturday. AI.
has two weeks vacation from his
work and wilt spend the Mme here
with relatives.
Mm. Sadie Page went out to the
Peterson home Wednesday and will
help Mrs. Paterson during harvest.
rd Hanson came home Sunday
evening from MinneapoliS where he
s employed. He will spend a week
with home foks.
h'. nd xs. Pete Schmitz, Mrs.
Oswald Sehmitz and Mr. and Mrs. E.
Sclmltz were lvndive visitors 'Sun-
' day.
of control. Several men who are the home of *Mrs. Lewis Odland.
constructing governmert grain bins l Please no'Afy other memb:rs.
near the D. L. Collins .home helped: Clayton Wa,llace, Fd. Hecthe ger!
subdue the flames and no d:mg3 and John KAkwan re uned ltstl
was done, but lot of obnoxious week from Cody, Wyo., where the I
weeds on some vacant lots were de- three had b employed on he con-'
stroyed. There are several large I struc icn work of the new Jp t,np!
patches of wild salsify which are real ltha% s be:ng ira alled ,Eere. %he
work has been eomple:ed and the
men aren't too sure tt tey il[
10ok for more clef(rise emlcyment.
M. Jim Hai[h re,u:Led to '? er
home Fargo a.'er %en ig ewrl
days with her daughter, Hrs. Harold
Smltl and son and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Ha, igh.
Miss Lucille Kukowski an h:r guess
Miss Margi Ristee, both of Fargo,
were up for e week end SO se=d
several days at ,the
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smi h aud chil-
parental, Jo2
dren and Mrs. M. E. Smith were Kukowski farm 'home soubheat of
Olendive visitors SundaY: ]town. They retmned .to Far&o by
John Sartz, who went to But:e for bus Monday morning.
examination for U. S. Servioe Friday, Elmer Hasl:rook has ben employed
was rejected on account of poor at the Ray Hathaway farm north of
health and returned. Nopbert Fad-
den also left Friday for induction in-
to Service, but returned for two
ants, 'Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Falter-
meyer. His sister, Mrs. Virgil cowee
met him in Glendive.
Prank Rogerson and chil::rn came 1 tt'r0--ers
from Terry Sunday and spent the dy
with rela.tives. Mrs. Rog:r.on, who
has been here helping to care for her
father, L. C. Bushman, returned home Waiter Grunewald had a rather
with her family. Friends of the faro- frightening experience last week,
fly will be glad to learn t Mr.! when he was shocking oats. He pick-
Bushman seems "to be. gaining, ed up a bundle of oats and put It
Mr. and Mrs. Fank Fessenden and under .his arm, and a rattlesnake fell
Mr. and Mrs. ,Mike Kramer left for out of the bundle.
Butte Friday where the men went Bill Voyen reports that they have
to enlist in the U. "S. Service. We killed four rattlesnakes in their yard
understand neither passed the phy- this summer. The reptiles seem to
sioal exmixmtion and all returned be plentiful this summer, and it
from their trip Monday evening. .-ems as .the one can't be too careful.
Mrs. Howard Finkle ar.d youngest L. Hodgin motored to Trotters on
son wen, t to Glendive Tuesday where Saturday. He Jack Tasker
Donald had a tonsilectomy at the out to .his home at George's Tasker's
N. P. Hospital. and then visited friends in this corn-
Harold Peterson returned from the munity.
western part of .t,he state Friday. He
stopped in Billings to visit his broth- Miss Polen and her sister and
• ,.,, ,"-n:- View er .nd sister and attended the Mid-brother-in-law and family of Wibaux
land Empire Pair for a couple of were afternoon callers at the P. V.
Moore home on Sunday, a week ago.
Miss Elsie Pea'ha left, by bus. last days. ,
Tuesday, for Billings, where she plans} Mr. and Mrs. Burton We:sh and Mr. and Mrs. Cacti Metcalf motor-
to spend the ex't few weeks at the t Russell were Sunday dinner guests of ed to BLnarck last week where Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wink:eman near Metcalf had an examination a the
home of her sister, 'Mrs. James Bur- I St. Phil, ip, where they enjoyed de- clinic. We hoPe she will feel much
bank, at that place. ! fried chicken and all ,the trim- better now.
Miss Florence Stedman was avis- licious
linings. They were given a generous The coyotes have really been taking
itor the Lyle Adams 'home, Thrs- portion of green and wax beans from a heavy toll of the lambs belonging
day morning, l the Winkleman fine victory garlen to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens, There
Word received, by her family, from which will add much to their winer's are really some killers in the pack
' and Mr. SPerry and Stevens have
Miss Inez Gordon is to %he effect supply of canned vegetables ,and was
that she has secured employment in Wry much appreciated, as our own been unable to locate tlem.
a defen plan, in Des Moines, :gows, garden was destroyed by hail. We have received some nice show-
at bhe same place where 'her ,brother, I Mr. and Mrs. Banner Stair and ers during the past few weeks and
Glendon, IS employed. Inez lest Beach children came from Helerta last; week the crops are looking fine. Those
and wsted at the home of his par
about two months ago, and since that ." , " who plan to thresh their crops this
e she has-- been in Des M[o:ines .,-.vis }ertts Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sta,r. They fall are busy cutting these days. The
iting Glendon and other relatives we' accompanied, from Pompey's grasshoppers have moved in and are
there. I Pillar, by Freddie Good, who returned damaging some of the gardens, ,how-
Ted Stull of he Garner conmmni-lto his home with R. E. llisenbarth ever, they came to late to hurt mu-h
ty, was a unday visitor at t.he Jcelwhen he went ,to Galen to visit his except the gardens and flax.
Pasha, jr., ome. wife for a few days. Billie Campbell is helping Frank
John MoCk,key returned to his Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ottson ,Ito:d
home, Thursday from Powell Wvo., to Beach Sunday afternoon. I Johnson imrvest his wonderful wheat
where he has been for the past "sLx good news that Mrs. O.Vteson can .get P.V. ,Moore and J. F. Crook took
weeks, while on the Heart Mountain out for a ride after being conLnea o
Relocation Center her home sinCeMrs, lastMcNamara,Winter. Mrs. Saturday.a load of scrp iron to Beach last
Mr. and Mrs. Godfre7 Pesha and I Mr. and
sons, Wahine and Dick, ,ere Sunday James Grlffith and baby and M.r Miss Carrie Sperry is visiting at the
visi/mrs at the home of Mrs. Emma!Katherine Larson aut0ed to Glenal home of .her daughter Mrs. Bob Ste-
Beeler, ner tbx. iFriday afternoon, vens.
Mrs. Kyle Sperry and children were
callers at the J. F. Crook home on
Monday afternoon.
Ted Dickinson was out on Sunday
putting on a ,new roof on the old
wristlets and lfl turtle neck sweaters Nellermoe store building.
/* lln"--e oI- last week. This seemed like an almost Art Nellermoe and a gentleman.
new impssible feat, as the yarn was so friend were Trotters visitors on un-
fate in arrival, but the Ddies are all
WATCHES o for victory and worked overtime, day af:ernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Don We:sh autced Alfred Sabin is now employed by
to Butte on business last week, and H. H. Burchette.
rlce( rom while them were guests
Howke home. They returned to Wi- OF PERIOD OF RE-
$5 25 to $27 50 , Monday noon. DEMPI'ION
• • Misses Florence Keys and Emma State of North Dakota,
Jean Peterson and Robert Peterson county of Golden Valley,
came from Billings Saturday morning Office of County Auditor,
MPL. .
ovgren =, spent the week end with home Beach, North Pak,,ta.
-- folks, t and PETE PAI MER ESTATE. the
name in which the hereinafter
J 1 described lands are assessed:
ewe er I Mrs. M. P. Ostby is in Fargo ,-
tending a convention this week. You are hereby notified that the
Beach, North Dakota I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reincke and Mr. tract of land hereinafter described
Pete Palmer Estate f.r taxation
!and Mrs. Lawrence Hartse autoed to and assessed in the name of
Culbertson SundaY. Lonna Jean Rein- f,)r the year 1937 was .n the 13th
.-- I sold, as provided by law, for the
delinquent taxes for the year
1937, and th,at the time for re-
demption fr(m said sale will ex-
pire ninety (90) days from the
JUST ,,,.,,,: on l)ecemb.r 7. 1942.
Eaid land Is described as fol-
L.I. ']Pen (10) and Elev-
en 411) in Block Tvre ve
{12) of Nenr' F|rp, t Add|-
Con to tle City of B aeh,
shipment of ,,o,.,.. -..,,.
I large O.k.,.
The amount for which said land
was sold was Thirteen and 71-100
NAILS l)ollars ($13.71). Stb-eque 't ttx-
WOVEN WIRE FENCE AND for the years 1938, 1939. and
1940 have been paid. Tle amount
. r,.ouired to be paid in order to
make redemption frum such sale,
exelusive of the costs of publish-
There will be no more available
for some time
Beach, North Dakota
town he pt few days where e i.
helping to haul gram.
Miss Frxnees Stokie s resigned
her posi, tion at Doerner's Cae and
lft the cf ,he we.k for her
home at Tylor, N. Dak.
The WIn. Kippley family have re-!
calved word t,lt teir son, Woruer,
who has been sttloned wih the U.
S. Army in Oaliforr:a, ttat he has
been Wansferred. They axe not qIte
sure where he will be located but
think he is on his wy ,to Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs. Treater and feanfly
and Fred Bubl'It reu,txned y
of 'last eek from a short vaoatAon
whioh was spent wth folks aS DeSroit
Lakes, Mlrm., and Grand Fork, N.
Editor Gordon MacGregor of the
D!Fktnson Press and has shop fore-
n, Pete Bopflug, were Beach call-]
era last SaSmxtay atrenoon and .hilel
in Sown spent sevem lcurs a the I
News office.
Mrs. WIn. Higlin and two sons, Billy
ad Steve of Miles Oty were guests
from Wednesday until Frklay of lasl
week wih her sister, Mrs. Men
Stone of this city.
With quite a demand for labor
Golden Valley £armers started har-
ve#bing operations in earnest the first
of 'bhe week wi h a few having start-
ed several days prev ou ly. Mendy',
of this week a great many combin s
were in the fields and the fav:rable
weather the ast few c'$.ys has l=Ut
hi'most every available combine into
An announceme,t received from the
Great Lakes Training Station informs
Fin a I Cle a n up
3 ONLY Men's Sport Sets ...... $1.77
4 ONLY Men's Sport Sets ....... 98c
6 ONLY Men's Summer Ties ..... 37c
10 ONLY Boy's Sport Sets ....... 98c
11 PAIR Girl's Canvas Oxfords. pr 50c
6 PAIRS Ladies' Sandals ..... pr. 50c
5 PAIR Ladies' White Shoes .. pr $1.00
7 PAIR Men's Sport Oxfords pr $2.50
8 ONLY Ladies Sport Hats .. ca. 25c
15 ONLY Men's Summer Caps. ca. 15c
12 PAIR Boy's Pants 4-6 ..... pr. 50c i
Take a little longer
Last a lot Ion00,er!
inK" and serving this notice is on
ths date the sum of Fifty-Three
and 66-100 Dollars ($53.66).
In addition to the aDOre amount
you will be required to pay the
costs of the service of this hotice.
and unless you redeem vald land
from said sale befre the expira-
tion of the time for redemption
as above stated, a deed thereof
will issue to the holder of the
sale certificate as provided by-
WITNESS my hand nd offi-
cial seal this 18th day cf August,
A. D. 1942.
(Official Seal3
Auditor, Golden Valley ,
CountY, Nor:h Dakota.
August 20-27 Sept. 3 ,
There's no question about it,
you get an urge to step on the
accelerator when you feel Phillips
56 Poly Gas get down to work in
your motor!
But remember, it's vitally im-
portant that you do your part in
the great nation-wide campaign to
And one of the most important
items in caring for your car is to
spare the tires by holding speed
down !
Tire engineers have proved that
• .. in summer especially ..
driving at 60 miles an hour wi[i
wear out tires almost three times
as fast as driving at 40.
Driving at a reasonable speed
also saves gasoline and motor oil.
So, next trir you take
......... fill up with
rnnnps 66 Poly Gas. . but
remember to hold down wear on
your car and your tires by holding
down your speed to less than 40
miles per hour.
• Beach --
,. Beach, N. I>
. ,. Golva,