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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 20, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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harvest sean. The entire town and surrounding commm-'t were deeply saddened to learn of the de@t of Chrlie Reed last Saturday afternoon. T, hough his Passing ,has been long ex:ected, it came as a great shock o all of us. The vax)uncy he leaves will be hard to fll for he was an outstanding citizen in our city. K0wn for his generosity md thougftlness, espe- cially to those who needed t most. Our deepest sympathy is extended to hs wife and children. Mrs. Harry Hseby has been kn ill heah  past week being unable to work par of the tme. It is hoped she will ,over soon. Mr. and Mrs. oy Nash and baby of St. Patl were gusts at the 'home of Mrs. Nash's sister, Mrs. John Honnold and family. They left for their home Thursday morning. Mrs. Paul Whnnan and ciildren THURSDAY. AUGUST20. 1942 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS S ° •  / " noon PAGE Tl]m , _ l [home W esd,y afternoon: • M?rme .t 'aeres  on I__nez of Bake. and a lother. John lu th any slme. 1,e been a _Wh ,   W ..r.'" and Mrs. Otto sonul= reiurn- Mrs. Saley lwo ana ooAlaren Mrs. Ing Carlson_.Sunday everig. aler of Oarlyle. The body was ex   _Ile of Bea  ..... of Bismarck are visiting at the' Mr. and Mrs. namer  and taken to Ulen for buriltl Arthtv an a - maln hav had to forego until  I I 2 tghheterhome iotf Yeese. r 2: l 7b e re-', , , . • ned Sunday from an extended 'trin per in ,.e Black Hills, Colorado parental Ed Lievens hcane, i u n were dirmer ffuestsIIn ? accompanied tte "body Sm:l:?en "w Yaae Ie pri Springs, and at Fot Warren Wvo he Cet-To-Gether Club was an- ' Mr. and Mrs. John|pa.hy is extended to the er ..... a[ .... le €o | i | • where they visited their son, Bob, tertained by Mrs. Niel Hogobocm at Sanders Sunday. i family"  .... I r_)nm thelr .own a'er supply,! w4"to s in he armed forces Thevlher 'home Fday afternoon. Brlde! Mrs. Scherle and son, Otto were  !-au. ne cornor ann ,the pleasure, report that Bob has finiShed'a two was played at four tables with the Sunda cllers t Ruby Kunick's. i I_rees ..url:ng he summer. Now I & •  month's mechanical course and was deuce prize eing won by Cla:a  Mrs. Jake Hess left Sunday morn-[ _ _| | Ies m .teacn are a common sight, i   transferred on Thursday €o a camp[ 'wagner and honor prize by Mrs. lng by bus for Seattle, Wn., wheret tarlylc lone of the places th@t the public!'  .J I Nebr Th ..,.h,¢:¢!Will Campin. Mrs Harry Sm'h and she will visit her son, ,Howard ............ ,;:. .......... jnas .been able to enjoy this smmner  , near Omaha .............. , ...... .  " . ,Mr ann M,- a x ....  -,,. ,-, ,,n. nuor ut veres e'elrzlna Park, located on hhwav " made the trip by car with Miexs Leona aura ner received ,guest prizes. ................  "ulStlndav uest, ,t h m, .... ,-, . ..... . --------, -, .,.. ,.-r- A spe,al prize h,ncrin M's JoY- ohildren arrived Sunday evening from',.^^ " - ................  ,_,wensm. u m northwest Beach. A few ir_.z/  _   o - . . . ,,v,, I who ,have sponsored picnics there .this Lamb, a sister of Mrs. 'Sch:ultz from :dan's thir,tt.eth wedding anniversary CaifornL for a visit wih relatiwos ''tL'':""%-"-b- Bisanarc. Mrs. Herb Carmichael and daugh- svmmer re the Birthday Club, corn- WaS presented ,to Mrs. Jordan by the here. l5th Ann|vemr Mildred Ber is employed at ter, Joan, have been visit4ng iVIrs, posed of seven pioneer ladies; Ray i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner were, t, .......... - [.. (he Rudolph Kunick farm during E:e hostess A mos delicious lunoh was Crmichael's mother, Mrs. Schreder ,Ha'thaveay and fiends, who have THE SHOW WINDOW OF AGRIo afternoon.Served and all enjoyed a pleasant Wosepkadnner guestShome.Sunday at the T. A. of Ollie 'this past week. 'Ibeen, to the Park .wiee', Miss Carriel CULTURAL ACHIEVEMENT IN _ lWit.zig; Frank Spiegelberg; he John EASTERN MONTANA AND Miss Jeanne Martin returned Thur- Mrs. T0nmy Owens and daI@.hte, Ralsler farewell party whioh was: " #I • * Judy, Jean Harte and Henrietta. given him w  day evening from her vacation trip le Y I Thelan agenc and , i WESTERN NORTH DAKOTA, spent at Detroit Lakes. She repo:ts II I Bagfeld were Beach callers Saturda. [ :nen he resigned frown his' ............. • Word bs been received from Con ......... Y went to Montana i " a pleasant vacatn having spent: ,ume ttos aria Aaenne evva tad Storkel d -P'o-" -,* ..... i t ,ae another elevator position sndi ZEIGER UNITED SHOWS some t2rne in Canada also. spertt a week at 8.entlnel Butte visi-Ihav e b^_n ',_ ,_ u,. _w[the Honemakers Club Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pst of Me- i, t'u, former's s ster Mrs Ton * w ,n m rnmpme mmnas,  •  ON THE MIDWAY dora were visitors at the home of Ferel'l  nd fmil- ' ...... 'Ithe past few years.  Miss Viola Mogel, daughter of Mr I ' "" and Mrs. Art M el "i their brother Elmer Rst and faro- Mr and Mrs Hmrv Linne and -- I Miss Grace Hammond was a dinner[ .... og , who has taught l THOROUGHBRED RACF. .... , - w-, a meaora and in t  tly Sturday evening, of M.nneapols pleasan y rised guest at he Martin home Sunday. /o f .......... he rural sehools l "HOLLYWOOD Vic Johnson had the misfortune of ..... I v,uen valley county has resi e2 Mr.  Mrs. Amble Sler Tuv.s'ay .,r. ann Mrs. -tommy uwens were|h r ,. .......... :  I FANTASY REVUE., getting a severe cut on his hand by cz)vning ,to sp.end the day ' Baker visitor aturday evening. [in tahe r -- ...... raze a .poslMon while loading some ma0hnery last m rs nn,e . Mr ,:ter's hur .r, who as .n at-lfou: :.7:°7u;':f 7J,; ll, /2- BIG CIRCUS AOrS. n week which turned into blood poison- cousin, po . tending Air Corp a Miles CRy was Mr md Mrs Harold S .... ing. He has been consulting the Miss Doro,hy S:.epherd returned to home over lhe week end visiting his !d " " tecer san PATRIOTIC FIREWORKS doctor at regular intervals and spent' . lr" av - vlslt, f, •  her .me I far ........ : parents, Mr. and Mrs d E Mrtn l ararg.y acc.m by Bennie O.s ..__ one nght in the hospital receiving ^. .... Isel days with Mrs. nd,, Mr, ad Mrs. Mlvm H re .dlfr:.",xr?:°n.,V  by car treatment. Hs arm seems 6o be[Fera'y at Oabln Creek. Mas. le:ry dm=hr J, ,,  ..... ., .. I _-, ,m, anz., mr a visi here  Sf._WAR BOND GIVEN AW& getingMrs. Mazwartteal°ng quite BoisenWell at entertaInedPre3et" landfor PhyliSvisR. accompanied ,her to Ollie feld--attnded ......... the' ............... show tn Baker Sun-S" ,t wt2Mr relattVeSand mrs" 'andlaul_ friends.Thoemke an ! EACH AFTERNOONEvENING AND a ay afterrmon , • Mrs. Standley Bobmy wast kea to !family and Miss Thelma Thoemke ax d' 3 Days for t,he Beach hospXal Monday. i rlved ere la turday from Svt, r and 3 ts eek Mr. and :Mrs. Chas. Fulton and H n'' o spend a vacation a tae -- ent daug]ter, Owenle,. and V/r. d M-s ie. "InOerake farm and wi 1 Mrs. $20,000 EDUCATIONAL - " "I oem:e's parents in th e,n- Frank Fulton and chi.dren were un-! . ' e Ollle :Ith dy guests t the Dud ey Fualxn =ommtlzY: 'Mls Thermal "lloemke, SIDNEY, MONTANA o o. SEPTEMBER 3.4.$ to The Crll ......  ............. I Penney stare tn Everett Wn, rvurn ed to hear of the death of Mr Saheri,e:I to her home o get ready for and " • the mxnng school year. ARMY SETS ONLY ENRICHED BREAD ! the W. B. A.'s at the Butte I-otel A farewell party ws Tuesday Thursday afternoon. A dainty lnoh evening t the U. B. Ch rch was enjoyed at the close of the after, B l'r who leaves next week for the Army. The evening was spent wih vlsRing and a nice lunch en- Joyed. 'Mr. Blair was presented With a gift of silver and the best wkshes of the community were extended to him. THAT'S THE 00BREAD MY FAMILY GETS! The men in ,,ur fighting forces need and get the best. That's the way it should be with your family. Serve them Gordon's enriched bread, so full of extra vitamins essential to health and Victory. Pack it in your workman's lunch pail.., tuck it into Mary's lunch... serve it at every meal and midday snacks. Help keep America on the road to health and Victory. GORDON'S BAKERY BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA FARMERS, ATTENTION BUY IT AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY SOLVE YOUB LUBRICATION PROBLEMS By Using Mobiloil-- Mobilgrease-- Mobilgas "IT PAYS TO USE THE BEST Drop in and see me before starting harvest Mrs. Herbert Carmichael of Oltle, who ass:d aa7 Sa'tu:da',. GGER & BETl THAN ]gV] dm.ghter, Joan, of Carlyle, visited His body was hipped to his old home wt 'he former's mother, Mrs. Ed. in Ulen, Minnesota. H dattghtr, Sohraeder, Srom Wed'neday untillInez, ,nd sn, Arthur, acompx:ied TO CONSERVE METAL CAPS Sunday. the body. Mr. aqd .l's. Waiters and el'dldren Mrs. Walter Allen an Mrs. Hem-tan ORIIl00lm00-- of Plevena brought a load of their Bergfeld and daughters were Be oh --O  / household furnite to Ollie Wednes- callers Monday, day. Mr. Walters will be the Prin- .Mrs. J. E. 'Mar'n :and Mrs. Flsk cipal ,here for he conning sohoM were Baker call:as St.urd, evening. term. Miss Emogene end Glen l=utzn, Mr. and Irs. Hubert Rusad were daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank lul. / Beroh callers Thursday morng, ton, of Cedin, Il., rrived Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wfllard Malcolm are evening to v:sit Mr. and M0s. Chas. the proud pexerts of a baby girl and Tom l|ton. ORALJ00HI born Friday, Axst 14 h, at the Mils L.R. Moline of aker w:s a Cr- Ctty hospt. She tas been --ed yle caller Friday. 111h.1 BEER Marleen and weighs tx pounds, two Jean I-larte and Henrieta Brgteld e I'w'mo0&eo, otmces, were dinner guests e/  home of indmodmedp Murrfl Rost and George l'rel Jr., Mrs. Tommy Owens, Frkt.y.  hove beam  .... w{ho are employed at Sentinel Dutte, V/.r. Swanbro s in B' Sun-  when yov ddnk svent the week end t Ollie vislting[daF to v wlfe Who is a tlent BOE.O  Tey-- relives, at the Beach hospital. Mrrt Bckley ad Mrs. Harold[ Grace Hammond was a dinner guest THE NEW Leery were in town Friday evening ere cal:ers a't the heine (f Ow an e  to va/1 t,he Doctor for Mrs. B¢ley, { lulto Wednec'ay ftersoon. who is fll Wit flu. Grace Mammcd was. dinner gues,t VICTORY Mr. and Mrs. June Billingt(m spent Sunday 'at the J. E. M.a¢in .ome. Sunday at Ekalak. MarJorie D=al'ng was a (rlyle aL'd Mr. and Mrs. Ross Camerm and Ollie visitor Sundy. qUART children were Baker visitors Friday. Miss PhylRs Storkl left Tuesday Claud Bwker and Cleo lefd; Wednes- for Taocana, Wn., whre she .has em- da for Aberdeen, S. Dak., on busi- plcymen,. H-r s:.vte:, Mrs. Derlne hess an ,to vtsi't retives nd old and sons accompanied hr to their friends 'there and at Ashton. They home. returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. Ollie Lrsen arrived Monday from .Iowa to look ater her farm- LOCALS '°'" ing interests here. She is staying at the C F. Shepherd home. Bertra ......... • i ,ut lesm son OI vr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Lawrence Morrison Barne T -"  .... " " " • " Y • teIK lef 'or Billlngs and Geo. Ferrel 'ere Sunday guest,Mont., Monday for a short trip. of Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Stromme. I ire, of unknown origin, destroyed Miss Viola Cox of Omaha, .Nebr., five acres of wheat on €he Thomas arrived Sundy by Stain for a vlsit E. Hudson farm. wes of Beach, jIs wiVh er mother, Mrs. Katie Cox. over the Montana Hne. Portuntely Mr. and lrs, Geo. Cox and sorts the damage was l:bTdted ¢o this small JACOB $CHMIDT BREWING CO. * • , . ST. PAUL, MINIM. brought her down from Beach. area. Mrs. Belle Taley and Mrs. Narum wet to Glendive Sa/curday. Helena Tatley returned home wh thtrn. She been vistttng there with Leona Bxson. Mr. and Mrs Non t  Mr. h longer and Mrs. Crlst Sherva and Ventta k how unuc motored to ,inel B.t. sunda, to |uckyn. Thin ,, vim* *he Tommy Ferrels. Mrs. Ferrel Ar n't we |ast n . and davgahter cable back  (len a E I[I ti for a vsit ou res can Mr. and Mrs. E. N. anford were Sund visttors t She Arvhie Sleter home. Mr. and f_rs. lrsnk Gonsoriosld and sorts were OIUe caLters Wednes- day. h 1  Today tholtsands of patriotic Ame. Anton C. ather, 65, passed away  icans are saving their tires through a Saturday morax,0g at ,the Baler ms- pltal ter a long illness. He .,ce raewwar.timemethodofctoss.switda. to this terl, tory from Ulen, Mnn., hag. This method is built around Standard Oil Dealers' Tire Mileage in 1907, and homesteaded a mile east 0///s aramunitio :  of OLlle, wch ares been his home Gauge, a measuring instrument ftar since. He is survived by his wife, U,e it wi¢ly estimating the mileage left in yo ree sons, Melvin of Laurel, Arthur tires. With this estimate your dealtt emd Carl, and two dauglters, Mrs. can place each tire where it will give the most mileage. Have him do this YOlI| STAN|A|D OIL HAL|! IS every 2500-5000 miles--older tires I should be switched every 2500 miles to get maximum mileage from the set. It will help you get the full mHcge built into your tires.... Buy United States War Savings Bonds and Stamps at CONSE|VAHON HEADQUAIffE|S to help guarantee victory. STANDARD OIL COMPANy (INDIANA) CARL R. DAVIS, Agent To make your car last long, mn wdl, team up with these two great standbys ... STANDARD RED CROWN GASOLINE.. the choice of midwest rno#orlsls byamargln of 2to 1" over any other Iwand. Hanel Service Station AN'TON A. HANEL, Prop. STANDARD'S ISOmVls MOTOR OIL • • high In protoctive powsrs, low in earben formation, fomous for glvin9 long eglglne IPe. Standard Bulk DAVID DIETz, nt