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August 16, 2012
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Billings County
The meeting was called to order at
9:00 A.M. with Commissioners Kasian
and Thompson in attendance.
Commissioner Arthaud joined the
meeting at 1:00 P.M.
Others present during portions of
the meeting were: Craig Kubas;
JimWosepka; Leif Sande; Zach
Glaeckert; Deb Theurer; Royce
Robins; Stacey Swanson; Jay
Brovold; Pat Rummel; Jim Haag; Bob
Procive; Rick Duval; Bill Engen;
Donna Adams; Stacey Swanson;
John Tczap; Bob Procive; Rick Duval;
Bill Engen; Dean Rau; Dwayne
Shypkoski; Joe Vesey; Emily Vesey;
Jeremy Wood; Marcia Lamb
Kasian moved to approve the min-
utes from the June 5, 2012 regular
meeting. Thompson seconded. All
voted aye.
Jim Wosepka CPA presented the
board with the independent audit
report for 2011. Kasian moved to
approve the 2011 audit report.
Thompson seconded. All voted aye.
Auditor Jurgens requested that the
2012 audit be done as soon as possi-
ble after her April 1, 2013 retirement
date and she would be available tO
assist with it. Jim Wospeka indicated
that the audit could be done in May.
Leif Sande and Zach Glaeckert
with Bartlett & West met with the
board concerning the Bakkentink
Pipeline. The zoning request for pipe
storage site was not approved by the
zoning board or the commissioners.
They met with the board to once
again request approval. The site is
one mile from the Billings/McKenzie
County border in 1-144-99. Kasian
moved to approve the request and for
them to meet with the zoning board at
their next meeting. Thompson sec-
onded. All voted aye.
The board received and approved
the following permits:
Construction in County Right-of-
Way Permits:
Roughrider Electric-
$1/2SW1/4 13-142-101
Continental Resources -
24-141-98 along 28th St SW
Mountain Peak Builders
LLC - 1-144-99 7th St SW
Dwayne Shypkoski- 25-
139-100 along 41st St SW
Donald Stigen - SEl/4 16-
143-99 along 15th St SW
..... Ekkeink _P.,ipetir/e,,, 1 O,,,
139-100 along 134th Ave SW
ONEOK Rockies
Midstream LLC - 3 & 10 141-99
crossing South Ash Coulee
SBG Disposal LLC -
NWI/4NWI/4 23-141-99 along 27th
Alan Bjornson - SEl/4 6-
139-102 along Dutchman's Rd.
Schwartz Construction -
23-142-98 along 21st Ave SW and off
of new section line access road - this
was approved contingent upon adja-
cent landowners approval.
Pipeline Permits:
Bakkenlink Pipeline -
amendment to permit approved
September 6, 2011
The board reviewed an application
to abate taxes on parcel #18-8000-
00757-000 for a vacant mobile home.
Kasian moved to approve the abate-
ment. Thompson seconded. All
voted aye.
NDACo requested the board
review and approve an amendment to
the existing statewide wireless 911
network agreement to expand the role
of the joint effort to the implementa-
tion of a "Next Generation 911" net-
work. Kasian moved to approve the
amendment. Thompson seconded.
All voted aye.
The board reviewed the following
zoning items from the zoning board's
June 14, 2012 meeting.
Alan Bjornson: Conditional use
permit to place a manufactured home
on an existing home site at 14967
Dutchman's Rd SW. The property is
a 41 acre tract in the SEl/4 6-139-
102 and zoned agricultural. The zon-
ing board approved the permit condi-
tional that all water and sewer condi-
tions are met. Kasian moved to
uphold the zoning board recommen-
dation and approve the permit condi-
tional upon the fees being paid.
Thompson seconded. All voted aye.
Dwayne Shypkoski: Request to
build a 60' x 140' pole building and
two hoop-frame buildings for manu-
facturing wattles on a 5 acre tract in
the SW1/4 25-139-100. Property is
zoned agricultural. The zoning board
approved the request conditional
upon water, sewer and road access
requirements are met. Thompson
moved to uphold the zoning board
recommendation. Kasian seconded.
All voted aye.
Joe Vesey: Request to rezone 5
acres in the SE1/4 13-144-100 from
Agricultural to Recreational.
Conditional use permit for a 10-unit
primitive campground. The zoning
board approved the request condi-
tional upon approval from the state.
Thompson moved to uphold the zon-
ing board recommendation. Kasian
seconded. All voted aye.
Jimmy & Mary Anderson: Request
to build a residence on a 5 acre tract
in the SW1/4SW1/4 13-139-100. The
zoning board approved the request.
Thompson moved to uphold the zon-
ing board recommendation. Kasian
seconded. All voted aye.
Eclipse Energy Services:
Conditional use permit to mine scoria
and operate a rock quarry in sections
27, 33, & 34 137-100. Property is
zoned agricultural and owned by
Rocky & Darlene Fritz. The zoning
board approved the permit.
Thompson moved to uphold the zon-
ing board recommendation. Kasian
seconded. All voted aye.
Cody Eaton, JCB Trucking:
Application for an 8' x 14' sign on a
tract in the SE1/4 SEl/4 10-142-99
(South Fairfield). Also included is a
variance to allow up to 30' for the
height of the sign and locate the sign
by Club 85, which is within the 250'
setback from Hwy 85. Property is
zoned commercial and currently
owned by Raymond & Victoria
Karras. The zoning board approved
the application and variance. Kasian
moved to uphold the zoning board
recommendation. Thompson second-
ed. All voted aye.
Rick Duval, of ADB Development,
LLC: Final Plat Review for Frank's
Creek Subdivision in the
E1/2E1/2NW1/4 sec 22-141-99. Thirty
residential tracts are proposed rang-
ing in size from 1.01 acre to 2.16
acres. Property is currently owned by
William & Edna Engen. The zoning
board approved the plat under the
condition that the Billings County
Commissioners decide the size of the
road, surfacing, and whether it must
be built prior to lots being sold. The
Commissioners also need to deter-
mine whether there will be an area
dedicated to a public park or a pay-
ment in lieu. The zoning board's
approval was also conditional upon a
letter from SW District Health or State
Health Department approving the
adequacy of the lot sizes for sewer
and water for all 30 lots. Thompson
moved to approve the rezoning from
agricultural to residential with setback
variance to reduce the front lot set-
back to 50', 36' road width, $100,000
bond or other security for one year for
road guarantee, cash payment in lieu
of land dedication for public use set at
$400/Iot, gravel surfacing on the
roads with road strictly subdivision
maintained, and that the county is
notified by the Southwest District
Health Unit when sewer and water
permits are approved. Kasian sec-
onded. All voted aye. Thompson
moved to approve the final plat.
Kasian seconded. All voted aye.
Brad Skachenko: Request to
amend a permit from 2011 to build a
40' x 80' storage building for residents
of the Boots campground on a 5.30
acre tract in the SE1/4SE1/4 34-140-
102. The zoning board approved the
amendment. Thompson moved to
uphold the zoning board recommen-
dation. Kasian seconded. All voted
Ron Broersma requested a confer-
ence call with the board concerning
the zoning application for an RV to
temporarily be set at the 4 corners
cafe location. The permit was submit-
ted by Tim Yourk on his behalf, and
was denied by both the zoning board
and commissioners. Ron indicated
that he has never personally submit-
ted an application but is asking the
board to reconsider the one submitted
by Tim Yourk to allow an RV tem-
porarily until a lot in the RV park
across th,e road becomes available.
Jimiamsey, owner of tle RV park,
was_ contacted and he stated that Ron
Broersma is on the waiting list, JI; he
can't give him a definite time of avail-
ability. The board took no action and
requested that it be re-addressed by
the zoning board first.
Craig Kubas with Kadrmas Lee &
Jackson met with the board for the
monthly engineers report. Thompson
moved to reject the bid for project
#CP-0408(12)01. Kasian seconded.
All voted aye. Some calculation errors
were discovered in the bid awarded
to Asphalt Surface Technologies.
The bid for project #CP-04(12)02 was
previously awarded pending calcula-
tions were correct once checked by
KLJ. After calculations were checked,
the apparent low bidder was
Bituminous Paving for $276,739.80.
Thompson moved to rescind the
award to Asphalt Surface
Technologies and award the project to
Bituminous Paving. Kasian second-
ed. All voted aye.
The board recessed from 12 Noon
to 1:00 PM.
Deb Theurer with West Dakota
Parent & Family Resource Center dis-
cussed the programs done in the past
year, and their proposed budget allo-
cation for the next year.
Royce Robins with Empire Oil met
with the board concerning an amend-
ment to the previously approved oil &
gas lease for the Kotchman Estate
that corrects the description of the
lease. The board accepted the
amended lease. Royce also dis-
cussed the minerals owned by the
county for 308 acres in 19-144-98
and offered a lease. The board
requested that he take the lease back
and see if they will offer $1300/acre.
Thompson moved to approve the
lease if they come back with that
offer. Kasian seconded. All voted
Jeremy Wood with Northern Plains
Engineering met with the board con-
cerning the River Road project.
Various ways of correcting the issues
with the road were discussed.
Chairman Arthaud, Road Foreman
Jeff Iverson, and Jeremy will meet at
the site Monday and the project will
be bid in August.
The board discussed the annual
cost of living increase for 2013 so it
can be implemented into the upcom-
ing budget planning. Thompson
moved to approve 3% of the highest
salary and give that same dollar
amount to all employees. Arthaud
seconded. All voted aye.
The board was informed that Don
Heiser's term on the zoning board
expired June 30th. He does not wish
to be reappointed, but will remain on
the board until a replacement can be
found. Thompson moved to appoint
Don to the board until a replacement
can be found. Kasian seconded. All
voted aye.
Darlene Mitchell's term on the
REAP board expired June 30th, and
she has indicated that she would
serve another term. Thompson
moved to reappoint her for another
two year term. Kasian seconded. All
voted aye.
The Forest Service submitted a
partial termination of easement for
portions of Wannagan Road located
in 4-141-102 and 33-142-102. This
portion of road has been realigned
and currently under a new USDA
Public Road Easement issued to
Billings County. After discussion, the
board decided to table the request
until the road is completely built.
The board received a county per-
mit agreement renewal from the
Association of Oil & Gas Producing
Counties. Arthaud moved to sign the
agreement. Thompson seconded. All
voted aye.
Auditor Jurgens informed the
board that there was an error in the
2012 budget and the BLM and PILT
transfers to Road and Bridge were
not included in the master budget.
Kasian moved to approve amending
the Land Utilization budget to include
a BLM transfer of $600,000 and a
PILT transfer of $150,000.00 to Road
and Bridge. Thompson seconded. All
voted aye.
The board approved the revenue
vouchers for the month of June:
Recorder $32,994.40; Zoning
$975.00; Court $115.00; Sheriff
Revenues for materials and/or
services rendered in June: Map Sales
$69.88; Ambulance Services
$3,700.05; Sax Motors $19,000.00
reimbursement for quick response
units; RCRC $5,040.00 loan payment;
Res Specialty Pyrotechnics $2.00
fireworks permit; TRMF $161.25
handicap stencil kit; DOT $403.98
reimburse S.O. overtime
Revenues for the month of June:
Radio Programming Grant $1,976.25;
Underage Drinking Grant $1,500.00;
Ambulance Staffing Grant $3,750.00;
Highway Tax Distribution $12,764.86;
Oil & Gas Production Tax
$254,323.75; PILT $106,187.00;
Permits $16,480.00; Royalties
The following claims were
approved for payment:
Acme Tools
Shop Supplies
002797 $46.54
Adams, Donna
Recorders Convention
002798 $431.40
Advanced Business Methods
Recorder - Copier Contract
002799 $21.00
Alliance Ag South Heart Agronomy
Weed - Chemicals
002800 $12,419.09
Alternative Sanitation
Garbage Removal
002801 $220.00
American Welding & Gas
Shop Supplies
002802 $48.24
Ameripride Linen Service
Mat Rental
002803 $460.10
A T & T Mobility
Cellular Service
002804 $71.70
Billings County Rural Fire District
002805 $24.39
Billings County Pioneer
002806 $1,426.81
Billings County School District
002807 $164.29
Billings County Sheriff" e ;' ' '! ':
S. O. - Travel Expenses
002808 $217.41
Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
002809 $947.73
Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.D.
Dental & Vision Premiums
002810 $2,344.00
Booke, Travis
Ambulance - Expenses
002811 $342.64
Braun Distributing, Inc.
S. O. - Crime Prevention
002812 $176.70
Brovold, Jay V.
States Attorney - Travel Expense
002813 $286.00
Butler Machinery Co.
Parts & Repairs
002814 $1,491.86
California Contractors Supply Co.
Shop Supplies
002815 $159.60
Cash, Kathy
Election - Travel Expense
002816 $18.70
Cerkoney, Cathy
Zoning Meeting - Mileage
002817 $83.85
Shop Supplies
002818 $377.24
Comfort Inn - Bismarck
D.E.M. & Tax Director - 911 Meeting
002819 $138.00
Cowboy Cat@
D.E.M. - 1-94 Trailer Fire
002820 $270.00
Creative Energy
Diesel Fuel & Gas
002821 $13,147.08
Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
002822 $3,681.63
Dakota Insurance
Property Insurance
002823 $1,627,00
Dakota Water Treatment
Water System Rental
002824 $25.00
Dan's Interstate Conoco
S. O. & Ambulance - Gas
002825 $446.46
Dickinson Public Library
Library Services
002826 $2,585.41
Doublewood Inn - Fargo
Recorders Convention
002827 $138.60
DTE, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
002828 $5,056.10
East End Auto & Truck Parts
Ambulance - Headlight
002829 $12.00
Ed Roehr Safety Products
S. O. - Batteries
002830 $49.85
Electronic Communications
Police & Fire Radio's
002831 $14,595.00
Election Systems & Software
Primary Election - Technical Support
002832 $3,219.04
ESP Computers & Software
S. O. - Computer Software
002833 $599.85
ESRI, Inc.
ARC GIS Software License
002834 $2,200.00
Fastenal Company
Shop Supplies
002835 $12.80
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
002836 $104.74
George's Tire, Ltd.
Tire Repair
002837 $40.00
Golden Valley County
Social Services
002838 $9,914.19
Heartland Engineering
Blacktail Road
002839 $4,108.28
Heiser, Don
Zoning Meetings - Mileage
002840 $62.76
Hlebechuk Construction
Blade Roads
002841 $12,364.50
Hlebechuk Construction
Wannagan Creek Road
002842 $70,300.47
Hoffman Auction Company
91' Ford Oil Distributor
002843 $14,000.00
J and J Operating, LLC
Spray Heads & Installation
002844 $8,680.80
Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson, Inc.
002845 $54,418.47
Kasian, Michael E.
Commissioner - Mileage
002846 $274.17
Kastrow, Lisa
S. O. - Prisoner Transport
002847 $100.00
Kessel, Anita
Zoning Meeting - Mileage
002848 $89.40
Klang, Keri
Ambulance - Travel Expense
002849 $39.00
Knudtson-Simnioiw Mineral Trust
2010/2015 Scoria Lease
002850 $250.00
Kohler Communications
Radio Expenses
002851 $227.65
Krush, Paul
Zoning Meetings - Mileage
002852 $91.62
Lacal Equipment, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
002853 $2,591.10
Mid-American Research Chemical
Maintenance Supplies
002854 $167.04
Martin Construction
123rd Ave SW Gravel Treatment
002855 $141,966.05
Matthew Bender & Co., Inc.
002856 $225.48
McJunkin Redman Corp.
Parts & Supplies
002857 $9.12
Medora Convenience
Ambulance - Windshield Wash
002858 $6.18
Medora, City of...
002859 $22,402.96
Metro Billing Services
Ambulance - Runs
002860 $34.00
Midstate Telephone Company
91t Changes
002861 $14.00
Midstate Telephone Company
Courthouse - Telephone Service
002862 $965.22
Mid West Crane Service
Courthouse- Move Rocks ' .;
002863 ........... $4tO.O0 -
MBI Energy Logistics i; ;;,'.:.,,!':
Water Roads
002864 $1,013.00
Mobile Binders
Recorder - Recording Paper
002865 $688.98
Missouri Valley Petroleum, Inc.
Gas, Oil, & Diesel
002866 $17,925.98
N.D. Newspaper Association
Publishing - Election Analysis
002867 $182.16
N.D. Association o1 Counties
Weed - D & A Testing
002868 $265.00
N.D. Association of Counties
002869 $63.46
N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame
Meeting Room - Maintenance
002870 $200.00
N.D. Dept. of Mineral Resources
002871 $48.00
N.D. Insurance Department
Tank Registration Fees
002872 $800.00
N.D. Peace Officers Association
S. O. - Conference Fees
002873 $420.00
Health Insurance Premium
002874 $34,180.02
N.D. Safety Council
Membership Dues
002875 $175.00
N.D. Fire & Tornado Fund
Property Insurance
002876 $6,643.47
N.D. State Radio Communications
S. O. T-1 Line & 911 Services
002877 $1,633.80
N.D. State Treasurer
Clerk of Court Fees
002878 $110.73
Nelson International
Parts & Supplies
002879 $431.36
Newby's Ace Hardware
002880 $148.83
Northern Improvement Co.
Cold Mix
002881 $7,748.72
Northern Improvement Co.
Old Highway 10
002882 $216,512.55
NW Tire
Brake Repair
002883 $1,218.78
O'Brien Oilfield Service, LLC
Iron Supplies
002884 $126.00
Off Road Software, Inc.
Off Road GIS Software
002885 $1,400.00
OK Tire Stores
002886 $1,475.70
Oyhus Land Company
Franks Creek Road Right-of-Way
002887 $6,160.00
Performance Truck Center
Parts & Repairs
002888 $7,374.85
P. O. Box Rentals
002889 $312.00
Shop Supplies
002890 $61.30
Maintenance Supplies
002891 $22.76
Pump Systems, Inc.
Set-up 71' Water Tanker
002892 $8,752.21
Queen City Motors, Inc.
Weed - Parts & Repairs
002893 $142.36
Ramkota Hotel - Bismarck
Ambulance - Training Expense
002894 $39.00
RDO Equipment Co.
Parts & Repairs
002895 $3,852.84
Roosevelt-Custer Regional Council
Mitigation Plan
002896 $4,536.66
Roughrider Electric Cooperative
002897 $2,852.22
Rudy's Lock & Key
Shop Expense
002898 $100.00
Rummel, Patrick
D.E.M. - 91:1 Travel Expense
002899 $39.00
Runnings Farm & Fleet, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
002900 $647.29
Southwest Business Machines
Office Supplies
002901 $1,420.38
Share Corporation
Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies
002902 $360.61
Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies
002903 $300.00
Smart Computers & Consulting
Recorder - Computer Support
002904 $294.37
Steffan Saw & Bike
Shop Supplies
002905 $183.15
Stein's, Inc.
Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies
002906 $466.98
S. O. & Ambulance - Gas, etc.
002907 $252.46
Southvest Grain Cooperative
002908 $93.72
Southwestern District Health Unit
002909 $20.66
Southwest Multi-Co. Correction Ctr.
Prisoner Care
002910 $140.00
Southwest Water Authority
002911 $5.73
Southwest Water Authority
Water Usage
002912 $1,113.60
Tczap, John
Zoning Meeting - Mileage
002913 $45.00
Team Laboratory Chemical Corp.
Shop Supplies
002914 $181.50
Tom's Service Center
Gas, Oil Change, & Service
002915 $1,325.07
Total Safety US, Inc.
Weed - Safety Equipment
002916 $568.18
Trapper's Kettle
Ambulance - Training
002917 $114.06
Twin City Roofing, LLC
Courthouse - Skylight Replacement
002918 $20,995.00
Verizon WireleSs
002919 $1,038.20
002920 $717.90
Warne Chemical & Equipment Co.
Weed - Parts & Supplies
002921 $492.42
West Plains, Inc.
Parts & Supplies
002922 $368.83
Westlie Truck Center
Parts & Repairs
002923 $4,121.96
Wildcard Fencing, LLC
Cattleguard Fencing
002924 $646.50
Wosepka, CPA, James J.
2011 Fiscal Year Audit
002925 $5,870.50
Century Link
Telephone Services
002999 $527.44
Internet Services
003000 $452.71
Discovery Benefits, Inc.
Administrative Fees
003001 $83.00
Information Technology Dept.
S. O. - T-1 Line
003003 $433.85
Job Service North Dakota
Unemployment Taxes
003004 $3,303.45
Medora, City of...
Courthouse - Utilities
003005 $383.14
N.D. Game & Fish Department
Game Licenses
003007 $578.00
003009 $18,386.66
Reservation Telephone Cooperative
Telephone Service
003012 $43.89
Ambulance - Equipment
003013 $2,258.00
Payroll in the following amounts
were approved for June: General
Fund $88,990.61; Road and Bridge
Fund $93,428.58; Weed Fund
With there being no further busi-
ness, Kasian moved to adjourn the
meeting 4:15 P.M. Arthaud seconded.
All voted aye.
James Arthaud, Chairman
Attest: Joan Jurgens, Auditor
(August 16)
The Golden Valley County
Planning and Zoning Commission will
hold a public hearing on August 27,
2012 beginning at 3 p.m. in the
Commissioners Room of the Golden
Valley County Court House, Beach,
ND to consider the following items:
1. Unfinished Business
2. New Business
- Weinreis Brothers request a con-
ditional use permit for RES TRACT IN
SEl/4 of SEC, 13-140-106.
(August 16 and 23)
support your
local merchants!
TO: Therese J. Kunick, James
Andrew Johnson, Daniel Gerald
Johnson, Anthony Lawrence Johnson,
Paul Kukowski, Catherine F.
Kukowski, Jean Dahl North and
Nathan J. Erb, Individually, and as
Trustees under' the Jean Dahl North
Trust Agreement dated June 30,
1983, Vernon Dittus, Ronald Dittus,
and Ronnie Lee Dittus
The undersigned, Garold D.
Pudwill and Mary Pudwill, Trustees
for the Pudwill Family Trust, dated
November 15, 2004, hereby give
notice of the lapse of mineral interest
pursuant to Chapter 38-18.1 of the
North Dakota Century Code and does
hereby further give notice that they
intend to succeed to the ownership of
the entire mineral interest in and
under the following tract of land, said
ownership having lapsed by abandon-
ment and non-use for a period of 20
1. The description of land on
which the minerals are located is:
Township 137 North, Range 89
West, Grant County, North Dakota
Section 19: Lots 3, 4, E2SW4,
Section 30: Lots 1,2, E2NW4
Township 141 North, Range 105
West, Golden Valley County, North
Section 13: NE4
2. The names of the record
owners of the lapsed mineral interests
under some or all of the above
described property are:
Therese J. Kunick, James Andrew
Johnson, Daniel Gerald Johnson,
Anthony Lawrence Johnson, Paul
Kukowski, Catherine F. Kukowski,
Jean Dahl North and Nathan
J. Erb, Individually, and as Trustees
under the Jean Dahl North Trust
Agreement dated June 30, 1983,
Vernon Dittus, Ronald Dittus, and
Ronnie Lee Dittus
3. The names of the persons
giving notice of lapse of mineral inter-
est are: Garold D. Pudwitl and Mary
Pudwill, whose mailing address is
3782 Sioux Avenue, Kingman, AZ
4. Garold D. Pudwill and Mary
Pudwill, Trustees for the Pudwill
Family Trust, dated November 15,
2004 are the record owners of the
surface estate of the above described
premises and as such by giving this
notice intend to succeed to the own-
ership of the above-described lapsed
mineral interest.
Dated this 2nd day of July, 2012.
/s/Garold D. Pudwill
Trustee for the Pudwill
Family Trust, dated November 15,
/s/Mary Pudwill
Trustee for the Pudwill Family
Trust, dated November 15, 2004
On this 2nd day of July, 2012,
before me, a Notary Public in and for
said County and State, personally
appeared Garold D. Pudwill and Mary
Pudwill, Trustees for the Pudwill
Family Trust, dated November 15,
2004 t0' ' ktbVn to i0 the persons
who are described in and that execut-
ed the foregoing instrument, and
acknowledged to me that they execut-
ed the same.
/s/Jennifer Ingroum
Notary Public
Mohave County, Arizona
My Comm. Expires 07-21-2015
Attorney for Surface Owner:
Charles J. Peterson, Attorney
Mackoff, Kellogg Law Firm
38 Second Avenue East
Dickinson, ND 58601
(August 16, 23, and 30)
Probate No. 04-2012-PR-40
In the Matter of the Estate of
Ogden B. Klein, Deceased.
Mary Ellen Klein Naizer has filed
herein a petition for formal probate of
will and appointment of a Personal
Hearing has been set upon said
petition on the 27th day of
September, 2012, at 8:30 o'clock
a.m., at the Courtroom of the above-
named Court in the City of Medora,
County of Billings, State of North
any person appearing for the purpose
of objecting to any matter or item con-
tained within the above mentioned
petition for formal probate of will shall
file with the Court and serve upon the
undersigned counsel for the Petitioner
their written objections to the same
prior to the above scheduled hearing.
Dated this 8th day of August,
38 Second Ave E
Dickinson, ND 58601
Telephone Number: (701) 456-
BY:/s/Charles J. Peterson,
Attorney #04009
Attorney for Petitioner
(August 16, 23, and 30)
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