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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 20, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWO HI I I II I THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, lfi Ill I I IIIIllll Ill I I I I III I I DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT I • II AT SAM'S NEW ARCADE Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHET GRIFFIN AND GLENDIVE, MONTANA Veterans of Foreign Wars HIS DIXIE LANDERS ROLLER SKATING EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT I I I I III I llli II q THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS &  publed evory Thursday t Beach, North DoXot. En$ered as  hatter  m PostIce t Beac, Nurh Dakota, October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1. W. R. BRATTON, Editor-Publisher Advertising rtes furnished upon request. n price $2.00 in N. Dak., Minn., Mon., and S. Dak, Elsewhere $2,50 LOCALS M Oladys J. Goddaxd, of Beach, was a oent vlsltor t Moody Bible Instil, Cioago. More tlmn 50 studeate from e L"¢ute are con- ducting evangelistdc, young people's and dldrens meetings n 0hutches and camps ,hroughout the country mont. Mm Myre O!so has esiged from her 1oetion U L,ructor at te Jaetown Histf Soh0ol, were she has been ho UnReal Sta/es history ten.he er for the past five years, to take a pa tth te Mino Sohool.  Olson is  dugex c Mr. Am Ols, pioneer of fihAs Mr. and Mrs. Jess CA:rk left by btts last y mornlr for Cuer d',ene, Idaho, re she will spend & two weeks' v0ttlon w:¢h  hub- band md daughter, IvY, both smg ployed on defense wok hero. BruSh and To Gdder - sleeve of Fargo, were Beach vlors over e wve vnd and mmacted btue at tre county gent's office Monday monag, Bot men are con- ne0ted vth  Sce Extension o- fle. Mr. and brs, George Oas and dthte, DollY, ave enjoying an OldsmebiSe sedan wl-k  pur- ced  Bfllin last week. Haa'01d Smith urned fxcm lh Olemdlve spitl  aurday whre be had spent several das Lakl m| treatment and &'so ccnlee beek-up. H $ feelL m':Ch bo er and va Dsck on e job Mmday NOTICi AND CITATION HEAR- ING FINAL A6TOUNT AND PETITION /OR DIS- TRIBUTION State of North Dakota. County of Golden Valley, In County Court, Before Hon, A. E. stien, Judge IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF WILLIAM J. PEARCE, DECEASED. Mary Pearce Niemann, as Ad- ministratrlx, Petitioner. vs. Charles C. Pearce, Jane Pearce Stark, L e w I s Drewntak, as Adminis- trator of the Estate of lVartha Cook Pearce. De- ceased, George R. Hill, Jr., as surviviug heir of ,.Kthryn Penrce Hill, De- ceased, RESPONDENTS. THE STATE OF NORTH DAK(TPA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RES- PONDENTS: You, and each of you, are here- by notified that the fintl ac- count of the Administratrlx of the Estate of William J. Peawce, late of the Town of Dodgevllle, in the County of Iowa, and State of Wisconsin, Deceased, has been rendered to this Court, therein showing that the estate of said deceased is ready for final set- tlement and distribution, and pe- titioning that her account be al- lowed, the residue of said estate distrLbuted to the persons there- unto entitled, her a@m|nistratlon closed and that she be discharg- ed; that Tuesday the 8th day of September A. D. 1942 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court in the Court House In the City of Beach, County of Gold,en Valley and State of North Dakota, has been duly appointed by this Court for the settlement thereof, at which time and place any persons interested in said es- tate may appea, r and file ,his ex- ceptions, in writing, to said ac- count and petition and contest the seine. And you. the above named Res- pondents, and each of you, are hereby cited and required then and there to ,be and appear before this Court and show cause, if any you have, why said eccount shall not be allowed, the residue of said estate distributed, the administration of said estate closed and that said Mary Pearce Nlemenn, Admlnistratrix, be dis- chtrged, Let service be made of this Ci- tation as required by law. Dated this 18th day of August A. D. 1942. By The Court. A. E. KASTIEN, Judge of the County Courl. (Seal of County Court) KEOHANE & 14:UHFELD, Attorneys for Administratrix, Beach, North Dakota. August 20-27 SALE OF LAND NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN, That under authority of an Order ef Sale granted by the Honor- able A. E. Kastien, Judge of the County Court nf the County of Golden Valley, in the Stsute of North Dakota, dated the 17th day of August A. D. 1942, the under- signed, the Guardian of the Estate of James Birmingham, Incompe- tent, of the City of Independence iu the County of Buchanan and State of Iowa, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by the Judge of said County Court, 'the folh)wing described real es- tate to-wit: An undivided one-f i f t h 11-5) interest in and to Lots Seven (T) and E:ght (S), Block Six (3) of Hunt- er's l'ifth Addition to the Cify of Beach, Golden Val- ley County, North Da- kota. The sale will be made on or after the 8th day of September A. D. 1942. All bids must be in writing and may be left at the of- fice of Keohane & Kuhfeld, at Bech, North Dakota or filed with the Judge of said County Court. Dated August 17, 1942. FRANCIS E. BIEVER, Guardian of the Estate of James Birmingham, In- competent. JOHN KEOHANE, Attorney for Guardian, Beach, North Dakota. August 20-27 NOTICE TO CRiDITORS IN THE MATER OF "PHE ES- TATE OF PETER RUTZ, DECEAS- ED. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Herbert P. L,ehnen, Administrator of the Estate of Peter Ruts late of the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Da- kota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six nvonths after the first publication of this notice, to said Administrator at the office of John Keohane in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley County, or to the Judge of the County Court of Golden Valley County, at his office in the Court House in the City of Beach. Oold- en Valley County, North Dakota. You are `hereby further notified that Hon. A. E. Kastien, Judge of the County Court within and for the Couty of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota, has I00ARM [RS, ATT[NTiON fxed the 24th day of February A. l). 1943, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court Rooms, in the Court House i n t h e C i t y of Beach in said County and State, as the time and place for hearing and adjusting all claims against the estate of the said Peter Rutz Deceased. which have been duly and regularly presented as hereinbefore provided. Dated August llth A. D. 1942. HRBERT P. LEHNEN, Adminhqtrator. First publication on the 13th day of August A. D. 1942. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney For Administrator, Beach, North Dakota. August 13-20-27 (TPATION HEARING PETITION TO ESTABLISH THE RIGHT OF HEIRSHIP TO RE'AL PROPERTY State of North Dakota, (5ounty of Golden Valley, In Count). Court, Before Hon. A. E. }Castien. Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ANNA NO]LKE, DE- CEASED. Atgusta E. Noelke Barber, Petitioner. vs. All other person un- known claiming any estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the property described in the petition or against the es- tate of the said deceas- ed. Respondents. THE STATE OF NORTH DA- EOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED R-SPONDENT: You, and each of you, are here- by notified that Augusta E. Noelke Barber. of Lawton, Oklahoana, has filed in the County Court of the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, her duly verified petition praying for a de- cree ascertaining and establish- ing the right of succession to the real ostate within Golden Valley County, North Dakota, of which Anna Noelke, late of the City of L Crosse, County of La- Crosse and State of Wisconsin, died seized, which said real estate is descrtbed as follows: An undivided one-fourth (4) interest in and to the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Station Twenty (0) in Township One Hundred Thirty-eight (138) North of Range One Hundred Four (104) West of the Fifth Print:pal Meridian in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. and that Tuesday, the Ist daT of September A. D. 1942 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court, at the Court House in the City of Beach, Gold- en Valley County, North Dakota, has been set by this Court as the time and place of hearing said. petition, at which tixne and place any person Interested may appear and object to the grant- ink of said petition. And you, and each of you, are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear before this Court and show cause, if any there be, why this petition should not be granted. Let service be made of this CI- tation as required by law. Dated this llth day of August A. D. 1942. BY THE COURT, A. E. KASTIEN, Judge of the County Court. (Seal of Court) JOHN KEOHANE, Attorney For Pctttl()ner. Beach, North Dakota. (105) %Vest, of the Fifth Proic'pni Meridian in Gold- en Valley County, North Dakota. and that Tuesday, the 1st day of September A. D. 1942 at the hour of ten o'clock ni the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court, at the Court House in the City of Beach, Golden Valley County, North Dakota, has been set by this Court as the time and place of hearing said pe- tition, at which time and place any person Interested may appear and object to the granting of said Petition. And you, and each of YOu, are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear be- fore this Court and" show cause, if an)" there be, why this petition should not be granted. Let service be made of thLs Ci- tation as required by law. Dated this llth day of August A. D. 1942. BY THE COURT, A. E. KASTIEN, Judge of the County Court. (Seal of County Court) JOHN KEOHANE Attorney For Petitioner. Beach, North Dakota. August 13-0 N'OTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF Ottilie Keppler, De- ceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, John Keohane, Ad- ministrator with Will A.nnexed TItT ed ape spm where wo  report mont tranf, near made Iab, Bts Miss of the Last Will and Estate the 1 Ottilie Keppler late of the C of Watertown in the County lrv Jefferson and State of Wiscons The deceased, to the creditors of, a all persons having claims agai*  said deceased, to exhibit th loam with the necessary vouchers, wit last S in six months after the first licatlon of this notice, to -s lYain| J o h n Keohane, Adminlstr& csne aforesaid at his office in the Ci of Beach in said Golden Vail Tle V County, or to the Judge of t to ] County Court of Golden Vll County, at his office in the ot (en House in the City of Beach, Go] gener en Valley County, North Dako You are hereby further notlfl cly that Hon. A. E. Kastten, Judge Our the County Court within and t to ,, the County of Golden Valley, a State of North Dakota, has fl IS. the 25th day of February A. hea%.h 1943, at the hour of 10 o'cl0 in the forenoon of said day, to WO the Court Rooms, in the Col hoped House in the City of Beach Mr. said County and State, as t time and place for hearing a O St. adjusting all claims against t of [r estate of the said Ottllie Keppl Deceased, which ,have been d HOBnO] and regularly presented as here their 1 before provided. Mrs. Dated August 10, A. D. 1942. I JOHN KEOHANE, _ Administrator with the / Annexed of the Estate j Ottilie Keppler, I ceased, j First publication on the 1 day of August A. D. 1942. August ]:3-20-27 NATIONAL DEFENSE Requires Hundreds of Stenographers Civil Sorvtee positions pay from $',260. to $1440 & yml/' tO start. There are €ounties pp. portunitles now for both men and girls who are ready to as. cept them. GET COMPLETE DETAILS NOW. ASK FOR BULLETN-H FALL TERM STARTS SEPT. 8 August 13-20 I00TEnSTATE B00s00EsS F00aoo. N.D. 66' P01y Gasoline County ooo,0o...., DR. KILl)ARES VICTORY" in County Court Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p.m. .nl Phillips " ' Before Hon. A. E. Kastien, Judge. 1N THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF KATHRYN PEARCE, HILL D EEASED.  9 Charles C. Pearce, Petitioner. MADE BY THE NEW PATENTED POLERMNIZATION METHO. George R. HillS'Jr.. and ;I  all other persons tluknown WHICH GIVES YOU THESE EXTRA QUALITIES WHICH YOU DO claiming any estate or in- CAST: Lionel Barrymore, Lew Ayres, terest in nr llen or en- l NOT GET IN ORDINARY GASOLINE: cumbranCe upon the prop- Avers, Jean Rogers. A Clean, fine erty described in the pc- EXTRA HIGH• •OCTANE - GREATER ECONOMY DURING HOT tatetiti°nof°rsaidagainStdeceased,the es- WEATHER AND HARD PULL - CONTROLLED VOLATILITY. THE STATE OF NORTHRep°ndents'DA- KOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED '  ' RESPONDENTS: You, and each of you, are here- Phillips g66" Motor 0il by notified that Charles C. Pearce, of the City of New York, State of New York, has filed i,n the County Court of the County of Golden Valley and State of North A HIGHLY REFINED PURE PARAFIN BASE OIL 65c per Gallon Tr0partic Motor Oil EXCELLENT FOR TRACTOR USE Unique Motor Oil A GOOD LOW PRICED OIL 45c per gallon "66" LUBRICANTS 55c per gallon A COMPLETE LINE OF Try Our New Pressure Gun Grease GRAPHITE or REGULAR FOR HARVEST -- MADE ESPECIALLY FOR HOT WEATHER CONDITIONS "Be Wise " " - neacomze OUR PRICES ON OIL & GREASES ARE THE SAME AS LAST FALL BEACON OIL CO. Free Delivery In Golden Valley And Wibaux Counties GOLVA, N. D. HOMER MADISON BEACH, N. D. HOWARD HARDY 1 Dakota, his duly verified petition 1 MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. succession to the real estate praying for a decree asertatn- lag and establishing the right of wi,thin Golden Valley County, North Dakota, of which Kathryn Pearce Hill, late of La Grange, Cook County, Illinois, died seized, which said real estate is describ- ed as follows: An undivided one-s'xfh 11-6) interest and owner- ship in and tot All of Section One (1), Southeast Quarter (SEVt) of Section Three 3), South Half tSV) of Sect'on Sev- en (7), All of Section Nine t9), Northeast Q u a r t e r (NE4) of Section Tea (I0), All of Section Eleven (11). except 2 acres deeded to School, West H a ! f of Northeast Quarter (W- N El/4, ) North.'eat Quarter of Southeast Quarter (NW- 4SEI/4), Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter tNE- t/dS%VV4 a n d Northwest Quarter (NWVt) of Section Twelve 112) and :li of Seetlou Th:rteen (13), all in Township One Hundred Thirty-seven (137) North, of Range One Hundred Four 1104) V, rest, of the Fifth Principal Merld'an In Golden Valley C o u n i y, North Dakota. All of Section SIx (6), sad All of Section Eighteen (IS). exccDt Lot Two (2), nil la Towush'p One Hun- dred Thirty-seven (137) North, of Range One Hun- tired Three (103) Weal, of the Fifth Principal Meri- dian in Golden Valley County, North Dakota, Southeast Quarter (SE- ) Ot Section ]/evem (11), Northeast Quarter (SilVa) of SeCtion ourteen (14) and the West Half (WYa) Of a/ INteet (I), all in TOwnh:p One Hundred Tk|rfomlne t159) Nozth. of Rgn Oue Hundred IJve "GONE WITH THE WIND" CAST: Clark Gable, Vivien Leith, Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Hattie Daniels, Thomas Mitchell. Here is opportunity to see this much picture, at popular prices. Mat. and Students 40c; Children 20c. Evenin Adults and Students 50c; Children This is the full length picture. 200 minute with no changes. Wednesday. Thursday "SHANGHAI GESTURE" CAST: Gene Tierney, Walter Huston, Munson, Victor Mature, Phylis One of the Best of the Month when leased. - "March of Time.