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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 17, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 17, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Filed War State y Work Monday, July 31, Mr. Martin Agen, t for the Petitioner's of the Post War High- Improvement Association of Dakota, filed with Thomas Eecretary of State, petitions, that the Secretary of State on the November ballot a which will provide $12,- of Highway Anticipation cates to be issued by the Department. Aas stated that the need of improvement in North Dako- very great, and that his proposes to have this used in. ccmnection with Aid monies and that a to- ram of $35,00,000.00 can be commenting upon the mea- Mr. Aas stated that there is tax or any increased of any kind; that the income the present one cent gasoline now paid is more than suffi- to retire the en¢ire issue, to- with interest, in a matter of 13 years. is no limitation as to the amount, but a maximum of $12,360,000.00 to be sold bid ,base not less than par, with intel=est not to exceed 3 is called for. Aas pointed out that this will provide monies to be with Federal Aid monies in of North Dakota and that a payroll of v9,000,000.00 will be available for returnirLg Set- and War Workers, which will be a great aid in the litation of Servicemen back civil life. RATES FOR SET of public hearings held at nine key points in the prevailing wage and em- practice for harvest labor by the NDAC Extension indicate the following rates types of farm work on .hour basis: General farm 40 cents; haying, 50 cents; 60 to 65 cents; threshing, cents; potato loading, one and potato picking, 8 cents in wage rates for and threshing is due to the Devils Lake, Bottin- Minot and Willistor~ areas offers are 5 to 10 cents an higher in keeping with 1943 binders and pickers, farm garden tractors, hay balers, loaders, manure spreaders and rakes are under OPA even when sold second at auctions. "Tie-in" sales, as when the buyer bids to the that he will also get a a rooster, with the under- at ceiling prices, are for- also. FOR ROT WEATHER GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS JAPAN should be stripped of the Kurile islands, ceded to her by Russia in 1875; the Bonins, colonized by the Japs and an- nexed in 1876; and the Ryukyu islands, stolen from an enfeebled China by the Japanese in 1879 FORMOSA, seized from China in 1895, and the Pescadores islands, taken by the Japs during the same year, will probably be returned to China after the war. Volcano and Marcus isles may become Allied naval-air bases. AFTER Japan's victory in 1904- 05 war with Russia, the Japs got Manchuria's Kwantung prov- ince and the'Karafuto half of Sakhalin island. Kwantung will be claimed by China and Rus- sia will want Karafuto back. JAPAN slyly converted Korea from a protectorate in 1905 to a colony in 1910. In 1914, the Japs seized Tsing-tao, Germaa. leased Chinese port. The latter will return to China. Korea is to become free and independent:. • ":' IN ? CH F .f _. _ : ,. ;i:/. ~,3.PAN reaped a greedy reward for her participation KJinWorldW~ltlonthesideoftheAIlies. ln1920,~~|Nthe1930's'Japanbeganherbig'timeaggressiOns I with the invasion of Manchuria in 1931, occupation and Associated Nations will beI may get a second mark-dowr~ of 10 Monetary Parley Boosts Fund; asked to invest in the contem-l per cen.t if the fund does not veto tary fund designed to stabilize~mit a still further reduction. No Comes,toAgreement on Quotas plated $8,800,000,000 postwar mone-J it in 72 hours. The fund may per- currencies and promote trade: i reduction ,,may be made, however, p.rti*l re~e~~;~L~ ~qr ~" n.. [ o* ~h .... • .... ~m~rked that • (In million dollars) i except to rectify fundamental dis- NORTH DAKOTA'S GREATEST T ADS B'UYING THEY GET RESULTS SELLING RATES: 8c per word---no ad less than $1.00 6c word each ad~tionol issue 8e~d er Brine Your Want Ads to the l~bUehev of this Pap~..r Bend Dlrvet te NORTH DAKOTA NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Bl~murek, North Dakota BUSIIE~;SS OPPORTUNITIES A 14 family apartment building, brick structure, all strictly mod- ern, in first class condition, in one of the good county seats in N. D. Specific data on the property, in- come, exepnse taxes, irmurance, and everything pertaining to same may be had ,by writing to box 1413 Fargo, N.D. 49-52 WANTED TO BUY WE BUY SEED--Tell us what and lmw much you have, and mail us samples. We are interested., in Bromo grass, crest wheat grass, alfalfa seed, western wheat grass, sweet clover seed, mustard seed. Write to Occident Elevator, Box 986, Minot, N.D. 49-52 WANTED: Small thresher, at once, price and description in first let- ter. Box 114, Bismarck, N.D. 48 WANTED--John Deere power lift slxock sweep. Warren Walsh Agate, N.D. 48-50 FOR SALE ~ IDAHO CEDAR post maker wants sale carload 1 ots. Write Hugh Chisholm, Boaners Ferry Idaho4.9.2 ALLIS Chalmer tractor, model U on rubber. Can be seen at Dor' man Brothers Farm, Menoker~ N. D. Adv. 49 1000 WATT Sioux City Wind. charger, 65 ft. tower. Several sets of batteries. Deice-Light planta. Pumps, motors and. radios. Charles I. Thornton, Chippewa Falls, Wis, 47-49 PRE-WAR NEW tubes, 2 sizes, 450x21 475x19 send certificate. Used tubes, all sizes Passenger truck tractor and implement; 150 up. No certificate needed, new and grade III tires. Write for price, state size wanted, sent certificate. 600x16 grade III, 445 up, 4 ply cord reliner, $2.25 each. Gust John- son, Tire Co., 724 North 3rd St. Minneapolis, Minn. 43-46 tf. TRADE SCHOOL TRAINED AUTO and Diesel Me- chanics, Welders, Top and Body men in great demand. )A short practical course will prepare you for a good job. Free catalog. HAN- SON TRADE SCHOOL, Box 1780- X, Fargo, N. Dak. 48-52 FARM EQUIP~ FOR SALE MAGNETOS for Popular makes of tractors. Immediate delivery F.M.R. Electric Service, 214 Main, Bismarck, N.D. 49-50 II/ 1,, HELP WANglE D DUPLEX PRESSMAN wanted~As- sist with makeup. 4O-hour week or more. $1.00 hour. Begin immed- iately. Also want operator, same wages. Daily Journal. Devils Lake N.D. WANTED TWO men to work in dairy plant in Bismarck 1217 1217 Main Yegan Dairy Co. FARM LANDS FOR SALE SEND FOR FREE Catalogue and price list of 30 Farms for sale in Lake Region of Minnesota. R. J. Lindberg, Detroit Lakes, Minn 49 ~tIELF WANTED ~ FElV/ALE WOMEN W A N T E D EVERY- WHERE. Take orders for fall dresses. Immediate delivery, sizes 9 to 46, incl. ½ sizes. Write MAISONETTE FROCKS. Box 537. Minneapolis. 49-52 GIRLS betweefl 18 and 35 to as- sist nuns in Catholinc College. Duties to' consist of preparation of meals, washing dishes, waiting ta- bles. Salary $2 per day; and board and room. Address Sister Superior- ess, St. Mary's College, Wi~ona, Minm NOTICE FOR EVERY HOME: An unusual remedy for the home, well named the family medicine cabinet in one bottle. Sold on money-back guar- antee. For complete information write Lin-Ox-Ol Laboratory, Fargo, North Dakota, or send $1.00 for family size bottle. 43-52 LIVESTOCK WILL SELL my Private Treaty herd o~ 28 head of registered Aberdeen Angus cattle, foundatior~ stock. Also farm of 180 acres lo- cated on Cheynne River. Reason for selling, old age and sickness. Samps~>n Stock Farm, McVille, N. Dak. 49-52 REGISTERED ABERDEEN-Ar~gus Bulls, Columbia Rams and Hamp- shire hogs for sale. Priced to selL To increase your profits write or visit Hanna Stock Farm, Bordulae, N. Dak. 47-50 PURE BRED Polled Hereford bulls. A. E. Netson, Wilton, N. D. 38-t~ Livestock and Production Loons at 4V2% o Yeae are made to farmers by the Mendan Production Credit Anociation MANDAN, N. D. Branoh office~ In Abbet~on IM~ Dickinson ABERDEEN.ANGUS Bulls pur~ bred and registere~ Best tYl~ and breeding at prices every far- lmer can afford to pay. Hartl~j, S ..... , , ; ,,,; , "!i~ i I ], [ - "De ,, , 't)i:t i; , "~::t c p , , , i[, ~, l~,/ *t'. , tiY! ~ '.', ~" ! : .... • ' " ;I%." ~ ) T .ti f- / !N ;~ANDAN CREA~|RY A~ : PRODUC~ CO. Na wait~-o-F~a~ ~,etvlca