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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 17, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 17, 1944
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Thursday, August 17, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIVE THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS A Weekly Published Every Thursday by The NEWS PUBLISHING CO. JOHN H. RIDER, Editor N. C. SHIPMAN, Business Manager J. D. MacDOUGALL, SupL ~ntered as Second Class matter a' the Postoffice at Beach, North Dakota October 7, 1936, under the Act of March 3, 1897. SENTINEL BUTTE Miss Marion Manion of Medora is staying with Miss Betty Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Qualle were callers in town Monday. The Paul Wyckoff family moved into the Laura Gilbert residence Sunday. Donna Kirkpatrlck spent several days last week at Wibaux visiting the Robert Bloome family. Mrs. Paul Wagner and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom were dinner guests at the Paul Wischow home Sunday• Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall and John Nelson spent Saturday and Sunday in Glendive. Mr. and Mrs• Ernest Nelson and John were 6:30 dinner guests at the Walt Dixon home at Chama Wed- nesday evening• Fred Oberg was up from Bis- marck and spent several days at- tending to business z: the Dunham Lumber company. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Downs were Beach callers Monday, where Mrs. !Downs consulted a physician for an infected finger• Lawrence Kirkpatrick was con- fined to his bed with a very bad back ailment several days last week.. A new cable was installed in the NOTICE FOR BIDS telephone officd last w6ek. Notice is hereby given that the Bill Hasselstrom was a business caller in town Monday• Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Petersilie and Donna arrived Sunday from Atlan- ta, Ga. to spend about two ~eeks visitir~g at the Otto Petersilie and Alma Rink homes• Alvin recently received a medical discharge from the armed forces. ---V-~ TROTTERS NEWS Mrs. J. F. Crook, Cot. Pat Nelson arrived last Tuesday O. K. Omley was repairing a from Arcadia, Wis. to spend some granary for Kyle Sperry pa.,t of time with his uncle and aunt, Mr. last week. and Mrs. E. D. Nelson• I Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and Russell Brown is working at the ldaughters were Sunday evening callers at the J. F, Crook home. Several families from this com- munity went to Beach on Saturday to shop and to attend the circus. Don't forget Sunday school and church services at Trotters on Au- gust 20th. Everybody welcome. The Beckers are very busy haul- ing wheat to Beach in their pickup. They have to make quite a few trips but are keeping on the job steadily. Ben Russell surprised his daugh- Pat Murphy home during harvest, i Mrs. Paul Wagner was a supper} guest of Mrs. Alma Rink Sunday. The Misses Dorothy Tollefson and Ruby Merkel arrived from Steele Sunday to visit at the Hugh A~Tn- strong home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Myers re- turned last Monday evening from Fort Peck, Mont., where they spent several days visiting their daugh- ter Marjorie. Mrs. Jennie Dempsey returned Saturday evenin, g after having ter, Mrs. Kyle Sperry, and family, spent the past couple of weeks and his friends here, when he ar- visiting relatives at Minneapolisl rived on Friday evening from Be- and Superior, Wis. loit, Wis. to visit at his daughter's Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson and home. We're all happy to see Ben son John, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gard-!again. Board of County Commissioners of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, will receive sealed bids for the reconstruction of the Williams Creek Dam. Bids to be left with the County Auditor, to be opened Sept. 5th, 1944 at 10:00 o'clock A• M. A certified check in the amount of 10% of the Bid must accompany all bids. Quantlty Esfimale: Embankment, Dam 6100 cubic yards Spillway Excavation 1900 cubic yards Rock rlprap 636 square yards Rubble Concrete cut off on spillway 10 cubic yards The Board of County Commission- ers reserve the right to reject any or all bids• (August 3, 10, 17, 24, 1944) ---V-- NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND NOTICE IS HERE~ GIVEN, That under authority of an Order of Sale ~ranted by the Honorable James onaldson, Judge of the County Court of the County of Golden Valley, in the State of North Dakota, dated the 4th day of August A. D. 1944, the undersigned, the Administrator of the Estate of John B. Kukowski, also known as John Kukowski. late of the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by the Judge of said County Court( the follow- ing described lands, to-wit: Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nirie (9) and Ten (10) and. the South- east Quarter (SE~.~) of Section Six (6), and the Northeast Quar- ter INE%) of Section Seven (7) all in Township One Hundred Forty (140) North, of Range One Hundred Five (105) West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. The sale will be made on or after the 28th day of August A. D. 1944. All bids must be in writing, and may be left at the office o~ John Duane Kirkpatrick underwent a nee and family, Mrs. Walt Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tusker return-Keohane, in the City of Beach tonsillectomy at the Beach hospital and famil and Pa North Dakota, or filed with the -- . , y, t Nelson en- ed home on Friday morning, after Judge of said County Court, or de- weanesoay. , . . . l joyed a picnic supper on south spending about two weeks in Min-!livered to the undersigned person- on ally. Mr. and Mrs. Ber~il Walaal ano]Butte Sunday nesota, They left Rochester ~ F Dated this 5th day of August A, D. children were Sunday guests at theI Miss Bett:" Brown arrived from Tuesday, when Ray was able [0 1944. home of Mrs Bertha Waldal 1Me-or T ~ ..... leave the hospital, and went HARRY KUKOWSKI ' " " e u a uesaay to ~aze over her Joe Strletz went out to the horn ~duties as ..... the home of Mrs. Wasker's sister, I Administrator of the • . h l oepo~ agent r~ere repine- Estate of John B. of hls parents Sunday to help wit • • ' where they visited a few days and] _ _. mg Bob Hall who leaves the 17th Kukowski Deceased• harvesting P "or m lita ~1 " M -- - • 1 1 ry usy. lss ~rown nas Mr. and Mrs. Paul W~gner were Wibaux callers Monday afternoon and evening. Inga Carlson spent the past week assisting with canning at the Otto Nordin home, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rust of Me- dora were callers at the Elmer Rust home Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Overstad of Beach and her niece, Miss Judy Good- man, visited Mrs. Lyle Martin on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold COok and boys left Tuesday for their home at Aitkin, Minn. after having spent two weeks visiting relatives here. Ray regained more strength, then JOHN KEOHANE i they resumed their homeward jour- Attorney for Administrator Beach, North Dakota. taken an apartment in the Hess i hey. We are glad that Ray is re- (August 10, 17, 1944) building. • ;covering from his recent operation~ ......... v-- Miss Avis Hovland arrived Friday i so well. S U M M O N S morning from Tacoma Wash. to sDend a couple of weeks visiting atI UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH i STATE OF NORTtt DAKOTA ) the Norman Haugse home and with~ D.E. Kenney, pastor [ )ss. friends at Beach• The Hovlands[ Trotters, North Dakota I COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) IN DISTRICT COURT were former Beach residents, hav- i Sunday, August 20: Sue, day school • SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ing left here about 10 years ago. ~ w~th classes for all ages, at 2 P. M., w. C. Schulz, Mrs. Mary Lehman entertained and the Worship service at 3:00i vs. Plaintiff, members of the Get-to-Gether club o'clock, i Clinton C. Lord, Frederick at her home Friday afternoon. Services every 1st, 3rd and 5th'E. Near, George Meek, Mar- Bridge was played, with Mrs. On- Sundays of the month, i tha I. Darby, Florence Hou- den, Brownton State Bank zella Jordan a~d Mrs: Louise ~V-~ a corporation, the unknown Gardner receiving first and second prizes, respectively. CLOSING_ __OUT SALE! The ,Opportunity You Have • Been Waiting For! Sentinel Butte ,fiaaty?rday, Aug. 19 , HUSEBY CAFE BUILDING A Chance to Buy Good Used Clothing, -Furniture and Household Utensils at Money Saving Prices EVERYTHING PRICED TO SELL! i l = The fur catch in North Dakota for the last year amounted to ~4m~Q 1 ~403 283 pelts. Tires Wear WHEN YOU SUFFER w;th the heat, remember that your tires really sizzle on the road.., because road-surfaces are usually 25°hotter than air temperatures. This frying-pan heat saps the strength of rubber.., produces doubled wear as the thermometer rises from 60° to 90°. .. and multi- plies tire-failure by twenty per cent. Obviously, you and every other ~atriotic driver, want ~o get every it of precious mileage remaining in your l~resent set o~ tires. That is vfhy we i)ring you these authorita- txve suggestions: Avoid hot-road driving as much as you can... Drive at slower twitched every 3,000 miles. Your Phillips 66 Service Man Is an~aous and waiting to help you. Give him the opportunity, at least once*a week, to check air pressures •.. to inspect for nail holes, cure, and bruises.., to examine tires so he can warn you when re-capping is advisable• This is only part of the Tire. Saving and Car-Saving Service pledged to you at every Phillips 66 Service Station, to help you "Cars For Your Car For Your Country.'; In the Nation's interest and in your own, be watchful and intel- ligent about making your car and your tires last longer and go farther; Drive in for help at the Or~nge and Black 66 Shield, the siga of famous Phillips 66 Gasoline and Phillips 66 Motor Oil. speeds... Don't over-inflate tires, but avoid under-inflation as you would a plague . . . And don't rlos-;tal ceased,Heirs of WalterW" S. DaviS,s. Davis,De- lleglect tO have your tires cross. ~Ja FJL JL Minnie Smith, as Adminis- tratrix of the Estate of Mary Adelaide Davis (~lso During the past week the fol-jknown as Addie Davis), Deceased, and all other per- lowing persons w~re hospitalized at'sons unknown claiming any the Johnstone Memorial hospital:]estate or interest in, or lien ) • . or encumbrance upon the John Algmre Beach, and Donald ro ........ - ' p perks uescrloea in rzle BEACON OIL CO Metcalf, Trotters, August 10-I1; [ Complaint, Cecil Tangen Beach, August 11-12; ] Defendants. • ' THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA and Miss Nola Jane Banik, daugh-[ Tn my~ Anc~xr*- ~,~s,~,-, ,-,~, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Banlk,] FEND-X~q~TS:'" .............. - O Wilton August 12-15. [ You are hereby summoned and ¢~, X ......~,, ~r.. a,~,.~t.~. |required to answer the Complaint BEACH -- GOLVA • ~'" :-~P .... ' "~" JY~ ~ -~ "~?Y-~" / of the above named Plaintiff, which lng, wIDaux, and lv~anulla]is on file in the Office of the Cterk BEACON SERVICE STATION ADISON SI~ VICE$2 Butterfield Beach, were brought to [of .the District Court of the Sixth rne ..... nosplgal''.. ..... It JuoicialGolden ValleyDistriCtandin Statethe CountYof North°f Beach,N.D. Golva, N. D, c. L. Walaron, J~eacn, ~virs. J~. G. | Dakota, and to serve a copy of your a An n answer thereto upon the subscriber Nelson, Beach, Mrs. M y tho y [ - -, • ......... ,__--'/at his office in the City of Beach ~°lva' ann ~v~rS" ~-~e wuaeuus' i ........... ~2:" ~~; - u. salu t~oun~y ann ~tate, w~thxn •;..,;..•.%%****..%****,~..:,~$,.,,. Trotters, were hospitalized August thirty {30) days after the service 13th . of this summons upen you, exelu- • - ....... ~ slve of the day of such service and Mrs. doe Downs, ~en~lnel Du~e, in case of your rapture'" ~o" appear' was hospitalized ~ugust 14, and on or . answer as above, required, the ~"~''" "~ ~'~ t'~h-,,n Smi*h Plam~ir~ will take judgment a amst -- . ' .......... y u ny oe~ault for the 'relief de- J~eacn, was DrougNI; ~0 She hospital, manded in the Corn latnf An appendectomy was performed Dated at Beach, ~o~rth-'Dakota ~his hter f r 5th day of August A D 1944 ~ ~ /-~~¢~ on Myrna Page daug o M j .__- • . ' • ~ ~ • " OHN KEOHAN~ and Mrs. Ralph Page, Tnree ~'org,s, Attorney for Plai~ie~ ~~ ~ '~ / ~ : Mont., August 15. Rlchard Bobiney, Office and Posto'ffice"Ad- dress Beach North Da /~d~ , _'~#~ I son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bob- _ . : ' , - iney, Carlyle, Mont., also underwent K°~l~' o T I C E surgery on that date. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- ~, t Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Bush are the yoDuANTS: each of ou .... , y Will please : parents of an 8 lb. 7½ oz, son born take notice that the abov ~,~+,^~ HOLD THATLINE f. DON'T '¢AI IN' YOUR action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in the Plaintiff and depriving you, and each of you, of any and all interest in and to the following described lands and premises situated in the County of Golden Valley and State of l~orth Dakota. wz : Lots Seven (7). Eight (8), Nine (9}, Ten {10). Eleven liD, Twelve (12), Thirteen (13} Fourteen (14), Fifteen ~15l. Sixteen (16~. Seven- teen ~17) and Eighteen (18) in Block E!even (11) of Ncar's First Addition to the City of Beach North Dakota. as the same is ~)latted and the Plat thereof on ile and of record in tt}e office of tke Register of Deed~ of Golden Valley County. North Dakota, and of determining adverse claims thereto, and that no personal claim Js made against you unless you ap- pear and-,defend in this action. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Beach. North Dakota. (August 10. 17. 24, 31; Sept. 7, 14. 1944) HEADACHE I$ SUCH A LITTLE THING MADISON SERVICE STATION .................. i* ~.:***'**:*.:**:, ~,:..:**:**:~,:. ~ ALL SET for a good full dafm work when a nagging head, ache sneaks up on you. You suffe~ and so does your work. Ready for an evening of relax, ation and enjoyment -- a pesk~ headache interferes with yottr f~ rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DE. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Hea& ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mu~ eular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Palm pin~ ~ not w.~..n~. You ~a. get Dr. Miles Ansi-ram Fill~ ~d your drug stere in the regulax mu~gage lot only ape .nny npiec~ lind in the_ economy pac~aEe even not am mot ~t~fl~L e When the men on our Battlefronts make hard-f0ught advances they "HOLD THAT LINE" • Rarely do they give up #hose costly gains. • c_C N WE ON THE HOME FRONT DO LESS? Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 21-22 Mildrella Shoppe . Beach • Having bought War Bonds to "BACK THE ATTACK" Can we afford to retreat by cashing them in? JACOB SCHMIDT BREWING COMPANY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i ,%