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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 14, 1941     Golden Valley News
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August 14, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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V. Y THE GOI,DEN VALLEY NEWS -iPr. ~ Hake, Mrs, Ma~y Schutte I ANNO~N~T ~--- f .... ~. i ~POHT OF T~SUI~ER OF ~ Tuesday evening a surprise shower M~r- Helen Niece left by[ I ~|-]|~lTM | Lone ~ee School Dimtriet No. 6 "1 honoring Miss 2dleen Gilman was1, lad ~}llss_.. ~f ~. eek to end| - " -~- - - I "~ ' [ STATEMENT FOH PUBLXCATION e~r me xn~ o me w sp | The umva umon ~unaay scnoo AIR MAIL SERVICE ) /, eld at the local telephone office. I ~V~I days in Yellowstone PRrk and | will meet nex~t Sunda~, August 17th ......... ~ ........ ~ .... ! ~un~ [ About 25 guests were present and the/and tO take in the Fair at Billings. They|and every S'lmday afterward, at 9:30 ~uon~rlour~ea) / A. Cas~-~l'~"~Gener~"~'und" " were expected home last evening. [-a m. in the town hall. Services will The Matt Krause family reports! (in hands of District |guest of honor received many fine t~e i |remembrances of the occasion. The oi ~entine - -- ......... '" '~--~AS'~RER OF' / be held at 10:30 a .m. with Reverend that the new a!r mail service over} Tire~sugeFlalad~ ~XClyUa~ng hostesses Mrs Syndal and Mrs. Lena Aug. 6th re. .................. ~,, /Flo-d Richert of OUle in charge Ithelr farmhas seen untmuahy go c 1941 .................................... ~88.99 • ~e~rN~'r~'~ ~'~L'Z~CA~ON / " * " lately. ( 1 cTeOitx~l an~Unrti re- Readinger served dainty refreshments f They e~ -- . , , e "eu g at the close of the evening mncn cm~ | ~.- ~.~ T~ ~r~arv of the It was thought at first that -the war ( year from ap- , ................... °" (ring. Re(SiDle In General Fund wxr~. ~,* ~.~$,~,~-e,, ,--'~'~ --~ : " . , ortionment o f a ~s drawing closer as supplies were ~ A. Cash in General Fund /Minimum Wage, of Bismarck was l ......... f State T U l t l O n REPORT OF" TREASURER OF (leader Of (in hands of District ]~oh visit~r several days last week(Scrag sen~ Dy p~raemlr~e In p~rT~ O1~ Fund ................. 373.80 Pearl School District No. 15 [ ..... " Treasurer andexcluding -/.... ": ...... L -- -- - , ,, ~Garner last week i ~ Total amount re- STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION { REPORT Sin in Fund Jul 1 checkln various businesspaces ,- ~ • , " - - - k g ) Y ' o g " ~ v leased ee~veu u u r i n g 1941 ........................................ 1.63.83 /the cats t,, see that they are com-] Some remdents are m.ght.~ .p ( year fr ..... ~p- [ I~eeeipt~ in~General Fund [[ 16L°wer 1 Total amount re- I--.°-. -._W ............. la--" /that the stork like plane aian't de-~ port,Gum(at of A. Cash in General Fund ~ ~-t~ATEMI~ edived d u r i n g | plying wish rifle wage ann nou~ w. ) li,,,~v *b,, ca-1 McCoy I County Tuiti~)n (in hands of District ] year from sp- i -- | ................ ~" ! Fund ................ 265.25 q'reasurer and excluding [ portionme'nt of ] --/ " t 3 ~mount rec~iv- [ Sinking Fund) July 1 ltet~ State Tuition Mr and Mrs. Ted Thompson ann % ; • . • 1941 ............. : 83991 t A Cash tJ • ) . } ell (luring y ea~ Fund ..................... 192.35 /.~a~n left. the first of the week for Chi-, Jack Miller, who is employed ~ti from State 1 Totaleelvedamountduringre- " ], "(inTreaSut~bat 2 cTe~taela~°ur~itrg /~o-and eastern points where theylFairmont, Minnesota, has b~n mak:t E~quU~l~tiOo~ year from ap- [ Sin king,, year from ap: twill spend two weeks visitingand ing a pieasan¢ vlsl~ a~ ~ne home oi a b c and d) 1641 19 [ portlonment of | 1941 --.+ portionment of | +"k~'~" In +h° sights parent~, Mr and Mrs. Earl Miller. a'. ]~'igh Seh~ol " State T u i t i o n [ 1 Total ~ou~ty Tuition 7265 { ..... ~ .... He arrived here last week and last} Tui~t/.°:~herSsl09?~Si0 2 FUndTotal amount .................... re- 44.51 ] ~,'ear~ceivedf~*] a Amoun't ...... re'ce'iv"~ .... [ .............. e week end he motored to the Black $~o44.69 ceived d u r i n g in,rtlo~ ed durln~ ..ear ~ ~wrs ~-at ~yan ox ~IsmarcK ~s ucr ...... ..~..~ ..... .~, ao.,o .o+,,.. ( 5 Amount receiv- year from ap- i State from State [visiting at the parental Floyd Houck .... ed during )ear portionment of [ Fund Equalization [~ .... ,. .... ,._., ,.~^,h^fi~+~f mg nere ~aonoay. from Taxes Leo- County Tuition i 2 Total ~ Fund (Total of [~u,,~. ~l~ ~t~:-~vvtt z~v~v ~ c *~v ,~ I led by District Fund ........................ 31.62 ] ceived f~ a, b, and c) ........ 89.91 |the week. [ REPORT OF TI~EAS1URER OF [ School Board .... 5724.10 ~ Amount receiv- ] year b. Teachers unit | _ -[ Elmwood School District No. 13 6. Amount receiv- ed during year [ portiO • 89.91 . | CORRECTION I STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION 1 ed during year f r o m S t a t e ] County 4. Amount received [ -- ~ [ from other l~ev- E q u a 1 i z a t i o n Fund during year from [ In the Notice of Expiration of t Receipt~ In General Fund [ e n u e l~eeeipts Fund (Total of | 3 Amo~ Federal Aid ........ 56.61 | time of Redemption on real estate I A. Cash in General Fund [ (Total oz a, n, c, a, b, and c) ........ 133.20 | ed d o. 5 ~OU~t receiv- | published for Golden Valley coun- I (in bands of District I and l) .: ........ :: ...... 417.46 133.20 ~ f r o r~.~i ' b. Teachers unit I E q utI~ ed during year | ty in the July 31, 1941, issue of [ Treasurer and excluding ! a. Tuition ~rom from Taxes Leo- 1 the Golden Valley News some er- [ ~inkfng Fund) July 1, _ | patrons ~.~ 5 Amount receiv- [ Fun _~ led by_. District ...... |. rors were made, and the following [ 1941 .................................... 446.79[ U:.TUlt~on xrom ed during year [ a, b ~ . eJcnoot ~oar~t..... l~b.~ | corrections have been made by the 1 Total amount re- } otner um~ric[s from Taxes Leo- [ b. Tea~ led by District [.5 AmO~ ~"uuring-Am°UnXyearreCelveaf~om l[ county auditor, Minnie E. Smith: II yearCeived fromd u r i ap-n g || c.~4o~0~'enaity'" an d Scho21 BOr~rt~~ .... 1370.35 [ ed other Revenue Re, [ PEARL TowNsHIP ] portionment o f [ Interest $250.08 6. Am unt eCeirV(ed ] from~ during year f om [ led o~tl celpts (Total of a, [ 14~-lM [ State Tuition [ d. 28.63 b, C, and d) ........ 63.81 | [ Fund ...................... 102.35 | B.bTOst~,doa?~ntureCe~ved other Revenue Re- ] Seh ~ ceipts (Total of [ 6. Amo.t~ a~ Tuition from | r~ .... i,,tlon and Years Un~ald , 2 Total amount re- [ Y ' : patrons $21.97 [ ,~,,'~'~ ,, ~al ~ ~th~,t [ ceived during | ing the year (Total o[ a, b, c and d .... 47.02 ) ed a~ d. Penalty and / ..... M"°v .~ .... = .~-:" ::: .....t ~ear from ap ! Items 1 to 9 inclusive) 8421 80 d. Pen. and In- 1 from ~l Int i:est 41 84 l ~ r'ena~ty anu ~n[eres~ | " - " " terest .................. 47.02 i e n U ~ -- Tot~ ~noSu~nt r else" / R~ord Owner Sec Amt ~ portionment of J C. Grand total amount re- ~. al a ec a. ! Fran-es Cook SE~- " " [ County Tuition .| ceived by school district . " 9. Amount received I (Tot~ b~,~Chool treasurel* dur-~ | SEt~ of ' ~" 14 13 03 I Fund ............... : ..... 72.62 ~ treasurer Including cash from other non- [ and ~L l~tn~ year Crotai or l " .................... )3 Amount recess- I on nanu (~em A ann Revenue receipts [ b Tui~ Items 1 to 9 in- • " ~ [ ed during year ] Item B) ............................ 11010.79 misel ................... 307.93 I other~,~ elusive) ............................... 3181.16 ] " ~ f r 5 m S t at e [ E E A [ B.bTOtc~lo~,~Ue~tureerCeived ] d pen. 6~tlte tc celved b~ scl%°°| distr|ct " "~:~'~v~ ~1"9~1 ~T~x~v~|tl~°ut | Fund (T°tal °fDnrIn, f.l" ,l~o., ~ 6. Amount | FUN]:)e "" --]g]iil;i I ~'Ce$;~ trt~t~urer lncludlnff cash | ..... ~1~, ~¢,~a Tnt~rest | a b c and d) .... 138.19 [ Amounts Paid Daring" xear for tee on hand (Item A and l '~,~,,~.a n~,~--~ ..... R~" Amt [ 5 Amo'unt receiv- | FolIowI~ Purposes Item B) ............................... 3444.99 [~I~arct"Stoc'kwell --- ..........l ed du~qnK year i 1 General Control. .~^ Ev~-~'i~-~----~~-'~-- ---- | NW~ of Sec 11 289 04/ from Taxes Lev- ! ~mcet ~x~.o.o .... ~.uu "-~DP TU~'¢~$ N OF GigNER~ | " ......... [ led by District [ 2. Instructional Ser- .... FU D | ~ | School Board ....988.90 [ vice. (Teach- A~u~ Paid Y~e recelv- [ er's s a 1 a r t s • ]~nlios~rlng l~mrp~e$ ] ~'~ .... ""'ion a~ears Un"alA / ed ¢luring year | $3912.75, Text 1 ~n.ral Control [ ...... v~ ~'~ ] fr I " t om other Rev- Books $82.15" FUND ) '7.,~ .... l f Total 1936 to 1941 Tax Wlthou Sehoo O fleers e n In crest e n u e l~ecelpts Library b~oks, Amounts Paid Dnrln~ Year for the | ExP~t sA!ari~s $74.92) • 74.93 ...... Penalty a d t --at (Total of a, b, c, $19.6@; Suppqies Following Purposes [ _~. He 2. Instructional i _~Y'~..~"~".?~ ..... ~" ,~ .-i and d) .................. 70.67 [ $188.38; 1 General Control. | Am~ Weeh Marts ~ratrtnAll 0t ~ SV ~Z service. (Teach- | ' " [ b. Tuition from ] Teachers Retire- ] School Officers | ~,~ =?y er's S a I a r 1 e s ' | .~-~ ~ other directors ment Fund Salaries $64 0O" I 1 Gel~S~ (~1 641,52; library [ ~"~'~ | 20 05 $47.25; Mlscl. 26- 91 expenses, 14.75 ." 78.75 I Sc_b~+~,-_-'.~ Make $11 32" sup- / -- I "" a--~r ar Un-'aid | d Penalty and I $17.78 ............... 4 7. 2. Instructional ser- | S~I$.~tee (2 plies $$1,66; Teachers l .yescr~t.lon^ ~na cm~,s r,,~,~" • | interest 50.62 I 3. Auxiliary Agen- , vice. (Teachers' I e_XP~ I& W~e l~et|r~lhent Fund i £.0. , ~ -%A ..y i B Total amount received ~ , eies Transpor. ..... .... ...... [ salaries 621.30; Text [ "2 J~--~ he l-enattyanalnterest .... ~' t' " 48988 I }i~~s~pd~R21~Ys 6.~) ....................... 680,99 | ...... | by school treasurer dur- [ tat on $489.88 ,.: . 3. A:~xlliary Agen* i rcec_ora, u_wner .... ~ec. ~mc. | lag the ~,ear (Total of I 4. Operation o t ties, Tranepor- [ ~'e~erat L~,n~! D~nK, ~¢.. .... [ items 1 to 9 in- i Plant. Fuel $549.94 tat~nm SSSa ~. ~,,. / k'aut---~w'A or ........ ~ ~'~ l elusive 1972 73I Light etc. 18.20 582.78 ~'I-OU~'"$~.~0"0)"' ..~"709.75 | Federal I~tnd Bank, St. ~ 2-7 ^3 ]O. Grand t;'~'ai'"ai~o'un't'"reo " Wages $455.00 3 4 Operation of | ~'.au~--A~ or .....:.....=. s~ .u [ ceived by school district Supplies $135.59 ~i~,~* ~,,,~* ~ ~. i ~'eaerat ~anu ~anK, ~t. l treasurer including, cash I Miscl $13.67 ........ 1172.40 t a t'i o n 252.75i I 3. A'~~V~.~ ................ 1 9 - tuition $68.05; t ll~'U* ~a+er et,~ / PauI---NE~ of .... 1 9 .7 [ on hand (Item A and ] 5 Maintenance of ~':'~"~', ~ffi~..~.. | Federal Land Bank, St. | item B~ " 181952 I "plant (repairs to Mlscl $25.43 .... 356.23 | ta.~i0~e s ;5,"~b.'~u'~)'les ...... | Paul--S½ of ............ 11 196.49[ ............................... ] biuldings'$380.00 4. Operation of I c~)~ ) $170) .--.~.-~.. .............. 82.74 [ Federal Land. Bank, St.l_ 92 68| EXPENDITURES OF GENERAL ] repairs to equip- Plant. I 4. ~_~~ 5 ~lnt~nnnc~ of / vaul---NwY4 ot ........ • • / FUND i meat 0.uu misc,, fuel $15,00; wages | l~l~NOl~ ....... k St plant (repairs to [ Federal .Land..Ban , '1" 98 29| Amoau~ Paid DnrIn~ Year fo~ like $8.00 .................... 393.00 $Z.50; Supplie~s | g~,~mm~la _'. build/n~s ~96 09~ 96 09 ~ l~aul--~r~'~ or .... ~ • [ Followin~ Pu~oses [ 6. Fixed Charges. $7.97; miscl. 12.45 38.92 | $9,~f vl~ a ~l~a - e~'~:~," " / .... | 1 General Control I Insurance 54.25 54.25 ............... Description and Years UnpaidH s " 6. P~ta|~e GLeN HAVEN PARK BEAC S h ol • (Insurance $15 73, "-' c o Officers 7. Capital Outlay. mts~ t7 50~ " ' 23 23 i ] alaries$54.00) $54.00 . ] Equipment 7.51.. 7.51 [ (MIF~Xc~l!a~ha~g'~ 28 99 [5 $~~ t~at Debt Service Cer- | Total 1936 to 1941 T~, Wit out / 2 Instructional ser- I D Total Amount Paid Dur- 7. C'apital Out'iay:" " i " "tlfl~ates of Indebted- | Penalty and Interest [ service. (Teach- J ing school year by Dlst- ] Mlscl. $15.00 ............ 15.00 [ b U,~ttlz a~ "-- -- mt n~s Paid S$6 87) 36 37 [ Record Owner Blk. A • | er's s a I a r i e s tract Treasurer ................ 6396.95 D Total Amount Paid Dur- | P~'~/t~.t, ~, D "Votal Amoun't" Paid Dur- / Henry Lang, Lot 4 .... 22 2.04| 66S.25; text books I ..... " ing school year by Dist- [ $4~~~, I~, sohool year hv Dist- [ ...... / 12.40; supplies I R~lp/s And Expendttures an mink- I trict Treasurer .................. 1100.67 i 6, ~~X~Ote ~t ~r~,/r~r ---- 1654 ON | REPORqP OF ~R~A•UI~$R OF i $7 99" Teachers' ] lag and Intersst had ] Receipts and Expenditures in •Ink- I .. ............................ | Bullion •(heel Dfstrfet No. 14 [ Ret/rement Fund ~/ ] -- } InK and Interest Fund | D:~~__ GRAND TOT~BALANCES | •SPATEMENT FOB PUBLICATION | $6.75, Mlscellan- ::~? Receipts ................................ 4728.52 Receipts .................................... 1574.23 I I~.~wt~e~ Grand Total Receipts ........ 3444.99/ ........ = ...... ha [ eous $7.50) ..... : 702.89 ] Expenditures ...................... L 2349.80 ] Expend4tures ........................ 1531.46 [ ~~~Ve Grand Total Expenditures 1654.08[ __ ..z~.~."~G~ner~un'd"" " | 4. Operation o~ -- 'of r~t Grand Total Cash on Hand / A. uasn m e . ~ ] Plant (Fuel .~ [ WARRANTS ISSUED I GRAND TOT~BALANCES I (~ _~ O~ f~ ~,~ h~h ¢,,-as r .... ~0 / (in hands of District [ $27 00" . 27 0~ I Warrants Issued, July 1, [ Grand Total Receipts ........ 4348.77 I '~ retur~ 7~'~" ............ "Y " ' ~0 ~ / Treasurer and excluding | 5 Main[~nan'ce" "'o'f " ? [ 1940 to June 30, 1941 6463.94 ] Grand Total Expenditures 2682.13 I Gr_~,~l#m~ ~,~ r , WI: • " ................................................. [ S/nklng ~und). July 1, _ ..... ) "plant (repairs to ' [ I Grand Total Cash on Hand | Gr.~-, "~ R~ATW. OF NORTH DAKOTA~ / 1941 ....................................... "~'"~ ] buildings $6.00" IIGeneral Information ConeSrnlnZ I[ lu1941both .......................... funds, June 30, 1666 64 il l~_?aladt ...... nt re ~n,,n+v ,~¢ ~n!a~n ~1 ~v ~ 1 1 Total amou - | mlsc $6 00 I2 00 Debt of District ................ F k V_.l ....s i n " " ) ................. .. .............. } -- "i ,~~an,- n, rth or Seh el Di tries No 17 | ceived d u r g " 6 Fixed Charges " I Bonds Outstanding 300 00 No_ o s ear from ap , STATE NORTH DAKOTA I i I do s~lemnly swear that to the / Y ~. .. = Insurance $8.05) 8 05 [ Warrants Outstanding ...... 66.99 .b~t of my knowledge and bel/ef poruonment o z D Total Amount Paid Dur- Grand Total Debts ............ ~3066"99 ~ County of Golden Valley ')ss i ~~k-~--~ State T u I t ! o n } the within Is a true and correct re- [ -- - 160 20 school year by Dist- [ . , [ Pearl School District No. 15 [ L~W~ [ I do solemnly swear that to the | ~~. el(( ~ ~O~-pal.d out°f byall"mem°n~VSas'~choolreceivedtreasurer.and{/ 2 ~'UnaTotal amount ....................... re- r,ct Treasurer .................... 803.94. [I GRAND TOTAL__BALANCES I best of my knowledge and belief I thO~:/~-~.=b~t~ Ehn~ ~ HENRY TRESTER, [ celved . d u r i n g GRAND TOTAL BALANCES | Grand Total Receipts ...... 15739.31 the within is a true and correct re- | 'i Trea~c~re°rl ]~'tri~c~rth°" l~7?rk / ~ce~nl~mr°~tlt:oP°~ , ~ii}! TTTo{!{llc~sxeh~ol~t~ur~s'" 1819:592 I (~i~ndoTtT~tti:Cn~XhP~dnHet:3:d.s 87,6.75 paldP°rt out°f ~RnScall moneySas scboolreceivedtreasurer.and [' pat,~P~lr~!:~~l~,~¢ht~t| S. CARRIE MOORE ~,~ ~a'8. [ Subscribed and sworn to before || Fund 11368 ' ' ' Treasurer of Pearl School ! ~'~~a~ District No. 15 i ~l~a~ iJ Subscribed ansi sw6rn to before | ~ ~hal~ me this 23 day of July 1941. ] ra~h. _'-'~ ' cou., town .1 . W h W~ " 1.18°~ther d|reet rs DAILEY BH 0S ~ w~ H,, S 0 11~ c. Interest on i J~ l o- L-SAT.of tl lS.27/]bank deposits g e 9. Amount received • De from other non- . m ( revenue receipts 77.62C Modem • h McCornfick- au ht In The , I li...~:~ I/ by school treasurer dur- E ~ I i N ~ "Nil | L~ ] . l~i['¢l[][L 1/ ing the year (Total of / I [ ll 1 / ~m" |[ Items 1 to 9 incluhive) 2092.80 ~ ~l i'~, ~ ~iJL "1~ ta,...~.,, R~. ~ .... a ~h..~tk~/1 C. Grand total amount re- ~ill~" mllll ~llV~~ m -- i~: .... ~i __'~._~---~ ~ .... ~|| ceived by school district t~our mm m4mne tw~nan, am-|i treasurer Including cash by : CH [NE/ . GE [at. ~...~..~ ~.~. ~ 61... ~mv|/ on hand (Item A ann "" "~"7 .,....,...~w.....# ............. ,i ............... • ........ 7 09 " " " ¢' -- , • ,. , .t ~i : A'~ |I~W . • • ind. |¢S m tO t@ll| [ ,~em o, ................. : ............ , mncB mm z fepe areas mar,, for me E i W~t t@~k tl~ ~ ~t~ , o o t | EXPENDITURESFuNDOF GI~NERA~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d~ . W | [ J a nn,. :Pale Durln ear re, M--i IL- . E ALSO HAVE ON ! " , t / • " pouowi mw tam DEERING 1½ TO 2 | "-- I [ 1 General Control. . ] School Officers• ' " i , l / ......... M marvel HAS BEEN USED BUT IS x ~,u,~. ' ~v • -.~m.~. I I saiarxes ~Zl~.~a, ~ . . i .. & .. . /. • . , . t .- WILL BE SOLD FOR TWO" . ; _ I"BI 1] ,ice. (Teacher's sa,- WILL Bi SOLD FOR aries $986.101 fext ' | '' -- .. * | [ brary books $9.76; , , '•L. M--.~ I~~-- P,i- ~ l~w,~, I1~1 6 Ill..~.~l.~'~ [ / supplies $13.13; TEA-' M 1 ~ ~ • ~ ~ s *m. | l~L , I / chers Rettrement , _ " / " \ .... ~ ~? ~. Fund $9.90) ........ 1119.45 ~ • " • -- ~ .*~, -- .** q f • | " M " . il~gSl I W ~ IVi ~ 8dmqt, i~O I ..... o , |(Fuel $49.oo; light, 1VICe0 |~he worltL ! [ water, etc. $8.00; ~ • T Ft .0 11 ~ir.s • a- _ I " janitor s wages ! t 1 * l rllBe(I i/olle$1~ M WM J~BI1BLalS I ~ ~ t[ 5 !~;~i2)t:~'Pl~o'f" ..... 65.1' J" and Panto.m e by. Funny Clowns stal Quiz M || ' Death DdTmg Aerm| Stunts by Stars tors wlth all •, s " " " 6. Fixed Ch r~:,. " • if:" ChiChi • 66S [{" (Insurance $93~1~)93 13 WHEN THESE ARE G H,N( m anore ,,7. Ca~ltall00"~tlay. ' After All A Show That Is D,fferent r ,, i l 1 l ever Divides. Ne,er Disa} ,0ints. GET SEPARATORS WIT e ph, woman {t hct reasti er ................ " 16 4.6. Twice Daily. 2 and8 P. M: BUT THERE WILL BE Starring nrenda Marshall with|;!1 o,,•a~A~"~talTe~re(,~'kr~A'X'e~7" ~ Extremely Pop,Jar Prices -- Truly Bargain Prices. W. R. David Bruce, Virginia Field. Meet| Grand Total l~rPeudi~tul"es"'" 1634"62 D O #__'_J eL_.. e:._., c_ ...... to GRAM FOR STAIN ' -urn Nest • I i .... , openmg of the doors. ...... " ~ ( CoUnty of Golden Valley )us " i%~ ~il-~ OI~I~NLNU NIghT "I'UUI(~, | I Roll|on School l.)istvb:.t .'3,',,. 14 l~l~T~.~l ~!~ ~ |J best of my knnwtedgs and belief ~'~ A~]~ ~,1 ~tJ~. | | .the within is ~ true and c rrect re- '~/i • t I port of all moneys received and UI 1 JL • | | Paid qut by me a'~ school treasurer. | ~ ~LR~L ~ ANNA CAR~V¢~ :~ ] ' TreasUrer of Bullion, School ~ ~" / District No, 14. ' ~ " ~y | Subscribed and sworn to before . I me this g2nd day ~f July, 1941. FAITH N, ]~[1P, NKE