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Beach, North Dakota
August 16, 2012     Golden Valley News
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August 16, 2012
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August 16, 2012 Page 7 Hat Tips By Dean Meyer Here&apos;s the beef Callie Loftsgard leads her market steer into the arena during the Livestock Auction & Premium Sale of the Golden Valley County Fair on Aug. 3. (Photo by Richard Volesky) Japanese beetle found in North Dakota BISMARCK - A serious phmt pest widely found in the eastern U.S. has been detected in North Dakota for the second time in 11 years. "A North Dakota Department of Agriculture plant protection spe- cialist positively identified a Japanese beetle submitted to the NDSU-Extension's Plant: Pest Diagnostic Lab from Grand Forks," said Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring. "The specialist subsequently found more speci- mens in traps in West Fargo," Native to Japan and first discov- ered in the U.S. in 1916, the Japanese beetle is now found in nearly every state east of the Mississippi River, as well as Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana. "This beetle is mainly a pest of trees, ornamental phmts and turf grass, but is also hannt'ul to soy- beans and corn," Goehring said. The half inch-long, adult beetles are metallic green with bronze wing covers. Females lay up to 60 eggs during their two-month lifespan. The eggs hatch in two weeks and the larva overwinter below the frostline, feeding on plant roots in the soil. Aduhs begin to emerge in mid-June through September. The insects defoliate a broad range ot' plants, including corn, soybeans, ornamentals, trees, and shrubs, especMly roses and lin- dens. ,lapanese beetle trapping has been ongoing in North Dakota since 196(/. The first beetle detected in the state was found in Burleigh County in 2001. Goehring said the trapping will continue through September and continue next sea- son to monitor whether any beetles have overwintered in the state. Currently, the North Dakota Department of Agriculture moni- tors about 8(i) traps, most of them in phmt nurseries. Goehring urged homeowners to contact their county extension agent if they suspect Japanese bee- tles. For additional information on Japanese beetles, visit New Salem dairy producer named to animal health board DID YOU KNOW? BISMARCK - Gov. Jack Dalrymple has appointed Kristi Doll of New Salem to the North Dakota State Board .og ,Animal Health (BAH). Doll succeeds Nathan Boehm, Mandan, who served 14 years as the dairy representative on the nine- member board. A native of Orr in Grand Forks County, Doll graduated as a veteri- nary technician from North Dakota State University. She and her hus- band, Mark, and their four children operate a dairy and grain farm near New Salem. The BAIl protects the health of North Dakota domestic animals and nontraditional live- stock through.quarantines,: vaccina- tion and importation testing requirements arid other reguhm)ry measures. The state veterinarian carries out the board's orders and rules. Members, appointed by the gov- ernor to seven-year terms, represent the registered purebred cattle, sheep, commercial beef cattle, swine, &iry catlJe, bison and non- traditional livestock sectors of  Farm Credit Services of Mandan SPRAY FOAM SEAMLESS ROOFING SYSTEMS • SPRAY POLYURETHANE FOAM ROOFING • WATERPROOF/LEAK PREVENTION AND INSULATION VALUE • PERFECT FOR ANY ROOF • WORKS OVER ALL ROOFING MATERIALS o SEAMLESS - FLEXIBLE - LIGHTWEIGHT- INSULATION • EXTREMELY DURABLE • LONGEST LASTING North Dakota livestock industry. The members also include two vet- erinarians. In addition,,l( +DolL. currerg hoard members include Melvin l,eland, president: Dr. W.P. Tidball, Dr. Morgan Dalhnan, David Pearson, Joel Olson, Daryl Dukarl, Dr. Kenneth Throlson aud Shawn Schafer. "Decorated" motorcycle mamas at Sturgis Hell(), Do you remeinber the classic music? Remember the Ray Stevens song about the streaker? In the song, Ray always warned Ethel, with an emphatic, "Don't h)ok Ethel!" But it was too late; she'd already bad a fi'ee shot, or some- thing along that order. Streaking was a short-lived fad ten or fifteen years ago. A naked person would run across the foot- ball, soccer, or baseball field. Maybe across a packed gym at the high school ball game. Maybe across the polo field when the Queen was in attendance. ! hate to even walk past the mirror alter I shower. So I guess I would never be a good streaker. I remember hearing the story of a young man who stripped down, put a sack over his head, and ran across the gym at a high school game at Mobridge. The crowd was amused when. one senior girl exclaimed. "That's LeRoy!" Then she turned bright red. What brought this to mind is something that happened this last week to our outfit. Will and Jen had a horse that was Pemberton Dr. D.C. Coston, president of Dickinson State University, announced Aug. 1(), that I)r. Cynthia Pembenon, has been appointed to the position of provost/vice presi- dent for academic affairs at DSU, effective Sept. 1,2012. "It is an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to serve as the new provost and vice president for academic affairs at Dickinson State University. This is a very important time for DSU, and it was abundant- ly clear during my campus visit thal DSU's outstanding students, faculty and stall' are poised and ready to I remember hear- ing the story of a young man who stripped down, put a sack over his head, and ran across the gym at a high school game at Mobridge. caught up in a fence and received a bad wire cut. A cut that required some special veterinary treatment. One of the best horse vets around is in Sturgis, South Dakota. So Feathers was loaded up and Will. along with four-year old R J, headed for Sturgis. It just happened this is in the middle of Rally Week. Tens of thou- sands of people on motorcycles jam the highways and the hills. Not all of them of sound mind and body. In fact, I think most are not of sound mind and body. At least for ten days or so. As Will and RJ near Bear Butte, the traffic is getting pretty heavy with bikes and bikers. They are meeting riders. Riders are passing them. And RJ has his window down and excitedly pointing out all the motorcycles. You know. "Look Dad!" He is in his child seat in the back seat, passenger side. As they stop at the first stop light in Sturgis. pulling a horse trailer, and surround by bikers, one pulls up along side them. Right by RJ's win- dow. Will looks over to see a biker with his motorcycle mama on the back. Topless! The passenger is top- less, but decorated with body paint stars on her...Well, she's really dec- orated. Will is ,just sick at what RJ is going to ask him. RJ excitedly points out the couple to his Dad, and exclaims, "l,ook Dad! Girls have to ride on the back!" As Dad breathes a sigh of relief! When do we lose such inno- cence? He is his Grandpa's boy! Later. Dean hired as DSU's new move forward with enthusiasm and reaffirmed excellence," said Pemberton. "This is a truly exciting opportunity, and 1 am thrilled to be able to join the DSU team, and look forward to beconfing an active part of the Dickinson community." Prior to joining DSU, Pemberlon served in a variety of roles during her time at Idaho State [3niversity, Pocatello. Idaho. including: the interim dean of the graduate school. associate facuhy member of the women's studies program, the chair of the educational leadership department, and professor of educa- provost/VPAA tional leadership. In addition, Pemberton served as the senior women's administrator of athletics as well as the head men's and women's swim coach at Linfield College, McMinnville, Ore. Pemberlon earned her doctorate in educational leadership with an emphasis on postsecondary educa- tion administration flom Portland State University; her master's degree in fiom Southern Oregon State College (now Southern Oregon University): and her bache- lor's degree from Willamette University. The Chateau celebrating Madame de Mores's 156th birthday MEDORA - On Tuesday, August 21,2012, visitors can .join in cele- brating the 156th birthday of Medora, Madame de Mores, with cake, coffee and .juice served throughout the day at the Chateau Put Your Money. Where Your House Isl locel independent "/ strengthen our tsmesses are  commumq your best vae nd our economy MINERAL & ROYALTY AUCTION October 16th, 2012 No Commission Charged to Seller - Mineral Owner Can Accept or Reject Final Bid - No Hidden Fees Sale Broadcast Live on the Internet with Online Bidding If you have leased minerals or royalty income and think you might sell some or all or your interest, call us. We'll discuss your options, explain our system, & evaluate your mineral interest. Let competitive bidding push prices higher. Toll Free Call: Phil Haugen 888-923-3143 or JC Barr 888-923-3133 • SEALS GRAIN BIN AND QUONSET BASE Frees., - Basement Problems Solved : '  !   ' Leaky basements made dry • Thousands of Satisfied Drain tile & baseboard systems available Buckling walls corrected Egress window installation Home for sale! Three bedroom, 1 bath home located in Belfield, ND. Home had many amenities which includes finished basement with bedroom, family room and ¾ bath. Also has 2 car detached garage, wood deck, cement patio and fenced in back yard. ()pen house on Sunday, Aug. 19th, 2 to 4 pro, Friday, Aug. 24th, 7 to 8:30pro, & Sunday, Aug. 26th, 2 to 4 pro. This home will be sold on bids which are due on Aug. 28, 2012. Owner reserves the right to reject any & all bids. For more information, call Harvey at 220-9302 or Watly at 872-6480. lnfonnation also available at: m= • Mcdora, ND mou. lmm OPPORTUmTV i Customers • Transferable Warranty • Licensed-Insured MN License #20542636 ND License #38488 800-348-6247 www.safedrybasement.€om de Mores in Medora. Madame de Mores was the wife of the Marquis de Mores, who attempted in the 1880s to build a beef empire in what is now south- western North Dakota. 7,00 ml [xNtMt NIlUs Qlm to mJ In ¢:lbl 1(1 €lt ( 1 st) & Dog (1)/udslmJ IklSl 9=OO am Imloo Ilbt, Rabbit & Iaultf Jln I111 1+eO Pat  Nal Clee L¢lwg dP 9, em uv¢$tock Jujmg kS* 9:OO am Itm.lblt Hlls n 40  =hl4t Hills SCmnsore by $1t.qmlon fumel Horn( •  l+o0 I Nhl  +.aln +ttl.lctlorl.  Fo _!111+. .lhi ,,,1 N<>,,+ i •t  ENTRIES From 10 CO am to 6 3O pm * MONDAY, AUGUST £0, 01 g • =o im   ¢.lcmt Art LO£AL ENTRIES ACEPED • COtrACT: NRA Central Entry 4061gS6-b488 7:OO pm  ROO[O LOCAL ENTRrES hLUDE NDR CARD Il   lls  UN Up et 1/ Wlux ¢O-OD 0tl CO Parking LOtlO:30 am • :Oo I' L h,toc nwy  etm,,, from Cb,,oc -''--r ' - - I rOO-lldO m m ms. €llm*,n +1 .............. 1=0o lain lb,Ut+ oluulwluv,P+ STARTS AT ]00 PM • CONTAC-T +TEVEJAMIS 796-7665 .:77,7" .-'-...'7" A+o+,,,+ Musm CONCESSIONS ALL 4 DAYS & BEi[R IUIDEN • tTS+ ,mu S(e,.'XX 0c C,K, ss ON eROUNDS IelDAY, SATURDAY Ib SUNDAY rtzucx3t mK - NO COOLERS IN eRANDsTANDS We're committed to providing the best value in the marketplace'with competitive rates, valuable products, high touch and high tech service, knowledgeable staff and profit sharing. BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE! savings on eyewear for students and teachers• 264-1177 * 1-800-942-1177 Call today for your Bak-to-School eyecare! AS A REMINDER, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY IS STILL UNDER A BURN BAN. ABSOLUTELY NO OPEN BURNING IS ALLOWED. VIOLATING THIS LAW IS PUNISH- ABLE BY 30 DAYS I N JAI L, A $1000 FINE, OR BOTH.