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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 17, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 17, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, August 17, Sidney at the Pau~on home on made week on and Mrs. Bob Hart accom- Amunrud faro- Monday evening to Todd the record runner. Mrs. Mabel Latcha and son left for their home at Pamona, Calif. visltin~g relatives for several M Of Washington, John Mrs. Caml~ son of Billings visited ; Charles Dahl home last Mrs. Alvina Meek and Bill Mende left for MLI~ City Thursday, where Billy ,will play in the Junior league games and Mrs. Meek will visit f~. Mr#. Wayne Marcus and son left We4nesday for Bridger to visit her mother, Wayne Marcus attended some of the Junior 4eague baseball games at Miles City this week. Mrs. Lawrence ~ Mt Thut~, day by bus for Portland, Ore. to Join M husband, who preceded her there several months ago. Mrs. Leroy S~nds has taken her place in the ration office. Mrs.~ Audrey Swanson and son left Saturday night from Beach for her home in Washington after visiting her mother, Mrs. L. A. Wood~ousep. and other relatives for several wee£s. 4 Westerheim Harrison Stedman helped John Berg thresh Friday and Saturday. and daughter Wisconsin last there for sev- and Mrs. the Ameri- ~Legion A~Ixiliary Sund~y after- Pedersen was able to Beach hospi- after a serious opera- and Mrs. Bur- , Welsh entertained the Fuhda- after- Big Pedersen and [ Mrs. Pedersen's and ram- the Reeve ranch Sunday, Jeannette Stockwell, Dick, Eleanor Bailey and home from Billings. Holisteln, Mrs. A. Mrs. Chas. Ada Bovey of pic- Welsh home last of town guest Mrs. E. Dale, a beautiful gift GLENDIVE, MONTANA cup~rr WEEK feature length DWARFS" TUES.: ~IN-I~F GIRL" P, S. John E. The the :, all - dancing, all- that's ~ dream Gale Storm First smashing to spent a few days at the Ellis Steck- er home the past week. Bernice Van Horn spent the weekend with her cousin, Kay Wright. Mrs. Ben Maus and children and Joan Teacher visited Barbara Allen Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts and John Will visited at the Henry Franzen home in Beach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Main and children are visiting at the Wen- dell Youells home. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cook and twins left for Aitkin, Minn. Tues- day after a 10-day visit here with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright and granddaughter, Bernice Van Horn of Union, Wash. were visitors at the Gee. Wright home Thursday. Stanley and Larry Allen stayed after the circus and helped load up the outfit, said it took until 1:$0 A.M. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rourke and nephew, Duane Boderman, Were Sentinel Butte and Beach visitors Saturday evening. Jim Rathbun F2e's luck held out alright. Jim got night school from 5 P. M. to midnight at his new training base. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowman and children were shoppers in Beach Monday, AI Allen caught a ride out home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney visited at the Pete Lardy home Sunday, August 6th. Mrs. Ray Kukowskl, Dickie and Helen, Mrs. Donald Klttleson and Mary Ellen Odenbaugh were callers at the Rathbun home Thursday. They came to order cherries. John Kunick, Darlene and Eu- genia Kunick visited Vivian Rath- bun Friday A. M. and Kay Wright and Bernice Van Horn visited Viv- fan FTiday afternoon. Duane and Durwood Wagner were up from the river Saturday to take in the circus at Beach, as were Thee. Jr.. Alton and Gordon Becker, also from the river. We are sorry to report that Ben MaLts' crop near Golva was hit by hail. We hope, Ben, it wasn't as much damage done as was reported to us. The J-Iarold Cook, Ted Cook, Win. F. Br~wn families and Mr. and Mrs. J. ~. Wright were guests day, August 6, at a belated party for Jay Wright, said day being Augus~ 2nd. Mrs. Marie Rllea and infant son David returned to the home of ~arie's parents Wednesday evening. other and baby are doing just fine. Mrs. John Berg went to Dick- lnson after Marie and the baby. Rev. Armstrong of Dickinson spent Sunday night, August 6th, with Fred Robertson and spent Monday A. M. at the Rathbun home, returning to Dickinson Men- I Mr. and Mrs. Cll~ord Wagner1 and children came up from the[ river Monday and went to Beach after gas and oil for harvesting. As Clifford had the family along I bet] they took in the carnival Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowman, Jimmle Joe and Llla Lee and Grandpa Lowman attended the cir- cus Saturday night. Llla Lee was lucky enough to get ~ chance to ride one of the circus horses. Pete Wirtzfeld spent Friday and Saturday combining barley for John Brown near Sentinel Butte. Pete moved home Sunday and Bill Wlrtzfeld took Pete back down to Browns after Pete's pick~lp. Being nearly everyone was ready to start cOmbining Monday, it started to rain Sunday night, and as we write this Monday noon it's still raining. No combining or binding for a few days at least. There is to be a party at the Westerheim schoolhouse Saturday, August 19 in honor of Bernice Van Horn of Union, Wash., who is visit- lng relatives here. It also happens to be Melvin Allen's birthday. Sgt. Roy Berg writes from New Guinea that he had received his picnic notebook. Roy writes. "That is one thing I am going to try my best to save. People wrote in it that I have never had the pleasure to meet. Thanks a ~ for it2 Threshin~ started in our com- munity Friday, when John Berg and Webb Allen put their two crews together, and using John's rigs, threshed out wheat, oats and barley for, John, and then threshed out Webbs barley. All grain yield- ed good. Some of the younger boys played out the second day, the third day the men had t~ call on some of the women folks to help, which they were willing to do and by doing so they were able to finish the fields before the rain started. SUMMONS State of North Dakota County of Golden Valley In District "Court Sixth Judicial- District Catherine Uet~, ) Plaintiff ) vs. ) Joseph Ue~z, the unknown ) heirs of Joseph Uetz, Ethel ) Sykes, the unknown heirs ) of Peter Uetz deceasea, ) Bertha C. Dilley, John ) Boltz Jr., Agnes "Boltz, ) also known as Aggie Boltz. ) Peter Boltz, the unknown ) heirs of Frances Uetz Boltz, ) deceased, Mary Uetz, Anna ) Uetz, Nick Uetz, Henry ) Lowe, Chas. L. Jacobs, ) L. M. Ford, A. J. Gilman. ) and all other persons un- l known clalmin~ any estate ) or interest in. or lien or ) day P. M. Charles Rathbun rode up horse- back from the Goklsherry ranch, where he has been employed the past 7 months. Charles will spend some time at home helping his mother with the harvest work. Charles will return to Goldsberrys when Harrison needs him at roundup tlme. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Carr, Mary Jane and Patsy and Wm. Rathbun came up from the river and ~ent to Sentinel Butte and Beach Sat- urday. William remained in Beach, while we believe Carrs went to Belfleld to get Beth, who has been visiting at Belfleld. V-- NOTICE FOB BIDS Bids are hereby called to supply coal for the Crtpps, Burkey and Barthel schools for the season of 1944-45. Bids will be read at reg- ular meeting October 10th. Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ED~ F. KREMERS, Clerk Lower Valley School Dist. No. Ig, Golva. N. D. SOMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )as. COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Glen R. Oison, Plaintiff, VS. Central Seeur£tles Company, a corporation, Beach State Bank, Da corporation, Ed- ward . Shrlner, The Cen- tral Mortgage Company, a } corporation, Joseph W. Moore, Administrator of the Estate of Lucy Jane Sisy- ton, Deceased, William Bur- ton, Susie K. Arnold, J. I. Case ThreshlngM a c h i n e C o m p a n y {Incorporated), and all other persons un- known claiming any estate or interest in. or lien or encumbrance upon the pro- perty described in the Complaint, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and re. ~ lred to answer the Complaint of e above named Plaintiff, which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the subscriber at his office in the City of Beach. in said County and State. within Ithirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclu- sive of the day of such service. and in caseof your failure to appear or answer as above requir- ed, the Plaintiff will take judgment against you try default for ,the re- lief demanded in the Compmmz. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 14th day of August A. D. 1944, JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff C~ice and Postoffiee Address: Beach. North Dakota. NOTICE. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS: You, and each of you, will please take notice that the above entitled action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in the Plaintiff and depriving you, and each of you, of any and ~11" interest in and to the following described lands and premises situated In ~e County of Golden Valle$ and State of North WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WOKD PER ISSUE If yo~ want to buy o~ ten something; if you n4~l help or w~at a Job, you cau get rNul~ from News Wan~ Ads. No ad accepted for less fl~m chuge of a$~ will b. =uae mr '*blind" adj- FOR SALE-~-reom modern house. Mrs. Carrie Gordon, Beach. 46-tic FOR SALE--6-room house, known as Zook house. See Ernest Moore, Beach. 46-tfc FOR RENT---Grain storage space in Beach. See L. D. Logan at Feed Mill. 46-tfc FOR SALE--12-ft duckfoot; Singer sewing machine; wheel chair. Chas. Purvis, Beach. 44-tfc FOR SALE--Two 9 x 24 tires, tubes and rims. Logan Garage, Beach, N.D. 46-tfc FOR SALE---Two small houses on E. D. Logan property. Mrs. Geo. Oech. 47-tfc FOR SALE---10" Minneapolis h~m- mermill. Earl Schmitz, Beach, N. D, 47-2tp FOR SALE--7 to 8 room HeatrMa. Like new. Frank Bares, Bea~n. N.D. 47-lip FOR SALE--A few used quart and two-quart jars, 50 and 75c. In- quire at Golden Valley News office. 45-tf FOR SALE---Model T Ford truck, good tires, 60 bushel box, suitable for hauling to granary. J. E. Metcalf. Trotters. 46-2tp LOST--Cap for gasoline tank. Finder please leave a~ the Golden Valley News office. John Rider, Beach, N.D. 46-tfc FOR SALE--Cedar telephone poles and split cedar post. Hanson Lumber & Hardware Co., Golva, North Dakota. 38-tfc FOR SA~ acres with $6,000 Improvements, plenty of good water, six miles north of Carlyle, $8.500 with terms; also 16-ft. Rumley combine ready to go. W. O. Fletcher, Wibaux. 4~-2tp encumbrance upon the pro- ) % petty described in the Corn- ) Dakota, vlz: '~, l Southwest Quarter (SW~) of plaint. Defendants } Section Four (4), the North Half THE STATE OF NORTH" DAKOTA (N~) and .the NO;trh NI~slfwO~ mc~ mw~ A~nv~, NAMED DE- me ~oum est ~u~r~ ( ~ ~4~ ~D*,a~N~S~" .... of Section Eight (8) all in Town- ".~-'~, .~'~"--~.r'e~v summoned and re- ship One Hundred Forty-four -,,~ "+.~ "~'-we~r the Comrdaint of l (144) North, of Range One Hun- t~e~a-bo~e n'a~n~ Plaintiff, ~hich ~[ d~ ~r~i (ll~M)e~i?nt, of the on file in the office of the Clerk| . P , ~ ,~. n~t~ot Court of the Sixth|ana of determining adverse claims ~:,,~-]:~--r~-~,]ot-in *he County of|theret0, and that no personal claim ~'~e'n" V~leT-'and ~te of ~or~ ~ armaa~d a2e~esdt ~no%~nlae~oYOU ap- Dakota, and to serve a copy of your ~ ~-~ answer thereto upon the subscriber~ _ JOHN_KEOHA. NE ~* ~= ~= ~ ~h~ oitv Of Beach .,~,~orney for ~'lamtL~ thirty (30) days after the s e~,ce ~ s. , ~; ~, P .... of this summons upon you, exctus~ve , = u~ , of the day of such serVice, ana m ~ .. .,' case of your failure to appear or ~ .... ;/.~. .... answer as, above required, the Plain- ~. ~&g~--~evera4 ~tIGle &~ tiff will take Judgment aipainst you work horses. Sam Wilson, Car- by default_ . .for ~the relief demanded ]yle, M~nt,: 47o4tc in the uornpmm~ " " _ Dated at Beach, North Dakota. ~'~o ~~ this 15th day of August I . bin ---l- i -i - -"" N O T X c Z m, om ~ n sec~ ons, rouna, ~a~. YOU, and each of you, will please redwood, $~15.00; One ~½ ft. ex- take notice that the above entitled tension for Aills Chalmers 5- ft action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in the Plaintiff and combine. Make your machine T~ depriving you, and each of you, of ft. cut, $135,00. Assortment 30-ft, any and all interest in and to the Lareatte ropes, $I.75 while £hey following described lands situated in the County of G~Iden Valley, and J~st. Grain Buster Hammermllis, State of North Dakota. to-wit: 150 to 200 bU. P~I,, $68.50..Best The Northeast Quarter (NE~) buy on market today. One 12-ft. of Section Nine (9), and the North Rumley combine, good shaPe. Get Half of the South Half (N~S~) of Section Ten (l~), in Township your basin tiller now. i0 and 12 One Hundred and Forty-one (141), foot in stock. C. G. Johnson, North of Range One Hundred Golva. . 47-1tc and Four (104L West of the 5th P.M. - n, n and of determining adverse claims thereto, and that no personal claim is made against you unless you appear and defend in this action, ~ Dated this 15th day of AuEust Farmers 1944. GUY LEE, Attorney for Plaintiff Beach, North D~kota, (Aug. 17. 24, 31; Sept, 7, 14, 21, 1944) and TRAINED Auto and Diesel Me- chanics, Welders, Top and Body men in great demand. A short. practical course will prepare you for a good Job. Free catalog. HANSON TRADE SCHOOL, Box 1780-X, Fargo, N. Dak. 45-4tc I0 qts. $.75; plums for sauce, $~.50 a bushel; plums for jell, $1.50 a bushel; buffalo berries, 20 cents a quart. Orders filled in order received. Mary Rathbun, Sentinel Butte. 46-3tp farms, from 160 acres up. Well improved ranches up to 10,000 acres in a block. Busine~ build- ings and modern homes in town. Before you buy, drop in and see me. W. C. Howard, Real Estate Broker, Wibaux, Montana. 42-tfc FOR SALE--I John Mre 6-foot combine, with motor on, good as new; 1 1936 1% ton Dodge truck, dual wheels, 2 brand new tires and inner tubes, has been over- hauled; I McCormick-Deering 8- foot binder with tractor hitch, in A-1 shape; 1 12-foot Deering header for windrower. M. A. Finneman, phone 5F~, Golva, N.D. 42-6tc I Ranchers! • SAVE MONEY ON YOUR REPAIRS FOR Alka- Seltser fo~ orniaz Aft~' A~ Mucles, Acid lnd~s~on. Pleusmt~ effective. SO@ mad SO~t. High Vitamin pot~mcy at low celt-- ONE*A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A and D tablets in th~ ~ellow ~--B-~ plsx t~blets in the T~s~a I I I HAYING AND HARVESTING MACHINERY We have a large supply of Repairs to fit practically all makes of machines! FOR SALE- acre farm, mostly aH under plow. ood set of buildings and artesian well that can be p ped into buildings. Plenty of good water• Located one mile east of Golva. Will be sold cheap• Mower and Binder Parts Binder Canvas Twine, Etc. Make Our Store Your Headquarters for all kinds of Harvest Supplies SON NORTH DAKOTA FOR SALFe--Dodge sedan, good tires and running order. C. H. Clark, Beach. 47-1tp FOR SALE---Electric Frigidaire; also steel bed complete with springs and mattress. Leo Haigh, Beach. 4~-tfc FOR SALE--~-eylinder 4 hp. Mun- sie outboard motor. See Bob Coutts on Saturday or Sunday, I in Beach.. ~ __ 47-1tpI FOR SALEe--8-room house with 6/ acres plus .69 acres of land for[ quick sale. Located near school in[ Beach; also two-wheeled trailer~ with good tires. Harold Fosjard, J Wlbaux, Mont. 47-2tp FOR SALE--2M0 acre farm, and cross fenced, good 3 sections under fence. Plenty free range, water. 300 crop now, can have one-hal~ is. $7000, has to be taken in days. Owner will be at W. Stagg's place, Wibaux. FOR SALE---A five room fully modern, 50-ft. lot. east two blocks from State College, garage, paved street. very fine home. For prices terms see or write Abraham surance Agency, over S & L Dickinson, N. D. Buy WAR BONDS todsyl GOO6 LOBTI GEO. T. HANSEN Wibaux, Montana BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY August lSth and 19th Will take as many hogs as you may deliver, at the following prices: TOP 140 to 240 lbs. -- HEAVY 240 Ibs, up PACKING SOWS all weights - STAGS, 70 lb. dock, all weights STAGS, 70 lb. dock, all weights $zuo to $1 .ss $12.-40 to $12.60 $12.40 to $12.20 to - $12.00 All hogs sold on ceiling prices last week and I expect this price to remain, as demand is good. . Always Get a Sq ,,JACK H0 rs 40