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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 14, 1941     Golden Valley News
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August 14, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, THE GOLDEN gALLEY NEWS TH' BASEBALL SUNDAY, "THOMPSON'8 f00D MAR K[Ti ROOT BEER, "Dads ".. half gal. 19c ] SODA cRAcKERS ......12 lbsi l SARDINES, American Oil. 6 cans 29c ] I FLYTOX .......... .. lent c.n25 I i l FOR SALE--Barn floor, 4-inch fir FOP~ SALE,--Ground barley, oats FOR .............. A,, ~ grouna corn and cob 15c per cwt E bull Frea .... .... O. Logan. Beach. FOR SALE--A good section of land - ] FOR " ......... MECHANIC WANTED---Logan Auto nearly neW, ] F " Chcke e iI ~31 ~~~~ cheap ior cash. 1i lnteres~ea leave ~ ; .... .............. led Spr .......... ...... or Fr ing 1 n, St aks, 1 ,,our name and address at News of- __, hce, Beach. 46-3t FOR SALE--My proper~y Ideated FOR RENT east of the Raido shop (former Fair ated hou ] '-- i!, ~~~'~ ,,~ FOR SALE---1930 Moaet A l-odor in " , Chops, Roasts, etc. ~oo0 condition. See Harr~ Spiegel- Store building) Ralph Stacker,, or write ~erg, Beach. 46-tf Beach, N. Dak. 41-tf Beach, Nq .... [/ quireHAVE Frances3 ROOMSJustesenfOr lightBeach.hOuse- ' 146-tf mi - -" -" - " : [ ALSO HOT AND COLD SANDWICHES ........... -- keeping for high school girls. In-,~! - -" ICE CREAM,' POP, CANDY, CIGARETTES, HOME | .......... mm , {' ~'~I~ SA~E~All~s-Chalmers tractorl ~ " n..~n~ ' " MADE PIES, COOKIES AND CAKE and combine in first class condition. ', ~/~k ~'~ [1~/, ~,~ ~-~. I$ t SATURDAY=-- . IS CIRCUS DAY! ;rl[ I Priced for quick sale. Wm. Kiedros-, m'IllU.~fillLJml.kJ ki. 46-tf I ims IM)SW--Yale gas tank locking cap• 'I A • | P = _|i.~ i MAKE OUR PLACE YOUR HEADQUAR RS Reward. Return to News office. It J are you In neeu o[ a trtlc G O[o AND BOARD for high' SEPA"'TE , ' ......................... ' " I ] LADIES and MEN S PARK CAFE |] school boys. Mrs. ,Fred Buck, Beach. FOR SALE---I.s)ng 1936 V8 truck m "WH R m NDS M ET TO E r' box [] US WE COnTaCT I] long truck and box $195. Inquire at ~ ~ Reeds Station, Sentinel Butte. ltp iWE ARE PLEAOED ........ " -- ~ ~~ad-'~Of--tl~;l WANT TO BUY--Furnace. See L. B. mm I'~0 I.lli tim•~ im ~U~L4~ . Ollie community were Beach shoppers ~ Reager, Beach. tf ~ 1"~ .... m 1•t~ ......... Monday morning. They report con- FOR S~Piano..Very reasonable. • C.llPh.- N. .~ .~xt l~nuasen, represent~xve o x me slderable damage done in their com- ............. 4~ 2" x.~.~t ,~ ,au.,~,w .L ~ v. 1 00 lq~rgo Specialties OO. WaS a ~e~tc~t munity Thursday evening of last weekI retix WlCKa, .each, r~... ~- ~p • visitor Thursday and l~rida~ ot a bv the hail storm and rain. l "WA-b~D-~High school girls for week This was Mr Knudsens last - ~ ? • • ' ' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Miller of Dick- board and room in Beach. W~qte to 1.00 trip as he expects to be called to the lnson and Mr. and Mrs. Goodman of Mrs. Annie Swan Golva. 45-2tp Army the first of the month. ~,Grand Forks were business callers in ~ i ,1l ~.-~_~!1-~ ~=~11-~~ -~,~ I~iss Barbara Miller Is now e~ploy- town Thursday evening of last week ~,|#,':~:~r~#|.~ AI)S TAICEN D'P--One red roan ,earling 11 ed at the local bank, having started calling on Stanley P~isler. While stud colt; also one grey yearling mare w~rk there last week. ~er~ the~ also visited the Emll Miller colt, badly swayba~ked. H. E, Dailey, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dickinson and home. " SPECIAL! Sentinel Butte. 45-3t I.{ daughter Helen are expected home Marshall Miller returned Sunday One good used John Deere power *~.-~ ~v~m~,~^~ ~, ~h~ar,~ 1~ this weekend from a week spent tn evening from Fargo where he had binder. Good condition. Several all ..ryf~r~,~''~..'~,,,~"~ ~'~+'~o~ GRA~ the Twin Cities where Mr. Dickinson arrant several days nn business I steel Red Ton grain bins with yen- *~" cuu,u,,,= w,v~, v~?,,v. -- .... ~ ~'~ I 1.00 took in Market Week. -'-_ ............ ~ ..... - 1 tilator. Going fa-st. DAKOTA IM-~pn,dtti°,n',°ver.~n~ar~vn,£~nYiner~l NOW ~rs. Dorothy Grove and children Did you know that there's one: PLEMENT CO., Beach. It ~o :- ....... " ...... ~ ......;= t" left last week for a vacation to be plant that draws enraptured thous-I~ Butte. .~o-• 1 spent with home folks at Rugby, ands to the desert to gaze on its LOST---Roll of Blankets on Highway ~~~ NEW North Dakota. , lovely blossoms that lasts for one No. 16 north of Beach last Sunday• I.~__~-.~__~" _-~'~_.~.~--~^ ~.^.:..~.~. ~;. li00 I~ Ruth Johnson of Columbus. night only each year. William Crow- Finder please notify Tow Johnson, I ~nd ~olv~ Return to News office for 0~~ N D,, arrived here last week for a der, famous naturalist illustrates and Sentinel Butte or leave at the News l-"- "~ "'" lt~" ~ -- C) '00 v~lt With her sisters, Mrs• Scotty describes it, with other flowers and office. 46"ltp'reward" - "~ Where Bowin~ All Donaldson and Miss Doris Johnson. l plants of prehistoric North America USED~TmEc._~-~.~-1~-4~x19__525 FOR RENT---Modern two room turn- Sunday H. Geo. Muggli drove to In the third of his series on "Flowers ....... ~" ~" = ^='./" o..'._" .I ished Apt. Also sleeping room for o~ ~; " ,z xl~, ~.u~xl~, anti i.ewxt~. wltnout1 n Beach 43 tl ~ ~ Dickinson, 0akLng his nephews Bobbyof Yesterday. See the front page br k ...... 1 'sIrent. Mrs. E C Ne so , - , _ ' I t ma ea sahara gooa shape. ~amoe ' /3_/-11UI~I/~ 1 Olrl~|Tl~, .l ut~d D~nny back to their home there, of The American Week y, he g- i--Beo*h Itt ~-;'~-~~T--oo~ .00 The boys have spent a~out ten days azine distributed with next week'~ .......... __ Learn Auto- IJ~esea -wemmg- x/ v~iting the Muggli family in Beach. Sunday Chicago Herald-American. FOR SALE--Small Princess dress-t and Body.. mg ~emana everywn.e e " ~' alted t~ ........ r ............ [ for our ~rainea men. vra~ucat . ] ~U~der .~ m--m.m.~- ~, ~a,, ,zr,z, zeacn. '~P[training. Free catalog. HANSON Wewill serve free co : , : .......... -- ' ~ ~ ~.-~.t ~C~NXC~ ~DE .SCH??k k r.,.....-~ -- ........ Clara Jean Logan," Beach. lt tBox r/80-X, Fargo, N. Dag. ~. ~ Yr. . , , ,, .......... from 2 to 5 p. m. Ever i CIRi )AY SPECIAL,, mmmm m, , i , mm mm 1 SA?~U{D~tY ONLY C~ ~i , , tt,¢ --~ :=:~ 2 gallon can of 011 ........... .... 98c , , - --- FLbUR. Occide or Dakota hel er• . _ i z COFFEE COFFEE, Nash's,-per-lb. 3.' CONCORD GRAPES, 3 baskets a.( -- ._ 3., 450x21 T re and Tube ........ $6.2 r a] Harvest Special! "= I ARS, 20-lb. lug 1 Just a few left! 5-lb. pail 99c ! RINSO, large pkg and Dish Towel - ,0 ,ui_Sieeri g wh 1 im"f[ , ,1, .... _ I ............. 1 ee S 20C PenJe, m JarCovers i SUPERSUDS, 25¢size, 2for- 3., 1 n ~o~ BETTER JELLIES ~ 'I =°" !i -- Plenty-of FreSh-Frui nd--V exhibi vRANNA AUTO • 9 1.00 )I Reg. bOXlOnly 10c I dozen22c][ i iI. Hi Ho ' Ivory Soap ll! TOASTED CRACKERS ITS PUR~ 19c 2 lg. bars 16c I.~ Toasted Wheat .... 3--8 oz. pkgs. 25c l-lb. box ii i BUTTER FRESH CREAMERY NO.~ TIN l-lb. ctn 36c 2 for 23c i i PICNIC HAMS 6 to 8 lb. average Pierce's Old Faithful Brand lb. 21c ii i i STOCK SALT JAM NO. 4 l~. BERRY ASSORTMENT CANNING 100-lb. bag 93c _ iii ii i I TUNA FLAKES No. 5 pail 45c i i iN The peach crop is about over• Seventy five percent has been bought by canners• Can Now! FOR THE WEEKEND i i ii We Deliver Free Phone 75 Grapes, Red Mala Celery, Crisp Minn. • Duchess Grapes, Cal. Red Owl Flour, 98 Peanut Butter, 2-1k Land.o'-Lakes Salad Grapefruit Juice, Jar Rings 3 dozen. Northern Tissue, 4 b~ be t span sour] CoP~ i. D., l h t4tken theto and hot~ tim