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August 18, 1932 Golden Valley News | |
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August 18, 1932 |
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, , L !,,, , , ,,, , ! ! ,,
on ,55W DBT
-- ......... ' Al Smith's Youngest Son and Bride
(Regina Hoverson)
l~ay Shepherd took Fred Brown to
Spearfish, S. Dak., where Mr. Brown
his son for a trip through to
~a2ifornia by car.
The Legion and Auxiliary of Bak-
held meetings Tuesday evening
. at the local hall and were entertain-
to lunch by the local members.
25 Baker members attended
~lld the evening was enjoyed by all.
Miss Mary K Paulson and Mrs.
Alvin Hoverson spent three days last I
,Week visiting at the Linen Bros.
ranch west of Wibaux.
~Lr. and Mrs. P. E. Bryson and
motored to Glendive Wednes-i
..................................... Irene Lorenz, Miss Margaret Fischer | home Tuesday evening.
and Harold Haukaas returned from I Miss Alvera Funk and Bu~ Hai~
CARLYLE GOLVA Dickinson where they have been at-]attended the show in BeachUThm~s~
Lorena Hurd, Reporter ~ending summer SChOOl• ] day evening.
.............. . ....................... . Phillip Page combined for Gee. [ Neff Kane, Charlle Doubles and
The Seven Snappy Sewers club .~ ~ . ~ ................. rl~nqmond last w ee~._~__ . [ Elmer Abraham are tarring the
.,~t w,,~a~:, ~f~.-~:~,.. ~ the home ~uampn l.~renz caa~t:u ~b bne ivir• an(1 lyl2S• iJeo TODIa~ were in|schooI ho,~,~ ~-n,~f ~hi~ ~iv
.................. ~..~,^.. homes of Bert Palmer and ete Beach Plaiting Sunday evemng | ........ i ...... ~,
W~mon Monday. E1 Abra w W g pt2tye~l wl~n
All members were present and. the ~ ~ ~,,, ...... ~. ~.. ^ ~...~ .... mar horn as a ibaux~ Aloha Stmdav on the local dia~nond
,~,~ ~,~,v~ ~, ~.~.~,~ ~,~,- ,,,~,~ ~ur~ ~,~ ~i ~va~,, w~o ~ ,2~.~,,,v~ visitor Sunday His sister Mrs Si~ .'- ~ - ~ -
s ................ ~ ..... • ......... caller in Golva last week _ . ..,'. .... , . • ~.! winch turned out to be a ae~es$ ~o~.
for achievement day. Lillian Pratt • Paterson anct n¢¢le son recurneaif,.,~]~ the score bather 7 ¢~$
served a nice lunch. Mrs. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wschid~ at- with him for a short visit wit~ he r~' r ' : 1 :: ~ ":'-"-'
Mrs C R. Stewart and Mr. Ostby of tended the Montana-Dakota Power I father and brothers• -~ 't a ee~n~ e~er ~rom. ~ i~r-
.... :. ' ........... ;co picnic north of Glendive Sun ! ......... ~=S let a t~age r~etson it s~a~ sr~e mug
Brothers, two sons, Ed and Paul and i M~ss Florence Schulte was on the [Fischer home Sun~