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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 20, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• • '•,. ..J '_  .T I r, .' ..... ' . k VICTORY DANCE AT THE WIBAUX AIR-DOME SUNDAY. AUGUST 23rd Music By The "Six Gentlemen of Jive" Supper For Navy Relief Gentlmen 40c - - - Ladies 25c A NEW CREAM MARKET IN BEACH I have made arrangements to operate a cream buying station in connection with my Upholstery Shop. Give this new cream market a trial. Your business will be handled RIGHT every time and you-will receive true value for every can for cream. Get together with your neighbors and take turns bringing in your cream thereby saving wear and tear on tires, cars, etc. GET YOUR CAN Sincerely, Curt Sill AND CHECK TODAY, • c ". THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEW . I Illl TRUTH about ADVERTISING By CHARLES B. ROTH i ii II Garner Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wassnmnn, Vic !Renstrom and Adolph Job.son as- sisted the George Wapsmann faro- MONTAIGNE'S 'GREAT REGISTER' F EVERYTHING else that gifted You save time and money because writer, Michael Equem de Mort- you compare what one seller offers taigne, wrote were to disappear, the with what another offers. You Judge world would still be indebted to him for his ideas on what he called his "great register." Montaigne was a Frenchman who lived and wrote 400 years ago. Now admired excessively by a few read- ers, he's almost forgotten by the world at large. But every time you read an advertisement in your news- paper, you do homage to his mem- ory. For it was his idea that people, who want to buy, need some place where they can get information about the products which others have to sell. In Montaigne's time ithe buyer had to look for the seller, the seller had to look for the buyer. Montaigne p r o- posed a register to be posted where all might see. Here the owners of things Charles Roth they wanted to sell iwould list them. Here also those lwho had needs would list those needs. Buyer and seller would thus be brought together. It was a good idea. • It still is a good idea. Every time, indeed, you look over the "ads" in your news- paper you express your approval of the idea. Sellers tell you what they have. which is the better value. Norman Angell, the English writ- er, wished that someone had adver- tised more in England when he set out to buy a horse scraper for some farming operations he had on hand. He scanned the advertisements. No scrapers. He wrote a few manu- facturers he knew. No scrapers. Later he came to America and in Chicago discovered, through an ad- vertisement, of a horse scraper for sale. He Looked into the matter and found it was made within 20 miles of his English farm. That you have a "great registei"' coming to you regularly, with the day's best opportunities to buy the things you need, is one of the beati- tudes of living m America and in these modern times. You do not, like Mr. Angell, lmve to fret and worry and search for what you need. You merely open the pages of the newspaper, and, 1o, there right in front of you, you find a world of useful things from all over the world. The more you rely upon the "great register" of modern life to help you in your buying, the more you get from every penny you spend. The best values, the best merchan- dise, the best prices--they comprise the contents of that useful, indispen- sable modern version of Montaigne's sound idea. @ Charles B. Roth. the paraohute troops down here." His address now is 316 T. C. Cp. I.awou LOCALS Field, Fort Banning, Georgia. Ten members of the Birthday Club called at the A. M. Doerner home Friday afternoon of last week to help Mrs. Doerner celebrate her birthday anniversary. A pleasant afternoon was sent socially after whloh the ladies wen to Doerner's Care for a birthday lunch. M's. Doerner was presented with many beatttiful gifts by the ladies. Johnson. representat.ive of the Globe-Czette Printing Co.. wa a Beach visitor Tuesday morning of this week. t The Social Hour Club has post- poned its meeting for th week. Members are asked to watch the News for further notice of meeting. The front of the Overstad Hard- ware store hs just received a coat of paint which brightens up the place of business. Mark Freese did bhe work. Harold FAde, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eide, axrlved here onday of this week from Los Angeles, CAVIL, to spend a vacation here with his parents. This is Harold's first ,trip home si-aoe 1934 and of couxse"he sees a great many changes in the old home town. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Leverson and family left last Sunday morning for a western trip .and vacation that will tke them into the State of Washington, expecting to be gone for several weeks. During their absence Junior Miller is helping at the Bell Telephone Commy. Mrs. J. R. Oifford, of the Trotters community, was in to'n Tuesday af- ternoon. She had Just recently re- ceived a picture of her son, Irvin. who is stationed witch Armed Forces in Ha.wail Irvin tsked to be remand- bared to his many friends in e Trotters community. - The News received a card yesberday Flax ............................ 2.10 Barley ........................... 34c SIMPLICITY OF Parris.Dunn Direct Drive 6-12-32-110 volts ily on Smdsy in moving their house- hold goods to Beach where they axe !mking their new here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmann and Dorothy at'tended the services held at the Alpha U. B. church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ziebartb, Mr. and Mrs A. J. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmanu and Dorothy were S .tmday dinner guests a the Andrew Kohler home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz and cfl- dren and A1 Die were Sunday din- her guests at .the Tony Barthel home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ziebarth were Snday evening callers at the home of Mrs. L. Stra, hon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann and Carolyn were Sunday nEght supper guests a the Ed Dietz home in Snt- inel Butte. Mrs. Ed. Kremers and children Volney Schmeling and Gloria Jane. Fred and Dorothy Wassmann, Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann nd Carolyn, Vic Renstrom. Mrs. Pete Vaning and Louie Drewniak were all Beach shop- pars Monday afternoon. Fred and Dorothy Wssmaxm and Mrs. Floyd Wassmann and Crolyn were callers at the J'tm Hardy ,home Monday afternoon. ?Cir. and Mrs. Geo. Stall were Sent- inel Butte visitors 'Monday. Mss Leona Barthel ks spending a few day at the Joe Dietz hoqne. Mxs. Ed. Kremers and children were callers t the F. Wassmann home Monday. Mrs. Joe Diez was a caller at the Tony Barthel hvrne Wednesday. .Mrs. Lloyd Wn 9ad Carolyn and Dorothy Wnnwere Thurso ay afternoon ,tsltors at the Joe Dietz and JOhn Sttfll -homes. Mr. and Mrs. John lkler and Jack and Ervln Shallock were dinner guests at he F. Wassmann home Wednesday. Georgie Wassmann is spendirg a few days at the Lloyd Wasamann home. Clifford, Qruing and Delaine Jendro Gordon Sclnel!ng, Kenneth Wosepka and Ted Stull were among those who attended the dance at Wibaux tur- day night. Mr. stud Mrs. Art Underwood and fam'ly Cliford Qruing, and Delaine Jendro, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Wass= mann and Carolyn, Walter and Dot- of, by Wa._mann, Gordon Sclwaeling and Kenneth Wosepka were Beach shoppers on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn tull, Mr. and Mrs. ,Aoyd Wassmnn and Carolyn, Delatne Jen- dro, Georgia Wasmnann and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassmazan, Walter and from Chaplain Floyd N. Richert, who MARKETS is now stationed at Fort Banning, Ga. i i Rev. Richert writes: "I'm w/h 316 ' Troop Carrier Group and really moo- Wheat .......................... 85c Dorothy enjoyed  fine picnic at the with Oats .......................... 28el Shelter House in Medora on Sunday. ing around. We are training Rye ............................. 32c A 00Size for Every Purse CONSTRUCTION IS OUR KEYNOTE NO Complicated Governor NO Brakes NO Gears NO Collector Ring Bushes NO Broken Tail Vanes NO Broken Propellers TURNTABLE ASSEMBLY Divide Mr. and Mrs. Matt Brown and i daughter, Violet, called on Mr. and [Mrs. Clifford Phillips, who live forth of Wibaux, one day last week. Geo. Wght is cutting grain for Ted Cook this week. I Marlyn and Jean Ccok visited with! their friends, Gladys and Lorraine Pendleton last Saturday. Geo. Carr and ,Vm. Rathbun went to Sentinel Butte Friday to ge about 240 yearling ewes that Dr. Bodenstad purchased near Big Timber, Mont., I recently, and had them shipped to Sentinel Butte. They stopped at {he John Berg farm for a few days, Dik Pendelton is .helping Emil Kunick with his combining operations at present. } Earl Roberts lef Monday for the 'Logging Camp" south of Medora [where he is drilling a well. I Friends of C. P. Reed, in this corn- I reunify, were grieved to learn of his I last Saturday, Our sympathy is extended to .the relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carlot Nellermoe of Igeach visited .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown last week Emil Kunick trucked lumber from Belle Fourche. S. Dak., recently to build a large granary. and Purpose All Units are equipped with the famous "Slip the Wind" principle nature's own governor LIFETIME COLLECTOR RING The all metal collector ring is full-floating, self adjusting and non-arcing. No brushes to re- place. Frost will not damage. LIFETIME TURNTABLE BEARING All steel, wheel type bearing. Not affected by dust, sand or sleet. Turns freely. Does not require oilinr. UNIVESAL TOWER ADAPTER Interchangeable on all 32 and 110-wflt Parris DInn chargers Vranna Auto Supply BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA FARM' EECTRIC, GRAND FORKS' N] D. DISTRIBUTORS .- . ]. - THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 194 PROFESSIONAL " DIRECTORY Dr. Chernausek Rogers & Gumper EYES TESTED-GLASSE S FrrI'ED Walton Block Dleklnson, North Dalts GUY LEE ATTOINEY Sentinel Butte, N. KEOHANE & KUHFELD ATTORNEYS AT LAW Phone 133 Beach. North Dakota DR. O. I. }!IECE Dentist BEACI-I. NORTH DAKOT DR. E. A. NYMAN cmroprsctor BEACH, NORTH I6KOTA New Location Dowrmtairs phone 61 W. R. SCHELL Attorney-At-Law Beach. N. D. Ott hMmd a tem Od JUST IN A Grand Supply Of STRUTWEAR HOSIERY • o BUTTE DRUG SENTINEL BUTTE, N. D. HOG MARKET I WILL BE AT THE Wibaux Stock Yards all Day Friday August 21st THE FOLLOWING PRICES GUARANTEED TO YOU FOR THIS FRIDAY 'Fop Butcher Hogs, 180 to 230 ................... $13.50 per cwt. Med. Heavy Hogs, 230 to 320 $13.30 per cwt. Ex. Heavy Butchers, 320 lbs. and up $13.25 per cwt. Sows, Good light, 250 to 350 $12.50 per cwt. Med. Heavy Sows. 350 to 450 ................... $12.40 per cwt. Extra Hea,-y Sows. 450 lbs. and up ........... $12.30 per cwt. Stags, good, 70 lbs. dock .............................. $12.75 per cwt. Boars, $6.00 per cwt., but would rather not buy them. ABOVE PRICES GUARANTEED, WILL PAY MORE IF MARKET JUSTIFIES JACK BALLARD HARVEST SEASON IS NOW IN FULL SWING! IT PAYS TO I]SE THE BEST FUEL AND LUBRICATION PRODUCTS MGR. JOIN OUR EVER - INCREASING NUMBER OF PATRONS FARMERS UNION OIL CO. "PATRONIZE YOURSELF" FLOYD HOUCK, ( t t F S{ V B |