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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 14, 1941     Golden Valley News
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August 14, 1941
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AUG. 14, 1941 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAG*g | SAM'S NEW ARCADE MONTANA Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHhT GRIFFIN AND Veterans of Foreign Wars HIS DIXIE LANDERS ROLLER SKATING EVERY FRIDAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS Kenneth Lynch and visitors Satur- St., was adjust- 8Outh of Baker last of fancy work and visiting after which left Friday morning to visit relatives a lovely lunch was served and the in the Dakotas and Canada. Mrs. guest of honor opened her pretty~ Brenniese and son Floyd accompan- gifts, lied them on the trip. Lowell Hall, who has been visiting'l The baseball team and many or relatives here for several weeks re- their followers went to Baker SUnda~ turned to his home in Staples, Minn., :where they won a game from the last week. He is a nephew of Mrz. Baker team. , Clarence McClain Sr. r Wednesday and visited Mrs. Strahon while there. Miss ~velyn Weinrels and cousln, Cecil Wetnreis, left last week for a ten day trip to Aberdeen, South Da- kota. The Homemakers club met with Mrs. George Gearey Thursday• A fine I A heavy rain Friday night washed dinner was served at noon with the the s~tl conser- last week in Terr- . John Carlson was a bumness visitor out culverts south of town and filled business meeting afterward. After the "' in Miles Gk:, Sat urday and called on Y move there soonsev " . , .. the Lamesteer dam to overflowing, openirig singlng, roll was called and ...... : eral fnenas wnne there. S.P. Rife Several from town went to view the answered by naming a favorite des- k. wmzleman oi and Howard Youn send reetln s were business via- to fri . . g g g dam Sunday. Beaver creek had the i serf. Eight members and three visit- Wibaux Thursd enas nere. + most water in it that it has had for I ors were resent Mrs Le ave a~. Gro . p . . . pplag hostess to the ciet- No.. 1 of the Woma s q te some time the club le. on on the lc. "Des- ~:J~a Auxiliary at heri ~, y o wansuan ~erwce of me ~,,L Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sherman and]serts." This was followedby open ..~w,~_ ~. cnurcn entertained at the home children of Glendive spent Sunday]discussion, and then a few meeting ~=t thSeheclS:yedl °f Mrs: M. P. Ostby Thursday after- with Mrs. Sherman's parents. Mr. and ]places for the coming year were de- ~-~j{:~ --~ v, n~n. e, nice lunch was enjoyed by Mrs. C. E. White. ]cided upon. the Setember meeting tan ~, and N p - • "" . [ Mr and Mrs. Everett Good and I be with Mrs. Carol Hudson. ~"~ • • *aoon Jonn Hede took his son Gordon to son of Pompey's Pillar visited rela- ~s$~. Friday Where the l the Beach hosnHal for ~ ,b~-~ ,. - ....... I Miss Margaret Bettle of Billlngs :m~M busin i.~ . ------,-.............. --~ves here las~ weez Tney ~eft for l was a week~d visitor at the George i~Ja~aes ~, ..... I ~unaa:~: .?ordon had. the misfortune h~me Saturday morning and were ac-I~ ..... home leavin= the latter -D;r, • © ~m - ¢,,,. -~,'= arrlvect I r~o oreaz nls leg m two places when panied by Mr. and Mrs Ray FMsen- ~ ~'~.~J .~,'-~-'t. 'F,, ~i,,,~°~ ~,~u. r~,,~,,,: ..... ' ~allfornia~he fell from his bicycle recently but b~rt - • - [.,, ..... . X~ .... ..:,,,~ ,~.,o ....... attending sum i is =ettln~, alnr~a ~t~h, v,,-,~ ~ ' I ner v~sl~ nere, ~ms uewle accomp- -~ o ~- ~-a ...... ~ ..... i e4rs. Alleen Munson and son of ]anied Helen Goarey on a two day w .... l Mr,. and Mrs. Glen Hayes spent the'Glendive were guests of her father, !trin to Peaceful Valley ranch and ~,***.os~ess !weezena with relatives in Miles City. Cecil Harlan and family Sunda~. I,~¢~e, rmint~ of lnter~t In the Bad ~,c~y at the .Mrs. S. F. Peterson was the luck~ , Mrs. Pauline ggan, whowas re- l~'lands'" "~ afternoon. She winner of the $I0 cash prize given cently released from the Wagner . " ........... at the close of away by the Drake Grocery store the hospital had to return last week.II°l:b Sw~s~mc'allmede~i~a°~v ::;ni~°Y:t "th~ night of August 1st. Another contest Y g ~-~ " I W. J. Kremers home. Purpose of over from Beach is in progress to close August 30th b01Vs ]the meeting was to prepare ~or the ,(is. when another $10 prize will be given " ~'* I Grain and Livestock show at Beach bOUght a lot from away. in the Davis ad- Mr. Danlelson and Philip Parker Thursday e~ening Mr. and Mrs. the last of Setember. Will move his Were in an auto accident Saturday Frank Schouboe were business and farm. Mr. and night in which the former's car was pleasure callers at the C. E. Stewart t ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHtrRC~ residents here badl~ damaged but neither of the home in Cathie where Frank pur- ~. H. Dbsemb Pastor but more recentb~ccupants were seriously hurt. chased a new pickup, t i~t Savage where h? Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Elliott and son Misses Theodoraand Lilllan Man- Divine services 9:30 a. m. i,~ grain elevator till came from Missoula Monday to spen:i um arrived fromBismarck the past Sunday school after services. ~hlm to retire We a week's vaaction with his parents, week to visit their parents, Mr. and to Wibaux. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. FAliott and their Mrs. Theo. Maanum. The girls and BEACH LIYI'IIggAN CIIrURC~I and her sisterfriends. Mrs. Maanum then left for a short i OUvee Everet~e, l~at~r from Portland'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mueller and vacation to Yellowstone Park, return- last week. They Joan left Wednesday for Grand ing the latter part of the week.Beach: r m Canada and Coulee Dam, Washington, ' where h~ Mrs. Funk was a visitor at the Services 9:30 a. m. tg to visit *~ ~neirhas employment. Butterfield home north of Beach on -- --- w~..and famib in J. W. Meyer recently bought theWednesday. ~ Carlyle: .... a.v home ~ervlce~ II I~ a m h'- " " Blttenbender farmin the Brenizer ':Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kempenich : - • _ --_ uau h Ladies Aid Aug 21 Mrs wm _- g ter, Mrs. community where Mr. and Mrs. Heat- i of Moorhead visited at the Ed Fischer ......• , " • ~luent viii:ors at :n are living. , home .Monday. Tuesday morning they wuaie entertaining. Where Mrs. Dick The Cottonwood Homemaker's club I left for a trip thru Yellowstone park. - " ~ --- ; s~ce Wednesday. held their regular meeting at the Golva's trade day has now been[ ~ke ~ke f~,/~ /~ a ~ck and child-hall Sunday when the members andInamed "Golva Shopping Day," . theI..~?~~~ l:r Sunday. their families enjo)ed a lovely plcniclPrize being given to Mrs. F. F. I ~)~.~'[_=_:'_~=_"T .-'-.-." came • . ., i : _ "°' = u ,~., horn?dinner ~chmel ng or the name At the cash } ml~f~"] .... ,~ ~ Nn~l l~,k~ bl^ ago where she Two young lady friends of Miss t°rawing prizes were awarded to Ger- I ~J ~ ~y ~#J~r ~=~d .~ *as~itute to C~arlotte Fischer left Sunday morn- ] hardt Fischer first" Tony Kreitlnger I ~_~ .t~2~Y~..~ ~ ~$ ~ ~ vacation "" ' ' o~ ortvsag. ~,ov at for their home at Forest River I second; and Clarence Sehmltzp third. [ ~,.,t,a ,~,, ~- .e.arl Bak tr~ Ore. t~kn . er hem I:] Mr and ~Mrs John Tschlda and ,_. e " after sending a pleasant vaca-I - I ~ .... f~ n~ , s Nora t:on at tlae P A. Fischer home I Anita and Mrs. Funk were Glendivel ~ pz=se-Paid Tour ~ $x.~ ~ida)~VnS;rl~eltrice Miss Grace Ryan who taught in ivlsitors Thursday, calling at the hos-I ~---L- ~r~"7 a" - ' ds of ~VCI-IS several years ago, was a house : pital to see Mrs. Strahon and Mrs. L. ~ ~ fJ~'~ ~ )~V, ays glad When guest of Mrs. E. Welliver while via- !R. Moline. 1 ~" (~ ~__~ ~c..~ out are Mrs Frances Orr and ne hew )- ' . SOrry ; itlng friends here last week She ) , • P | ~ l ~. ,~. ~, ,,"L(-,~ ~::d v~ition o-'was et~oute to her home in Missoula:Bobby, and her sister, Mrs. Anna[ ~)(...~'~- ~'>-)~'J" w', ~ Sincere. from a convention she had attended : Kuske arrived from Portland Wed- l .:-. oe able ~o!in Boston Mass. *,nesday to visit old friends in Golva. | eRs~tc Work ver) i R S Eisenbart suffereda heart i They came b} way of Canada and re- ] as he l attack last week and was quite ill:turn through Wyoming visiting Mrs. | • stess to sev- ' for several da~s ! Orr's relatives. | ~eia~er_noon in)Mr, and Mrs. N. P. Brossert of: Mrs. iWm, Kremers, Mrs. Edward] ckes bir h Mrs Ed Kremers Mrs Hugh Schmitz and -. t - Fallon visited their daughter ' • / ~as spent with I t~renneise and family Thursday and Mrs. Covert made a trip to GlendtveI BUSINESS The government requires men and women trained in typing and cler- ical work. Our short, intensive cours~ prepare you for th¢~e po~io tion$ and for the duties of secretaries and accountants in bu~lne~ offices. ASK FOR NEW BULLETIN OF COURSES N T E TAT BI)sINI S OLU E. N.D. For heaviest hauling or faster tractor-trailer operation in the 19b-ton truck field, GMC now often, in addition to tha regular 228 in. engine, a new 97 h.p. 236 in. engine that delivers 192.$ ft.-l~, torque. It's the ~lrongat purAu" you can buy in any I W-ton truck. Time payme~t~ through our ow. YMAC Plan of lowed ava//ob/e 8 N Y H VE E OLDE VALLE AR ST R CO. C. C. Clar!_ Beach, N. D. mechanics are trained on Ford *#e Factory.appro!ed M ,ment. . ........ " • Beach, North Dakota I before you bawl out your car dealer-DO • •. Give your car another matched moto~ fuel doema'l chance. Me ,b you'll find make a dUi mnce. See t[ it the trouble isn't so much In domn't add thai pep.., that the motc, r cm In the motor ftml . . . that qet.up-and-qo "--- which you've been looldaq you've beer, mdnq. iotl Get a tank of Phill 66 Poly Gas. See II this high tat, hlq'h cmti-kaocL weather- Stud... more good new~! • . . PhilUps 66 doesn't cost a penny extra. Beach BEACON SERVICE STATION Beach, N. D ,,, Golva MADISON SER ICE STATION Goiva, N. D.